QualityStreet is a "moderated"
email list. This means that messages are screened by a
"moderator" - also called an "administrator"
in some of the computer-generated text
below. She or he checks they are on topic, then distributes them
to the list members. And that means they won't show up immediately:
the moderator(s) will try to do their thing at least daily.
The list stylesheet will evolve. To start with, on-topic
messages include those about:
- pay and conditions of work
- relations with the client in general
- requests for mutual aid with research
- sharing information about work on offer
- anything else that's not too far off-topic, really...
Messages will not be distributed which:
- are actionably defamatory, obscene, criminally blasphemous or just too complicated to legal;
- contravene the NUJ's Code of Conduct;
- have degenerated into "flame wars";
- are over 2500 words long; or
- attempt to include anything that's not plain text
NOTE that you must be careful and precise when reporting problems
with late- or non-payment. The worst libel you can utter about a limited company or plc
is to suggest that it may be insolvent. Reporting specific, documented problems - that you invoiced for this work on that date, and were not paid by this
date - is helpful.
The plain-text-only rule serves to keep the time taken to download
list messages to a minimum. It also means that it is impossible (given
the current state of technical knowledge and dastardly invention)
for viruses to propagate through the list. The program that runs the
list also takes all plausible steps to stop your email address being
"harvested" by spam merchants.
The moderators are appointed by the NUJ's Freelance
Industrial Council. Their decisions are final and there is no appeals process.