[alternet-l] AlterNet #43

Adrian Harris adrian at gn.apc.org
Fri Aug 11 19:45:59 BST 2000


This issue: 

Send your news & comments to: actnow at gn.apc.org 
Back issues are on-line at: 
---> http://www.gn.apc.org/activities/alternet


War on Want campaigns against world poverty across the globe. The freshly
re-built WoW website is now on-line:
---> http://www.waronwant.org/

The Healthy Flooring Network is a new alliance of individuals and
organisations concerned about asthma and allergy.
---> http://www.healthyflooring.org/

The new site of the International Trotskyist Opposition is now on-line at:
---> http://www.gn.apc.org/ito


The Civil Society Internet Forum aims to provide a new framework for the
creation of a global Internet community. The Forum is currently focused on
the ICANN elections.
The Civil Society Internet Forum has two basic goals:
1) to make the Internet a ground and instrument for global civil society 
beyond national boundaries
2) to work for the democratisation of the Internet and Internet governance.

---> http://www.cpsr.org/internetdemocracy/csif/


Global Witness have linked the trade in illicit diamonds with bloody
African wars and exposed the reality behind the sparking image of diamonds.
In poverty-ridden but mineral-rich countries rebels and governments fight
for control of diamond fields because that can determine who wins the war. 

The diamond industry is petrified by the possibility of a mass boycott; as
Ben Jackson, of Action for Southern Africa, points out: "With diamonds,
image is everything."

So De Beers now markets itself as a ‘clean’ diamond company, guaranteeing
bloodless stones.

But investigative journalist Jani Roberts claims children as young as 8 are
in 'debt bondage’ cutting diamonds, and De Beers diamond miners are exposed
to raw asbestos with a simple "nose bag" cloth over their mouths they can
only replace once a year.

---> http://www.oneworld.org/globalwitness/
---> http://www.sparkle.plus.com


The Free Range Weekend on Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th August is a gathering
for mutual education and planning near Llanwrda, Carmarthenshire. The
purpose of the weekend is to examine how small groups of people can
'plug-in' to power structures and use them.

Topics include Saul Alinsky's "Philosophy of Action" and two major
anti-activism laws passed this year.

To reserve a place contact:
Tim Shaw, email timshaw at gn.apc.org or Paul Mobbs, email mobbsey at gn.apc.org


The World Voices Festival is dedicated to fresh and creative approaches
enabling people to pioneer change. Live out a sustainable lifestyle,
explore ethical career choices, debate tools and strategies

Speakers include:
Ricard Douthwaite, author of Ecology of Money; Kofi Maluwi Klu, Director of
Jubilee 2000 Africa; Walter and Dorothy Schwarz, authors of Living Lightly;
and Matt Dunwell, permaculturalist.
The Festival will be held in Gloucestershire from 23rd to 27th August.

---> http://www.worldvoices.org/festival/index.htm


The IMF and World Bank are holding their 55th annual summit in Prague over
September 26th to 28th. They’ll be joined by people from all over the world
campaigning for global justice. 

September 26 will build on the successes of the previous global Days of
Action against Capitalism.

---> http://x21.org/s26/index.shtml
---> http://www.bankwatch.org
---> http://inpeg.ecn.cz/


'The Zapatistas: A Rough Guide' has been published by a small network of UK
activists who have been to Chiapas.
---> http://www.chiapaslink.ukgateway.net 

‘Future Positive, International Co-operation in the 21st Century’ is
written by Michael Edwards, Director of Governance and Civil Society at the
Ford Foundation and a former Senior Civil Society Specialist at the World

The Times Higher Education Supplement claims it is 'an optimistic vision of
how to get to a future where people co-operate universally to end
injustice, poverty and conflict.'

Contents include: A New Formula for Foreign Aid, Humanising Capitalism,
Building Constituencies for Change.

Future Positive is published by Earthscan at £20.00 (hardback).
ISBN 1 85383 6311 

If you add issues 201-250 of SchNEWS to in-depth articles from SQUALL, you
get The SchQUALL book!
276 pages jam-packed with quality photos, cartoons and all the news that’s
worth re-reading!
Cost's just £7.00 (or £8.50 inc. p&p direct from JUSTICE?) 
Make cheques/postal orders payable to 'JUSTICE?' 
Justice?/SchNEWS, P.O. Box 2600, Brighton BN2 2DX 
ISBN 09529748 3 5.

---> http://www.schnews.org.uk/
---> http://www.squall.co.uk/


Peace Brigades International (PBI) is seeking a coordinator for its Mexico
Project. (Office to be located in Brussels, Belgium) Major responsibilities
include: 1) Facilitating and supervising the implementation of the work
plans of the project's coordinating committee. 
2) Coordinating the building of contacts with other organizations.
3) Preparing materials needed for carrying out publicity, raising funds and
building a support network.
Qualifications sought include: Minimum of two years experience working on
Latin America issues, fluency in English and Spanish (preference for some
French) and commitment to human rights and social justice issues.
Inquiries to pbicam at igc.org

War on Want
Part Time Media Officer (£18,000 pa pro rata)
Two days a week (or equivalent) for nine months and then pending funding. 
We need to expand the opportunities open to us in the media and are seeking
a committed, enthusiastic and energetic individual to organise this work
and provide input into War on Want’s ground breaking campaigns.

Successful applicants will have considerable media experience and some
knowledge of international development. Equally important is the ability to
effectively communicate War on Want’s campaigns and projects to the media
and the capacity to think creatively about how best to achieve positive
coverage for our issues.

The post will be challenging and demanding but will also be satisfying and
interesting. You should only apply if you feel committed to making a
difference in the fight against world poverty and are sympathetic to War on
Want’s aims and vision. Hours will be negotiable.
Application pack available from David Rudkin, War on Want, 37-39 Great
Guildford Street, London, SE1 0ES. Tel. 020 7620 1111. 
Email drudkin at waronwant.org
For further information:
---> http://www.waronwant.org
Deadline for completed applications, 11 September 2000. 
Interviews week commencing 18th September 2000.


"A lie frequently repeated will gradually gain acceptance."

- Joseph Goebles



18-20 The Land is Ours Summer Gathering in Yorkshire 01865 722016 

10-15 Northern Green Gathering, wide range of workshops, info and
entertainments, £35. 0113 2249885 


11: 2000 Trash Trident Trial begins in Manchester Crown Court Rosie and
Rachel, of Trident Ploughshares, are charged with £25,000 of damage to a
Trident nuclear submarine last February. There will be a programme of
support activities and actions throughout the trial. 
Contact: 07808 553 778 
awtt at hotmail.com

More Diary Dates on GreenNet: 
---> http://webboard.gn.apc.org:8086/default/ 


The AlterNet News is edited by Adrian Harris for GreenNet: 
---> http://www.gn.apc.org

Please note that opinions expressed in AlterNet are those of the
contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the GreenNet
Items for inclusion may need to be edited. Please include a Web link if 
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