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H Constable hconstable at gn.apc.org
Sat Sep 14 11:09:55 BST 2002

At 16:57 13/09/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>This issue:
>PLEASE don't send news to the AlterNet address. Send items for inclusion,
>including a web link if possible, to actnow at gn.apc.org. Items may need to
>be edited. Plain text e-mail is preferred.
>The Stop the War group at the School of Oriental and African Studies,
>University of London have launched their new website. This well-designed site
>has news, events and links to background information: 
>--> www.soasstopwar.org
>Planetism.net is a platform to explore the spiritual dimension of our work
>on international cooperation and sustainable development:
>--> www.Planetism.net
>Shopethical provides an online ethical shopping directory, environmental
>news, ethical and environmental campaigns, ideas for a fairer society and a
>host of links:
>--> www.shopethical.co.uk
>The Faith in World Peace walk will be from Leicester to London between the
>7th to 19th October.
>The pilgrimage will reach Parliament Square via Wellingborough, Bedford,
>Milton Keynes, Oxford, High Wycombe, Maidenhead and Reading. Walkers will
>be staying at centres belonging to community and faith groups. En route
>there will be events, talks and discussions - time to meet and share
>inspiration with other peace groups and faith communities.
>All are welcome to join for all or part of the route, for days or hours.
>The organisers are inviting people to write letters and cards on the theme
>of peace which will be delivered to the House of Commons. Letters and
>cards should be in envelopes addressed to named members of the House of
>Commons - either the Prime Minister or your local M.P.
>You can pass them on en route, or post them to The Buddhist House.
>Amida Trust
>The Buddhist House
>12 Coventry Road, Narborough, Leics LE9 5GB
>--> www.amidatrust.com
>CND is amongst the many groups supporting the 'Don't Attack Iraq' march
>from the Embankment and the follow-up demonstration in Hyde Park, 
>called by the Stop the War Coalition, for Saturday 28 September.
>CND point out that the Prime Minister's abhorrence of Weapons of Mass
>Destruction does not extend to those he and President Bush control - which
>they are obliged, by international agreement, to abolish.
>The question of Saddam Hussein's capability to wage war with WDM remains in
>doubt, and his intention to wage war is even less certain.
>Former US President Jimmy Carter said: "As has been emphasised vigorously
>by foreign allies and by responsible leaders of former administrations and
>incumbent officeholders, there is no current danger to the United States
>from Baghdad."
>Stop the War Coalition:
>--> www.cnduk.org/
>New water quality targets to be established by the EU could radically
>change the face of farming, forcing farmers to scale back or even abandon
>traditional practices.  
>The Water Framework Directive will require all rivers, lakes, and canals to
>be restored to "good ecological quality" within 15 years, and to comply
>with the new rules, pollution would have to be far more tightly controlled
>than it is now. 
>This will mean wide-ranging changes in land use, from substantial
>reductions in the number of sheep and cattle that can be kept to
>restrictions on the size and location of crop fields.
>"In the last decade of the 20th Century, 95% of British freshwater was
>polluted by nutrients - most of which was from...farming," said Dr Penny
>Johnes of the University of Reading. 
>BBC News:
>"Transportation Cost And Benefit Analysis: Techniques, Estimates And
>Implications," is a comprehensive study of transportation cost/benefit
>research, and a guidebook for applying this information in planning and
>policy analysis.
>It is one of the most extensive studies of its type, including categories
>of costs and benefits that are often overlooked, and the only one that is
>regularly expanded and updated as new information becomes available.
>Available free at www.vtpi.org/tca
>10 days of bargaining, debate, protests, speeches, 
>presentations, negotiations and re-negotiations have delivered a 
>70-page non-binding plan and a burning question:  Was anything 
>Christian Science Monitor:
>--> www.csmonitor.com/2002/0905/p01s04-woaf.html
>Dispatches from Johannesburg:
>--> www.gristmagazine.com/dearme/turner090402.asp?source=daily
>While many environmentalists accuse big business of derailing the Earth
>Summit, some business representatives say investing in sustainable
>makes economic sense.
>Big business accused of derailing Earth Summit:
>--> www.planetark.org/dailynewsstory.cfm/newsid/17481/story.htm
>Is Big Business Going Green?:
>Meanwhile, more than 20 corporations vie for the prestigious Greenwash
>Academy Awards announced at a star studded ceremony at the Earth Summit in
>For nominees and winners see 
>--> www.earthsummit.biz
>Activists in the US, Canada, New Zealand, Israel and England are demanding
>that Starbucks remove GM ingredients from their products and seriously
>promote fair trade coffee in all of their cafes.
>Pressure over the past two years has forced Starbucks to partially give in  
>to demands, but activists are keeping up the pressure.
>Organic Consumers Association 5th "Starbucks Global Week of Action,"
>September 21-28th.
>If you'd like to participate, contact
>campaign at organicconsumers.org
>A research team has discovered more than 100 species of coral in the Bering
>Sea off the Alaska coast. This amazing find has scientists excited and
>environmentalists pushing for protection.
>"The coral and sponge communities, comparable in size and structure to
>reefs in the tropics, highlight the need for federal and state action to
>protect this important fisheries habitat", said Jim Ayers, North Pacific
>Regional Director for Oceana. 
>--> www.oceana.org
>Over 70 African AIDS activists from 21 countries have inaugurated the
>'Pan-African HIV/AIDS Treatment Access Movement' (PHATAM). PHATAM is
>dedicated to mobilising communities, political leaders, and all sectors of
>society to ensure access to antiretroviral (ARV) treatment for all people
>with HIV/AIDS in Africa.
>"We are angry. Our people are dying," said Milly Katana. "We can no longer
>accept millions of needless AIDS deaths simply because we are poor
>Africans. We are launching a movement to demand ARV treatment that won't
>take 'no' for an answer." 
>PHATAM insists that the U.S. and other wealthy countries allow countries
>with limited pharmaceutical manufacturing capacity to purchase low-cost,
>generic versions of patented medicines from exporting countries.
>"When will the world wake up to the fact that 16 million Africans have
>already died of HIV/AIDS?" 
>Said Winston Zulu of the Network of Zambian People Living with HIV/AIDS
>Delegates emphasized the need for nutritional support, treatment of
>opportunistic infections, rebuilding of public health care and elimination
>of new HIV infections but agreed that treatment with ARVs must be
>9 October: PHATAM is calling for a Global Day of Protests to demand that
>donor countries make contributions proportionate to their wealth to the
>Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM).
>The British Red Cross launched a unique online appeal to enable people
>across the UK to donate an hour of their salary online in the week of
>September 11th this year.
>The site will be live until the end of the month. For further information 
>please contact Amelia Lyons at the British Red Cross on
alyons at redcross.org.uk
>--> www.redcross.org.uk/justonehour
>APC: Programmes and Projects Manager/Deputy Executive Director
>We are seeking a qualified person, with 5 years of high-level 
>programme management and organizational leadership experience for 
>this senior position, to:
>- work with APC members, staff, partners and the donor community to 
>mobilise resources for activities that achieve the implementation of 
>the APC's mission and vision
>- to oversee operational management of all APC projects and 
>Remuneration: USD $35,000 - $50,000/annum (including benefits), 
>depending on qualifications and geographical location. 
>Application deadline: September 30, 2002.
>Complete description of job and application process:
>--> www.apc.org/english/jobs/deputy_ed.shtml
>'If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track, which has
>been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life you ought to be
>living is the one you are living.'
>Joseph Campbell
>Every Thursday:
>Cafe Ramallah at The Lido, London Fields, Hackney.
>Benefit for the International Solidarity Movement to send internationals to
>Palestine in solidarity with the palestinian struggle. Contact
><emjpal at yahoo.com>. Food 8pm-ish
>Free yoga classes - Thursdays from 5:30-7:00 at 62 Fieldgate St., London.
>E-mail: radicalyoga at clara.co.uk
>Radical Dairy Social Centre, 47 Kynaston Road, Stoke Newington, London N16.
>Tel: 020 7249 6996
>Events 16/06 - 22/06
>Sunday: 2.00pm DJ's + Food[BBQ]+ Drink 
>Monday: 3.30pm - 5.00pm Yoga, 7.00pm Cafe, 8.00pm Political Discussion Group
>Tuesday: 7.30pm Meeting of the Social Centres Network
>Wednesday: 4.00pm Aromatherapy Massages, 8.00pm Women's Caff and cabaret 
>Thursday: 8.00pm Radical Dairy meeting
>Friday: 8.00pm Cafe + Acoustic Music [Bring instruments]
>Saturday: Social   
>Walk in Peace for Peace
>Every first Sunday of the month. Meet at Speakers’ Corner (by Park Café),
>Hyde Park 10.45am for 11am. The walk will take about an hour.
>If you arrive a bit late don’t worry, you’ll see the Walk on ‘Broad Walk’
>going south from Speakers’ Corner.
>Enquiries: Clare Brunt 020 8755 0353
>The Campaign for Co-operative Socialism Campaign meet at The Global Cafe in
>London's Golden Square every Wednesday from 11-1:
>--> www.cooperative-socialism.org/
>Not in our name - Concert
>Call for composers, performers and cultural workers to take part against
>the 'war on terrorism'
>Details: Michael Chant
>c/o 22 Mysore Road
>SW11 5SB
>E-mail: mhchant at hotmail.com
>National meeting of National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns
>Birmingham 12pm - 5pm
>E-mail: ncadc at ncadc.org.uk
>--> www.ncadc.org.uk
>The Miracle of Endorphin Healing with William Bloom.
>One-Day Workshop in Dorset 
>Booking: info at joyousisle.fsnet.co.uk 
>Details: www.williambloom.com
>Debt in Africa: done and dusted?
>The debt crisis in Africa continues. Come and hear what the World Bank and
>IMF need to do about it.
>A World Development Movement and Jubilee Debt Campaign event
>6.30pm refreshments, 7pm start
>Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL (nearest tube Holborn) 
>Jubilee Debt Campaign
>--> www.jubileedebtcampaign.org.uk
>Debate: Should Hunting with Hounds be Banned?
>Royal Geographical Society, 7 pm.
>--> www.xtremeinformation.com/intelligence/debate.asp
>Tyne & Wear Anti-fascist Association AGM. 6:45. 
>--> www.twafa.org.uk
>Peace One Day - UN International Day of Peace, a day of global ceasefire
>and non-violence. 
>Celebration at Brixton Academy - an evening of live music, multimedia and
>More: www.peaceoneday.org
>Newcastle Environment Forum special public meeting on the impact of the
>Earth Summit in Johannesburg, 6pm at Newcastle Civic Centre. Speakers
>include: Steve Graham, LA21 Officer, Sunderland City Council; David Miller,
>Director of Environment & Resources, Durham County Council. Other speakers
>have been invited. E-mail: awcox at eimr.demon.co.uk
>The new Human Be-In: music, dancing, video, plus counter cultural speakers
>kicking off a debate on globalisation and the global movement for peace.
>At The Ocean in Hackney, East London, 7 pm - 7 am.
>More: www.humanbe-in.com/home.html
>Musicians Against Nuclear Arms presents a Concert for Peace
>7.30pm at Sutton House, 2-4 Homerton High Street, Hackney, E9
>Tel/fax: 020 8455 1030
>Stop the War demonstration: Don¹t Attack Iraq
>Assemble 1pm Embankment, march to Hyde Park 
>---> www.stopwar.org.uk
>US Nukes in Britain? Not if we can help it! Lakenheath Action group
>--> www.lakenheathaction.org
>SOAS Stop the War Teach-in
>A day of lectures, discussion, debate and film covering all aspects of Bush
>and Blair's "war on terror".
>Saturday / 12th October 2002 11am-7.00pm 
>Venue: SOAS Main Building 
>All welcome 
>--> www.soasstopwar.org/events.htm#disc
>Colombia Peace Associates presents LA GRAN FIESTA in benefit of displaced
>children in Colombia
>7-12pm at Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, WC1 (Holborn Tube)
>Adm: £8/£5 concs.
>Scrap Trident demonstration
>Assemble 12 noon at Plymouth Hoe. Leave 1pm for a march through Plymouth to
>Albert Gate, Devonport Dockyard.
>--> www.cnduk.org
>Managing Sustainable Products
>Details: Centre for Sustainable Design
>--> www.cfsd.org.uk
>The End of Auto Life as We Know It? Eco-Creativity Workshop
>Royal College of Art 
>Details: Centre for Sustainable Design
>--> www.cfsd.org.uk
>More Diary Dates on GreenNet:
>--> webboard.gn.apc.org:8086/default/
>The AlterNet News is edited by Adrian Harris and Joanne Doyle for GreenNet:
>---> www.gn.apc.org
>Please note that opinions expressed in AlterNet are those of the
>contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the GreenNet
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>For more information on this service and how to use it, contact
>adrian at gn.apc.org
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