[alternet-l] THE ALTERNET NEWS - ISSUE # 106

Joanne Doyle joanne at gn.apc.org
Mon Feb 9 16:38:01 GMT 2004


This issue:


Please don't send news to the AlterNet address.

Back issues are on-line at:
--> www.gn.apc.org/news/alternet/index.html



CEPES, one of APC's newest members, has trained participants in a 
rural-urban information service to set up a portal and exchange 
agricultural information from six telecentres in a remote area of the 
northern Peruvian sierras.

More about the site here:
--> www.apc.org/english/news/index.shtml?x=17062

Visit the site (in Spanish):
--> www.cepes.org.pe/



CND comment on Jack Straws statement about the nuclear threat Pakistan poses:

'Jack Straw’s statement in Delhi that Pakistan’s nuclear threat is 
different to that of Iraq’s shows yet again the government’s selective 
approach to non-proliferation. CND condemns all nuclear proliferation, and 
finds it absolutely unacceptable that the government can pick and choose 
who may or may not be allowed to proliferate. Iraq was attacked on the 
basis of mere suspicion of possession of weapons of mass destruction – a 
baseless accusation as it has turned out – whereas other countries may 
possess nuclear weapons and pass on nuclear information with impunity. One 
is forced to conclude that governments sympathetic to the US are treated 
more leniently than those who are perceived to be hostile. This is 
demonstrated not only by the recent events in Pakistan but also by the 
failure to condemn Israel for its non-compliance with UN resolution 687 
calling for a nuclear weapons free Middle East.

CND Chair Kate Hudson said:

“It is the height of hypocrisy for the government to ignore the 
proliferation in Pakistan, having only recently launched an illegal and 
immoral war against Iraq over similar issues. Have the US and the UK 
suddenly become the nuclear police force able to decide amongst themselves 
who can and who can’t possess these destructive weapons?”'

Read the full press release here:
--> www.cnduk.org/pages/press/60204.htm



UNESCO has published a study of freedom of information laws that examines 
best practices in 10 countries. Written by ARTICLE 19 Law Programme 
Director Toby Mendel, "Freedom on Information: A Comparative Legal Survey" 
analyses laws in Bulgaria, India, Japan, Mexico, Pakistan, South Africa, 
Sweden, Thailand, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The study examines international standards and trends, and outlines nine 
principles governing effective freedom-of-information laws. The survey also 
looks at the public disclosure policies of two international institutions - 
the United Nations Development Programme and the World Bank.

The study is available at:
--> www.article19.org/docimages/1707.pdf

More information here:



GreenNet User, Dr Colin Tingle, calls for joint conscientious objection to 
taxes being used for military purposes:

'Whatever our views, we were all part of the war.  We may not have pushed 
the buttons or triggers, but we paid for the hardware and for the personnel 
who dropped the bombs and shot people. The possibility of redirecting the 
portion of individual taxes used for the military into funding conflict 
prevention or peacebuilding, could give action to the voices of those in 
the UK who protested so loudly against "the war"? It could give the 
possibility to take responsibility and reduce our part in what we feel was 
wrong, whilst simultaneously sending a strong political message.'

Conscience (the organisation campaigning for the legal right for those who 
have a conscientious objection to war to have the portion of their taxes 
going to the military to be spent on peacebuilding initiatives) has 
produced a mock Peace Tax Return. This has 2 sections: part one allowing 
you to lobby for the right to divert taxes to non-military security 
programmes; the other giving a declaration of withholding or diverting 10% 
of income tax against an assurance that it will not be used for military 

You can take action by:
i) downloading the Peace Tax Return form:
--> www.conscienceonline.org.uk/Peace%20Tax%20Form%2002.PDF
ii) completing either part A or Part B and sending it in with their Tax 
return OR direct to the Inland Revenue or the Paymaster General
iii) sending a letter to their MP explaining what they've done and why



Amnesty call to end the death penalty for child offenders:

The use of the death penalty against child offenders – people under 18 at 
the time of the crime – is clearly prohibited under international law, yet 
a handful of countries persist with child executions.

Since January 1990 Amnesty International has documented 35 executions of 
child offenders in eight countries– the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, 
Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, the USA, China and Yemen. The USA carried 
out 19 executions – more than all other countries combined.

Take action:

Stop child executions in Pakistan
Please write to President Musharraf of Pakistan urging him to commute the 
death sentences of all child offenders in Pakistan, and to ensure that no 
further child offenders are sentenced to death, in accordance with 
Pakistan's obligations under international law:
--> http://web.amnesty.org/pages/pak-210104-action-eng

Philippines: Child offenders sentenced to death
At least seven child offenders are currently under sentence of death in the 
--> http://web.amnesty.org/pages/phl-201103-action-eng

Further information:
Child executions violate international law:

Read the full report: 'Stop Child Executions! Ending the death penalty for 
child offenders':
--> http://web.amnesty.org/library/Index/ENGACT500012004



Haiti Support Group campaign in favour of workers' right to unionise in new
free zone bears fruit at last:

'World Bank's IFC approves Grupo M loan, with union rights conditions. The 
International Finance Corporation (IFC) has finally approved a loan of 
US$20 million to the Dominican Republic free trade zone operator, Grupo M, 
with an explicit condition that the company recognise its employees' 
freedom of association and collective bargaining rights.

In August and September 2003, the ICFTU and the International Textile 
Garment and Leather Workers' Federation, released video evidence and 
documentation on anti-union actions by Grupo M, including threats, 
discrimination and violence against workers seeking to organise unions. At 
this stage, the Haiti Support Group, which had been in close contact with 
workers' organisations and progressive NGOs in Haiti, launched an 
international campaign backing the ICFTU calls for the IFC to require that 
Grupo M cease violating workers' rights and respect the core labour 
standards of the International Labour Organisation before awarding the loan.

Last week, after determining that many of the allegations about Grupo M's 
anti-union practices were substantiated, the IFC decided to include the 
obligation to respect freedom of association and the right to collective 
bargaining as a loan condition.'

For more details on this story and the Haiti Support Group campaign see:



Survival International reports on how Indigenous people condenm eviction of 
Botswana 'bushmen':

Two organisations representing some of South Africa's indigenous peoples 
have spoken out in support of the rights of the Gana and Gwi 'Bushmen' of 
Botswana to return to their land.

The Northern Cape Khoisan Council said today, 'We support the campaign 
against De Beers and the Botswana Government, to persuade the government to 
rescind their decision to evict the Gwi, Gana and Bakgalagadi from the 
Central Kalahari Game Reserve. You also have the support of about thirteen 
Khoisan organisations in the whole of South Africa to protest against this 
blatant human rights atrocity.'

The Northern Cape Khoisan Council is an alliance of first people 
organisations in the Northern Cape consisting of the San, Nama, Korana, 
Griqua and Cape Khoi groups.

Motivation Community Development, another indigenous organisation, added, 
'Like our peoples, KhoiSan, Tswana, Sotho and other African peoples of 
South Africa, we were dispossessed from our lands by colonial forces. This 
dispossession resulted in the conditions we live in today, so much poverty, 
depression, unemployment, addictions, crime and violence and being 
unproductive......  Removal of the Gana, Gwi and Bakgalagadi Peoples from 
their land will do the same to them as land dispossession did to us.... It 
makes no difference who does the dispossessing.'

For more information, contact Miriam Ross via email to:
--> mr at survival-international.org



WLUML appeal:

'WLUML strongly urges you to join Iraqi women's efforts and take action to 
oppose the Iraqi Governing Council's (IGC) ‘Resolution 137’ dated 29 
December 2003 that proposes the introduction of Sharia law in personal 
status matters and to cancel all laws which are incompatible with this 

The 1959 Iraqi Law of Personal Status, which is considered one of the most 
progressive family laws in the Middle East and which was achieved through 
the struggle of the Iraqi people for much of the past century, will be 
abolished if ‘Resolution 137’ is upheld.

It is important to act immediately: the ‘Resolution’ will come into effect 
if it is validated by Paul Bremer, the Chief US Administrator. WLUML 
regards ‘Resolution 137’ as a major retreat from previous rights that were 
guaranteed to women under Iraqi law. Apart from Iraqi women themselves and 
their feminist allies across the world, this development has been largely 
ignored by international media.

The process behind this ‘Resolution’ by the IGC has lacked transparency and 
was not part of any democratic or consultative process. It was taken 
without being publicly debated and subjected to the scrutiny of experts on 
social and legal issues. It was, furthermore, apparently a proposal by a 
minority of the IGC.'

To read the full appeal and find out what action you can take, visit the 
WLUML website:



Are we too risk averse, and what impact might this have upon biomedicine?

This is the question posed by the new spiked/Wellcome Trust online debate
'FEARING THE UNKNOWN', the first in a series of debates running over the
next two years.

Two papers have been published to initiate the debate:
  - HELENE GULDBERG, managing editor of spiked, argues that 'fear of the
unknown has become one of the major barriers to social, scientific and
technological advance'.
--> www.spiked-online.com/articles/0000000CA376.htm

  - ALAN IRWIN, professor of sociology at Brunel University, argues that
'rather than representing citizens as risk-averse, we should be engaging
more with what people want from technical change'.
--> www.spiked-online.com/articles/0000000CA375.htm

The debate, while moderated, is open to contributions from anybody, and
all contributions will be permanently archived. To submit a contribution,
simply click on on 'Join the debate' in the right-hand menu at:

--> www.spiked-online.com/riskaverse



London Cares, the employee-volunteering programme of Business in the 
Community in London, are organising Spring Clean 2004, a massive Spring 
Clean Up, creating fresh and welcoming environments for local communities.

London Cares will encourage businesses to get involved and supply teams of 
10+ volunteers for a day, to undertake a Spring Clean project. You can be 
the recipient of these volunteers, by submitting a project to London Cares 
over the next few weeks (latest end of Jan, although the earlier the better).

London Cares will promote your project to businesses, and if a business 
wants to undertake your project, then they will nominate a Team Leader who 
we will train, to help you manage the project. Most businesses also have a 
small budget to cover the costs of materials and equipment.

Who can participate?
Community Centres, Youth Clubs, Day Centres, Schools, in fact any community 
or voluntary organisation which has an area which could do with sprucing up 
for the summer.

What type of projects are eligible?
Painting and decorating community rooms and buildings, Clearing away old 
rubbish to create usable community facilities, Tidying gardens from the 
winter season and planting for the new year.

Contact Joanna Daniels for further details and a registration form, on 0870 
600 2482 or via email to:
--> jo.daniels at bitc.org.uk or



The National Press Club of Canada is now accepting submissions from 
professional and freelance editorial cartoonists for the 4th Annual 
International Editorial Cartoon Competition.

The subject of the competition is
“The Internet: Freedom of Expression and Access Issues.”

Submissions are accepted with captions in any language, but translations 
into English, French or Spanish must be provided. The deadline for 
submissions is April 2 at 5 p.m. EST.

Winners will be announced at the World Press Freedom Day luncheon in Ottawa 
on May 3. Winners will receive cash prizes ranging from CAD $1,500 (about 
US $1,160) for first place to CAD $500 (US $387) for third place. First 
place winners will also receive a certificate of merit from the Canadian 
Commission for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural 
Organization (UNESCO), as well as a crystal trophy.

Read the article at:
--> www.ijnet.org/FE_Article/newsarticle.asp?UILang=1&CId=188204

For more information, visit the website:
--> www.pressclub.on.ca/



'Years ago I recognised my kinship with living things, and I made up my 
mind that I was not one bit better than the meanest on the earth. I said 
then, and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it; while 
there is a criminal element, I am of it; while there is a soul in prison, I 
am not free.'

- Eugene Debs (1855-1926)



GreenNet, a not-for-profit collective Internet Service Provider, is looking 
for a Finance Officer to be responsible for its overall financial 
management and reporting. The Finance Officer will have a supervisary and 
financial planning function, alongside day to day finance duties, including 
monthly billing of customers.

Application by CV and covering letter, via email to coord at gn.apc.org

In your covering letter, please describe in brief:
a) why you are interested in this position, and
b) what skills, knowledge and experience you have which are relevant to the 
(continue on not more than one additional sheet if necessary)

Please provide names and addresses of two referees, one of whom should be a 
past employer.
Please let us know if we can contact your referees before an interview.
Interviews 1st week of March. Start date: 19th of April.

For more information, both on this position and for other opportunities, 
please look at the GreenNet website:
--> www.gn.apc.org/jobs.shtml



*Modernising education for sustainability and animal welfare*

A revised and expanded edition of the book 'from Guinea Pig to Computer 
Mouse' has been published by the International Network for Humane Education 
(InterNICHE). The book details the multiple positive impact of progressive, 
humane alternatives to harmful animal use, and provides case studies of 
where the vision of humane education has already been realised. Over 500 
alternatives including multimedia computer simulation, training mannekins 
and web-based learning tools are detailed. Translations of the book into 10 
other languages are also being prepared.

Find out more at their website:
--> www.interniche.org

*Global Express, the rapid response information series for schools at Key 
Stages 2 and 3 on world events in the news, has published a special 16-page 
edition on Fair Trade.*

The issue covers the history of trade, the WTO, the G20, Cancun, Fair Trade 
and ‘Becoming a Fair Trade school’, as well as the usual features including 
teaching activities and recommended resources.

The issue is a useful resource for activities and events leading up to Fair 
Trade Fortnight and World Fair Trade Day.

£5.00 per copy.  Discounts for DECs or bulk orders by negotiation.

For more information contact Jane Angel via email to depman at gn.apc.org
or visit their website:
--> http://www.dep.org.uk




Thursday 12th - Sunday, 15th
Peace Not War Music Festival
More information on events and prices here:
--> www.peace-not-war.org/Festival/index.html

London Sustainability Weeks 2004 (LSW2004) are taking place between 5 and 
19 June 2003. LSW2004 will provide an opportunity for the media and the 
public to get to know the diversity and creativity of local action and 
community projects working to make London’s communities greener, healthier 
and more sustainable places to live.

To help you promote your work and take part in the Weeks, the LSW2004 
Partnership is offering free training sessions on working with the press 
and communicating your project effectively.

Thursday, 12th
10.30 am till 1pm
At the Islington Ecology Centre, 191 Drayton Park, N5 1PH.

Thursday, 26th
10.30 am till 1 pm
At Vauxhall City Farm, 24 St Oswald’s place, Lambeth, SE11 5JE.

Booking is essential - contact Tim Webb; Tel: 020 7 359 9452; E-mail: 
info at lsw2004.org.

Tuesday 3rd - Friday 27th
A moving and inspirational exhibition from Japan will be shown in the 
Sculpture Hall, Manchester Town Hall and the Central Library
"Visitors to the exhibition will see the devastation caused by the nuclear 
bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and maybe understand why so many people 
in the world are dedicated to the eradication of these weapons."

Media Contact: Margaret Blackburn, Manchester City Council, Press Office, 
0161 234 4014

Saturday, 28th
War on Want Annual Conference
Privatisation, Power and Poverty
LSE, Houghton St., London, WC2A 2AE
Full details and to book a place call:
Corin Pearce on 020 76201111
or visit their website at:
--> www.waronwant.org/agm


Tuesday, 2nd
Mayor of London's People's Question Time'
at the Mermaid Theatre, Puddle Dock, Blackfriars, EC4V 3DB at 7pm

More Diary Dates on GreenNet:
--> www.gn.apc.org/calendar/calindex.shtml

Please add your events to the calendar here:
--> www.gn.apc.org/calendar/add.shtml


The AlterNet News is edited by Joanne Doyle for GreenNet:
---> www.gn.apc.org

Please note that opinions expressed in AlterNet are those of the
contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the GreenNet 
To subscribe or unsubscribe see:

For more information on this service and how to use it, contact
joanne at gn.apc.org


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