[diggers350] Some thoughts on inclosure

Tony Gosling tony at gaia.org
Fri Feb 19 18:47:28 GMT 1999

Some thoughts on inclosure....

"The choice between collective ownership and private ownership of land
is a straight choice between equity and greed.  Those without land are
forced into a cash-based world of institutionalised bribery.  

Winstanley saw it all in 1649 and he foresaw the implications for today.
Back then it was land and the landlords, now it is genetic engineering
and the lifelords.  

Over the centuries private property rights have been extended to areas
where they are entirely inappropriate.  The private ownership of land
was one of the first, and most fundamental threats to our well-being and
liberty.  Next in line is the ownership of life itsself"

Tony Gosling
The Land Is Ours

Tony Gosling
tony at gaia.org

DIGGERS 350 - Gerrard Winstanley and The Diggers 1649-1999  
Winstanley's pamphlets - printed on illegal presses during the English Civil War 
now on the web with Digger pictures:  www.tlio.demon.co.uk/diggers.htm
DIGGERS 350 CELEBRATION DETAILS:  www.oneworld.org/tlio/

Ideas for Long Term Land Squats and general Diggers discussions:
eMAIL diggers350 at egroups.com to join or post

A Landrights Movement for Britain
office at tlio.demon.co.uk      http://www.oneworld.org/tlio/
email your UK address and tel. no. to the office for our free newsletter
Box E, 111 Magdalen Road OXFORD OX4 1RQ England
Tel. +44 (0)1865 722016

"...not only this Common, or Heath should be taken in and Manured by the 
People, but all the Commons and waste Ground in England, and in the whole World, 
shall be taken in by the People in righteousness, not owning any Property; but 
taking the Earth to be a Common Treasury, as it was first made for all."  - 
The Diggers' Manifesto - The True LevellersÂ’ Standard Advanced, 1649 

Tony's research web pages:   www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Congress/7727/

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