[diggers350] Press release TLIO Ketts' Rebellion land occupation

Rory Kett kett99 at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 9 10:37:49 BST 1999

Press release...

The Land Is Ours (Norfolk group media liasion Rory Bowskill)
Tel 0961 460171 (TLIO mobile from 10th July 1999)
Pager 01523 773915
Email:  Kett99 at hotmail.com

EMBARGO 00:01 Saturday 10th July 1999


450 years after Ketts' rebellion once again people will be setting up a camp 
on land near Norwich to reclaim land for the
people. We will be taking over a piece of land near Norwich on the afternoon 
of Saturday 10th July. This event is being
organised by the Norfolk Group & East Anglian regional group of 'The Land Is 

This will be an attempt to create a more sustainable future on a site which 
is currently derelict. We seek to make people
aware of how the land was stolen from the people by force, in effect 'ethnic 
cleansing', and how those who claim to 'own'
land often mis-use it while denying others, who could do something there the 
opportunity. The site selected for this
occupation is being kept secret until members of the group have taken 
possession of it and begun setting up camp.

Why are we doing it?

Our first aim is to commemmerate the events of 1549. When around 20,000 
people in East Anglia tried to defend their ancient
rights to the commons against the enclosures. Which not only privatised the 
land, but also led to forced evictions and what
would now be called 'ethnic cleansing' in Britain. Around 4,500 East 
Anglians were killed defending their rights to land.

Secondly: We are seeking to highlight the fact that in Britain the vast 
majority of people are still excluded from ANY
rights over land.

Thirdly: By our actions we hope to show that ordinary people can often be 
better stewards of the land than those who
currently hold it.

Notes for the Editor:

1) In a single day in August 1549 over 3,000 people were killed in Norwich 
for resisting being forced from their lands,
this is comparable with any single act of 'ethnic cleansing' carried out on 
the orders of Milosovich in Kosavo.

2) We claim the same right of return to land as the Kosavo Albanians.

3) Large ammounts of property in Norwich is currently laying empty while 
people sleep on the streets, also large acerages
of Norfolk are in unproductive 'set-aside'.

4) The distribution of land in Britain is comparable with many third world 

5) The Land Is Ours campaigns for rights to land for ALL, not the few who 
happen to be descended from thieves and

In 1549 Kett issued a list of 29 demands, now we are issuing ours...

1) No more "Keep out - Private property" signs
2) An end to all forelock tugging
3) Social housing not luxury housing
4) No more golf forces for the few
5) To no longer be "tresspassers in the land of our birth"
6) Land for people instead of GM deserts
7) Freedom to roam over uncultivated land, not herding into "country parks"
8) Village stores, not out of town superstores
9) The freedom to open gates, the responsibility to close them afterwards
10) No littering of the land and sea (Sellafield take note)
11) Stop dogs worrying SHEEP & FOXES
12) The right to take the road less travvelled
13) The protection and promotion of allottments
14) The use of inner  city land to house the homeless, not for executive 
15) Turning derelict land in cities into community gardens
16) Sustainable human settlements
17) Access to land for everyday recreation
18)Hedgerows, not monoculture prairies
19) People before cars
20) People before minerals
21) Gatherings not aggregates
22) Trees before tarmac
23) Reclaim the streets
24) Defence of council housing
25) An end to harrassment of travellers and boat dwellers
26) Work on the land, not just McJobs
27) Experience, not consumption
28) Refugees right to return
29) The Land Is Ours, and we demand access for EVERYONE, irrespective of 
race, age or gender.



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