[diggers350] Re: land ownership

Banner Heather bannerheather at clara.net
Thu Jul 29 22:19:32 BST 1999

Couldn't agree more, we here in Scotland are in a whole new ball game re
land rights and the new Parliament etc., Would be very interested in
continuing a discussion with you on this subject, as I have been involved in
several landgrabs in Scotland and live with a lawyer who specialises in land
rights issues.
Banner Heather
-----Original Message-----
From: mcstone.ancientmod. <mcstone.ancientmod. at breathemail.net>
To: diggers350 at egroups.com <diggers350 at egroups.com>
Date: 28 July 1999 19:19
Subject: [diggers350] land ownership


I'm kind of jumping into the middle of this debate so excuse me if I've
missed a point. The question is I think 'should private land ownership be
abolished ?'

My basic position is that all land is sacred  (but some portions of land are
more sacred than others). Land ownership must somehow be connected or
equated with what we call civilization.

The point that I'm trying to make is that the assumption that private land
ownership is somehow the beast we should be excising could well be wrong.
Public land ownership is often a far worse thing. That is because the will
of the public is corrupted by the powerful. The millenium dome , or new
roads are salient examples. Near me, (and you if in the UK) is an RAF base
where nuclear missiles are kept to wage war on unidentifiable foreign
enemies. To all intents and purposes the land where this goes on is in
'public ownership' .

Surely ownership of land means a duty of care for that land. Not altogether
a bad thing, so long as that caveat is observed. Sadly it's widely abused by
that very same thing 'civilization' in my opinion.


Hengist McStone

Ps if anybody has any definition of civilization I'd like to hear it.

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