pruninghooks email list

Lucy Michaels lucy at
Wed Apr 11 18:44:49 BST 2001

Hi there

This is an invitation to join a new email list called 'pruninghooks- cutting back the excess growth of industrial agriculture'. 

We are trying to encourage debate and action on how to campaign against industrial agriculture and free trade in agriculture, whilst promoting organic and local food as an alternative. One of our main aims is to attempt to find common ground between environmental activists and the farming community, so that we can work together around the farming crisis.The main debate at the moment is what we, as activists, can do about foot and mouth. 

To subscribe to the list please send an email to pruninghooks-subscribe at Please also drop me a line on the corporate watch email address to say who you are, because i have to approve new members.

All the best


Lucy Michaels
Food and Agriculture Researcher
Corporate Watch
16B Cherwell Street
Oxford OX4 1BG,   UK
Tel +44 (0) 1865 791 391

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