Caroline Lucas on Foot & Mouth & future of Agriculture

msbrown at msbrown at
Thu Feb 28 01:53:32 GMT 2002

>From Green Party:

This week finally saw the much postponed first meeting of the European 
Parliament's Foot and Mouth Inquiry, at which Caroline was officially elected 
Vice-President. She was interviewed on BBC Radio 4's Farming Today programme 
about the aims of the Inquiry and conservative rural futures policy. She was 
also interviewed on BBC Southern Counties Radio. 

WWF Agriculture Experts Seminar Caroline was one of an invited 50 European 
participants to a day long high level WWF Experts Seminar on CAP reform, where 
she made the case for a completely new approach to agriculture. 

Article on Curry Report/Future of Farming Caroline wrote 2 articles this week, 
one for the Landmark Magazine, the other for the Morning Star, in response to 
the Curry report on the future of farming - copies on the website. 

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