Towards An Ecovillage Development Policy

Robin Carvell tony at
Sat Mar 30 14:15:30 GMT 2002

Imagine a farm co-operatively owned and self-built cultivating and
processing hemp.  It would meet certain LA21 policy objectives.  It would
receive funding from the EU agricultural fund for cultivating short fibre
hemp and even more funding for processing the fibre on site.  Depending on
where it is located it may receive further funding from the EU for regional
rural development or farm despecialisation.  It may receive funding for
being an organic farm.  It might meet certain national planning policy
objectives and those of the local planning authority.

Apart from LA21, EU, National and local planning policies are there any
other bodies whose policies may affect the development of such an
ecovillage project?

As an ecovillage what policies encouraged your development and which ones
hindered it?

I'm evaluating a range of different policies from different bodies to
discover how much they encourage ecovillage development.  Any help you
could offer me would be greatly appreciated.

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