Farmers are dying out
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Fri Aug 15 12:04:16 BST 2003
Farmers are dying out
by John Vidal
The Guardian
August 7, 2003
Farmers are dying out: The steady decline of small farms in the UK is
being accelerated by the sale of country land to townies who have no
intention of cultivating it
Earlier this week, a 40-hectare farm on the Welsh borders was sold to
a family from London who only wanted one hectare of it for their
horse. They will live in the house, sell the rest of the land and for
the first time in 300 years, there will be no farmer at Penybryn. The
sale confirms a five-year trend, identified this week by the Royal
Institute of Chartered Surveyors and the property agents FPD Savills,
that roughly half the farms sold in England these days go to city
people who want large old houses in the countryside and do not want
the bother of maintaining the land, let alone growing
food on their new acquisition. It also highlights the 50-year shift
away from small farms and the concentration of UK landownership into
ever fewer hands. In 1939 there were almost 500,000 farms in Britain,
the majority fewer than 40 hectares, and almost all worked by
Between them, they employed up to 15% of the population. Within 30
years, the number had almost halved and in the past 15 years the
number has fallen to about 130,000. There are still about 100,000
farms under 40 hectares, but more and more of these small farmers are
going part-time,
supported mostly by the banks and the value of their land, which
remains strong. It's the same story across all developed countries.
In the OECD (the world's 30 richest countries), the number of farms
has been declining by roughly 1.5% a year, and farmers and their
workers now make up only 8% of the labour force. Some 15 million
people have left farming in France, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg and
Italy since 1957. In the US, the number of farms has shrunk from 6.5m
in 1935 to under 2m today. As the number of farms falls, so the size
of those left grows. For governments pursuing relentless industrial
logic, this "rationalisation" of farming is to be encouraged. Lord
Haskins, who has chaired reports on the future of agriculture and
advises Tony Blair, is eager to see UK farming compete in the world
market. The only way this will happen, he argues, is for holdings to
get bigger, and he
predicts that the number of British farms will halve again within 20
years. Anyone wanting to survive in farming, he implies, will simply
have to grow, and the rewards of size under the present system of
subsidies are undeniable.
Around 80% of Britain's annual pounds 30bn grants from Europe go to
the largest 20% of farms. Moreover, the supermarket chains, which
control 70% of the UK retail food market, only want to deal with big
farmers who have standardised their production and can deliver
exactly what
the supermarket wants, when it wants it. Agribusiness and large
farms, however, are not geared to food production but to subsidy-
reaping. US farms get 60% of their income now from subsidies and it
is only slightly less in Europe. Yet small farms have been shown in
study after study in
Britain, the US and India to be more productive per hectare, less
polluting, better for employment and wildlife and environmental
diversity. Besides, the odds are stacked against anyone contemplating
taking on a small farm. Land costs roughly pounds 8,700 a hectare and
the current thinking is that you need about 160 hectares to survive.
Furthermore, very little land in the UK ever goes on the market.
Savills reckons only 80,000 out of more than 25m hectares in the UK
is sold a year and the clearout of small farming, widely predicted
during the foot and mouth crisis, has not happened as expected. Small
farmers may be getting
out of the day-to-day running of their estates by handing over to
management companies or leasing their land to neighbours, but they
are not selling in large numbers. Land is also being managed by fewer
people than ever before. The Small and Family Farms Association
suggests that within a
generation, fewer than 10,000 people will decide what is grown in
Britain. The implications are huge. Should, for instance, GM foods be
allowed to be grown in Britain, only a few key people will have to be
persuaded to grow them. It would also mean the end of livestock
markets as growers move to deal directly with supermarkets, and the
severance of farmers' connection with the land, as remote management
companies take over day-to-day farming. The UK already has by far the
greatest concentration of land ownership in Europe and the greatest
proportion of large to small farms.
The author and investigative journalist Kevin Cahill has calculated
that under 1% of the population now owns 70% of the land. Compare
this to Brazil, where 2.8% of landowners own over 56% of arable land.
The figures are stark. Some 6,000 landowners - mostly aristocrats,
but also large institutions like the National Trust, the church, the
Co-op and the crown - own about 16m of the UK's 25m hectares.
Britain's top 20 landowning families have bought or inherited an
area big enough to swallow up the entire counties of Kent, Essex and
Bedfordshire. The 100,000 small farmers with less than 40 hectares
own less than 20% of the land, and the 77% of the rest of the
population of 60 million is squeezed on to just 5.8% of the land.
Land reform in England and Wales is not on the agenda, and new
legislation in Scotland is not expected to change ownership patterns
much. The best advice for anyone wanting to get into farming is to
head for Russia, where the largest sale of farmland on the planet is
about to start. President Putin, thinking like Lord Haskins, has
insisted that land reform is essential to persuade investors to
develop big, efficient farms.
John Vidal is the Guardian's environment
editor john.vidal at
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