Vehicles in rural areas
landisours at
Thu Jan 27 16:36:15 GMT 2005
24th January 2005
In a statement last week, Alun Michael the minister for Rural Affairs
hasset out his proposals for new legislation to control the use of
mechanicallypropelled vehicles on unsurfaced Right of Way.The Green
Lane Association, while still studying the full potential of that
statement would like to make the following observations.
The minister accepts "there is a place in the countryside for
vehicles" and "many byways are used by motor vehicles, apparently for
recreation, withoutany detriment to the character of the way or the
enjoyment and safety of other users".
GLASS believes there may be a need for more enforcement of current
legislation to cover "green lane" use, and welcome the news that
enforcementof existing legislation covering illegal use will be
improved. The ministersaid, "There are also places where motorised
vehicles have a significantimpact on other users. The impact of those
who disregard limitations ontheir use or act in a way which is
offensive to residents, farmers, andother users is considerable.
Partly this is a matter of behaviour ratherthan strict legal
demarcation. This is not helped by "macho" culture in somegroups -
reflected in some publications and websites which encourages"mud-
plugging", or driving in large convoys on green lanes. The promotion
ofsuch activities as driving in a 50-strong convoy through vulnerable
lanes isnot just irresponsible but it discourages other users and it
provokes freshcalls for activities to be banned".
To counter the claims by anti vehicle organisations such as the
RamblersAssociation, and GLEAM, that all vehicular use is to be
banned, the Ministersaid " Mechanically propelled vehicles should
continue to have a place inusing and enjoying the rights of way
network" and also "coupled with a rangeof management and enforcement
measures will provide a sound, sustainablebasis for providing for
motor vehicles in the countryside".
GLASS accepts the need for sustainable use, and welcome a firm and
fair setof guidelines to decide the sustainability of any particular
Alun Michael also said "Where recreation is concerned, motor vehicles
do nothave to be confined to existing public rights of way. A co-
ordinatedapproach is needed to ensure that opportunities for
sustainable routes toaccommodate vehicular use and managed provision
of sites for off roadrecreation are properly considered,where
Graham Hall Green Lane Association
PO Box 48 Huntingdon PE26 2YY
graham.hall at
phone: 01354 677236 fax: 01354 677476
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