26Oct - Ben Law on TV tonight
Permaculture Magazine, Tony
office at evnuk.org.uk
Wed Oct 26 18:55:31 BST 2005
Hello everyone
I thought you may be interested to know that Ben Law is to appear on
Channel 4's Grand Designs Revisited. The programme is to be broadcast
tonight on Wednesday 26th October.
All the best and I look forward to hearing from you soon
Tony Rollinson
The Sustainability Centre
Droxford Road
East Meon
GU32 1HR
Tel: 0845 458 4150 (Local rate)
Tel: 01730 823 311
Fax: 01730 823 322
Email: tony at permaculture.co.uk
Web: www.permaculture.co.uk
EcoVillage Network UK PeopleFinder - http://www.peoplefinder.org.uk
A new contact point for getting involved in the UK EcoVillage movement.
EVN-UK MAILING LIST: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ecovillageuk
Subscribe (approx. 1 post/2wks.): ecovillageuk-subscribe at yahoogroups.com
CHAPTER 7 - http://www.tlio.org.uk/chapter7/
The UK's Rural Sustainable Settlement Planning Campaign
'Chapter 7 News' - 16-20pp. quarterly - £2.00 ea. £7.00 per annum sub. from
The Potato Store, Flaxdrayton Farm, South Petherton, Somerset, TA13
chapter7 at tlio.demon.co.uk
Tel. 01460 249204
ECOVILLAGE GUIDE BOOKS - available (postage included) from
Mulberry House, 19 Maple Grove, Bath, BA2 3AF - 01225 484472
UK > 'Diggers and Dreamers' - Annual directory of UK Communities - £6.00
EUROPE > 'Eurotopia' - Directory of Intentional Communities and Ecovillages
in Europe - £15.00
COTTARS AND SQUATTERS > Reccommended: UK land rights history - £10.00
PERMACULTURE MAGAZINE - http://www.permaculture.co.uk/
Quarterly colour mag. for enquiring minds and original thinkers everywhere.
Hyden House Ltd, The Sustainability Centre, East Meon, Hampshire GU32 1HR,
info at permaculture.co.uk
Tel. 01730 823311
ECOVILLAGE NETWORK UK (that's us!) - http://www.evnuk.org.uk
Populating the rhetoric of rural sustainability
Volunteers: Russ Curgenven, Nikki Ali, Tony Gosling, Pam Norris, Joyce
PO Box 1410, Bristol, BS99 3JP
Tel. 0117 373 0346
evnuk at gaia.org, office at evnuk.org.uk
DIGGERS AND DREAMERS - Searchable community database
Diggers & Dreamers, a UK guide to communal living for more than 10 years
c/o Edge of Time Ltd, BCM Edge, London, WC1N 3XX, UK
info at diggersanddreamers.org.uk
Tel. 07000 780536
WWOOF - http://www.wwoof.org/wuk0.html
Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms
Join WWOOF, do some work, stay for free. Membership includes directory
PO Box 2675, Lewes, Sussex, BN7 1RB
fran at wwoof.org
PERMACULTURE ASSOCIATION UK - http://www.permaculture.org.uk
Supports individuals, projects and groups working with permaculture in Britain
Third Floor Studios, 6 Carr Mills, 322 Meanwood Road, Leeds, West
Yorkshire, LS7 2HY
office at permaculture.org.uk
Tel/Fax: 07041 390170 and 0113 262 1718
GROUNDSWELL - http://www.groundswell.org.uk
Promoting and developing self-help initiatives with the homeless
U.K. COHOUSING NETWORK - http://www.cohousing.co.uk/
Sharing expertise and experience amongst the U.K. cohousing groups.
FOREST SCHOOL CAMPS - http://www.fsc.org.uk/about.htm
Camps for kids to get back to nature with the minimum of authority.
EUROPEAN FUNDING - http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/funding/intro_en.htm
Rosa-Luxemburgstr. 89, D-14806 Belzig, Germany - info at gen-europe.org - 0049
33841 44766
Ecovillage Office, Findhorn, The Park, Forres, Moray, Scotland IV36 0TZ -
ecovillage at findhorn.org - +44 (0)1309 690154
Minutes of meetings
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contact webmaster at gen-europe.org
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