Battle of the Beanfield 21st anniversary reunion

Andy Worthington a.worthington at
Thu Jan 19 21:20:41 GMT 2006

Hi all and Happy New Year.

Well, it's never too early to start planning, so here's a diary date for June 1st:

Battle of the Beanfield 21st Anniversary Reunion

The Assembly Rooms, Glastonbury

Thursday June 1st 2006


Rainbow Jo is organizing this reunion to mark the 21st anniversary of the Battle of the Beanfield. There will be a showing of the documentary 'Operation Solstice' plus other relevant films, an exhibition of photos and press cuttings, a talk about the legacy of the Beanfield by Andy Worthington, memory corner for those we have lost, plus DJ's and general party. Children, grandchildren and family members are all welcome. Jo reckons that it will probably be open to the general public during the afternoon with a private party later.  


For further information, to confirm attendance, or to provide any useful material (photos, videos etc), please contact Jo at jmwaterworth at or phone 01458 834405 / 07761 321341.


Please feel free to copy this information to other lists.

All the best,


Andy is the author of Stonehenge: Celebration and Subversion (Alternative Albion, 2004), described by SchNEWS as 'by far the best bit of modern British social history I've seen', and the editor of The Battle of the Beanfield (Enabler, 2005), described by Professor Ronald Hutton as 'probably the definitive work on its subject, something very rarely achieved in practice'. 
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