South West Survivors - network update
Tony Gosling
tony at
Tue Aug 14 18:52:45 BST 2007
RELATED - Survivors - Series 1 - Complete [1975]
DVD ~ director: Pennant Roberts
Chalk Corner Latest - updated - 11-08-07
The gathering on the 7th of July was agreed to have been a success. The
compost loo was built along with benches for the camp kitchen area. Good
food, information and skills were shared and plans were laid for the future
of the settlement (Chalk Corner) and the future of our culture of low
impact localised sustainability (Survivors).
It was agreed to gather again on the 17th - 18th of August, with a view to
- constructing an earth-oven, building a more substantial kitchen /
workshop area, work to prepare first area of forest garden, begin work on
below ground storage area, get DIY bicycle hub wind generator operational.
Funding was donated toward a tarpaulin cover for the new kitchen area.
Building materials are needed for the next gathering for the kitchen /
workshop area (2 by 4s
etc), and for forest garden raised beds. Also old or
spare tools, storage boxes, bricks/slabs and kitchen equipment would be
As ever, bring what you hope to find. Firewood, some food, info and skills
to share, road-kill you find on the way, musical instruments and a sense of
humour (optional).
Parking is limited in wet weather, out of control dogs will be composted,
and please keep our recycling requirements to a minimum (bottles/jars can
be stored on site for future use).
If you wish to get involved, attend the next gathering, support the
settlement plan or be part of the community that will live at Chalk Corner
during the campaign to get planning permission, contact us for further
Note:- The Chalk Corner Collective has an ideological base and is concerned
with building a naturally sustainable future, therefore freeloaders and
chaos merchants need not apply. It is not our intention to follow a
conventional route to gain planning acceptance, but to apply on grounds of
our right to adapt in accord with recently discovered scientific facts
about our climate, and the inability of the government to provide the
reduction of human impact on the environment necessary to ensure our safety
and security.
The Chalk Corner Collective :- rawfutures at - 077370 40914
Survivors South West :- Swcn at 07818 860577
If you wish to donate funding, make cheques payable to "the chalk and
charcoal club" and post them to:- Po box 3999, Yeovil Somerset, BA20 9AQ.
Directions:- A 356, Dorchester to Crewkerne - by radio masts - Hooke
turning south - ½ mile on right.
Future Living Now!
P r e p a r e a n d S u r v i v e.......
Who Are Survivors??
Survivors see low impact localised permaculture as the only safe way for
humanity to live with our eco-system.
Survivors believe this system of living will be either adopted voluntarily
by ourselves or else imposed on us forcibly by nature.
Survivors act to spread a message of hope for a truly sustainable future.
Survivors act to prepare themselves and their communities in the event of
this message falling on too many deaf ears.
You Are Survivors
Get in touch with the survivors network to contact others.
The Reality Of Climate Change And Our Societies Ability To Adapt.
Many top scientists are now echoing the words of Sir John Houghton,
chairman of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution, who says " if
we do not see a 90% cut in co2 emissions by 2050 we face climate catastrophe".
European environment ministers recently gathered to propose targets for a
60% cut in co2 emissions by 2050, but no agreement was made after business
leaders and economists described the targets as "unrealistic".
These indicators show that the present course of action chosen by our
governments is inadequate, and that our society is unable to adapt to the
environmental demands of the 21st century.
People should have the right to adopt a more ecologically sustainable
Survivors aim to champion that right.
L o w I m p a c t L o c a l i s e d P e r m a c u l t u r e
F u t u r e L i v i n g N o w !
Survivors :- Po Box 3999, Yeovil, Somerset, BA20 9AQ. - swcn at
U . K . S u r v i v o r s N e t w o r k U p d a t e
Yeo Valley Survivors area contact - Somerset
Science, research and information, networking, producing Survivors
magazine, promoting low impact localised permaculture and eco-settlements.
E-Mail - swcn at - Tel - 07818 860577
Beaminster Survivors area contact - Dorset
Raising awareness, working with local schools, networking, eco-settlements,
community action, low impact living and planning issues.
E-Mail - rawfutures at - Tel - 077370 40914
Cheltenham Survivors area Contact - Gloucestershire
Eco-settlement, permaculture and growing, networking, eco- art and
spirituality, planning issues, gaining new skills and knowledge.
E-Mail - sally at - Tel - 07983 324137
Survivors links
Crewkerne Survivors - Somerset
Self build, organic growing, education, collective land purchase. Contact
via YVS.
Lampeter Survivors - Wales
D I Y technology, green growing, repopulation of abandoned village. Contact
via CS.
Chalk Corner Collective - West Dorset
Survivors settlement on donated land, campaign and landbase, Contact via BS.
Seafaring Survivors - South Coast
Sailing skills, crew on a yacht, longbows, weather watching. Contact via YVS.
Cheltenham Eco-Settlement - Gloucestershire
Creating a living survivors landbase in the area. Contact via CS.
Horse-drawn Survivors -
Horse-drawn, bushcraft and nomadic skills and knowledge. Contact via YVS.
Survivors South West Research
Active research for Survivors, collation of climate science information and
current observations, publication of facts, theories, possibilities and
Contact :- dap1 at
UK Survivors Network
A network contact point currently accessible via Yeo Valley Survivors,
providing links to low impact land/urban projects and localisation campaign
groups in the British Isles.
Contact via YVS or post to :- SSW, Po box 3999, Yeovil, Somerset, BA20 9AQ.
Other Survivors
Many people who do not at present fly the Survivors flag are taking similar
actions. The UKSN can inform you of/forward your contact details to, other
related low impact land/urban projects or localisation/environmental
campaign groups in your area.
Join the U. K. Survivors Network
Become an area contact or "advertise your wares" through Survivors links.
P r e p a r e a n d S u r v i v e
"Capitalism is institutionalised bribery" [ed.]
All emails are 'cleartext' to the NSA.
Jesus of Nazareth - our teacher.
All facts, no theory. Proofs of a conspiracy.
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