Planning White Paper Consultation - from FOE
Gerrard Winstanley
office at
Mon Jun 11 12:25:34 BST 2007
FOE: Defend your rights in the planning system
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GOVT: Planning for a Sustainable Future: White Paper
The White Paper sets out our detailed proposals for reform of the
planning system, building on Kate Barker's recommendations for
improving the speed, responsiveness and efficiency in land use
planning, and taking forward Kate Barker's and Rod Eddington's
proposals for reform of major infrastructure planning.
It proposes reforms on how we take decisions on nationally
significant infrastructure projects - including energy, waste, waste-
water and transport - responding to the challenges of economic
globalisation and climate change.
It also proposes further reforms to the Town and Country Planning
system, building on the recent improvements to make it more
efficient and more responsive.
The White Paper asks a range of questions about our proposals, which
are brought together in Annex A of the White Paper. They are also
available as a separate consultation document.
We are very interested to hear views. Please send your response no
later than 17 August 2007.
The Planning White Paper (1.4Mb) is available to download.
The separate Chapters and Annexes have also been made available
individually for ease of printing.
A summary of the White Paper is also available from this link.
What's going on
Major new developments including nuclear power stations and airport
runways could be forced through as part of a major overhaul of
The Government's new Planning White Paper will give pre-approval to
major developments and stop you from having a say. Protect your
rights and local voice in planning.
The Planning White Paper proposes to:
Streamline major projects
- Like nuclear power stations, airports, major roads and large
Stop you from having a say
- By removing your right to be heard in Public Inquiries and local
Destroy local shops
- By removing the retail need test for supermarket applications.
The new developments will lead to a major increase in carbon dioxide
emissions - putting these plans at odds with the Government's aim to
tackle climate change.
By removing your rights to have a say in some vital ways, the
Planning White Paper threatens to dismantle the key checks and
balances that the planning system offers.
Sustainable development is being stripped apart to benefit big
business. These proposals are bad for people, bad for democracy and
bad for the environment.
Tom Picken, Planning Coordinator, Friends of the Earth
How the Planning White Paper affects Wales and Northern Ireland
Major projects such as nuclear power stations, nuclear waste sites
and other big energy projects will be applied UK wide, while
airports, major roads and large waste incinerators will be applied
to England only.
Protect your rights and local voice in planning - please take our
quick online action to respond to this consultation.
What Friends of the Earth is doing >
Planning for a Sustainable Future: Consultation
Publication title: Planning for a Sustainable Future: Consultation
Audience: Local planning authorities, Planning professionals and
users of the planning system
Consultation period: 21 May 2007 to 17 August 2007
Product code: 07 HC 04629/b
Price: Free
On 21 May 2007, the Government published the Planning White Paper,
Planning for a Sustainable Future. The White Paper sets out an
ambitious programme of proposed reforms to the planning system to be
taken forward in the next three years. These reforms will, for the
first time, embrace all development consent regimes, including those
for major energy, water, transport and waste development, as well as
the town and country planning system.
This consultation document asks questions on a number of the key
proposals contained in the White Paper and other issues on which we
wish to seek your views.
The Government invites your comments. Please send your response no
later than 17 August 2007.
Email responses are preferred. If you are replying by email please
include the words consultation response in the subject or title.
These and any queries can be sent to
planningreformconsultation at
Alternatively, postal responses can be sent to the following address:
Planning Reform Team
Communities and Local Government
Zone 3/J2
Eland House
Bressenden Place
London SW1E 5DU
Fax: 020 7944 3919
The telephone number for queries is 020 7944 6511.
This publication is available free of charge from Communities and
Local Government Publications, PO Box 236, Wetherby LS23 7NB. Tel:
0870 1226 236, fax: 0870 1226 237, textphone: 0870 1207 405, email:
communities at Please quote the product code when ordering.
Delivery will be 5 to 7 days from receipt of order. A maximum
quantity restriction may apply.
Alternative formats under Disability Discrimination Act (DDA): if
you require this publication in an alternative format (eg Braille or
audio) please email alternativeformats at
quoting the title and product code/ISBN of the publication, and your
address and telephone number.
Planning for a Sustainable Future: Consultation (PDF 144 Kb)
Consultation period 21 May 2007 to 17 August 2007.
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