BGG re Saturday 24th November 2007 dicegeorge at
Thu Oct 11 13:18:10 BST 2007

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Big Green Gathering Co. Ltd. will be held 
on the 24th November 2007 in Glastonbury. You will receive formal notice of 
this nearer the time.

Dear Shareholder,

As you may have already heard, it is with great regret that we have to 
inform you that the Big Green Gathering Co. Ltd. is presently facing its 
biggest ever financial crisis. Despite initial optimism, the many and 
various bills which have arrived at our office since the Gathering mean that 
we have made (on our current estimate) a further loss of between £60,000 and 
£75,000 on this year's event. When this is added to the accumulated deficit 
with which we began the year, it means that we have a total shortfall of 
approx. £150,000.

In these circumstances we have to face the fact that unless the money can 
somehow be raised in the next month or so, we will have to declare the 
company bankrupt and wind it up at this years Annual General Meeting.

Despite this desperate situation, we have not yet given up hope. We know we 
have very many dedicated supporters, shareholders and Gathering participants 
who will not want to see the BGG go under, and will do whatever they can to 
help. We still have a £50,000 overdraft facility in place, and our guarantor 
has promised to stand by us, so long as the remaining £100,000 can be 

The board of directors are doing everything they can to try and keep the 
company going, and the following appeal has now been sent to all our 
shareholders, staff and customers. Please read it, and do whatever you can. 
In the past week we have already raised over £10,000 in new shares, 
donations and pledges, so if we can keep up this momentum we should be able 
to hit our target by the time of the AGM on Novemver 24th.

Together we can still save the BGG.
Brig Oubridge, Chair.

Urgent help needed - BGG in danger of financial collapse
As we noted in the programme for this year's Big Green Gathering, licence 
conditions imposed by Mendip District Council and Avon & Somerset Police 
added around £120,000 to the costs of this year's event. Now that the bills 
have all come in, it is clear that rather than the profit we might otherwise 
have expected, these extra costs have left us with a loss of up to £75,000 
this year.

Having already built up a deficit of similar proportions in 2005 and 2006, 
this means that the Big Green Gathering Co. Ltd. now has debts exceeding its 
assets by around £150,000, and will have to declare itself bankrupt unless 
we can urgently raise at least £100,000 to stay in business (we already have 
a £50,000 overdraft guarantee in place, and our guarantor is prepared to 
stand by us if we can raise the balance).

These may seem like frighteningly huge sums, but are only a fraction of our 
annual turnover of around three quarters of a million pounds. The total 
3-year loss is still less than £10 each for everyone who attended this 
year's Gathering. Provided we can prevent future costs continuing to 
escalate as they have in the past couple of years, the situation should 
still be recoverable if we can get through the present crisis. On the other 
hand, if we were to default on our creditors now, and the company went 
under, it would probably be impossible to re-start the event without a 
start-up capital of at least a quarter of a million pounds.

There is only limited time in which to act. Bills are already overdue for 
payment, and our creditors need to have confidence that we can sort 
ourselves out to prevent any of them petitioning for the company to be wound 
up. To create that confidence, we need to have raised substantial funds by 
the end of this month, and to know that we are definitely in a position to 
carry on well before our Annual General Meeting in November.

Please act now to help save the Big Green Gathering.
What you can do

1. Find someone else to become a BGG shareholder
We currently have around 750 shareholders who own one share each in the 
company, and we have a further 1250 shares available for sale at £40 each. 
Selling these shares would raise a total of £50,000. Shareholders can attend 
and vote at the company's AGM. As the BGG is a private limited company, all 
share applications have to be approved by the Board of Directors. In view of 
the present situation, new shareholders applying now will be given the 
option of having their application processed immediately (in which case they 
will be able to vote at the AGM, but would lose their money if the company 
has to be wound up) or after the AGM (so their money would only be cashed if 
we raise enough for the company to survive, but they would not have a vote). 
Shares are limited to one per person. If you know someone who wants to apply 
to become a shareholder, please email kerry at and we 
will send you an application form.

2. Send us a donation
Donations may be sent by cheque to BGG, 10 St Johns Sq., Glastonbury BA6 
9LJ, or made on line via the new donations page on our website. [Please note 
that cheques are preferable, as on-line donations are subject to a 4.5% 
processing fee and a 30-day delay.]
If cheques are made out to "BGG Rescue Fund" they will be paid into a 
separate, ring-fenced account, and the money raised will not become 
available to the company or its creditors unless and until the AGM considers 
that sufficient has been received to enable us to avoid bankruptcy. Cheques 
made out to "Big Green Gathering Co. Ltd." will be used for immediate 
payment or part-payment of creditors and essential office running costs.
Pledges of large amounts, whether as donations or loans, should be sent by 
email to kerry at, as should any other ideas or 
suggestions for rescuing the situation.
3. Buy BGG merchandise and music down-loads

See our on-line shop for BGG T-shirts, programmes, postcards and other 
goods. We will also shortly be making available exclusive down-loadable live 
recordings of some of your favourite BGG bands. Every little helps!

4. Keep watching the website for news of up-coming BGG benefit concerts

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Big Green Gathering Co. Ltd. will be held 
on the 24th November 2007 in Glastonbury. You will receive formal notice of 
this nearer the time. (If you are happy to save costs and resources by 
receiving this notice by email, please email 
cathyashley at

As a shareholder you have the right to:

1.Propose any person for appointment as a director of the Big Green 
Gathering Co. Ltd. (they do not need to be a shareholder);

2.Propose motions to be voted on by the shareholders, to be put either as an 
ordinary resolution to the AGM (where they will be voted on by shareholders 
or their proxies attending the AGM). This includes motions to amend the 
company's constitution;

If you are unable to attend the meeting you will be able to appoint a proxy 
to propose the motion on your behalf.

3.In conjunction with a group of 5% of all shareholders (currently approx. 
40), to propose motions be put as a written resolution where they will be 
circulated to the shareholders who will all have the opportunity to vote in 

1.Proposing a director

If you would like to propose someone to be a director you need to do the 

Send to the company secretary (address below)

1.A written proposal, with your signature, clearly stating your own name 
(and share number), the name of the person you intend to propose for 
appointment and the fact that you intend to propose them at the AGM. [If you 
would like to be sent a form of wording please email 
cathyashley at]

2. A written notice, signed by the person you are intending to proposes, 
stating that they are willing to be appointed as a director of the Big Green 
Gathering Co.Ltd. The person will also have the opportunity later to submit 
a photograph and 150 word personal statement in support of their candidacy.

NB To be valid, this proposal must be received by the company between the 
dates of Thursday 18th October and Friday 9th November 2007

HOWEVER if you wish your motion to be included on the written agenda and for 
a statement and photograph to be sent to the shareholders, please submit 
your proposal by Sunday 21st October 2007. [Any nominations not received in 
time for the mail out can still be submitted until the closing date of 9th 
November 2007?]

2.Proposing a motion

If you would like to propose a motion, please find a fellow shareholder to 
Second the motion and send the text to the Company Secretary by Sunday 21st 
October 2007 (if you would like assistance with the wording and formal 
drafting please contact Cathy). Motions not received by this date will not 
be included on the written agenda sent to shareholders, but will be dealt 
with under Any Other Business (AOB).

3.Proposing a written resolution

This process has a number of special rules. If you wish to do this, please 
contact cathyashley at for further details.

PLEASE NOTE We now have approaching 750 shareholders. If you think you will 
be attending the AGM this year, please would you let us know so that we make 
sure we hire a big enough venue. A quick email to 
cathyashley at or phone call to (01803) 868462 will 
suffice (and will not commit you to anything).

Get ya Glad rags on and get ready for
The Big Green Ball at Trinity Arts Centre, Bristol on: Saturday 17th 
November 7pm - 4am (Bar till 2am)
Live music from Arthur Brown (God of HellFire) with Nick Pynn , Bizali: 4 
piece jazz,funk, folk and soul, Sieze The Day: Bold Beautiful Frontline Folk 
& Hattie Hatstar: Comedian, satirist, accordionist, singer songwriter & 
ukulele playing genius... Plus DJ's, special guests, jugglers, walkabouts, 
discussion space, stalls, crazy auction, and much much more big green 

All Profits are being raised to help "Save The Big Green Gathering'

Tickets are £15 via / for more info contact Zora at 
bigpinkproductions at

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