Green Party - No money for post-Olympics regeneration

Mark mark at
Tue Oct 16 14:36:20 BST 2007

Games Legacy Green Party Press Release
First posted last week: Wed Oct 10, 2007

This is a press release about spiralling costs, sent today via Ecoactive
Conference (Hackney based egroup) from a Green Party member:

Press Release:

Legacy under threat in order to pay for Games

Date: Wedn 10th October

For immediate release

Legacy under threat in order to pay for Games

The agencies responsible for delivering the 2012 Olympics will be asked by
Jenny Jones, Green Party London Assembly Member, to reassure Londoners
that the Olympic Legacy will not be sold off to pay for the growing cost
of the Games.

>From the start of this process Londoners were presented with a deal: put
up with the disruption and cost of building and hosting the Games in
return for the regeneration of East London. Now that the huge costs of the
Games have become apparent many fear that sales of land in the Legacy
phase will be used to pay for the event, rather than the other way

We are already seeing the evidence of this as the legacy benefits have
been left behind and sidelined in the Games' planning process. Londoners
are being asked to accept weak commitments on the provision of affordable
housing, insufficient community facilities, and a per capita reduction in
open space.

Jenny Jones will put to following question to Mary Reilly and Manny Lewis,
respectively the Chair and Chief Executive of the London Development
Agency. This will be the second question at this session of Assembly

Event: Assembly Questions to the Olympic Delivery Authority, City Hall,
10am, Wednesday the 10th October

Question: The Legacy Masterplan FLegacy Masterplan for the Olympic Park -
Jenny Jones ramework for the Olympic Park will underpin the development
and regeneration of the area after the Games. Can you update the Assembly
on progress in drawing up the Plan?

Jenny Jones

London Assembly Green Party Member uk/assembly/ members/jonesj. jsp

Press Office: 0207 983 4424 or 0207 983 4358
Jenny: 07786 277 376

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