[diggers350] NO expnansion AIrport Petition

Ian Gregory yahoo at zenatode.org.uk
Fri Sep 28 16:11:33 BST 2007

On Thu, Sep 27, 2007 at 09:17:42AM +0100, Peter Hack wrote:

> there is a petition at the PM's website to stop
> airport expansion only 781 signatures at the last
> count.

I was wondering whether the small number of signatures might
be because there were other petitions demanding the same thing.
When I viewed petitions in the "Transport and infrastructure"
category I did notice that the 7th most popular petition
(with 3623) signatures is to stop further expansion of Stanstead
airport. Depressingly, the 6 most popular petitions in the category
are all pro-car (scrapping congestion charging, road building etc).


Ian Gregory

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