In case you missed it in 1999 - Diggers 350 - Leon Rosselson
Gerrard Winstanley
office at
Wed Aug 6 09:09:36 BST 2008
Leon Rosselson, Andrew Bradstock, Jim Paton - Diggers 350 Weybridge
talks and several songs from Leon Rosselson
"And that not only this Common, or Heath should be taken in and
Manured by the People, but all the Commons and waste Ground in
England, and in the whole World, shall be taken in by the People in
righteousness, not owning any Propriety; but taking the Earth to be a
Common Treasury, as it was first made for all." Gerrard Winstanley,
The True Levellers' Standard Advanced, 1649 30th March - 5th April
1999 A week of Digger activities and action in London and around
George Hill, Surrey. To be followed by Digger occupations everywhere
Land not Jobs ......... Homes for All Cast off the Norman Yoke by
2066! If you don't have anything else planned this Easter weekend, you
could do worse than a spot of trespassing on some mountain or moorland
that will soon be open as of right. Alternatively, if you prefer to
exercise your brain as well as your legs on some of the wider issues
of land use and ownership, both today and in the past, you might like
to join the motley band of modern-day Levellers and Diggers who will
be assembling at St George's Hill, near Weybridge, Surrey, on Saturday
3rd April. There they will be marking the 350th anniversary of the
original Diggers' occupation of common land on the hill, shortly after
the beheading of Charles I, when Gerard Winstanley led a group of
mainly landless peasants to plough and sow the waste with the
intention "that we may . . . lay the Foundation of making the Earth a
Common Treasury for All, both Rich and Poor". "Was the Earth made to
preserve a few covetous, proud men to live at ease, and for them to
bag and barn up the treasures of the Earth from others, that these may
beg or starve in a fruitful land, or was it made to preserve all her
children?" asked Winstanley in The New Law of Righteousness. Faced
with a furious and often violent response from the landed interests of
their day, the Digger settlements in Surrey and elsewhere lasted
barely a year. But their belief in common ownership lived on, to the
extent that a sympathetic exhibition now running in the nearby
Elmbridge Museum bills the Diggers as the founders of British
socialism and St George's Hill as the "birthplace of
communism".....(in its true sense)
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