Urgent Action Needed: Somerset County Farms Under Threat

dansunrise2009 dansunrise at gmail.com
Tue Dec 8 00:39:35 GMT 2009

Today/Tomorrow (Tuesday 8th December), the Conservative administration of Somerset County Council plan to meet in secret to decide whether to accept a proposal to sell off, with immediate effect, ALL County Farms. 

 This will be to the highest bidder at auction. The aim is to raise short term funds...obviously at the cost of the future food security of Somerset, and in opposition to their moral responsibilities as custodians of an entrusted estate. The County Farm estate is a community asset. SCC have been stripping it for years, but this will be the final nail in the coffin. It stands in direct opposition to last weeks NFU South West report on the value of County Farms - http://www.nfuonline.com/x43591.xml

 Anybody in Somerset who wishes to oppose this, please get in touch ASAP. Tonight, at a meeting of Somerset Land and Food, representatives of groups including the Soil Association, Wessex Community Assets, Somerset Community Food, Somerset Primary Care Trust and many others, all agreed to oppose the move with a united voice.

 Email dansunrise at gmail.com if you feel you can help in this campaign. Otherwise, write to the press, your local member and shout it out everywhere you can. 


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