self build united

james armstrong james36armstrong at
Sun Nov 29 14:32:14 GMT 2009

It hasn’t sunk in either to us or to them.
We’re the biggest kid on the block
Whats on offer  
the land to build our own houses,
a privileged  planning category for self –builders
the loudest voice in every housing debate
prosecution of corporate builders for hoarding land 
scrapping Housing Associations which manufacture class division
and dribble overpriced  half houses to waiting list sufferers
Office of Fair Trading Homebuilding Survey 2008 says
“Self build is the biggest supplier of new houses “
I see TEAM  self build is the way forward.
Divided we suffer united we rule. First step is to 
join and work together.  
Self build United (draft structure)
 A foundation for experienced and start up  home-builders
- to promote self build housing
- to publicise the advantages and potential of the sector 
- to share information and resources
- to  connect corporate experience to people initiative
- to encourage start up individual and team projects
- to give face and voice to self builders at government, professional and public levels.
- to promote sustainable construction and development 
- to provide essential resources, off the peg, at the critical start up stage
- provide continuity and encouragement in the extended embryonic project formation stage
- to negotiate planning, insurance and finance packages tailored for self builders 
JA  28 November 2009
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