[diggers350] Downing Street petition on UKERC report

Michael Macpherson mm at iniref.org
Tue Oct 27 10:58:47 GMT 2009

If a petition like this could lead to a referendum then it could produce 
real change. As things are, it will be ignored by the powers that be.

More examples. Greenpeace has listed ten policy aims (at its web site). 
Some of these could be formulated as "citizens' initiatives" and, if we 
had the right to demand referendum, we could change what the government 

More about citizen-led democracy via http://www.iniref.org/


Paul Mobbs wrote:

 > A petition to ask Brown to respond to the UKERC report
 > [http://www.ukerc.ac.uk/support/Global%20Oil%20Depletion] on the 
impacts of an
 > imminent peak in global oil production is now on-line:
 > http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/UKERCoilreport/
 > It's worth signing, if only for the entertainment value of Gordon 
Brown trying
 > to resolve in words the contradictory messages of market economics 
with the
 > reality of what a declining energy supply means for the 'business as 
 > mentality.
 > [please forward!!]
 > P.
 > - --

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