Fwd: Donald Trump and CPOs

Simon Fairlie chapter7 at tlio.org.uk
Tue Sep 22 10:41:09 BST 2009

Please support the  campaign against Donald Trump's mega golf course  
in Aberdeenshire, allowed by the Scottish government despite refusa;  
at local level. Trump is now trying to eject people using Compulsory  
Purchase Orders, not for anything of public benefit but for a luxury  

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Libby Porter" <l.porter at lbss.gla.ac.uk>
> Date: 22 September 2009 08:30:41 BDT
> To: <pnuk at gla.ac.uk>
> Subject: FW: Donald Trump and CPOs
> The message below is really important - please sign the petition  
> and do what you can to help out. Libby
> There is only 10 days left until the 1st of October which is an  
> extremely important day because it is the day the council will  
> decide on how they are going to deal with the issue of compulsory  
> purchase orders (CPO).  Tripping Up Trump has grown rapidly this  
> week , more and more people are becoming unsettled about Trump’s  
> aggressive tactics.  If Trump’s request to use CPO’s is granted it  
> will set a dangerous precedent, this is not for a hospital or a  
> school but for the private interest of an exclusive golf course and  
> housing development.  We all need to try our very best to be in  
> there on the Big Day and stand up for the families affected.   
> Please mark the date in your diary and please make a special effort  
> to be there on the 1st of October, because if this power is granted  
> then no-one's home is safe.
> Weekly News
> This week Trump publicly displayed the plans for his development  
> but still failed to adequately address the issue of the unjust  
> Compulsory Purchase Orders.  Residents are getting more and more  
> concerned about the issue and have called for clear dialogue on the  
> matter.  Click link above for latest news.
> How you can help
> October the 1st
> We are calling for your support and would ask if you could come and  
> join us on the 1st of October.  It is vital that there is a strong  
> support for the councillors that are brave enough to stand up to  
> Trump.  This will be a pivotal point in this campaign and if we all  
> gather together for this one occasion then we have the chance of  
> helping to deliver justice to the families and residents threatened.
> Wherever you are please come and join us on this eventful day.   
> Organise others to come and inform as many people as possible about  
> the occasion.  We need the thousands of Tripping Up Trump members  
> to rally together on this one.  Thank you.
> We have accommodation available the night before if anyone would  
> like it.
> Contact – trippinguptrump at googlemail.com“We would be extremely  
> grateful if you could come and support us on this very important  
> day."   David Milne (Local Resident)
> Petition
> Please sign our petition to stop the council using Compulsory  
> Purchase.  We are approaching 6,000 signatures so thank you all for  
> your help.  We will deliver it to the council on the 1st.
> Write to the councillors
> Please show your concern and support to the residents by emailing  
> the councillors that will have to vote on the 1st.
> Spread the word
> Thousands of people have joined the campaign but please keep  
> spreading the word.  The website is constantly being updated so it  
> is always good to point people in that direction.
> Upcoming Events
> Tripping Up Trump Gig (Sept 25th)
> Local musicians and poets will perform their work at the Blue lamp  
> Pub in Aberdeen on the 25th.  All the work has been inspired by the  
> controversial development.  Should be a fantastic night and starts  
> at 7.00pm.
> Menie Tour
>  (Sept 27th)
> Local residents will be giving a tour of the dunes and the  
> properties that are under threat.  It will be a unique opportunity  
> to hear the story of the families affected and get some real  
> insight into how Donald Trump is using aggressive tactics to try  
> and get this way.
> Please email trippinguptrump at googlemail.com for more info.
> Thank you all again for your support and keep spreading the word  
> because this is a pivotal campaign for human and environmental rights.
> Let’s make it happen on October the 1st!
> TUT Team
> www.trippinguptrump.com
> -----------
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> accounts. Find out how.
> Add other email accounts to Hotmail in 3 easy steps. Find out how.
> Have more than one Hotmail account? Link them together to easily  
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