'priced out campaign'

Andrew Pratt andyprattt at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 6 21:07:22 BST 2010



I am interested to know what the diggers email readers think of this campaign (featured in the Guardian on saturday)


Some connections with 'diggers isues' but....  the bigger issues?


PricedOut is the only independent group that campaigns on behalf of priced out first time buyers and owner occupiers. We represent the 1.2 million first time buyers who have been denied their own home because government policy gives billions in tax breaks to property speculators. We actively campaign the Government to increase housing affordability by:

Increasing taxation on buy-to-let and multiple home ownership; 
Building more homes; 
Improving tenants' rights; 
Improving the sustainability of the housing market, preventing a further boom in house prices. 

With thanks Andrew Pratt 07980 602088

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