Fwd: [project2012] Hang on to your vote!

Mark Barrett marknbarrett at googlemail.com
Wed Mar 17 22:03:12 GMT 2010

  Please spread the word

>  *Calling out for Peoples' Assemblies*
> Draft Call:
> *People have the right to exercise power and not just vote for others to
> do it for them.*
> Party politicians offer no hope, because they all prop up the state or
> private capital. Therefore the recovery and future of politics must be
> people, not state or private led.
> That is why in election year we are calling for all-inclusive, people and
> planet friendly,  independent Peoples' Assemblies to be convened  across
> the country.
> We will be convening a People's Assembly in Parliament Square on May 1stas part of the May Day celebrations, and inviting everyone participating in
> the day to become an equal voice in that Assembly.
> In this instance it is hoped the people will use the Assembly to organise
> direct action together,
> creating a powerful, practical and symbolic insitution of true democratic
> power in direct contrast to representative democracy, the present government
> and forthcoming elections.
> But we also believe the heart of this movement must be local. So, this is
> why for all of you who are beginning to recognise that the only way of
> creating a more just, democratic and ecologically sustainable world is by
> doing it yourself, we are calling on you everywhere to start advertising and
> holding local Peoples' Assemblies in your area.
> This is not more top down initiative, but rather a decentralised,
> democratic local community-led movement, vital to the restoration of
> equality, and the creation of a politics that is is genuinely equal and in
> which you set the agenda.
> To begin with the Assemblies could simply act as a forum to link up the
> people and groups that live and work in your community, but over time it is
> hoped that through discussion in a free, open and inlusive democratic space
> you will be able to develop real people-led solutions to your problems.
> Under this banner it is hoped too that you will begin to realise the innate
> power vested in you, that it is still and shall forever be sovereign, and
> that in matters concerning your own life only you have the right to exercise
> it.
> Only by organising together in this way can we the people truly uphold the
> values of civil society, truth, justice, fairness and equality, and ensure
> that they take their, and we take our, rightful place at the table.
> For only here through local People's Assemblies, rather than in those
> corridoors of power at Westminster, will any decisions regarding your future
> actually be legitimate, because you will be the ones making them, and only
> you have that right.
> For more information on how to hold a People's Assembly in your area go to
> www.meltdown.uk.net, a loose affiliation of organisations advocating and
> organising the demonstration of real democratic power around election 2010.
> Yours
> Election Meltdown

*Hang on to your vote! Build People's Assemblies!*
*A World to Win election statement*

Britain is heading for a crisis general election. The outcome for ordinary
people will be the same whichever of the major parties comes out on top or
joins together to form a coalition or even a national government. Jobs,
services, pensions and wages will be sacrificed to appease the very
financiers who helped wreck the economy in the first place.

So we should hang on to our votes at this election; they are too precious to
waste on New Labour and should certainly not be handed over to the Tories or
Liberal Democrats. Holding on to our votes will deny all these parties the
legitimacy they seek or a mandate to wreck services. Read the whole
statement at http://www.aworldtowin.net/about/hangontoyourvote.html
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