TMRW United Anti-Cuts Assembly / PA Network

Mark Barrett marknbarrett at
Fri Apr 1 19:42:39 BST 2011

Hey there

Sorry for cross posting

At this crucial time information on the following two meetings and links
about Assemblies needs to be distributed as far and wide as possible - by
email, twitter, facebook, pigeon, smoke signals, the works - and everyone
needs to come along and participate in these meetings and of course come to
Trafalgar Square this Saturday from 6pm to help re-occupy.

(1) *This Saturday 2nd April *3pm-6pm UCL in Wilkins Gustave Tuck LT:  *
United Anti-Cuts Assembly* supported by the National Campaign Against Fees
and Cuts, Education Activist Network, the Right to Work Campaign, Coalition
of Resistance and People's Assemblies Network. See full info below and @

(2) *Next Saturday 9th April *1pm-5pm Birkbeck  *
Peoples Assemblies Network Meeting
see attached flier for distribution)

(3) *Selection of Post - March 26th Interviews* by PPS UK about Alternatives
from different strands from movement including Peoples Assemblies

(4) *New Statesman article on Assemblies, Democracy and Common Welfare* at

This Saturday, there will be United Anti-Cuts Assembly at UCL to build on
the successes of Saturday. This is an open mass meeting: although called
originally by NCAFC, it should be viewed as the property of all anti-cuts
networks, organisations and individuals. Email againstfeesandcuts at gmail.comand
ec.officer at to add your support to the meeting.

Agenda items will be posted on as issues
arise following the demonstration. Email ec.officer at to add items.

Meeting sponsors: National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts, Right to Work,
Education Activist Network, Coalition of Resistance, People's Assemblies

Be there, and invite everyone you know!

Apathy is Dead
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