Chris Busby challenges George Monbiot to TV nuke debate

Tony Gosling tony at
Tue Mar 29 12:42:32 BST 2011

Nuclear Expert Calls Global Warming Alarmist Monbiot "Criminally 
Irresponsible" For Downplaying Fukushima

Dr. Christopher Busby calls Monbiot's claims "total nonsense," 
challenges British environmentalist to television debate 

Paul Joseph Watson - <>Prison 
<> - Monday, March 28, 2011

Prominent nuclear and radiation expert Dr. Christopher Busby has 
slammed British global warming alarmist George Monbiot as being 
"criminally irresponsible" for writing a series of articles for the 
Guardian in which Monbiot downplays the threat of radiation from the 
stricken Fukushima nuclear plant in a bid to shore up his claims 
about man-made climate change being a far deadlier concern.

In the wake of Fukushima, we have seen numerous self-proclaimed 
environmentalists who are normally so quick to raise the alarm about 
devastation caused by man-made global warming, actually downplaying 
the environmental concerns attached to the Fukushima crisis, 
radiation, and nuclear power in general.

Chief amongst them is prominent British environmentalist George 
Monbiot, who in an article for the London Guardian last week 
Fukushima made me stop worrying and love nuclear power, wrote that 
critics of how Fukushima is being handled had, "wildly exaggerated 
the dangers of radioactive pollution".

"As a result of the disaster at Fukushima, I am no longer 
nuclear-neutral. I now support the technology," added Monbiot.

Monbiot's bizarre nuclear "kool-aid" moment was perhaps written in 
haste at a time when he believed Japanese claims that the crisis was 
diminishing. But in the past few days, the situation at Fukushima has 
worsened considerably. Officials hastily retracted numbers yesterday 
which suggested that radiation levels in the containment building of 
reactor number 2 
an astounding 10 million times above normal. In addition, water 
purifications plants across Japan 
been told to stop taking in rainwater as radiation levels in the 
atmosphere continue to rise.

Monbiot's rhetoric is a stark reminder that many leading 
environmentalists don't give a damn about real threats to the 
environment, preferring instead to spend all their time obsessing 
about carbon dioxide emissions and thinking up new ways to exploit 
global warming fearmongering as a means of controlling every aspect 
of our lives.

While weaving terrorizing scenarios about man-made climate change 
making whole areas of the planet uninhabitable, most notably the 
island of Tuvulu, 
global warming alarmists already claim has been abandoned due to 
rising sea levels when in fact its population has doubled in the past 
three decades, alarmists like Monbiot don't seem to be too fussed 
when real environmental catastrophes like Chernobyl really do make 
entire regions uninhabitable.

Indeed, others have gone even further. 
Ann Coulter appeared on Fox News to ludicrously proclaim that 
exposure to radiation was "good for you". Given that she's so 
enamored with the apparent health benefits of radioactive fallout, 
studies blame for nearly a million cancer deaths in the 25 years 
since Chernobyl, we offered to send Coulter on an all-expenses paid 
holiday to Fukushima. We've not heard back from her.

Monbiot's father, Raymond Geoffrey Monbiot, was the deputy chairman 
of the Conservative Party and Chairman of the National Convention. 
His mother Rosalie, the elder daughter of Roger Gresham Cooke, M.P. 
is a Conservative councillor who led South Oxford district council 
for a decade.

Raymond Monbiot was behind rule changes to exclude party members from 
voting for the leader

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