Fwd: News from Sol / Dec Global Days 10th - 18th #occupyxmas

Mark Barrett marknbarrett at googlemail.com
Thu Nov 3 23:17:30 GMT 2011

 Hey! Madrid Sol International Assembly
has now endorsed the call for global day of action for human rights
and democracy on *World Human Rights Day Sat Dec10* pls spread word to
your Assemblies and contacts ! Already before
this it was being taken up Syrian, Tunisian and Morroccan activists
plus people at Occupy Washington and Wall st, and international
Democracia Real Ya activists and Adbusters.

 Please note also that Dec 18th is *A Day of Global Action Against Racism
and for the Rights or Migrants, Refugees and Displaced people and the World
Charter of Migrants*

So please tell your
Assemblies, international commission contacts etc etc.

More info soon,
virtual planning Sunday eve all welcome, and let's add loads of new rights.
Madrid suggests why not the right to revolt, And what about the Right to
the City
eg http://newleftreview.org/?view=2740

We can make a staging post of global solidarity for the protection of the
individual and new collective rights from London to Cairo to Riyadh to
Oakland to Madrid and beyond, and from there on into 2012!

Please spread the word.
Love and solidarity!

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