OccupyLSX Land Working Group

Darren mail at vegburner.co.uk
Sat Nov 26 23:06:43 GMT 2011

.Minutes for the second meeting of the land group at occupylsx

Land occupations around London

     * Grow Heathrow which is shortly to be taken to court for eviction
     * Land occupation in West Norwood (near Croydon)

Land based intentional communities / The Occupy Land Fund

     * Many intentional communities around England with land.
     * A significant number have land / building resources that are not 
being used
     * It was suggested that this is due to the closed structure of 
these communities. Current community members feel unwilling or 
uncomfortable admitting new members.
     * Having an open structure (similar to how the Occupy movement 
works) would bypass this.
     * Intentional communities have full time residents
     * Seasonal workers can stay on land while they are working there 
without planning permission

The Enclosures

     * The enclosures and highland clearances and the colonisation and 
enclosure of foreign lands laid down the foundations for our current 
economic system. Land became the legal property of its owner, used for 
their benefit. It became a commodity.

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