Millionaires Receive the Majority of US Farm Subsidies
Tony Gosling
tony at
Mon Feb 27 23:08:53 GMT 2012
Subsidizing Biotech and Big Ag, Informational Video
Millionaires Receive the Majority of Farm Subsidies
Posted By Dr. Mercola | February 27 2012 | 17,322 views
A more accurate picture, as summarized concisely
in the Organic Consumers Association video above,
is this: those "real" farmers, the ones who truly
need it, receive only a few thousand dollars a
year, maybe less, while the rest serves to line
the pockets of the millionaire "farmers" who own
massive factory farms and who have probably
rarely spent a day with their hands in the dirt.
According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG),i between 1995 and 2010:
10 percent of farmers collected 74 percent of all
subsidies, amounting to nearly $166 billion over 16 years
62 percent of U.S. farmers did not collect subsidy payments
The bottom 80 percent of recipients averaged just $587 a year
Now, if you look at the leading recipients of
commodity subsidies, you'll see the highest
earners received payments numbering in the
hundreds of millions from 1995-2010 for the top
three! Unfortunately, the USDA is far from
transparent with their subsidy data, and EWG was
not able to track down who is actually receiving
this money, as recipients of payments made
through most cooperatives, and the amounts, have not been made public.
However, as EWG explained, it is clear that many
of the recipients are not exactly losing their
shirts over a dip in market prices for grain:ii
As critics have put it, this is essentially giving "welfare to millionaires."
despite lawmakers' boasts of enacting major
reforms in the 2008 farm bill, the new data
clearly show that wealthy absentee land owners
and mega farms awash in record income are once
again the main beneficiaries of federal farm
programs while struggling family farmers go begging.
And once again, the database shows that many farm
subsidy recipients get those fat government
checks at addresses in New York City, Miami,
Chicago and Los Angeles not exactly farm
country, and a far cry from the programs'
original intent.
The database revealed, for
example, that Florida real estate developer
Maurice Wilder, reportedly worth $500 million,
was pulling in almost $1 million a year in farm
subsidies for corn farms he owns in several states."
And Then There are the Recipients Who are Not Even Farmers at All
The absurdity of federal farm subsidies gets
worse still, as even non-farmers who moved into
residential areas that once were farmland have
received farm subsidy payments from the
government, as have wealthy farmers who have
received annual payments even when they are no
longer growing the subsidized crop.
In 2008, the "actively engaged" rule was put
forth specifically to nip this type of fraud in
the bud. As its name implies, only those who are
"actively engaged" in farming are supposed to be
receiving the subsidies. But, alas, when EWG
released its updated database in 2011, they found
no changes to the status quo:iii
"Despite this rule, subsidies still line the
pockets of absentee land owners and investors
living in every major American city. In 2010,
7,767 residents of just five Texas cities
Lubbock, Amarillo, Austin, San Angelo and Corpus
Christi collected $61,748,945 in
taxpayer-funded subsidies. Residents of Lubbock
booked $24,839,154 in payments, putting it at the
top of cities with 100,000+ populations that are
home to farm subsidy recipients. The phenomenon
of urban residents receiving federal farm
payments remains widespread and coast-to-coast."
Mega-Farms Receive Fixed Annual Cash Payments, Whether They Need Them or Not
You may also be surprised to learn that while
farm subsidies initially were created to protect
staple crops during times of war, reduce crop
surpluses and provide monetary support to farmers
when crop prices fell, today mega-farms receive
subsidies whether they need them or not.
The transition away from a needs-based system
came in 1996, when lawmakers developed a "market
transition" payment system for farmers. The idea
was to phase out the subsidies over a seven-year
transition period, during which farmers would
receive an annual fixed cash payment based upon
the number of acres on the farm (these direct
payments were given as long as the land was not
developed -- even if nothing was planted).
Of course, this ensures that the largest farms
also receive the largest payments, and contrary
to its original intent, the payments have not
declined annually nor has the program gone away.
It still exists today. EWG reported:iv
"Farm programs turned into a cash crop for big
agribusinesses, which co-opted federal policy and
turned it into a perennial giveaway that
disproportionately benefits large landowners and
wealthy farm operations. And that remains the reality today.
The industrial agriculture lobby has been
defending the controversial "direct payment" form
of taxpayer-funded subsidies ever since they were
first authorized. These fixed, automatic checks
go out every year to the largest growers of
commodity crops, such as corn and cotton, whether
farmers need them or not and despite the fact
that farm household income has eclipsed average
U.S. household income. Farm income for the
largest operations, in particular, has soared sky high."
Subsidies Support Junk Food Diets, Chronic
Disease and Environmentally Devastating CAFOs
The farm subsidy program is upside down not only
in which farmers it chooses to support, but also
in which foods it funds. Have you ever noticed
that it's often cheaper to buy a loaf of bread
than a pound of broccoli or even a pound of
ground beef than a similar amount of green
peppers? Or have you wondered how you can get a
value meal at numerous fast-food restaurants for
far less money than it takes to purchase foods to
make a healthy meal, such as organic chicken and
fresh veggies, for your family at home?
Perhaps this disparity has struck you as odd.
After all, what makes vegetables more expensive
than bread or meat? It's clearly nothing inherent
to their growing requirements. Instead, it's the
direct result of government farm subsidies, which
favor the very foods you should eat less of if you want to stay healthy.
The top four most heavily subsidized foods? Corn, wheat, soybeans and rice.
By subsidizing these, particularly corn and soy,
the U.S. government is actively supporting a diet
that consists of these grains in their processed
form, namely high fructose corn syrup (HFCS),
soybean oil, and grain-fed cattle all of which
are now well-known contributors to obesity and chronic diseases.
Many of these subsidized grain crops are also
used for animal feed, animals raised on confined
animal feeding operations (CAFOs). As it stands,
2 percent of U.S. livestock facilities produce 40
percent of farm animals,v and these large,
corporate-owned CAFOs have been highly promoted
as the best way to produce food for the masses
(beef is also the seventh most heavily subsidized
food). In reality, it has lead to an abundance of
cheap food, but not without serious consequences:
Loss of water quality through nitrogen and
phosphorus contamination in rivers, streams and
ground water (which contributes to "dramatic
shifts in aquatic ecosystems and hypoxic zones")
Agricultural pesticide contamination to streams,
ground water and wells, and safety concerns to
agricultural workers who use them
A decline in nutrient density of 43 garden crops
(primarily vegetables, which suggests "possible
tradeoffs between yield and nutrient content)
Large emission of greenhouse gases including carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide
Negative impact on soil quality through such
factors as erosion, compaction, pesticide
application and excessive fertilization
A classic video on the U.S. government's fatally
flawed agricultural subsidy programs, and how
they affect your nutritional choices and health,
is "How to Get Fat Without Really Trying" with
Peter Jennings. Although it's several years old
and Peter has passed away, the video still speaks
the truth because virtually nothing has changed.
If anything, the situation has actually worsened.
Help Prompt Change by Supporting Small Organic Farmers
It may be tempting to buy the cheap foods that
the government is "paying you" to eat
but this
choice will come back to haunt you in the form of
health problems and increased medical bills later
on. Try as they may, industry lobbyists still
cannot force you to buy subsidized junk foods and
foods raised in unhealthy "agribusiness"
conditions. The choice is entirely yours, and
consumer demand will always win eventually, so
the more you demand healthy, unadulterated foods,
the more they must produce, one way or another.
I strongly encourage you to support small family
farms in your area, especially those that are
embracing organic and traditional farming
practices. These are the real farmers who need
your support, and who are growing food that will
nurture your health instead of harm it.
+44 (0)7786 952037
"Capitalism is institutionalised bribery."
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic
poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
Fear not therefore: for there is nothing covered
that shall not be revealed; and nothing hid that
shall not be made known. What I tell you in
darkness, that speak ye in the light and what ye
hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. Matthew 10:26-27
Die Pride and Envie; Flesh, take the poor's advice.
Covetousnesse be gon: Come, Truth and Love arise.
Patience take the Crown; throw Anger out of dores:
Cast out Hypocrisie and Lust, which follows whores:
Then England sit in rest; Thy sorrows will have end;
Thy Sons will live in peace, and each will be a friend.
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