Sweet Janus

james armstrong james36armstrong at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 26 09:29:00 BST 2012

SWEET JANUS                                                                                                      CAP:sj

Tate and Lyle received Euros 829,975,239 in payments between
1999 and 2011.


CAP payments in Europe amount to
Euros 55billion p.a. (farmsubsidy.org)


CAP payments cost UK
taxpayers £3.9bn p.a. (2009, includes a fine of £200m for incompetence) 

 This is equivalent to
£180 per UK
household p.a. 

(£390  according to D
Tel of  9 Jul09 must include UK’s
EU membership fee) 


After nearly 40 years of operation in U.K.,
knowledge of CAP in Britain
is low.

A Eurobarometer poll in 2009 found only 15% of people in Britain
had heard of CAP and thought they knew what it was. Knowledge of  the cost to each household and of the following
is  likely to be lower still.


British S ugar Cpn received a CAP cheques for £81million in
2009  for UK


Secretary of State for Agriculture is Ms Caroline
Spelman  ( i/c distributing CAP) 

Before becoming Minister Ms Spelman worked over four years
for NFU as  Secretary to the Sugar-beet Committee.
(Later setting up her own consultancy business-still operating) 


NFU are a commercial organization who include the largest
agribusiness interests and whose  50,000
members are among the larger operators who, it is reasonable to deduce, claim
an estimated £1billion or more in UK  each year as CAP payments.


Prior to Britain
joing EEC in 1973, NFU opened an office in Brussels.  

Ex president of the NFU, Lord, Sir Henry Plumb, on  his retirement from NFU office.    

became a euro MEP. 
This body meets in Strasbourg
also in Brussels and Amsterdam.


Lord Plumb became President of the European  Parliament  
President of the Agriculture committee of Euro Parliament and  President of the Conservative group of  Political parties funded by the Euro
Parliament.                                       From the
NFU  web site,

“The NFU London Office near to parliament… houses the NFU’s
parliamentary lobbying operation…NFU performs a crucial role in Brussels
advising and lobbying the EU Commission and Euro M.P’s” 

 Chief among their
aims will be to ensure bigger CAP cheques for NFU members. 

Mr Plumb and NFU had a vital part in designing  and working theCAP payments scheme. 

 Listeners to BBC
Radio Four Farming Today will be familiar with contributions from NFU particularly
from their President Mr Peter Kendall  

Monopolies are not illegal , except when used against the
public interest. In U.K.,
British Sugar and Tate & Lyle  share
a monopoly of wholesale and retail sugar sales.

After investigation in UK
by Office of Fair Trading, British Sugar and Tate and Lyle were fined  by EU Commission  Euros 33 million. for price fixing sugar in UK.(Indep.

 14 Oct 1998) see cap-payments.defra.gov.uk  alsofarmsubsidies.org      James Armstrong

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