export subsidies on food

james armstrong james36armstrong at hotmail.com
Tue May 1 12:12:43 BST 2012

Fool that I am , I thought I had plumbed  the depths of CAP chicanery  when I discovered secret cheques to millionaires, destruction of wildlife, expenditure unaccounted in the Budget and   obscure tariffs making food prices dearer here and penalising  3 world suppliersl Now there are export subsidies ....and? .... james   
 -"CONCORD considers it fundamental that all CAP payments should
strictly match European market demand and that production is managed in such a way
which prevents dumping exports to compete with local agricultural production of
farmers in developing countries.


The EC
communication on the CAP argues that export subsidies should be kept as a
‘safety net’ and used in cases of ‘significant price declines’. The European
Commission even highlights the re-introduction of
export subsidies for dairy products in 2009 as a
successful market intervention (p. 9). But previous experience from EU export
subsidies has often shown a devastating impact on food
security in developing countries, which earlier this year led the European
Parliament to conclude that export subsidies for European diary products
“a blatant violation of the core principles of policy coherence for development.”[1]

CONCORD therefore strongly emphasises the need to
internationally eliminate all export subsidies in their various forms as part
of the completion of WTO Doha Round.



CONCORD is the European
confederation of relief and development NGOs, representing 25 national NGO
platforms and 18 international networks across Europe. CONCORD leads reflection and
political actions and regularly engages in dialogue with the European
institutions and other civil society organisations.  

The European
Food Security Group offers a forum for European NGOs involved in food and
agriculture issues, and acts as a reference group in CONCORD on these issues for
structured and regular dialogue between NGOs and with European institutions and
Members States. In line with the overarching goals of CONCORD, the EFSG aims at
building on the expertise of its members and their strategic partnerships with
other concerned sectors of European civil society and with Southern
organizations and networks, especially the organisations of smallholder
farmers, pastoralists, small-scale fishers and other food providers, and
promoting their interests in designing, implementing, evaluating or consulting
about relevant European Policies."



[1] EP report, The EU
Policy Coherence for Development and the 'Official Development Assistance plus
concept’, paragraph 44, adopted on 18 May 2010, http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?type=TA&language=EN&reference=P7-TA-2010-0174

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