[Squares] Fw: [reclaiming-spaces] Fwd: Re: [iai.memb] Thirty housing rights activists were arrested in Budapest>>> IAI solidarity
Mark Barrett
marknbarrett at googlemail.com
Mon Jan 21 14:17:48 GMT 2013
Cheers Miki and I have sent your links to original poster
On 21 January 2013 13:16, Mikifus <mikifus at gmail.com> wrote:
> Published:
> http://acampadabcninternacional.wordpress.com/2013/01/21/en-fr-es-thirty-housing-rights-activists-were-arrested-in-budapest-iai-solidarity/
> Posted in the international housing group in Facebook:
> https://www.facebook.com/groups/125770510921705/
> Twitter link:
> https://twitter.com/15MBcn_int/status/293345245528211457
> 2013/1/21 <marknbarrett at googlemail.com>
>> FYI
>> -------- Messaggio originale -------- Oggetto: Re: [iai.memb] Thirty
>> housing rights activists were arrested in Budapest>>> IAI solidarity Data:
>> 21 Jan 2013 04:12:19 -0000 Mittente: Prashanth K Anthony
>> <pkanthony at rediffmail.com> <pkanthony at rediffmail.com> Rispondi-a:
>> iai.memb at list.habitants.org A: iai.memb at list.habitants.org
>> <iai.memb at list.habitants.org> <iai.memb at list.habitants.org>
>> Dear Cesare,
>> Thanks for the mail. We support and remain in solidarity with all
>> inhabitants fighting for the decent shelter and right to housing. decent
>> shelter and right to livelihood is a basic need of all human beings that
>> our states should take it seriously and respect the homeless poor.
>> In solidarity,
>> Anthony
>> PROUD, India
>> From: International Alliance of Inhabitants <info at habitants.org><info at habitants.org>
>> Sent: Sun, 20 Jan 2013 20:56:04
>> To: A Vros Mindenki <avarosmindenkie at gmail.com><avarosmindenkie at gmail.com>
>> Cc: 'RECLAIMING SPACES LIST' <reclaiming-spaces at listi.jpberlin.de><reclaiming-spaces at listi.jpberlin.de>,
>> iai.memb at list.habitants.org, USACAI-PSC <usacai.sc at list.habitants.org><usacai.sc at list.habitants.org>
>> Subject: [iai.memb] Thirty housing rights activists were arrested in
>> Budapest>>> IAI solidarity
>> *(EN)*
>> Dear friends of A Város Mindenkié,
>> First of all, I would like to express full solidarity of the
>> International Alliance of Inhabitants with your struggles, which we also
>> consider our own, and firmly demand that all activists be freed right now!
>> The squatting of vacant housing is not a crime, but it is a legitimate
>> action because of the failure of states to respect their legal obligation,
>> assumed by the ratification of the International Covenant on Economic,
>> Social and Cultural Rights, to protect the right to housing by appropriate
>> policies. It is therefore a form of struggle that the inhabitants
>> organizations are implementing all over the world, a self-defense tool of
>> the victims of the real estate markets in response to the housing and
>> global crisis caused by neoliberal policies.
>> For these reasons we are looking fo your proposals to support your claims
>> by an international campaign of solidarity, beginning by the edition and
>> dissemination of the news in many languages.
>> As a practical contribution to building of global solidarity with local
>> struggles, we inform you that, under the forthcoming World Assembly of
>> Inhabitants (WSF, Tunis, 26-30 March 2013) organized by the international
>> networks for the right to housing, we plan, in particular an International
>> Meeting for Victims of the Real Estate Markets, with the aim of uniting
>> forces in solidarity to confront economic housing insecurity, that is,
>> evictions, foreclosures, real estate scams etc.
>> This activity will be relevant not only for our discussions and
>> agreements but also, perhaps most importantly, because it supports the
>> subsequent development of joint mobilizations leading to new proposals, in
>> which the social organizations of each country will be the main actors,
>> supported by international solidarity.
>> In light of this, and considering your commitments and achievements in
>> this area, as well as your roots in the community, We would like to count
>> on your participation!
>> Looking forwards your comments: Housing, not jails ! Right to housing for
>> all! and ciao in solidarity.
>> *(FR)**
>> *
>> Chers amis de A Mindenkié Város,
>> Tout d'abord, je voudrais exprimer la totale solidarité de l'Alliance
>> Internationale des Habitants avec vos luttes, que nous considérons
>> également comme à nous, ainsi qu'exiger la liberté immédiate de tous les
>> activistes tout de suite!
>> Le squat de logements vacants n'est pas un crime, mais c'est une action
>> légitime en raison de l'incapacité des États à respecter leur obligation
>> légale, assumée par la ratification du Pacte International relatif aux
>> Droits Économiques, Sociaux et Culturels, de protéger le droit au logement
>> par de politiques appropriées. Il s'agit en effet d'une forme de lutte que
>> les organisations d'habitants mettent en œuvre partout dans le monde, un
>> outil de auto-défense des victimes des marchés immobiliers en réponse à la
>> crise du logement et globale causée par les politiques néolibérales.
>> Nous attendons donc vos propositions pour les soutenir par une campagne
>> internationale de solidarité, en commençant par l'édition et la diffusion
>> des nouvelles dans de nombreuses langues.
>> Comme contribution concrète au renforcement de la solidarité
>> internationale avec les luttes locales, nous vous informons que, dans le
>> cadre de la prochaine Assemblée Mondiale des Habitants (FSM, Tunis, 26-30
>> Mars 2013) organisée par les réseaux internationaux pour le droit au
>> logement, nous avons en programme, notamment, une Réunion internationale
>> des victimes des marchés immobiliers, dans le but d'unir solidairement les
>> forces pour affronter l'insécurité du logement pour des raisons
>> économiques, c'est-à-dire les expulsions, les saisies, les escroqueries
>> immobilières, etc.
>> Cette activité se révélera pertinente non seulement pour nos discussions
>> et accords, mais aussi, peut-être le plus important, pour favoriser le
>> développement de mobilisations conduisant à de nouvelles propositions,
>> soutenues par la solidarité internationale, desquelles les organisations
>> sociales de chaque pays seront les protagonistes.
>> Pour ces raisons, et compte tenu vos engagements et acquis dans ce
>> domaine, ainsi que vos racines dans la communauté, nous aimerions compter
>> sur votre participation!
>> Dans l'attente de vos propositions: Des logements, pas de des prisons!
>> Droit au logement pour tous! et ciao et en solidarité
>> *(ES)*
>> Queridos amigos de A Varos Mindenkié,
>> En primer lugar, quisiera expresar la total solidaridad de la Alianza
>> Internacional de Habitantes con sus luchas, que consideramos como nuestras,
>> y para exigir la liberación inmediata de todos los activistas!
>> La ocupación de viviendas vacias no es un delito, pero es una acción
>> legítima debido a la incapacidad de los Estados para cumplir con su
>> obligación legal, asumida al ratificar el Pacto Internacional de Derechos
>> Económicos, Sociales y Culturales, para proteger el derecho a la vivienda
>> mediante políticas adecuadas. De hecho, es una forma de lucha que las
>> organizaciones de habitantes implementan en todo el mundo, una herramienta
>> para la auto-defensa de las víctimas de los mercados inmobiliarios en
>> respuesta a la crisis de la vivienda y global causada por las políticas
>> neoliberales.
>> Así que esperamos sus propuestas para apoyar una campaña de solidaridad
>> internacional, comenzando con la edición y difusión de noticias en varios
>> idiomas.
>> Como una contribución práctica al fortalecimiento de la solidaridad
>> internacional con las luchas locales, les informamos que, en la próxima
>> Asamblea Mundial de los Habitantes (FSM, Túnez, 26-30 de marzo de 2013),
>> organizada por las redes internacionales por el derecho a la vivienda,
>> tenemos en el programa un Encuentro Internacional de las víctimas de los
>> mercados inmobiliarios, con el fin de aunar esfuerzos para enfrentar
>> conjuntamente la inseguridad de la vivienda por motivos económicos, es
>> decir, desalojos, embargos , las estafas de bienes raíces, etc.
>> Esta actividad resultará relevante no sólo para nuestras discusiones y
>> acuerdos, sino también, y quizás más importante, para promover el
>> desarrollo de la movilización para llevar a nuevas propuestas,
>> protagonizadas por las organizaciones sociales de cada país, con el apoyo
>> de la solidaridad internacional.
>> Por estas razones, y teniendo en cuenta sus compromisos y logros en este
>> tema, así como sus raíces en la comunidad, nos gustaría contar con vuestra
>> participación!
>> Esperando sus propuestas: Viviendas, no prisiones! Derecho a la vivienda
>> para todos! y ciao en solidaridad.
>> Cesare
>> -----------------
>> Cesare Ottolini
>> IAI Coordinator
>> www.habitants.org
>> -------------------
>> Il 20/01/2013 2.23, A Város Mindenkié ha scritto:
>> tQGYytJZWKfXw at mail.gmail.com" type="cite">
>> *On the 19th of January 2013, homeless activists and their allies
>> squatted an empty building in the 7th district of Budapest. The
>> squatters demanded the institutionalization of a right to housing and an
>> extensive system of social housing instead of punitive measures and
>> overcrowded shelters. The activists were arrested and now face misdemeanor
>> charges because of disobeying police instructions.*
>> “We do not leave until the government and local authorities do not take
>> seriously mass homelessness and housing poverty” – said Jenő Keresztes, one
>> of the homeless squatters. “We are here to raise awareness about the tens
>> of thousands of empty buildings, where homeless people could find their
>> home. The majority of these empty buildings are in private hands, but local
>> authorities also have great responsibility in leaving buildings such as
>> this one unused for years. Instead of taking care of them, they leave them
>> to dilapidate. This building alone could serve as a home for at least 10
>> families – said Jutka Lakatosné, another homeless activist.
>> The squatters were supported by dozens of young activists forming a
>> living chain at the entrance of the building as well as an ever-growing
>> group of protesters on the other side of the street. The supporters were
>> chanting slogans such as “Housing, not jails” and “Right to housing for
>> all!”. The head of the local authority’s real estate office agency visited
>> the house and told the protestors that the local authority has no
>> responsibility whatsoever either about homelessness or about the
>> abandonment of the house. Five hours later the police arrived in great
>> numbers and arrested one by one the activists blocking the entrance of the
>> building. The activists did not cooperate and therefore were carried by the
>> police to the police cars. The supporting protesters first were chanting
>> “We are with you” right by the activists. Later, the police pushed them
>> back where they could not see the arrests anymore – but they stayed until
>> the last one of the activists were taken away from the location and
>> supported them with loud drumming and chanting.
>> “I do not have housing worthy of human dignity either, I am just
>> temporarily allowed to stay in an otherwise empty building which does not
>> have heating. Nonetheless I do not fight for myself alone: we would like
>> everyone to have access to decent, affordable and healthy housing, and we
>> want the government and the local authorities to take responsibility for
>> this” – said László Dombovári homeless activist. In Hungary there are
>> currently millions of people suffering from various forms of housing
>> poverty. 10 thousand of them are living in the public spaces or shelters of
>> Budapest. Around half million families has arrears that threaten their
>> housing, and every fifth household gets behind with their mortgage payments
>> due to lack of resources.
>> The City is for All supports the demands of the homeless activists. We
>> have organized several marches to raise awareness about empty buildings
>> and demand their utilization<http://avarosmindenkie.blog.hu/2012/09/26/second_vacant_buildings_march_in_budapest_video>,
>> spelled out our related policy recommendations<http://avarosmindenkie.blog.hu/2012/06/19/avm_s_recommendations_for_the_utilization_of_empty_buildings_and_apartments>,
>> and protested for the codification of a right to housing and the
>> establishment of an extensive system of social housing. According to The
>> City is for All, the implementation of a right to housing should include a
>> ban on evictions without the provision of acceptable housing alternative as
>> well as housing policies that ensure access to decent housing for everyone.
>> Right to housing would not mean the provision of free housing by the state,
>> but that the state establishes and maintains a system of housing policies
>> that ensure fair access to housing for all members of the society.
>> *
>> *
>> Pictures about the action here.<https://picasaweb.google.com/117299540206589838227/HazfoglalasAVIIKeruletben>
>> *Note to editors:* In The City is for All, homeless people, people
>> struggling with housing problems and their allies work together for an
>> egalitarian and just society. The group is based on voluntary work and
>> provides an opportunity for homeless people to stand up for their dignity
>> and fight for the right to housing. Homeless people play a leading role in
>> all of our activities. *More information*: www.avarosmindenkie.blog.hu
>> * *
>> *Contact*: Tessza Udvarhelyi + 3620/3818996, avarosmindenkie at gmail.com
>> --
>> A Város Mindenkié rendszeres műsora a Muzsikus rádión minden kedden 16 és
>> 17 óra között hallható. www.muzsikusradio.hu
>> A műsorok letölthetők blogunkról is: www.avarosmindenkie.blog.hu
>> <http://sigads.rediff.com/RealMedia/ads/click_nx.ads/www.rediffmail.com/signatureline.htm@Middle?>
>> Catch India as it happens with the *Rediff News App*. To download it for
>> FREE, click here<http://track.rediff.com/click?url=___http://www.rediff.com/newsapp___&lnk=signature&newservice=newsapp>
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