Fwd: Please help to save this absolutely beautiful dwelling.

Simon Fairlie chapter7 at tlio.org.uk
Mon Mar 25 19:36:56 GMT 2013

Simon Fairlie
Monkton Wyld Court
01297 561359
chapter7 at tlio.org.uk


Begin forwarded message:

> From: <hearth at hartwoodcommunity.coop>
> Date: 25 March 2013 11:38:33 GMT
> To: "SimonFairlie209" <chapter7 at tlio.org.uk>
> Subject: Please help to save this absolutely beautiful dwelling.
> Reply-To: <hearth at hartwoodcommunity.coop>
> Hi SimonFairlie209,
> Another day, another young family is threatened with needless  
> eviction and the destruction of their home and the savings they  
> invested in it. But this one could be different...
> Literally right next door to the Lammas Ecovillage, Charlie &  
> Megan's stunning strawbale home, built in a corner of the family  
> farm, is easily the best example of it's kind I have ever seen.  
> Please watch this short video to meet Charlie and see what they  
> have created.
> http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=49451225
> Having grown up in the village and then like thousands of others,  
> finding the only permitted way to stay in their area, even with a  
> child, was to live in a freezing, damp caravan parked in the  
> garden, they took the plunge and built this masterpiece with help  
> from friends, neighbours, Lammas residents and volunteers.
> This is a young local family, trying to remain on their family  
> farm, right next door to the most famous low-impact development in  
> Britain, in what is hard to describe in words other than 'stunning'  
> and 'beautiful'. Even the officials sent to inspect the place were  
> overawed, exclaiming "You could win an award with this!".
> There has probably never been a better opportunity to show up the  
> planner's antisocial vandalism for what it is. Media friendly,  
> young local family and glossy photo opportunities galore. A perfect  
> way to show up the risible affordable housing policy, and  
> unjustifiable refusal to apply new TAN6 planning laws in practice.
> Please support their appeal by spreading the word, links to the  
> video and filling in the short appeal support form also available  
> with guidance from the Natural Homes website here:
> http://naturalhomes.org/save-charlies-house.htm
> This has a deadline of 4 April 2013 - so please act NOW!
> Their victory would open the door to many others desperate to  
> provide comfortable, truly affordable homes for their own families.
> Thank you for reading,
> Steve James.
> If you feel
> This e-mail comes from "HARTWOOD". If unwanted or offensive please  
> contact: abuse at hartwoodcommunity.coop
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> your own posts, or access members only areas. To just stop  
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> Hartwood and change your options in the Board Preferences section  
> there.
> -- 
> Hartwood Community Forums

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