Joseph Miranda: table-top gaming the Ukraine war
Tony Gosling
tony at
Wed Mar 19 23:46:52 GMT 2014
Joseph Miranda: gaming the Ukraine war
Broadband Co-operative
Subtitle: Elia explains why Catalonia wants to secede from Madrid
Program Type:
Featured Speakers/Commentators:
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Broadcast Restrictions: For non-profit use only.
License: Attribution No Derivatives (by-nd)
Broadcast Advisory: No Advisories - program content screened and verified.
Credits: This week we hear from a Bristolian from
Barcelona Elia Pablo and hear why she chose
Bristol as her UK home. Like the Basque country
and more recently Crimea, Catalonia wants to
secede from Madrid as the politicians there are
not doing a good job. The king Juan-Carlos has
immunity from prosecution so he's above the law.
Joseph Miranda is a long-time US wargame designer
who, 10-15 years ago, designed a game called
'Ukraine' which reflects in some ways what we are
seeing in the news at the moment.
The game features Information Operations
targeting TV channels and Joseph explains that he
does not have a TV in is own home, preferring to
get his news from technical and military
specialist websites. He is currently working on
'Kiev' and other 'New World Order' games
including China versus Russia scenario.
Mike Hall has just published 'The Severn Tsunami
of 1607' which looks at the extraordinary event
that year when a giant wave came out of 'a clear
blue sky' covering the lowlands right along the
Welsh and Somerset coastlines of the Bristol
Channel. Mike explains the various theories and
looks at the possible dangers of something similar happening again.
Cyber-security correspondent Ed Lander looks at
the latest revelations from Edward Snowden which
show the NSA is able to pump millions of malware
programmes into computers across the world at the
touch of a button. Are we 'giving our lives' to
Facebook and if so what are they doing with it?
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