Corbyn BACKED squatters' campaign that supported occupying empty homes
Tony Gosling
tony at
Fri Jun 2 02:12:00 BST 2017
thanks to Ram for this - headline slightly subbed for accuracy ;-)
Corbyn BACKED squatters' campaign that supported breaking into and
occupying family homes
JEREMY Corbyn backed a squatters' campaign that encouraged supporters
to break into and occupy family homes, a Tory dossier revealed last night.
By Macer Hall PUBLISHED: 22:31, Thu, Jun 1, 2017
Jeremy Corbyn helped organised a meeting for the Squatters Action for
Secure Homes (Squash) group
The Labour leader and his hard-Left ally John McDonnell helped
organised a meeting for the Squatters Action for Secure Homes
(Squash) group at the House of Commons.
Squash has published a DIY guide giving advice on how to disable
burglar alarms, barricade entrances and frustrate eviction proceedings.
The pair also called for anti-squatting laws to be repealed to give
activists rights to seize private property.
And Mr Corbyn also endorsed a "nomad law" campaign that would
reinstate taxpayer-funded legal aid payments to people accused of
trespassing offences.
A Tory minister last night warned that the Labour leader's links to
squatters was further evidence of the chaos that could follow if he
managed to sneak into Downing Street after the general election.
Home Office minister Brandon Lewis said: "Jeremy Corbyn wants to give
taxpayers' money to trespassers and give a green light to illegal
encampments across England.
"These extreme and nonsensical policies would blight communities,
causing misery for their law-abiding citizens.
"Corbyn would go back to the bad old days of Labour, where planning
rules weren't applied fairly and special treatment was given to
different groups.
Mr Corbyn and John McDonnell also called for anti-squatting laws to be repealed
"Worse, Jeremy Corbyn would rip up anti-squatting laws, endorsing
militant groups and anarchists who want to break into people's
property when they are away.
"Theresa May's Conservatives will protect people's homes and stand up
for the rule of law.
"Only a vote for Theresa May and the Conservatives will avoid putting
Corbyn in Downing Street at the head of a coalition of chaos, with
the Lib Dems and SNP pulling the strings."
The Tory dossier collated evidence of the support offered by Mr
Corbyn and his shadow chancellor to groups supporting so-called
"squatters' rights".
They hosted a Commons meeting for Squash in 2013, the dossier showed.
The Labour leader has described squatting as 'one of Britain's oldest
forms of tenancies'
Mr Corbyn described squatting as "one of Britain's oldest forms of
tenancies" and called for "resistance" to measures to defy squatting.
The Tories also highlight plans buried deep in Labour's genereal
election manifesto promising wider "travellers' rights" and backing
the "nomadic way of life".
And the dossier showed Mr Corbyn opposed the eviction of travellers
from the unauthorised camp at Dale Farm in Essex in 2011 in a
high-profile legal battle.
A Labour spokesman did not deny that the pair had supported
squatters' and travellers' groups, adding: "This is not official
Labour Party policy.
"This is just the Tories trying to distract attention from their
damaging policies like the dementia tax."
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you in darkness, that speak ye in the light and what ye hear in the
ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. Matthew 10:26-27
Die Pride and Envie; Flesh, take the poor's advice.
Covetousnesse be gon: Come, Truth and Love arise.
Patience take the Crown; throw Anger out of dores:
Cast out Hypocrisie and Lust, which follows whores:
Then England sit in rest; Thy sorrows will have end;
Thy Sons will live in peace, and each will be a friend.
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