Sat16Feb NEF LONDON, Land Reform from the Ground Up: Towards a People's Land Policy
Tony Gosling
tony at
Thu Feb 7 12:28:04 GMT 2019
Land Reform from the Ground Up: Towards a People's Land Policy
Land Justice
Land is an issue that affects all of us: housing,
food, community spaces and the environment. The
Policy Working Group of the Land Justice Network
is working towards developing a People's Land
Policy that can bring together all our concerns
and provide a vision for fundemental land reform.
Join us for a day of workshops and discussion to
educate ourselves and build towards grassroots
land reform movement, including workshops on:
Land Ownership and the Commons, How to tackle
land speculation, How to gain access to land, and
Lessons from campaigns in London and Scotland.
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Date And Time
Sat, 16 February 2019
10:00 17:00 GMT
to Calendar
New Economics Foundation
10 Salamanca Place
Land Justice Network
Organiser of Land Reform from the Ground Up: Towards a People's Land Policy
This event is organised by the Policy Working
Group of the Land Justice Network. We are working
on a People's Land Policy which we hope will be
the basis of a future Land Reform Bill- one that
has been developed 'from the ground up', based on
the input of people from a wide range of
backgrounds and interests. This can only become a
reality if we join together and build a large
movement for land justice which will involve not
just developing policies but engaging in actions, education and outreach.
The Land Justice Network was set up in 2017 to
campaign for land rights. It is a
non-hierarchical network of groups and
individuals including academics, farmers, housing
activists, architects, ramblers, coders,
musicians, planners, artists, land workers and bird watchers.
We recognise that present land use and ownership
are the result of policies and decisions that
have little basis in social justice or in considerations of the common good.
We work together to raise awareness of land as a
common issue underpinning many struggles and
injustices, and to turn this awareness into
action that will challenge and change the status quo.
We are committed to working together using all
tools available including policy writing,
direct action, land occupation, running workshops
and events, sharing our skills and creating
beautiful and compelling videos, pamphlets,
films, infographics, flyers, songs, art and zines.
Join us to build a diverse and inclusive modern day land reform movement!
Strutt & Parker's London Rural Land Briefing 2019
Strutt &
Strutt & Parker is delighted to invite you to our
annual seminar on UK agriculture and the rural economy.
on Thursday 7th February 2019
at IET London: Savoy Place, London WC2R 0BL
Registration: 9.45am
Start: 10.30am
Lunch: 1pm
Let us know if you have any special dietary requirements.
Tickets cost £150 per person, including VAT.
For more information, please contact Sarah-Jane Petherick:
sarah-jane.petherick at
020 7318 5156
This year's speakers
Chair - James Farrell
James is Strutt & Parkers Head of Rural. He has
over 25 years professional experience providing
strategic and consultancy advice to private
clients and owners of traditional landed estates
and rural property portfolios across the UK.
Agriculture - George Chichester
George is in our Farming Department and
specialises in CAP reform, as well as
contributing to land and farm research. He has
over 30 years experience in his field.
Planning - John McLarty
John leads our regional Planning business, and is
currently working on a number of strategic
development sites in the ever changing planning landscape.
Viticulture - Edward Mansel Lewis
Ed is the Head of the Southern England
viticulture group, and is an expert in
identifying land suitable for vines and
negotiating purchase and long lease agreements
between landowners and wine producers.
Residential - Kate Eales & Louis Harding
Kate has over 18 years of experience in
residential lettings and joined Strutt & Parker
as the National Head of Lettings in September
2016. Kate oversees the running of the Lettings
Department in both the London and regional
offices. Since joining the firm, Kate has been
primarily involved in building the strength of
the brand, and expanding the existing lettings offering.
Louis has worked in the London residential market
for nearly 16 years, with over 14 years spent at
Foxtons - most recently as Area Director for 9
offices in South West London, and previously as
Director for 10 offices in North London. He is
now responsible for residential sales across
Strutt & Parkers London network of 7 offices as
well as executing the companys future sales strategy.
Rural Land - Mark McAndrew & Dr Jason Beedell
Mark is head of our National Estate & Farm Agency
team and has been one of the UKs leading agents
and commentators on the market for 30 years.
Jason leads our Rural Research team, working
closely with our farm agents to advise clients on
trends and drivers in the farmland market, and
monitoring changes in policy and markets following Brexit.
Date And Time
Thu, 7 Feb 2019, 09:45
IET London: Savoy Place
Savoy Place
& Parker
Organiser of Strutt & Parker's London Rural Land Briefing 2019
* <>Organiser
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More Events From This Organiser
THU, 21 FEB 10:30
Eastern Region Land & Property Briefings 2019
this event
FRI, 1 MAR 10:30
Strutt & Parker's Newbury Rural Land Briefing 2019
The Regency Park Hotel, Thatcham
this event
Map and Directions
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'From South America, where payment must be made with subtlety, the
Bormann organization has made a substantial contribution. It has
drawn many of the brightest Jewish businessmen into a participatory
role in the development of many of its corporations, and many of
these Jews share their prosperity most generously with Israel. If
their proposals are sound, they are even provided with a specially
dispensed venture capital fund. I spoke with one Jewish businessmen
in Hartford, Connecticut. He had arrived there quite unknown several
years before our conversation, but with Bormann money as his
leverage. Today he is more than a millionaire, a quiet leader in the
community with a certain share of his profits earmarked as always for
his venture capital benefactors. This has taken place in many other
instances across America and demonstrates how Bormann's people
operate in the contemporary commercial world, in contrast to the
fanciful nonsense with which Nazis are described in so much "literature."
So much emphasis is placed on select Jewish participation in Bormann
companies that when Adolf Eichmann was seized and taken to Tel Aviv
to stand trial, it produced a shock wave in the Jewish and German
communities of Buenos Aires. Jewish leaders informed the Israeli
authorities in no uncertain terms that this must never happen again
because a repetition would permanently rupture relations with the
Germans of Latin America, as well as with the Bormann organization,
and cut off the flow of Jewish money to Israel. It never happened
again, and the pursuit of Bormann quieted down at the request of
these Jewish leaders. He is residing in an Argentinian safe haven,
protected by the most efficient German infrastructure in history as
well as by all those whose prosperity depends on his well-being.'
You can donate to support Tony's work here
TG mobile +44 7786 952037
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