[Diggers350] The Gatekeeper: George Monbiot’s Multi-Level Marketing of Ecomodernism but where’s the evidence?

Tony Gosling tony at cultureshop.org.uk
Mon Dec 5 13:52:42 GMT 2022

The Gatekeeper: George Monbiot’s Multi-Level 
Marketing of Ecomodernism
 but where’s the evidence?

December 2022 
a comment

The environmental debate in Britain is maintained 
by a few unaccountable figures elevated to the 
role of eco-gate-keepers – which is why the 
ecological debate fails to make any real progress

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Paul Mobbs: 
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‘Through a glass, darkly’
Monbiot’s ‘accuracy problem’
‘data problem’
fallacies on fermentation
If ecomodernism’s tinkering has failed, it suggests that their model is wrong

of the Humans’; 

We should be holding the political 
establishment’s feet to the wild-fire on 
ecological issues. Instead, a handful of 
‘reformers’, promoting schemes or proposals which 
don’t radically up-end the ideological landscape, 
are given preferential access to the public 
debate; to peddle, ‘multi-level marketing-style’, 
demonstrably wrong ideas about how to solve the 
ecological crisis. How do we hold these 
media-constructed pundits, who claim to represent 
our interests, to account? It’s all about the evidence.

the PDF version of this post
1. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology:
class, control, and action: Socioeconomic status 
di erences in antecedents of support for 
pro-environmental action’, vol.77 pp.60-75, March 2018
2. New Scientist:
Rebellion were not veteran protesters, new analysis shows’, 15th July 2020
3. Guardian On-line:
<https://www.theguardian.com/profile/georgemonbiot>‘George Monbiot’.
4. Guardian On-line: 
Countryfile is the most political show on TV’, 18th April 2016
5. British Journal of Social Psychology: 
psychology of social class: How socioeconomic 
status impacts thought, feelings, and behaviour’, 
vol.57 no.2 pp.267-291, April 2018
6. Architectural Science Review:
and sustainable lifestyles’, vol.53 pp.37-50, 2010
7. Palgrave Macmillan:
Environmentalism – An Agenda for a Just and Fair 
Transition to Sustainability’, Karen Bell, 2020 (ISBN 9783-0302-9518-9)
8. BBC News:
survey reveals seven social classes in UK’, 3rd April 2013
9. Environment Agency:
of the environment – Environmental inequalities and health’, 23rd July 2021

This is a necessarily long and detailed dive into 
the role ‘green pundits’ have in the ecological 
debate – and whether that role is truly 
representative given the available evidence. To 
be clear, this isn’t just about George Monbiot 
specifically. By its nature, this also a 
discussion about the overwhelming 
divide1 in the 
environmental movement2 (since it’s the 
London-centric English media and campaign groups which dominate this space).

As a 
columnist3, George Monbiot essentially states 
opinion, not facts. The problem is, in the public 
debate which then ensues from those opinions, his 
narrowly focussed articles are cited as if what 
is said were wholly true – when in fact the wider 
evidence base is being strategically ignored.
10. Politico.eu: 
Rebellion’s hometown pushes the radical into the 
mainstream’, 5th September 2020
11. Wikipedia:
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_radicalism>‘Classical radicalism’.
12. Guardian On-line:
working-class green movement is out there but not 
getting the credit it deserves’, 11th October 2019
13. Extinction Rebellion:
Fundamentals – Tell the Truth’.
14. Extinction Rebellion:
Fundamentals – Act Now’.
15. Wikipedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statism>‘Statism’.
16. Wikipedia:
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radical_politics>‘Radical politics’.

Monbiot is not alone: I could equally cite 
journalists such as David Shukman; ideological 
media constructs such as 
pundits like Mark Lynas; or ‘green’ entrepreneurs 
such as Dale Vince. As these figures 
overwhelmingly embody the 
middle class values5 of the establishment, that 
debate not only 
the trends6 which are the result of that 
lifestyle; but also fails to connect to the 
people who 
to benefit7 the most from this debate – the 
person8 living within the 
precarious9 UK economy.

passes for10 ‘radicalism’ in English 
environmentalism are groups like Extinction 
Rebellion or Just Stop Oil. But these groups 
not ‘radical’11: They are once again dominated by 
the middle class; their metropolitan focus 
them12 from the rest of Britain; and they have no 
specific project other than that governments 
the truth’13 and 
action14 on climate change.

Therein, like the media’s green pundits, the 
groups considered to be ‘radicals’ in the public 
debate are 
Their unwillingness to look beyond the ideology, 
structures, and lifestyle created by Western 
affluence and consumption, cannot encompass – in 
terms of it’s original meaning of, 
the roots’16 – any truly radical solution to the ecological crisis.

to bookmarks list

MLM: ‘Through a glass, darkly’

That preface made, we come to the reason for this 
article: There are subtle changes in ‘green’ 
lobbying taking place, driven by changes in the media.
17. LSE Blogs: 
legacy – How 1989 marked the rise of environmental politics’, 25th July 2014
18. Wikipedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_politics>‘Green politics’.
19. Wikipedia:
20. Wikipedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenwashing>‘Greenwashing’.
21. Wikipedia:
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethical_consumerism>‘Ethical consumerism’.
22. Global Environmental Politics: 
and Environmental Taxes: Why Market 
Environmentalism Fails in Liberal Market 
Economies’, vol.16 no.1 pp.21-37, 2016.
23. Yale Environment 360:
Failure – A Case for a New Green Politics’, 20th October 2008
24. Wikipedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_media>‘Old media’.
25. Wikipedia:
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-level_marketing>‘Multi-level marketing’.
26. MIT Press Reader: 
American Environmentalism Failed’, 31st August 2021
27. Euractiv: 
Green Brief – EU Parliament hit by ‘tsunami of lobbying’’, 8th June 2022
28. WIRED:
Degrowth Is the Worst Idea on the Planet’, 6th October 2020
29. Wikipedia:
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathon_Porritt>‘Jonathon Porritt’.
30. Routledge Books:
as if the World Matters’, 2007
31. Wikipedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecomodernism>‘Ecomodernism’.

In the 1990s I was an elected director of Friends 
of the Earth 
an auspicious moment17. ‘Green’ 
gone mainstream18, and the pressure was on to 
drop any 
shirted’ ideas19 for ecological change: Not only 
to ride that media machine to get coverage; but 
also to soak-up the cash sloshing around from 
government and corporate interests desperate 
greenwash20 their image. I opposed the idea, and 
consumerism’21 in general; but the pressure from 
the staff of nearly all mainstream campaign 
groups was to ‘take the money’, because of the 
access and influence that it promised.

Three decades on and that approach 
clearly failed22 – and arguably has 
the movement’s influence23 within the ‘noise’ 
created around these issues. More recently, 
though, this process has shifted, reflecting the 
economic pressures on the 
media’24, driven by the new on-line/social 
marketing’25 (MLM) machine.

As green issues have matured against that 
‘background noise’ of the ecological crisis; and 
as government inaction has shifted to the 
lackadaisical definition of targets, quotas, and 
especially subsidies; the 
for environmentalists26 to promote certain issues 
has shifted from one of ‘making change’, to 
business plan’27. In part the result of 
neoliberal values infiltrating all levels of 
society, ‘green’ ideas 
ceased to be28 an advocacy for political action. 
Instead they advocate for one infrastructure plan 
or another which seeks to ‘green’ the modern lifestyle – without changing it.

This position was openly articulated by 
Porritt29 – one of those most directly 
responsible for ejecting radical thinking from 
first the Green Party, then Friends of the Earth. 
In his 2005 book, 
as if the World Matters’30, he states:

“Incremental change is the name of the game, not 
transformation. And that, of course, means that 
the emerging solutions have to be made to work 
within the embrace of capitalism. Like it or not, 
capitalism is now the only economic game in town
For fear, perhaps, of arriving at a different 
conclusion, there is an unspoken (and largely 
untested) assumption that there need be no 
fundamental contradiction between sustainable development and capitalism.”

(my emphasis in bold)

As ‘regulation’, let alone ‘limits’ or 
‘prohibition’ becomes a dirty word in the 
skewed-to-the-right media environment, so 
ecological issues are expected to perform within 
the processes of the corporate world. This is the 
environment which has spawned, 

to bookmarks list

George Monbiot’s ‘accuracy problem’

32. Sustainability:
and Sustainability: Business as Usual or Changing 
Worldviews?’, vol.11 no.3 pp.780, 2019
33. Wikipedia:
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Monbiot>‘George Monbiot’.

The basis for most discussions about ‘future 
change’ today, is ‘stasis’: Proposals do not 
as usual’32, which is why the ideas being 
publicly debated seek to preserve the core of the 
way things are. This is the contradictory 
paradigm within which 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Monbiot>George Monbiot33 is trapped.

I specifically use the word, ‘trapped’: If he 
moved out of that niche I’m sure he would lose 
that media profile. He is permitted to perform 
that role in the media environment precisely 
because of the values he advocates, not because 
of the veracity of the ideas he promotes. It is 
his own, personal cost-benefit exercise that he 
chooses to occupy that role – but that doesn’t mean it is evidentially correct.

I first bumped into George Monbiot at events in 
Oxford, and on roads protests, in the early 
1990s. We occasionally corresponded, but that 
ended when he gave support to nuclear power in 
the late 2000s. Or to be more precisely, I kept 
trying to advance the alternative case and he 
simply refused to respond – even when we met in public.

These days, when I publicly challenge his 
assumptions he never responds. He also blocks 
people on social media who query his work.
34. Medialens: 
The Guardian’, 12th February 2019
35. Private Eye: 
Hadley, deeply
’, no.1585, November 2022
36. The Meta-Blog:
scones with The Prodigy – or, why do climate 
campaigners not understand logical fallacies?’, no.6, 18th May 2020
37. <https://planetofthehumans.com/>‘Planet of the Humans’ website.
38. Guardian On-line:
39. Wikipedia:
the consequent’.
40. Forbes: 
Michael Moore-Backed Documentary On YouTube 
Reveals Massive Ecological Impacts Of Renewables’, 21st April 2020
41. Wikipedia:
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embodied_energy>‘Embodied energy’.
42. Nature Energy:
future emissions from low-carbon power systems by 
integration of life-cycle assessment and 
integrated energy modelling’, vol.2 pp.939-945, 2017
43. US Energy Information Agency: 
44. Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy:
of UK Energy Statistics – Electricity’.
45. Wikipedia:
Solar Power Facility’.

The difficulties with The Guardian – the largest 
remaining allegedly ‘politically liberal’ 
broadsheet within Britain’s right-biased media – 
have been growing for some time. Recent campaigns 
The Guardian’34, and 
resignations35, have called into question the 
quality of their reporting. Once again, this 
highlights both the intellectual boundaries 
within which George Monbiot operates, and the 
‘conformity’ those pressures may apply to the subjects he covers.

His columns in The Guardian are sparsely sourced, 
and sometimes factually flawed. My last 
deconstruction36 of one of his columns was 
published in May 2020 – when he attacked the then 
recently released film, 
<https://planetofthehumans.com/>‘Planet of the Humans’37.

At the time I published a short blog post, which 
had been extracted from a twenty page complaint 
(with forty references, mostly to academic 
journals and official data sources) which I wrote 
to The Guardian’s 
Editor’38. I never received an acknowledgement
 despite sending it twice!

Critical of Michael Moore, the structural flaw in 
that article was the fallacy of 
the consequent’39: It suggested that as 
right-wing climate deniers liked Michael Moore’s 
new film; then the position that Moore depicted 
must be friendly to climate denial too. In 
reality, many ‘anti-greens’ 
like40 the film’s message. The reason they 
talked-up the film was precisely because its 
message made liberal environmentalists feel uncomfortable.

The article attacked the film’s assertion that 
photovoltaic (PV) panels produce little energy 
once the 
costs41 are considered – stating that, “On 
average, a solar panel generates 26 units of 
solar energy for every unit of fossil energy 
required to build and install it”. It would 
appear he hadn’t 
his source42, which stated those statistics could 
not be quoted in that context because it would 
under-estimate the impacts of PV by 30% to 250%.

In that paragraph he also attacks the film-makers 
statement that, “You use more fossil fuels to do 
this than you’re getting benefit from it. You 
would have been better off just burning fossil 
fuels in the first place.” That quote has been 
taken out of context. That statement is not about 
solar PV, or wind power; it’s about the gas-fired 
Solar Array45 – a wholly different type of technology to PV.
Analysis of electricity generation in USA from my 
May 2020 
post36: The statistics from the 
demonstrate that the scenario shown in the film is correct.

The article then goes on to state, “Planet of the 
Humans also claims that you can’t reduce fossil 
fuel use through renewable energy: coal is 
instead being replaced by gas.” Unfortunately 
that is precisely what the official energy 
statistics in the USA show is happening (see 
graph, right). From 2010 to 2019, as old 
coal-fired plants were retired, they were 
replaced with new, larger gas-fired plants using 
the large quantities of fracked natural gas being 
produced at that time. There is also 
research46 to back-up the point made in the film.
46. Energy Research & Social Science:
transitions or additions? – Why a transition from 
fossil fuels requires more than the growth of 
renewable energy’, vol.51 pp.40-43, May 2019

The article then goes on to state that, “in the 
third quarter of 2019, renewables in the UK 
generated more electricity than coal, oil and gas 
plants put together. As a result of the switch to 
renewables in this country, the amount of fossil 
fuel used for power generation has halved since 2010.”

That statement is a manipulation of objective fact:

The ‘third-quarter’ is late Summer, when power 
demand is at its lowest and solar hits maximum. 
It’s not representative of average demand and supply.
Analysis of electricity generation in UK from my 
May 2020 
post36: The statistics from the 
show the percentage growth of renewable power is 
more influenced by the collapse in electricity 
demand rather than the increase in renewable generation capacity.

More significantly though, what’s been dominating 
energy trends in Britain has been the collapse of 
electricity demand (see graph, right). That is in 
part the result of austerity choking growth, and 
especially heavy industries, such as metals and 
chemicals, moving off-shore. Those effects are 
far more significant than new renewable capacity 
in cutting fossil fuel use – but that doesn’t even merit a mention.

Especially over 2015/16, much of the retired 
coal-fired capacity was matched by natural gas, 
not new renewable capacity. And the fact 
electricity demand shrank by a over a fifth from 
2010 to 2019 means that in percentage terms – 
without adding a single wind turbine or solar 
panel – the proportion of renewable energy would have increased anyway.
47. BBC News:
control – Is it a tool of the rich?’, 28th October 2011

The article then introduces the most 
argument47 which ecomodernists promote to silence 
opposition: Accusations of Malthusian ‘population 
control’ – where again the film is misquoted:

“The film offers only one concrete solution to 
our predicament: the most toxic of all possible 
answers. ‘We really have got to start dealing 
with the issue of population
 without seeing some 
sort of major die-off in population, there’s no turning back.’”

That ellipsis – the ‘
’ highlighted above: That’s 
not skipping a few words or a sentence; it skips 
about 80 seconds of discussions. In running those 
statements together, it completely ignores the 
context within which each was made – 
specifically, the issue regarding the use of energy in agriculture.

The article then concludes this section by stating:

“High consumption is concentrated in countries 
where population growth is low
 When wealthy 
people, such as Moore and Gibbs, point to this 
issue without the necessary caveats, they are 
saying, in effect, ‘it’s not Us consuming, it’s 
Them breeding.’ It’s not hard to see why the far right loves this film”.

I challenge The Guardian’s editors to find any 
point in the transcript of the film where this is 
implied – and to listen to the “caveats” about 
rich-nation’s consumption which were made 
throughout the film. In fact, during that 
‘ellipsis’ where Monbiot omits what is discussed, 
it is stated, “We have to have our abilities to 
consume reigned in, because we’re not good at 
reigning them in if there are seemingly unrestrained resources”.

George Monbiot is not promoting an objective, 
evidence-based view of our predicament. He is 
promoting an ideological, idealised vision where 
the affluent states can continue their current 
lifestyle by adopting new and more efficient 
technologies – a sort of ecological, “have your cake and eat it too”.

That’s not a problem: Objectively, I’m doing the 
same, too, by making these observations – albeit 
from a radically different perspective.

What we need to pursue is why George Monbiot, 
apparently willingly: Misquotes what is said in a 
film to cast slurs about right-wing conspiracies; 
uses academic research in a manner that is 
specifically excluded by its authors; 
misrepresents official energy statistics to imply 
something they do not show; and thus, overall, 
denies what a large body of research evidence now 
demonstrates to be a fair assessment of our ecological predicament.

to bookmarks list

Ecomodernism’s ‘data problem’

48. Wikipedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stewart_Brand>‘Stewart Brand’.
49. Wikipedia:
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Kelly_(editor)>‘Kevin Kelly (editor)’.
50. Wikipedia:
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amory_Lovins>‘Amory Lovins’.
51. <http://www.ecomodernism.org/>‘The Ecomodernist Manifesto’ website.
52. <https://thebreakthrough.org/>‘Breakthrough Institute’ website.
53. Wikipedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lynas>‘Mark Lynas’.
54. Wikipedia:
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Shellenberger>‘Michael Shellenberger’.
55. Wiley: 
– Technology, Politics and The Climate Crisis’, 2019
56. Wikipedia:
law of thermodynamics’.
57. Wikipedia:
conversion efficiency’.
58. Wikipedia:
59. PLOS One:
Decoupling GDP Growth from Environmental Impact 
Possible?’, vol. 11(10) art. e0164733, 14th October 2016
60. Wikipedia:
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Limits_to_Growth>‘The Limits to Growth’.
61. YouTube:
Limits to Growth’ (1972) – A Book in Five Minutes, No.1’, September 2021
62. Global Environmental Change:
comparison of The Limits to Growth with 30 years 
of reality’, vol. 18 no.3 pp. 397-411, August 2008
63. Journal of Industrial Ecology:
to limits to growth – Comparing the World3 model 
with empirical data’, vol.25 no.3 pp.614-626, June 2021
64. Wikipedia:
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecological_footprint>‘Ecological footprint’.
65. PNAS:
the Ecological Overshoot of the Human Economy’, vol.99 no.14, 2002
66. EWG:
study accurately predicted today’s decline in uranium mining’, 31st May 2022
67. Forbes: 
Seawater Extraction Makes Nuclear Power Completely Renewable’, 1st July 2016
68. Wikipedia:
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peak_uranium>‘Peak uranium’.
69. Wikipedia:
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/100%25_renewable_energy>‘100% renewable energy’.
70. Resources:
Metals? Resource Constraints to Supply a Fully 
Renewable Energy System’, vol.8 no.1 art. 29, 2019
71. Nature Communications Earth & Environment:
availability of non-renewable metal resources and 
the influence of environmental, social, and 
governance conflicts on metal production’, vol.1 art.13, 2020
72. Annual Review of Environment and Resources:
On Degrowth’, vol.43, 2018
73. Ecological Complexity:
complexity and sustainability’, vol.3 no.2 pp.91-103, June 2006
74. Ecological Economics:
economics for humanity’s plague phase’, vol.169 art.106519, March 2020
75. Wikipedia:
Change Committee’.
76. Natural History Museum:
scientists set out resource challenge of meeting 
net zero emissions in the UK by 2050’, 5th June 2019
77. Climate Change Committee:
UK’s transition to electric vehicles’, 9th December 2020
78. <https://bettertransport.org.uk/>‘Campaing for Better Transport’ website.
79. Geological Survey of Finland:
Bottom-up Insight Reveals: Replacing Fossil Fuels 
is Even More Enormous Task Than Thought’, 1st September 2021
80. Geological Survey of Finland:
of the Extra Capacity Required of Alternative 
Energy Electrical Power Systems to Completely 
Replace Fossil Fuels’, GTK Open File Work Report 42/2021, August 2021
81. Nature Communications:
energy production will exacerbate mining threats 
to biodiversity’, vol.11 art.4174, 1st September 2020
82. Wikipedia:
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_New_Deal>‘Green New Deal’.
83. Energy:
impact of copper scarcity on the efficiency of 
2050 global renewable energy scenarios’, vol.50 pp.62-73, 1st February 2013
84. Resources:
Ore Grades in Global Metallic Mining – A 
Theoretical Issue or a Global Reality?’, vol.5 no.4 art.36, 2016.
85. Wikipedia:
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodium-ion_battery>‘Sodium-ion battery’.
86. Centre for Alternative Technology:
Carbon Britain’.
87. Nature Sustainability:
importance of resource security for poverty 
eradication’, vol.4 pp.731-738, April 2021

First advanced by figures such as 
Kelly49, and 
Lovins50, ‘ecomodernism’ came out of the American 
environmental movement in the 1980s proposing a 
simple idea: The only way to beat the destructive 
business process is to ‘do business’ better than 
they can, in an ecological way; the assumption 
being that higher efficiency would enable 
economic competition due to higher productivity, and hence profitability.

Though there are various 
<http://www.ecomodernism.org/>manifestos51 and 
‘ecomodernism’ is not a coherent group. It 
represents a spectrum of ideas stretching from: 
The loosely ecological (e.g. George Monbiot); to 
progress-obsessed techno-Utopians (e.g. 
Lynas53); to ideologically right-wing 
libertarians (e.g. 
Shellenberger54); to corporate-oriented 
eco-technocrats (e.g. 

Generally, though, ecomodernism is heavily 
influenced by liberal economic theory: The idea 
of free, globalised markets; a reliance on 
technological innovation and efficiency, to drive 
down impacts while driving up productivity; the 
maintenance of property rights; and moreover, an 
unquestioning adherence to the economic hegemony 
of the ‘Western lifestyle’ – and the need to 
perpetuate the affluence and material consumption that lifestyle demands.

This is where ecomodernism hits the reality of 
the ecological crisis. For all their 
protestations, basically 
thermodynamics says no’56. In particular:
efficiency57 is not open-ended – it is a one-time 
saving, after which wholly new technologies must 
be invented, or systems significantly changed – 
and in general it is a diminishing return with 
fixed theoretical limits, where each improvement saves less-and-less;
    * The heart of this idea is 
– the assumption that the use of technology can 
break the link between human lifestyles and their 
ecological impact – which currently has 
strong evidence59 to support it;
    * As with neoliberal ideology in general, 
ecomodernism will not accept strong 
limits’60 – despite the fact recent research 
confirms that 
50 years61 the 
to Growth’62 study is 
<http://www.fraw.org.uk/data/limits/herrington_2021.pdf>still on-track63; and
    * They do not consider the 
footprint64 of their activities on 
depletion and pollution65 – and often invoke the 
quasi-mystical power of ‘innovation’ to solve 
that without proof of its feasibility.

Perhaps the area where the ignorance of 
ecomodernism reigns supreme is in the area of 
energy resources. It is assumed that we can 
simply turn-off fossil fuels and switch-on ‘clean’ renewables:

For the strongly technocratic end of the 
ecomodernist spectrum that transition is innately 
connected to nuclear power – despite the fact 
enough uranium66 to do this (they argue that 
there’s more than enough 
in sea water67, despite the fact this process has 
yet to be commercialised, and has 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peak_uranium>questionable economics68).

For the strongly ecological end of ecomodernism 
that transition is connected to the use of 
renewable energy”69 – despite the growing 
evidence to show that there are 
mineral resources70, and 
barriers71, to construct the scale of 
infrastructure required to replace the ‘energy service’ of fossil fuels.

When I give lectures, this is the point where 
people are often confused: If the highly 
technological solution to climate change is not 
possible, and the renewable solution to climate 
change is not possible, then what option is there?

The fact people commonly ask this question 
demonstrates why George Monbiot, and the other 
ecomodernists pundits in the media, have become 
an obstruction to the ecological debate.

There is an entire movement around 
and the 
of human lifestyles, which is not currently being 
referenced within the UK media debate. 
challenges74 the implicit bias of mainstream 
environmentalism: It entails reducing material 
affluence, and tackling the excesses of consuming 
lifestyles through the national and global redistribution of resources.

Take, for example, electric cars: The media 
debate is presented as a divide between ‘petrol 
heads’ and ‘affluent green consumers’ – but 
neither side ever enters in to a discussion to 
justify maintaining the ‘private car’ as the priority for moving around.

In 2020, the 
Change Committee75 (CCC) canvassed opinion on 
electric vehicles. An expert panel assembled by 
the Natural History Museum 
the CCC76 that:

“To replace all UK-based vehicles today with 
electric vehicles, assuming they use the most 
resource-frugal next-generation NMC 811 
batteries, would take 207,900 tonnes cobalt, 
264,600 tonnes of lithium carbonate, at least 
7,200 tonnes of neodymium and dysprosium, in 
addition to 2,362,500 tonnes copper. This 
represents, just under two times the total annual 
world cobalt production, nearly the entire world 
production of neodymium, three quarters the 
world’s lithium production and 12% of the world’s 
copper production during 2018. Even ensuring the 
annual supply of electric vehicles only, from 
2035 as pledged, will require the UK to annually 
import the equivalent of the entire annual cobalt needs of European industry.”

Mineral resources are a significant barrier. And 
the CCC’s response to this critical issue, being 
spelled-out by Britain’s pre-eminent geological 
institute was
briefing77 they published later doesn’t even mention the issue.

Put that case differently: A grid-powered 
trolleybus moves passengers many-times more 
efficiently than multiple battery-powered cars. 
So where is ‘the lobby’ for the elimination of 
cars? <https://bettertransport.org.uk/>It does 
exist78, but gets little media coverage as it 
challenges the dominant assumptions of the 
consumer lifestyle – in this case, the primacy of the ‘private car’.

Renewable energy and green technologies, such as 
electric cars, are dependent upon mass 
electrification; and as a result, 
huge expansion79 in metal production 
resources80 which have a finite, limited supply. 
There is also growing evidence that the 
extraction of those resources across the globe 
could be especially 
to biodiversity 81.

Some of these metals – such as copper, cobalt, or 
rare earths – are so limited that they are a 
barrier to a 
New Deal’-type plan82; and the energy return of 
renewable technologies 
continually fall83 in the future, as these metals 
deplete, as the energy 
<https://www.mdpi.com/2079-9276/5/4/36>used in 
their extraction84 increases. Even if we 
‘innovate’, such as 
lithium with sodium85 in batteries, trace amounts 
of rare earths and other metals are still 
required; and the yet to be invented 
nano-technologies proposed as substitutes have an 
uncertain efficiency or efficacy.

How then can groups promoting the ‘Green New 
Deal’ – such as the 
Carbon Britain’86 (ZCB) – advocate 100% renewable 
energy without also advising of the resource or 
pollution risks inherent in that project? The 
reason, from my own experience arguing with ZCB 
for over a decade, is they just ignore them: They 
ignore them because ‘people in power’ – like the 
CCC – don’t want to hear them, and so they 
exclude them from their considerations.

What is certain is that while a segment of the 
globally affluent may be able to scrape a 
carbon-free lifestyle, there are not sufficient 
resources to 
everyone else87 on the planet to consume in that 
way. And the over-riding reliance on a single 
metric to judge progress – carbon emissions – is 
leading to a willing ignorance over both the 
global pollution, resource depletion, or 
biodiversity loss, that would result from such a ‘green’ future.

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George’s fallacies on fermentation

Firstly, as others have demanded my opinion on 
this recently, do I think that George Monbiot is 
being funded by corporate interests to talk about precision fermentation?

I really don’t think that matters at all! Whether 
he’s being funded or not doesn’t change the 
underlying technical arguments; and to raise that 
as an issue distracts from the evidence for why 
he is wrong. Motive is not the issue here; the issue is evidence.

Let’s address the big issue first: Technically 
there is no ‘food production’ crisis!
88. YouTube:
Monbiot on Ending Hunger – Without Destroying Our Planet’, 19th May 2022
89. Action Against Hunger:
Causes World Hunger?’.
90. Wikipedia:
fermentation – Precision fermentation’.
91. Wikipedia:
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultured_meat>‘Cultured meat’.
92. Nature Communications:
Warning On Affluence’, vol.11 art. 3107, 19th June 2020
93. Global Environmental Change: 
decent living with minimum energy – A global 
scenario’, vol.65 art.102168, November 2020
94. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry:
Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water’, vol.65 pp.6255-6262, June 2014
95. UN Development Programme: 
<http://hdr.undp.org/en/reports/global/hdr1992>‘Human Development Report’, 1992
96. Oxfam:
Carbon Inequality’, 2015

As George Monbiot commented in his 
with Owen Jones88, world hunger is rising – now 
probably extending to a billion people or more, 
including in the most developed states. That last 
part is the critical issue: The reason people in 
affluent states skip meals is the same reason 
those in poor states die of malnutrition – it’s 
an issue of allocation, not production.

for world hunger89 and malnutrition in both poor 
and rich states are variously, depending upon the location, the result of:
    * Economic inequality;
    * Climate change;
    * Conflict or displacement;
    * Natural disasters;
    * Urbanisation and/or isolation from the 
land, restricting access to food except by payment;
    * Poor diet due to the economic or social 
barriers to accessing good quality food; and
    * Social/state imposed barriers restricting 
access to land or food by certain groups.

fermentation90 is the idea that by using 
genetically engineered micro-organisms, grown 
inside industrial vats, protein can be produced 
far more ‘efficiently’; and with secondary 
processing and chemical additives, those simple 
proteins can be engineered into ‘nutritious’ 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultured_meat>meat substitutes91.

Given that brief summary, does anything stated 
there address the points in the list above of the 
primary reasons behind global hunger? No.

To even talk about precision fermentation in the 
same context as hunger belittles the the 
inequalities92 that drive it; and distracts from 
changes93 to national and 
governance94 in order to address those issues.
‘The Champagne Glass Graph’ – made popular by the 
Human Development Report95 in 1992, then 
resurrected by Oxfam in their 
Carbon Inequality’96 reports – this shows the 
unequal share of global carbon emissions, but 
it’s general proportions are also correct for 
energy consumption, metal consumption, digital devices, etc.

The root of global hunger is inequality: Global 
inequality is not the ‘fault’ of those who are 
hungry; it is due to the ‘choices’ of those 
running national and global governance systems. 
That system is dominated by a globally affluent 
elite (see graph, right): Where the 
of the world’s population95 benefiting from that 
half of everything96; while the ‘bottom half’ consume just 10%.

Let’s be absolutely clear on this: There is a 
Right to Food97. The fact hundreds of millions 
are hungry, yet enough food is produced for all, 
is a 
of political ‘choice’98, not ‘fate’.
97. UN OCHR:
25 – Right to Adequate Standard of Living’.
98. The Meta-Blog:
is there no ‘right to food’, or to grow food in 
Britain?’, no.13, 25th March 2021
99. Abe Books: 
– Feeding the World without Devouring the Planet’, 2022
100. YouTube:
– What is Property?’, 22nd September 2020
101. Guardian On-line: 
of England is owned by less than 1% of the population’, 17th April 2019
102. YouTube:
– George Monbiot calls for the end of (almost 
all) animal farming’, 15th June 2022
103. Science of The Total Environment: 
attributional life cycle assessment of microbial 
protein production – A case study on using 
hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria’, vol.776 art.145764, 1st July 2021

I’ve read George Monbiot’s book, 
Personally, I’ve found his recent books rather 
rambling – lamenting the ills of the world, yet 
ignoring the ‘radical’ solutions available if he 
could remove his mental shackles to society, ‘as 
it is’. We need to stop worrying about how bad 
things are, and concentrate on the simplest ways to make them better.

For example, in chapter 5 he says:

“City farms, allotments, and guerrilla gardens 
help us to feel a sense of connection to the land 
and engage our minds and hands in satisfying 
work. But, with one or two exceptions it’s 
unlikely to satisfy more than a tiny fraction of 
demand. The reason should be obvious: land in cities is scarce and expensive.”

Why is land in cities expensive? Because it is 
owned by a minute minority of the population 
called ‘landlords’. Why is that an ecological issue?

Climate change is a physical restriction on 
humanity. How much food you can grow on a square 
metre of soil is also a physical restriction. 
‘Property rights’ 
completely abstract100 – they do not exist, just 
like the monetary values property rights are 
traded with. They are not a ‘physical’ restriction.

If we are truly saying that climate change and 
ecological breakdown are ‘existential’ – that 
society lives or dies by what we do in the next 
decade – who could support a wholly ‘abstract’ 
division of the land in a way which prevents 
people from providing their needs in the most low impact way?

Once again, we come back to the issue of 
inequality: In Britain, 
than 1%101 of the population own ~50% of the 
land. In ‘Regenesis’, George argues that the 
intellectual property rights on the technological 
solutions to climate change must be weakened. 
Why, then, can’t we also restrict property rights 
on the land, or cap land values or tax excess 
wealth, to facilitate low impact lifestyles?

In <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eaTIe_TBZA>a 
short film102 on ‘Regenesis’, George states:

in Finland, scientists are brewing-up an 
entirely different kind of food. Inside these 
tanks, protein is being produced by
The only inputs are water, carbon from the air, a 
sprinkling of nutrients and electricity to split 
the water into hydrogen and oxygen. And the only waste product
 is water.”

In the previous section I outlined the problems 
with ideas like the ‘Green New Deal’, and the 
material and geopolitical barriers to expanding 
renewable energy to match fossil fuels. By 
advocating the use of electricity to produce 
protein – perhaps 
to 25 times more103 energy per unit of protein – 
it necessarily involves: A certain level of 
mineral extraction; a certain level of pollution; 
and a certain level of biodiversity loss as a result of those operations.

Are any of those impacts factored into George’s 
presentation of the process? No.

Finland is a good example: While 26% of their 
electricity comes from hydro and wind, around the 
same comes from nuclear – and that is projected 
to rise as their new, delayed, and massively 
over-budget EPR nuclear plant comes on-line. Does 
the fermentation process, therefore, consume 
uranium and produce high-level nuclear waste? 
Arguably yes. Is that considered in George’s model? No.

I don’t want to labour the point, but this model 
of how the process works is highly misleading: It 
does not measure the related impacts of creating 
the electricity; or extracting and purifying the 
artificial nutrients; or the associated energy 
and pollution costs of processing the ‘protein 
gloop’ into ‘cultured meat’. It is very much like 
the nuclear industry’s argument that ‘nuclear 
power doesn’t emit carbon dioxide’; and yet from 
the concrete in the reactor, to ore processing at 
the uranium mine, greenhouse gases are embodied throughout that process.
104. Geoforum:
pattern of world protein consumption’, vol.26 no.1 pp.1-17, February 1995
105. Medium:
of Protein across the world’, 24th November 2021
106. Wikipedia:
Reference Intake – Macronutrients’.
107. Our World In Data:
per capita protein supply, 2017’.
108. Guardian On-line:
what may be the most important green technology 
ever. It could save us all’, 24th November 2022
109. Wikipedia:
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_dilemma>‘False dilemma’.
110. Wikipedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permaculture>‘Permaculture’.
111. Wikipedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyculture>‘Polyculture’.
112. Global Environmental Change:
effect of Cuban agroecology in mitigating the 
metabolic rift – A quantitative approach to Latin 
American food production’, vol.63 art.102075, July 2020
113. Sustainability:
and Economic Evaluation of Agroforestry Systems 
for Sustainable Production of Food and Non-Food 
Products’, vol.12 no.13 art.5429, 2020
114. Sustainability Science:
contribution of small-scale food production in 
urban areas to the sustainable development goals 
– a review and case study’, vol.15 pp.1585-1599, 2020
115. PNAS:
urban agriculture results in high yields but 
requires judicious management of inputs to 
achieve sustainability’, vol.116 no.1 pp.129-134, 2019
116. University of Sussex:
allotments match farming productivity per square metre’, 17th December 2021
117. Global Food Security:
much of the world’s food do smallholders produce?’, vol.17 pp.64-72, June 2018
118. YouTube:
Meat is the New Oil – Aaron Bastani meets George Monbiot’, 5th June 2022
119. Wikipedia:
Automated Luxury Communism’.
120. Wikipedia:

In affluent states the major source of protein is 
meat; but in poor states the major source of 
vegetables and cereals104. How does that square 
with Monbiot’s assumption that meat production 
the global population105 is a homogeneous issue?

Likewise, humans need 
50g to 60g106 of protein per day. On average most 
countries scrape that amount in their national 
diet; but in the affluent world people on average 
least twice that107 amount or more. Does George 
Monbiot discuss the inequality of global protein 
intakes, and how that too leads to damaging 
health impacts, just as too little protein does? Not that I can find.

Turning to George Monbiot’s 
column108 in The Guardian, we see this same 
simplistic, narrow-boundary analysis applied as a justification:

“The first is to shrink to a remarkable degree 
the footprint of food production. One paper 
estimates that precision fermentation using 
methanol needs 1,700 times less land than the 
most efficient agricultural means of producing 
protein: soy grown in the US. This suggests it 
might use, respectively, 138,000 and 157,000 
times less land than the least efficient means: beef and lamb production.”

According to both his book and his column, then, 
the choice is between intensive animal 
agriculture, intensive soy production, or 
precision fermentation: That’s an entirely 
dilemma’109, ignoring the large body of evidence on viable alternative options.

His book, ‘Regenesis’, doesn’t discuss 
polyculture’111 – even though 
research112 shows those systems to be far less 
polluting, and 
much if not more113 productive, and economically 
far more beneficial to those involved, than the 
intensive farming system he rails against. Even 
allotments114 – which he dismisses in the book – 
good as, if not more115 productive than intensive 
agriculture, with 
levels of biodiversity116.

If we know there are easily implementable systems 
that can produce the same, if not more food, with 
less impacts, why doesn’t George evaluate these 
‘other’ options? Why doesn’t he investigate the 
the details behind why a third of the world’s 
food is grown by ‘small farmers’ 
only a quarter117 of the farmed land area? 
(hence, a third-more productive than intensive 
agriculture) And how does his characterisation of 
the problem of protein production fit to the 
varied models of small-scale agriculture – or 
indigenous animal herders or hunters – who do not 
practise intensive production? These alternatives 
are dismissed without investigation.

by Aaron Bastani118 – the man who wrote the book 
Luxury Communism’119 – one-hour in George states:

“By doing it this way you can localise your food 
production, and you can it can be much cheaper. 
You’re not paying soft currencies for hard 
currencies, you’re not using your local currency 
to buy stuff on the dollar market. You’re 
producing your own food locally, and it could 
have a massive impact in reducing hunger but also 
in allowing people to assert sovereignty over their own food supply.”

Those points apply even more strongly to 
locally-based agriculture, or small-scale 
production on plots or urban allotments, than to precision fermentation.

He also fails to note the up-front demand for 
electricity, water, concentrated nutrients, and a 
processing capacity to turn the ‘protein gloop’ 
into an appetising foodstuff. Are those factors 
which are all locally available? Clearly, not. 
Even ‘locally produced’ solar electricity 
requires photovoltaic panels which are the 
product of a globalised mining, manufacturing, 
and logistics chain, that operates on the hard 
‘dollar’ currencies he’s being critical of.

George Monbiot’s analysis of the land required to 
support ‘cultured meat’ is incomplete. It doesn’t 
include the land-take of the system’s 
such as: Power generation; nutrient production; 
or the land mined for metal or phosphate 
resources. Unless that essential part of the 
system is included, he is not making a 
‘like-for-like’ comparison, and so no claims can be made as to its advantage.

In contrast, what do localised permaculture or 
integrated polyculture systems depend upon? 
Seeds. Literally, the most complex part of a 
local food system is developing the right seed 
variety for the local climatic conditions; and 
once obtained, they can be simply grown and 
shared – no hard currencies or mechanised logistics chains required.

Small-scale animal agriculture, integrated into 
fodder cover and nutrient cycling, may be part of 
that process – especially at higher latitudes 
where the growing season is shorter. That, again, 
is something that requires a local assessment of 
the best options for food production. But to 
reduce this entire debate to, “Technology Will 
Save Us All!”, is simplistic, illogical, and not based upon evidence.

I have wrestled with ‘Regenesis’ since I read it. 
His recent Guardian columns only add to my 
concern about his public pronouncements. I can 
rationalise their flaws and failures in only one 
way: The levels of compromise George Monbiot 
engages in, to maintain his position within the 
media environment, mean that he can no longer 
represent ecological reality to his audience.

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Conclusion: If ecomodernism’s tinkering has 
failed, it suggests that their model is wrong

121. Wikipedia:
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vance_Packard>‘Vance Packard’.
122. YouTube:
Hidden Persuaders’, Vance Packard (1957) – ‘A 
Book in Five Minutes’ no.18’, 4th October 2022
123. International Journal of Information Management:
influencers on social media’, vol.56 art.102246, February 2021
124. Wikipedia:
Engineering of Consent’.
125. YouTube:
Sings ‘Accentuate the Positive’’.
126. European Journal of International Relations:
activism and the rise of food sovereignty – 
Decolonising and democratising norm diffusion?’, vol.23 no.1 pp.145-167, 2017
127. Journal of Natural Resources:
Deep Ecology Movement’, Spring 1980
128. Lancet Planetary Health:
responsibility for ecological breakdown – a 
fair-shares assessment of resource use, 
1970-2017’, vol.6 no.4 pp.342-e349, April 2022

Multi-level marketing, created off the back of 
the social media boom, is as revolutionary as the 
fears raised by 
Packard121 about the 
boom of the 1950s122. Whether by direct payment, 
goods-in-kind, or just because of the ‘group 
identity’ it confers, the manipulation of 
influencers’123 by political, financial, and 
industrial interests, represents a new ‘wild 
west’ in – to use Edward Bernays’ famous phrase – 
Engineering of Consent’124.

George Monbiot is such an influencer – and a 
valued one as his audience is largely made-up of 
the affluent middle class with disposable 
incomes. And in the marketing of that message – 
unlike other advertisers – he is wholly 
unaccountable as he 
the positive’125 and buries the bad news.

Although Jonathon Porritt may have felt either 
the honesty, or entitlement to state the 
assumptions behind the ‘ecomodernist’ viewpoint, 
many do not. They bend and twist their ideas to 
avoid ever confronting reality: That their 
technocratic machinations are devised to maintain their material entitlements.

We must 
the ‘radicalism’126 that Porritt and others 
excluded from the movement in the 1980s as they 
sought compromise with the establishment; and 
reinvigorate the 
ecological debate127 on 
and ‘inequality’128 that has been suppressed for too long.

Ecomodernism can never address the economic and 
social inequalities which benefit the globally 
affluent, while creating suffering or hunger for 
other living beings (humans included). Just like 
the establishment’s failure to address 
colonialism, doing so would question their own 
political and economic advantage in the 
here-and-now – raising difficult questions of 
justice and accountability for past policies.

When I raise the issue of class identity, 
affluence, and the ecological crisis, a number of 
people in the environment movement – especially 
of the ‘ecomodernist persuasion’ – are driven to apoplexy.

I understand that: It challenges the very basis 
of their self-identity, and hence their security 
and well-being. But it’s equally valid to require 
anyone objecting to this approach, to view the 
issue from the opposite side: From the majority 
who are economically excluded from the debate; 
and why the low-tech/low impact options for 
change are excluded from that debate, as the 
privileged pundits leading it feel uncomfortable talking about them.

Through his columns in The Guardian, and his 
recent book, George Monbiot has created talking 
points that seek an ecologically-benign ‘stasis’ 
in the human system – ignoring the needs and 
current predicament of the nationally and 
globally poor: To even mention the word ‘hunger’ 
in the context of precision fermantation, I find 
offensive; to talk of technocratic solutions that 
are reliant upon globalised commodity systems, 
when the barriers to accessing food are the 
result of the neocolonial domination of the 
resource production, I find repugnant.
129. <https://www.rebootfood.org/>‘Reboot Food’ website.
130. Reboot Food:
Reboot Food Manifesto’.

What I have not raised here is his 
<https://www.rebootfood.org/>‘Reboot Food’129 
initiative, and in particular his 
– including its: Calls to legalising gene editing 
(without specifying which of the many processes 
available should be made ‘legal’); calls for 
‘rewilding’ (without specifying what that means, 
and to what extent ‘rewilding people’ is 
permitted’); and calls for greater food labelling 
(which presumes the perpetuation of the highly 
centralised industrial food production and 
distribution system). That ‘manifesto’ deserves a deep-dive of its own!

If ‘ecomodernism’ is focussed on enabling certain 
technological or consumer choices, when many are 
excluded from those choices not simply by price, 
but by the fact they can barely scrape the basics 
for a viable lifestyle, then how is that debate 
going to ever create a mass movement for change? 
Worse still, the political-right that George 
seems so afraid of, will weaponise that failure 
to engage across the social spectrum, to obstruct 
change, and alienate those making such arguments.

George Monbiot has a highly privileged position 
which he could use positively: He could 
deconstruct the economic and social processes 
that created his privilege; and through that 
process, both advocate for radical ecological 
change, and build bridges with those economically 
excluded from the advantage that he has benefited from.

He chooses not to do that. Instead, he advocates 
for ‘solutions’ which preserve the economic 
advantage of the Western lifestyle above any 
criticism that it is physically and practically beyond salvage.

We need seeds, not solenoids; plots not vats; 
gardens, not economic globalism. Above all we 
need land rights, and access to land, to 
disengage from the global economic system that is 
the root of human exploitation and ecological 
destruction. For a catchy soundbite to encompass 
that, let’s say, “we need to rewild the people 
alongside all the other animals”.
to watch the YouTube video of this post

As I have reviewed here: George Monbiot’s 
representation of ecological issues in the media 
has become increasingly narrow; biased towards 
the perpetuation of affluence and establishment 
power; and as a result, he is apparently 
twisting, misquoting, or stating incomplete 
information, in order to maintain that position. 
What he promotes is an ‘extreme centrism’, which, 
through highly questionable technocratic schemes, 
seeks to preserve the entitlements of affluence 
against the inevitable crash of that lifestyle. 
As a result, he is sanitising ecological 
destruction and global inequality, to maintain 
the artificial lifestyle of the affluent minority 
who have benefited the most from 
industrialisation – which, in the end, is what 
has created the ecological crisis, and which must be curtailed to avert it.

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And it came to pass, as he sat at meat with them, 
he took bread, and blessed it, and brake, and 
gave to them. 
<http://biblehub.com/luke/24-31.htm>31 And their 
eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he 
vanished out of their sight.  http://biblehub.com/kjv/luke/24.htm
'Capitalism is institutionalised bribery' TG
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