[Diggers350] Rewilding Britain Timeline – Partners Monbiot and Wrigley’s Totnes Cover For Private Equity’s New Enclosures?

Tony Gosling tony at cultureshop.org.uk
Wed Aug 28 03:03:59 BST 2024

Rewilding Britain Timeline – Partners George 
Monbiot and Rebecca Wrigley’s Cover For Private 
Equity’s New Enclosure By Stealth


August 2024 
<https://tlio.org.uk/author/tony/>Tony Gosling 
a comment

Across the UK, in Holland and as far away as 
India and New Zealand farmers are protesting. 
Here, DEFRA’s new ‘environmental’ requirements 
known as 
Net Gain require farmers to take abut 15% of land 
out of production putting many who are surviving 
on slim profit margins out of business and off the land.

The spin is that farming is incompatible with 
wildlife, but the sinister end result is upland 
and downland, pasture and arable land are 
becoming just tens of thousands of acres of 
distressed assets forced to market to be snapped 
up by private equity. Hang on. Farming, after 
all, and the surplus food it provides, formed the 
basis, 4,000 or so years ago, of civilisation.

This is particularly worrying because it  appears 
to have been pre-meditated, so well-planned. 
Though post-WWII industrial agriculture is less 
so, traditional non-pesticide, non chemical 
fertiliser farming with horses, before the 1930s, 
always left plenty of space for wildlife. Indeed, 
until 2022 there was a rising charity, The 
Countryside Restoration Trust (CRT), founded by 
journalist Robin Page, championed the integration 
of farming and wildlife. This was 
in a 2021 hostile takeover which arguably killed 
heartbroken Robin Page who’d seen his life’s work wrecked by brigands.

China and the developing world have roundly 
beaten Western Finance Capitalism at its own game 
. But blocked economically and militarily, where 
will the West’s voracious rent-seekers turn? The 
answer is, of course, to consolidate their 
domestic monopolies, domestic Small and Medium 
Enterprises (SMEs) and asset owners. Quietly 
placing family farmers right in the crosshairs.


Old markets, squeezed dry, are 
as new markets in ‘Carbon Credits’, then, which 
King Charles personally benefits in terms of 
wind and 
trading regulation. But these are nothing but a 
great deception, a sophisticated excuse for 
global elite asset managers and high-priests of 
 to privatise the earth and bring 
in formalised digital human slavery.

The second great land-grabbing wave of enclosure 
has begun. This time its not the aristocracy, but 
Vanguard, the new kings on the block, private equity cartels.

Some say 
fathered by 21st century Nietzschean philosopher 
Nick Land, has the Western World in its spell. 
Land, <http://Source: 
this writer Tony Gosling grew up with, delights 
in speeding towards Armageddon. Accelerationists 
like Peter Thiel and Yuval Noah Harari, backed by 
the <https://payhip.com/b/pK6W>financial 4th 
Reich,  encourage omni-crises and 
up with ‘solutions’ to each, for the public, that just make things worse.

So, from a cosy little cottage near 
Devon, George Monbiot and Rebecca Wrigley’s 
forked-tongues chime out that, 
greatest threat to life on earth is farming’, and 
only by denying meddling farmers access to land 
can we prevent 

It doesn’t seem to matter that Agenda 2030/COP 
rewilding of wolves in Germany has been such a 
disaster. Nor that it’s only a matter of time 
before one of the hundreds of reintroduced wolf 
packs kill a hapless child or two.

Nietzsche was 
Hitler‘s guru, however, butter wouldn’t melt in Monbiot and Wrigley’s  mouths.

UK Rewilding Timeline

Understanding the recent increase in “Rewilding” 
initiatives in Cornwall by examining a wider global “Rewilding” agenda.

Nigel Sumpter

1 Introduction to this Working Paper
2. Rewilding Initiatives
2.1 What is “Rewilding”
2.2 Summary
3. Two Organisations key for understanding current Rewilding initiatives
3.1 The World Economic Forum (The WEF)
3.2 The United Nations (The UN)
3.3 The 2019 Strategic Partnership Framework between The WEF and The UN.
4. Timeline of Rewilding related initiatives
4. Timeline of key international initiatives relating to rewilding.
4.1 1970s to 1990s: Some foundational elements of current Rewilding Initiatives
4.2 2000 to date: Global reiteration and 
reinforcement of he preceding Rewilding principles
5. Taking Farmland Out of Food Production for 
“Climate Change” mitigation and/or Rewilding
5.1 International Taking Farmland Out of Food Production
5.2 Europe Taking Farmland Out of Food Production
5.3 Britain Taking Farmland Out of Food Production
5.4 Cornwall Taking Farmland Out of Food Production
6. Cornwall: Some other recent examples of local level rewilding initiatives
7. Addendum
7.1 Some comments on how rewilding can be a mechanism for wealth transfer.
7.2 World Human Population Reduction – “to save the planet”
7.3 Some guides to Agenda 2030:

1: Introduction to this working paper
This working paper considers a marked recent 
increase in local “rewilding” initiatives using 
the example of Cornwall and examines how they 
are/may be driven by a wider global agenda.
Representative text extracts from readily 
available public sources are arranged into a 
broadly chronological order. This presents an 
overall picture of the key initiatives that are 
part of a global agenda including “rewilding” and 
their impacts from global down down to local 
level. These quoted text extracts are highlighted in Italics.
Links are provided against many of the 
representative text extracts to allow deeper enquiry.
(CAPITAL NOTES IN BRACKETS) offer comment and 
queries for the reader to consider.
Underlined and/or in bold in the text extracts 
where introduced and considered of particular 
significance are: Names – of individuals and 
organisations, Policies, Initiatives etc


2: “Rewilding”
2.1 What is “Rewilding”
Definition: “Rewilding” , or re-wilding, 
activities are conservation efforts aimed at 
restoring and protecting natural processes and 
wilderness areas. Rewilding is a form of 
ecological restoration with an emphasis on 
recovering the geographically specific set of 
ecological interactions and functions that would 
have maintained ecosystem dynamics prior to human 
influences. This may require active human intervention to achieve.”
Origin: “The word “rewilding” was coined by 
members of the grass roots network Earth First!, 
appearing in print by 1990, and was refined and 
grounded in a scientific context by conservation 
biologists Michael Soulé and Reed Noss. According 
to Soulé and Noss, rewilding is a conservation 
method based on “cores, corridors, and 
carnivores.” The concepts of cores, corridors, 
and carnivores were developed further in 1999. 
Dave Foreman, Earth First! co-founder, 
subsequently wrote 
about rewilding as a conservation strategy”.
Note: Earth First! co-founded by Dave Foreman, 
referred to in the Wikipedia extracts above, has 
been described as an extreme Eco-Terrorist group. 
As set out below in the timeline section Dave 
Foreman wrote the influential “The Wildlands 
Project” published by The Club of Rome in 1992 
which is substantially about Rewilding and the 
intrinsically necessary management of the human 
population . Recommendations in the “The 
Wildlands Project” are foundational to current 
global Rewilding Policies embodied in the likes 
of Agenda2030 “The Sustainable Development Goals” 
which is signed up to by 178 Governments 
worldwide. The foundational 1992 The Wildlands 
Project’s recommendations for rewilding go hand 
in hand with radical control of human populations 
into just 25% of the land including relocation into “Sustainable” cities.

2.2 Summary: On the face of it some degree of 
selective “Rewilding” proposals in their own 
right seems a perfectly reasonable option to 
consider to address loss of flora, fauna and 
habitat arising from human activities such as 
historic and ongoing clearance of original wild 
forests and other habitats to allow for 
agricultural land use, urbanisation and resource 
exploitation along with hunting mostly larger 
wild animals to extinction as either food sources or if perceived as dangerous.
This brief study however concludes that the 
current global to local “rewilding” imperative 
substantially arises from the global United 
Nations (UN)’s Agenda2030 “The Sustainable 
Development Goals” and in particular Sustainable 
Development Goal 15 (SDG15) “Life on Land”.
Agenda2030 is supported by it’s 178 signatory 
world Governments who are bound to implementing 
all 17 SDGs. This appears to be integrated with 
other global initiatives of The World Economic 
Forum (WEF) such as the “The 4th Industrial Revolution” and “The Great Reset” .
A key part of advocating and advancing 
implementation of this overall global agenda 
globally down to local level , including 
rewilding, is through the “Strategic Partnership 
Framework” signed in 2019 between the UN and the WEF .
The UN, WEFand signatory world Governments, along 
with private and public stakeholder organisations 
and individuals are due to meet in September 2023 
to discuss how to accelerate delivery of this 
overall global agenda some aspects of which involve rewilding.
The “rewilding” element of Agenda 2023 SDG 15 
“Life on Land” appears to have evolved from being 
fundamentally founded on the extreme rewilding 
recommendations embodied in the 1992 Wildlands 
Project, published as noted earlier by The Club 
of Rome and written by Dave Foreman co-founder of 
Earth First! The later organisation also as noted 
earlier being regarded as among the most extreme eco-terrorists of the time.
The Club of Rome, publisher of the Wildlands 
Project is said to express a desire for One World 
Government. The World Economic Forum have also 
promoted One World Government. The United Nations 
(UN) who it has been said are increasingly moving 
in some respects toward being a component of a 
One World Government approach(eg UN 
Secretary-General’s remarks at the 2017 World 
Government Summit : 
None of these bodies are elected or accountable 
to the people and there appears to be little 
opportunity or offer of public consultation on 
the Agenda 2030 measures, including Rewilding, or 
the seemingly related “4th Industrial Revolution” or “Great Reset” measures.”
2009 December Telegraph “There’ll be nowhere to 
run from the new world government” 
2010 May Martin Edward. One World Governance – A 
Common Purpose? “[Would these global agreements] 
sweep away any consideration of what was once 
assumed to be the most basic principle of modern 
democracy: that elected national governments are 
responsible to their own people – that the right 
to govern derives from the consent of the 
electorate. There’ll be nowhere to run from the 
new world government.” 

3. Organisations central to understanding current Rewilding initiatives:
3.1 The World Economic Forum (The WEF)
World Economic Forum (WEF) – From Wikipedia March 
13, 2022: 
: The World Economic Forum (WEF) is an 
international non-governmental and lobbying 
.founded on 24 January 1971 by 
German engineer and economist Klaus Schwab. The 
foundation is mostly funded by its 1,000 member 
companies – typically global enterprises with 
over US$5 billion in turnover, & views its own 
mission as “improving the state of the world by 
engaging business, political, academic, and other 
leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas”.
Also: North Western Research Institute (NWRI) 
“The Forum suggests that a globalised world is 
best managed by a self-selected coalition of 
multinational corporations, governments and civil 
society organizations ..which it expresses 
through initiatives like the “Great Reset”. ” 
Rewilding is listed on the World Economic Forum’s 
website. The WEF say: “..In the future, food will 
be produced more intensively in fewer areas”, and 
“less productive land will be used for 
“Rewilding has gone global, and rewilding 
projects are growing in more than 70 countries 
across Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia, Latin 
America and North America.” “The Global Rewilding 
Alliance, which was created in 2020, says 
rewilding the Earth will “stabilize the climate, 
halt mass extinction, and reduce the risks of new 
1992 – ongoing. The WEF has claimed to be able to 
insert it’s Young Global Leaders (YGLs) into 
world Governments to deliver WEF policies 
(presumably including Rewilding). Already in the 
first year of WEF’S Young Global Leaders 
(YGL)training programme, 1992, a number of highly 
influential candidates were elected. Among 200 
selected were global profiles such as Angela 
Merkel, Tony Blair, Nicolas Sarkozy, Bill Gates, 
Bono, Richard Branson (Virgin), Jorma Ollila 
(Shell Oil), and José Manuel Barroso (President 
of the European Commission 2004–2014) (Personal 
conversation has suggested that around half of 
the current members of the Cabinet of the current 
British Parliament may be WEF trained YGLs.) 
Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum, 
has claimed that the WEF have penetrated many 
world government cabinets: 
2030 March The Expose News: “Obscured by 
noble-sounding verbiage, the text of the World 
Economic Forum’s Agenda 2030 hides a hideous 
truth. When you look past the “sustainable 
development” jargon, it’s clear they want to take 
away your goods, such as electrical appliances, 
motor vehicles and even property rights.” 
2023 February Video: “Whitney Webb | What is the 
World Economic Forum?” Investigative journalist 
Whitney Webb reveals the inner workings of the 
World Economic Forum (“WEF”), the driving force 
behind The Great Reset. “The World Economic Forum 
(WEF) plays a significant role in guiding 
international developments in the interests of 
the business community.” ..”These are dreams 
where the powerful stay powerful, and the 
underclasses continue to toil and suffer. ..to 
solidify corporate control over the governments’ 
of the world”. 

3.2 The United Nations (The UN)
The United Nations, referred to informally as the 
UN, is an intergovernmental organization whose 
stated purposes are to maintain international 
peace and security, develop friendly relations 
among nations, achieve international cooperation, 
and serve as a centre for harmonizing the actions 
of nations 
“Within the UN’s Sustainable Policy, which 
Britain has adopted, we find the objective to 
remove private ownership whilst at the same time 
we also find the objective to re-wild the 
countryside – the UN envisions that most of the 
people in the world will be living in cities by 2050.”
2021 September Expose news: “Building an Empire – 
The United Nations Using the World Economic Forum 
to Roll Out Its Agenda”. “A key facet of that 
action plan is to push the agenda down to the 
most local levels in society. There are multiple 
paths and they all lead to a ‘One World 
Government’. ” 
as explained in James Jaeger’s documentary 
(below). Although it’s lengthy at 2.5 hours, it’s 
well worth watching as it gives a deeper 
understanding of the Agenda, how it’s being 
implemented and its local and global impact. 
While watching you will find you are able to draw 
parallels to what is happening in your own 
locality.” 2020 July James Jaeger’s documentary 
“UNSUSTAINABLE – The UN’s Agenda For World 
“The UN says “sustainable development” is simply 
the “Environmental Movement” reconfiguring the 
planet into a safe, green world. Others maintain 
it’s the forced inventory and control of all 
land, water, minerals, plants, animals, building 
projects and human beings on the planet. In other 
words, a blueprint for what many fear could morph 
into a totalitarian World Government. So what’s 
the real agenda behind Agenda 21?” . 2.5 hours 
long, it gives a deeper understanding of the UN 
and it’s agenda, how it’s being implemented and 
its local and global impact. While watching you 
are able to draw parallels to what is happening 
in your own locality.” (Including Rewilding initiatives.)

3.3 The 2019 Strategic Partnership Framework 
between The WEF and The UN to deliver Agenda 2030 
“The Sustainable Development Goals”,globally down 
to locally (including SDG15 and Rewilding) .
2019 June The United Nations (UN) and The World 
Economic Forum (WEF) signed the “Strategic 
Partnership Framework” between them to accelerate 
the implementation of UN Agenda 2030 which under 
it’s Sustainable Development Goal 15 (SDG15) 
titled “LIFE ON LAND” promotes Rewilding. 
Agenda 2030 is a ..”global movement, co-ordinated 
through a global to local action plan.” A key 
facet of that action plan is to push the Agenda 
down to the most local levels in society. This 
would include pushing Rewilding (under SDG15) 
from globally down to locally – eg in Cornwall.
2021 September Expose News. “The United Nations 
(“UN”) “unites” the governments of 193 countries 
of the world. The World Economic Forum (“WEF”) 
“unites” 1,000 of the world’s largest 
corporations. The two are joined by a strategic 
partnership to implement the UN’s Sustainable 
Development Goals of Agenda 2030. An agenda which 
aims to control every aspect of our lives.” 
(UN/WEF Strategic Partnership Framework in the 
embedded video from approx -9.5minutes)
In the late ’90s at the World Economic Forum 
annual meeting, the then-head of the UN, Kofi 
Annan, essentially said that the World Economic 
Forum had been in part responsible for what he 
referred to as a silent revolution at the UN, 
where the UN, instead of championing the public 
sectors of the world (which is how most people 
think of the UN) they would instead begin to 
prioritise the needs of the businesses of the 
 multinational corporations 
 over the 
past several decades the World Economic Forum 
being a major part of this. The United Nations 
has been pushed to essentially prioritise corporate needs over public needs.
2022 October Expose News. The U.N. & World 
Economic Forum are using each other to implement 
‘Agenda 2030’ & ‘The Great Reset’ “The United 
Nations (“UN”) “unites” the governments of 193 
countries of the world. Whilst the World Economic 
Forum (“WEF”) “unites” 1,000 of the world’s 
largest corporations. The two are joined by a 
strategic partnership to implement the UN’s 
Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030. An 
agenda which aims to control every aspect of our 
lives. ” 
2023 March Expose News. “
a strategic alliance 
WEF entered into with the United Nations (“UN”) 
in 2019, which called for the UN to “use 
public-private partnerships as the model for 
nearly all policies that it implements, most 
specifically the implementation of the 17 
sustainable development goals, sometimes referred 
to as Agenda 2030”.”(which includes Rewilding) 

4. Timeline of key Rewilding related initiatives
4.1 1970s to 1990s: Foundational elements of current Rewilding initiatives
1972 “Limits of Growth” Report – published by The 
Club of Rome (see introduction for comment ref 
CoR aims of eg Global Government). Main author 
Dennis Meadows is an honorary member of the Club 
of Rome and a member of the World Economic Forum. 
The Limits to Growth is a 1972 book about the 
computer modelling of exponential economic and 
population growth with finite resource supplies. 
Funded by the Volkswagen Foundation and 
commissioned by the Club of Rome 
It advocates an up to 86% reduction in human 
population (without saying how) The impacts from 
too large a human population are established in 
this report and appear to remain part of the 
underlying arguments around rewilding. 
: After reviewing their computer simulations, the 
research team came to 
. conclusions 
(including):”It is possible to alter these growth 
trends and to establish a condition of ecological 
and economic stability that is sustainable far 
into the future. The state of global equilibrium 
could be designed so that the basic material 
needs of each person on earth are satisfied and 
each person has an equal opportunity to realize 
his individual human potential.” The introduction 
goes on to say: ” These conclusions are so 
far-reaching and raise so many questions for 
further study that we are quite frankly 
overwhelmed by the enormity of the job that must 
CRISIS’ “Jeffery Jaxen takes a deep dive into the 
origin of the ‘climate crisis’ narrative, 
highlighting the Club of Rome’s hand..) – 
‘Climate Change’ is widely presented as among the 
justifications for Rewilding. Includes background 
to Club of Rome coming to publish the Limits of 
Growth & reference to selection of ‘Climate 
Change’ as a possible justification for 
establishing global government. 
1973 A Thames Television UK documentary on the 
Club of Rome’s The Limits to Growth explained 
that “only through complete control of societies 
can catastrophe be avoided and that a coming 
revolution should be planned.” 
Video of Dennis Meadows in 2017 talking about 
Limits of Growth (45 yeas after it’s publication 
& reasserting the Limits to Growth report’s 
The video shows Meadows musing over his hopes 
that the population reduction by 86% of the world 
population could be accomplished peacefully under 
a “benevolent” dictatorship. He said: “We could 
have eight or nine billion, probably, if we have 
a very strong dictatorship which is smart 
[people have] a low standard of living 
 But we 
want to have freedom and we want to have a high 
standard of living so we’re going to have a 
billion people. And we’re now at seven, so we 
have to get back down. I hope that this can be 
slow, relatively slow and that it can be done in 
a way which is relatively equal, you know, so 
that people share the experience.”
Expose News – MARCH 2023 Retrospective review: 
“The Limits to Growth is deeply flawed yet 
advocates used it to claim societies need to be 
completely controlled to avoid catastrophe. It 
may have been the first computer model and the 
first to fuse global temperature with variables 
like population growth, resource loss, and the 
under-defined category of ‘pollution’..”: 
1976 UN Conference on Human Settlement. Principle 
of “Sustainable Development” publicly aired in 
effect the principle of state control over private property for wider good.
1987 Our Common Future Report (commonly known as 
The Brundtland Report) was published. (UN had in 
1983 appointed an international commission to 
propose strategies for “Sustainable Development” 
and it had originally been written by the 
International Union for Conservation of Nature 
(IUCN) in Switzerland.). The term Sustainable 
Development was first introduced to the world in 
the pages of a 1987 report “Our Common Future” 
produced by the United Nations World Commission 
on Environmental and Development, authored by Gro 
Harlem Brundtland, VP of The World Socialist 
Party. The term was first offered as official UN 
policy in 1992, in a document called UN 
Sustainable Development Agenda 21, issued at the 
UN’s Earth Summit, today referred to simply as 
Agenda 21. In signing, each of 178 nations pledge 
to adopt the goals of Agenda 21 
Biological diversity is the subject of Chapter 15 
of Agenda 21. Agenda 21’s aim initially had been 
to achieve global sustainable development by 
2000, with the “21” in Agenda 21 referring to the 
original target of approach the 21st century 
(this was not achieved). (since directly 
translated recently into Agenda 2030 as 
Sustainable Development Goal 15. (SDG15) “Life on 
Land” <https://youtu.be/rTE-3Fl7wgg>https://youtu.be/rTE-3Fl7wgg.
1992 “Beyond the Limits” updates the findings of 
Limits of Growth Report 
“Beyond the Limits is a book continuing the 
modeling of the consequences of a rapidly growing 
global population that was started in the 1972 
report Limits to Growth.” “A sustainable future 
will require profound social and psychological 
readjustments in the developed and developing 
world.” “Current crop yields can only sustain the 
world’s population at subsistence levels, 
1992 UN Agenda21 signed by USA during the Earth Summit at Rio de Janeiro

1992 The Wildlands Project was published and 
remains an influential source for several key 
aspects of current global rewilding policies. 
Author Dave Foreman was founder of Earth First 
which has been described as the most militant 
eco-terrorist organisation on the earth. 
: The Wildlands Network (formerly known as 
“Wildlands Project”) 
On Page 15 of the The Wildlands Project it says: 
“We must convert (ie Rewilding) at least 50% of 
the land area of North America to Wilderness off 
limits to Human Beings.” he continues that “Those 
Core Wilderness Areas are to be interconnected by 
Wilderness Corridors also off limits to human 
beings. Those Wilderness areas are to be 
surrounded by Buffer Zones that may have limited 
resource use under the supervision and permitting 
of the Central Government in collaboration with 
Non Government Organisations (NGOs). Human 
population is to be resettled into the remaining 
25% of the land into communities described as 
“Sustainable Communities”. (NOTE: SUSTAINABLE 
INITIATIVE OF “15 Minute Cities”)
1992 UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). 
16 pages long only and described by some as 
principles only, bland and vague (eg Henry Lamb: 
). Signed by 150 World Leaders. President George 
Bush refused to sign the Treaty but not long 
after President Bill Clinton (Al Gore was then 
Vice President ) did sign it. Key features 
include: Nations will create a sytem of protected 
areas – seemingly not controversial as 12% of USA 
land area was already protected. CBD Article 25 – 
‘There shall be created a Conference of the 
Parties (ie established annual COP) that shall 
create a subsidiary body that shall produce a 
Global Biodiversity Assessment (GBA)
1994 1st Conference of the Parties (ie COP1) in 
Berlin- which arose from the recommendations of 
the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) 
report of 1992. At COP1 the U N Environment 
Programme present to COP1 a report titled: “A 
Global Biodiversity Assessment” (GBA),
1994 A Global Biodiversity Assessment” (GBA) 
report. 1140 pages long and explains how to 
implement the Convention (or Treaty) on 
Biological Diversity. The last 200 pages deals 
with a system of protected areas. The last 200 
pages, section 13, of the Global Biodiversity 
Assessment, deal specifically with a system of 
protected areas (see page 915) which are core 
wilderness areas surrounded by buffer zones. The 
Global Biodiversity Assessment Report on Page 773 
proposes a substantial reduction of the world 
population (but does not specify how) 
The Global Biodiversity Assessment Report on Page 
993 says the recently published 1992 Wildlands 
project, the controversial long-term strategy 
(100 or 200 years), (see above) is the central 
theme of protected areas
 to expand natural areas 
(ie in effect by Rewilding) to cover as much as 
30% of the US land area. (Note: ’30 by 30 ie: 30% 
by 2030 is now a key UN Sustainable Development 
1994, The campaign that blocked the international 
signing and adoption of the The Global 
Biodiversity Assessment as a binding treaty 
(including internationally mandated human 
population reduction -along with rewilding) : A 
detailed account of the nail biting campaign that 
at the last minute blocked the adoption of the 
treaty – with what could have mandated extensive 
Rewilding and population relocation & reduction 
is on this link: 
“On July 19, Dr. Michael Coffman, a Director of 
Maine Conservation Rights Institute, and a 
regional director for the Alliance for America, 
was in Washington talking to Senator Mitchell’s 
staff and to Senator Dole’s staff, trying to 
convince them that the Treaty would have the 
effect of making the “Wildlands Project,” the 
objective of the Treaty’s implementation. The 
study revealed the existence of a draft of the 
Global Biodiversity Assessment, required by the 
Treaty, and the identification of the “Wildlands 
Project” (which includes extensive Rewilding) as 
a primary mechanism for Treaty implementation.” 
..about an hour before the Senate debate, 
Voight received a call from Mitchell’s office 
reporting that the Treaty would be withdrawn.”
1995 Video : Eco Fraud – An Interview With Dr. 
Michael S. Coffman on the On Target show. 
He discusses a wide range of environmental issues 
that are being used to scare people into being 
willing to give up their Constitutional 
protections to “save” themselves by creating 
“global governance”. From 34 minutes he discusses 
the UN’s plan to protect biodiversity in the 
Convention on Biological Diversity will not only 
reduce biodiversity, but will lock up to half of 
America into wilderness reserves and corridors. 
Dr. Michael Coffman was an author, researcher, 
speaker, and founding contributor to the fight 
against Agenda 21 Sustainable Development. He was 
President of Environmental Perspectives, Inc., 
and Executive Director of Sovereignty 
International. Dr. Coffman played a key role in 
stopping the ratification of the Biodiversity 
Treaty in the US Senate. He died in 2017.
1996 Video: Henry Lamb talking at the 1996 
Granada Forum: 
Henry Lamb was the first to discover Agenda 21 
and sound the alarm. He wrote the book ‘The Rise 
of Global Governance, and Agenda 21’. He also 
produced a series of videos on Agenda 21. Each 
stand as invaluable tools for anyone wanting to 
know where this evil agenda came from and why it 
must be stopped. Lamb died in 2012.
4.2 2000 to date: Global reiteration of Agenda 21 
as Agenda 203 and expansion of the preceding Rewilding principles
2003 July 15 to date. WEF has been listed as a 
participant of the UN’s Global Compact . Global 
Compact is a mechanism to advance the global 
goals of the UN. 
2011 June . Rewilding Europe was formally 
established as an independent, not-for-profit 
foundation (ANBI status) registered in the 
Netherlands. “Rewilding is being practised at 
scale across Europe. The application of rewilding 
principles, models and tools is delivering 
measurable, demonstrable, and sustained benefits 
for nature and people. With many actors we create 
a Europe that is richer in nature and more 
resilient to climate change. Rewilding Europe 
currently incorporates two limited liability 
companies, the Rewilding European Capital B.V. 
and the Rewilding Europe 
2014 August USA Tea party against Agenda21 (An 
example of push back against Agenda 21) “In 
recent years the United Nation’s Agenda 21 policy 
has become the rallying cry for many in the Tea 
Party who believe that the U.N. threatens 
American sovereignty. This concern led to the 
introduction of anti-Agenda 21 legislation in 26 
states in 2012 and 2013”. “
The United Nations 
Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of 
environmental extremism, social engineering and 
global political control
 This United Nations 
Agenda 21 plan of radical so-called “sustainable 
development” views the American way of life of 
private property ownership, single family homes, 
private car ownership, individual travel choices 
and privately owned farms as destructive to the 
2015 Rewilding Britain established Rewilding 
Britain is an independent charity committed to 
catalysing rewilding and influencing rewilding 
policy across all of Britain. We are the first 
and only country-wide organisation in Britain 
focusing on rewilding and the amazing benefits it 
can bring for people, nature and climate. 
Rewilding Britain’s current motto is: ” 30% BY 
2030 Rewilding Britain’s vision for achieving 30% 
by 2030 is to expand the scale, quality and 
connectivity of our native habitats through: The 
creation of core rewilding areas across at least 
5% of Britain. 
World Economic Forum on Rewilding Britain: 
rewilding Britain could absorb even more CO2 
than tree planting” “
support marginal upland 
farming in shifting from low-productivity sheep 
and deer ranching to rewilding.” 
Income: £1,802,042. Rewilding Cornwall (currently 
only a subset of the Rewilding Britain website) 
“A Cornwall Rewilding Network is currently at the 
planning stage. We will release more details here once it has been launched.”
2015 United Nations (“UN”) Sustainable 
Development Summit. Agenda 2030, also known as 
the “Sustainable Development Goals”, is a set of 
goals decided upon at the United Nations (“UN”) 
at the 2015 Sustainable Development Summit. 
Agenda 2030 takes all of the goals set by Agenda 
21 (including those relating to Rewilding) and 
re-asserts them as the basis for “sustainable 
development”. Goal 15. Protect, restore (ie 
Rewilding) and promote sustainable use of 
terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage 
forests, combat desertification, and halt and 
reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity 
loss” became Agenda 2030 SDG15 “Life on Land”: 
Three of the UN’s foundational documents appear 
to continue to at least in part inform the aims 
of Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goal 15 
(SDG15) ie the 1992 Biodiversity Treaty; the 1992 
Wildlands Project and the 1995 Global 
Biodiversity Assessment (all three are as 
referred to earlier in the timeline above showing 
the continuity of intentions including tose of 
2019, June The UN-WEF Strategic Partnership 
Framework was signed to accelerate the 
implementation of Agenda 2030. The WEF represents 
the financial “elites.” 
The United Nations (“UN”) “unites” the 
governments of 193 countries of the world. Whilst 
the World Economic Forum (“WEF”) “unites” 1,000 
of the world’s largest corporations. The two are 
joined by a strategic partnership to implement 
the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 
2030 an agenda which aims to control every aspect 
of our lives. None of these organisations or 
companies has officials which represent the 
people. We have not elected them into office to 
govern or make decisions on our behalf. And, no 
electorate has been asked if their goals are our 
goals or if their goals will create the world we, 
the people, want. Within the UN’s Sustainable 
Policy, which Britain has adopted, we find the 
objective to remove private ownership whilst at 
the same time we also find the objective to 
re-wild the countryside – the UN envisions that 
most of the people in the world will be living in 
cities by 2050. 
2020 The Global Rewilding Alliance, was created.
2020 Boris Johnson promising to rewild a third of 
the country by 2030. “Boris Johnson has promised 
to restore to nature 30 per cent of Britain by 
2030 as he signs a biodiversity pledge with other 
UN leaders
2020 January The World Economic Forum issued a 
report entitled “Nature Risk Rising. Why the 
Crisis Engulfing Nature Matters for Business and 
the Economy.” “Our research shows that $44 
trillion of economic value generation – more than 
half of the world’s total GDP – is moderately or 
highly dependent on nature and its services and 
is therefore exposed to nature loss. Together, 
the three largest sectors that are highly 
dependent on nature generate close to $8 trillion 
of gross value added (GVA): construction ($4 
trillion); agriculture ($2.5 trillion); and food 
and beverages ($1.4 trillion). This is roughly 
twice the size of the German economy. This is 
particularly bad news when put next to the 
current measurements of global warming.” 
2020 November Global Rewilding Alliance created 
.global partners include the IUCN, World Bank, 
World Resources Institute, World Economic Forum 
and Society for Ecological Restoration.” “As part 
of the planning for WILD11 (11th World Wilderness 
Congress), our many collaborators worked with us 
to create the Global Charter for Rewilding the 
Earth which is the foundation for the Global 
Rewilding Alliance that is now an official 
implementing partner of the UN Decade of 
Ecosystem Restoration. WILD will act as 
secretariat and facilitator of this Global 
Rewilding Alliance. “A prime aim of the Alliance 
will be to get official recognition, through 
inclusion in language and global action plans, of 
the term and concept of “rewilding“ as the most 
advanced form of restoration and as the best and 
most cost-effective nature-based solution in 
solving the dual climate/biodiversity crisis.” 
The World Economic Forum () state: “The Global 
Rewilding Alliance, which was created in 2020, 
says rewilding the Earth will “stabilize the 
climate, halt mass extinction, and reduce the 
risks of new pandemics” (NOTE: NO EXPLANATION 
2020 December The Guardian “2022: the year 
rewilding went mainstream – and a biodiversity 
deal gave the world hope” “Away from Cop15, 
rewilding came to the fore in 2022, with projects 
across the globe, from the reintroduction of 
bison and cluster rewilding in the UK to big 
ambitions in Argentina, lessons learned in the 
Netherlands and the US, and the 10th Rewilding 
Europe project launched. Leonardo DiCaprio and 
Ellie Goulding were two celebrities who expressed 
their support for the movement during the Age of 
Extinction’s Wild world project.” 
2021 WEF meeting at Davos, ..since when WEF has 
publicly discussed how these goals can be used to 
achieve King Charles’ “Great Reset.” 
Charles launched three related instruments at 
Davos 2020: the Terra Carta, the Sustainable 
Markets Initiative and the Sustainable Markets 
Council. The Terra Carta is a 17-page “Earth 
Charter” created by Charles and released on 11 
January 2021.The voluntary framework commits 
companies and investors to ensure their 
businesses are aligned with preserving the 
world’s biodiversity – protecting 50% of the 
biosphere by mid-century- and achieving net-zero 
emissions by 2050. (50% – a figure originally 
mentioned in 1992 Wildlands Report – and would 
presumably have to include substantial Rewilding to be achievable.)
2021 “After taking office, President Biden signed 
an executive order announcing his America the 
Beautiful plan to conserve 30% of US land and 
water by 2030. He challenged Americans to 
collaboratively “conserve, connect, and restore 
(ie rewild) the lands, waters, and wildlife upon 
which we all depend” at a national scale ” (US 
Departments, p. 9: Here, we take a major step in 
advancing President Biden’s plan by envisioning a 
bold and science-based rewilding of publicly 
owned federal lands
2021 June “UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration”. 
The objective of the UN Decade is to “build a 
strong, diverse global movement towards a 
sustainable future by accelerating restoration 
(ie including rewilding) through building 
political momentum for restoration (ie including 
rewilding) and thousands of practical 
initiatives. The official launch of the UN Decade 
was on World Environment day, 5 June 2021, and 
the initiative will last through 2030, which also 
is the deadline for the Sustainable Development 
Goals and the timeline scientists consider the 
last chance to prevent catastrophic climate 
change. Lead agencies are the UN Environment 
Programme and the FAO with “collaborating 
agencies”: UNFCC (UN Framework Convention on 
Climate Change), CBD (Convention on Biological 
Diversity), UNCCD (UN Convention to Combat 
Desertification), UNECE (Un Economic Commission 
for Europe) and UNESCO. Other global partners 
include the IUCN, World Bank, World Resources 
Institute, World Economic Forum and Society for 
Ecological Restoration (ie including rewilding) . 
2021 October. In Your Area Newsroom. Friends of 
the Earth believe that rewilding areas of 
Cornwall is not only good for the environment and 
wildlife but could also help create some 6,860 
green jobs in the Duchy by 2030. 
2021 November UN Climate Change Conference 
(UNFCC) COP 26 WEF: Climate change summit: What 
is COP26 and why does it matter? 
, “In the fight against climate change, the UN 
says time is fast running out. So COP26, the 
United Nations climate summit, is an opportunity 
to agree to global action that’s seriously 
overdue.” “The World Economic Forum estimates 
that nature is responsible for half of global GDP 
($44 trillion) and that shifting to a 
nature-positive economy in key sectors could create 395 million jobs by 2030.”
Climate Crisis Report: “10 Ways Rewilding Can 
Help Beat the Climate Crisis” 
A report by RSK presented at COP26.”In November 
2021, the UK is hosting COP26, so all eyes will 
be on us as we seek to deliver against our 
climate commitments and recover from the 
coronavirus pandemic”. “Why does Britain need to 
rewild? Britain is one of the most ecologically 
depleted nations on earth. Once, species like 
bears and wolves roamed wild but we’ve seen 
populations of our most critical species plummet 
by 60% since 1970. Agricultural intensification, 
ever expanding urban development and an 
increasingly polluted environment have all taken 
their toll 
2021 December The Convention on Biological 
Diversity (CBD COP 15 (The 15th Meeting of the 
Conference of the Parties (COP15) to the 
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP15) 
took place in Kunming, China. In January 2021, 
the CBD published a 21-point draft of the 
agreement, which commits signatories to protect 
at least 30% of the planet, control invasive 
species, and reduce pollution from plastic waste 
and excess nutrients by 50%. 
The first part concluded negotiations on a 
post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.
2022 March “Living within Limits”. Video. The 
Club of Rome: The Limits to Growth + 50 years on: 
Global equity for a healthy planet – Anniversary 
Webinar Series | , (94 mins) 
2022 Oct World Economic Forum & rewilding: 
“Rewilding: letting nature do its own thing.” , 
“The Global Rewilding Alliance, which was created 
in 2020, says rewilding the Earth will “stabilize 
the climate, halt mass extinction, and reduce the 
risks of new pandemics” (AN UNUSUAL CLAIM 
 “Rewilding can help combat climate 
change and reverse species extinction, Rewilding Britain says.”
2022 December COP15 – the United Nations 
Convention on Biological Diversity (“UNCBD”) 
conference. (COP15 took place in a virtual 
format, from 11-15 October 2021. The second part 
of COP 15 was a face-to-face meeting in Kunming, 
China, from 25 April-8 May 2022.) The plan to 
“expand natural habitats and corridors to cover 
as much as 30% of the land area” as was 
originally proposed in the 1992 The Wildlands 
Project and reiterated and reinforced in the the 
1994 Global Biodiversity Assessment is what is 
currently now being called the 30 by 30 plan 
(Note: that The 1995 Global Biodiversity 
Assessment also proposes a substantial reduction 
of the world population (but did not specify how) 
. 30 by 30 is now incorporated in a so-called 
“New Deal for Nature” which will involve new 
investments or financial markets worth about $10 
trillion over this decade being created to 
provide opportunities for businesses to “engage” 
with the plan. Shortly after COP15 concluded, the 
Indigenous Environmental Network issued a 
statement which also exposed the private 
commercial interests planning to profiteer from 
“Mother Earth.” 
30 by 30 has been described as: .. the biggest 
land grab in history marketed under the guise of 
“protecting biodiversity.” Survival International 
estimates that the plan will displace around 300 
million indigenous people worldwide from their 
native lands and forests in the name of 
“conservation.” And it will make a very few very rich while doing so.
2023 April An announcement has been made by the 
World Economic Forum (“WEF”) that World leaders 
will be gathering together later this year 
(September) to “accelerate the implementation of 
Agenda 2030,”. “The United Nations (UN) and the 
WEF appear frustrated by a lack of progress made 
towards their “Great Reset” ideology, alongside 
Agenda 2030,..!” 
2023 May WHO’s draft text of WHO CA+ 
(Comprehensive Agreement+) proposes COP 
(Conference of the Parties) to be established as 
in effect an unaccountable unelected 
international bureaucracy. Option 8a “One Health” 
would cover rewilding etc. See UK Column News 6th 
June 2023 from 1hour: 
5. Taking Farmland Out of Food Production for 
“Climate Change” mitigation and/or Rewilding
Predicated on the claim that it will both tackle 
“Climate Change” and/or restore(rewild) nature 
there appears to be a global push for taking land 
out of food production often with a stated 
intention to restore (rewild) it to a natural 
state. This has started to be actioned relatively recently.
<https://clintel.org/>https://clintel.org/ – over 
1,500 leading world scientists challenge the 
narrative of “Anthropogenic Climate Change” – 
Climate Intelligence (CLINTEL) is an independent 
foundation that operates in the fields of climate 
change and climate policy. CLINTEL was founded in 
2019 by emeritus professor of geophysics Guus 
Berkhout and science journalist Marcel Crok.
Annual GWPF Lecture – Patrick Moore (scientist & 
founder of Greenpeace) – Should We Celebrate Carbon Dioxide?
5.1 International Taking Farmland Out of Food Production
2017 January Dr Adrian Colston: Blog. 
“Catastrophe in uplands farming
..” “
in October 
2015, the Dartmoor National Park Authority 
invited Monbiot to come and speak on rewilding to 
the biennial National Parks Conference [2]. His 
used of words such as ‘sheepwrecked’ and ‘the 
white plague’ to describe his views of the sheep 
grazing regimes on Dartmoor caused widespread 
offence amongst the farming community [3] but won 
him many supporters from elsewhere.” 
2022 April Report by Ice Age Farmer Biden pays 
farms to STOP – EU out of feed – Meat taxes & 
chicken permits – Up to you to GROW FOOD!Even as 
Biden and Trudeau announce food shortages, 
farmers are being paid to stop farming. Chickens 
are now designated illegal animals, due to bird 
flu (diagnosed by a fraudulent PCR test), also 
justifying millions of birds being culled in the 
UK and France. The EU is culling livestock as 
they run out of animal feed, and in the UK, cows 
are being exterminated due to a lack of 
farmworkers. Meanwhile, the Netherlands is 
seriously considering a meat tax. 
2023 February. World Health Organisation (WHO)’s 
Pandemic Accord Will Give It Control Over U.S. 
Livestock and Food Supply Parties must 
acknowledge “the creation of the Quadripartite” 
to “better address any One Health-related issue.” 
The draft states explicitly that the 
“Quadripartite” consists of the WHO­whose top 
three donors include the U.S., Bill and Melinda 
Gates Foundation, and the People’s Republic of 
China­the Food and Agriculture Organization of 
the United Nations, the World Organisation for 
Animal Health, and the United Nations Environment 
2023 April. The People’s Voice. WEF Orders 
Governments To Start Limiting Food To Fight 
Climate Change – The People’s Voice. Klaus 
Schwab’s World Economic Forum has been laying 
groundwork to begin starving the people it 
considers useless and has now ordered governments 
in the West to begin attacking the food supply. 
2023 USA This Administration’s Agenda Is To 
30 Biden Bill – don’t let our farmers die. Rumble 
2023 The United Nations and Private Land 
Ownership – Setting the Stage for Farmland 
Expropriation. It certainly appears that society 
is on the cusp of major change, particularly if 
the ruling class gets its way. One of the goals 
of Agenda 21 is to end private property ownership 
and all farming of animals by 2050. 
2023 April Australia – Globalist Plans to Steal 
Farmland & Regional Land THE REAL AGENDA BEHIND 
THE VOICE TO PARLIAMENT: Exposing the Globalist’s 
Plan to Steal Australian Farmlands and Regional 
Land. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese vows, “I’m 
here to change the country.” It is not a vow, but 
a threat. 
Stephen Reason: 
The forced land acquisition will not end with 
farmland. Forest, parklands, nature reserves, 
coastlines will be geo-fenced and permanently 
restricted ­ deemed “sacred,” and 
non-traversable, forevermore. You will not dare 
trespass on the Globalist’s newly acquired land; 
indeed, you will not even venture beyond the 
radius permitted by your carbon credit 
2023 YouTube: Farmland WARS: The Global TAKEOVER 
of America’s Land | Glenn TV | Ep 244 There’s a 
world war raging right now between globalist and 
nationalist authoritarians. All sides want 
absolute control, 
2023 May Democrat USA President Joe Biden’s 
“climate czar” John Kerry is calling for farmers 
to stop growing food in order to meet the 
administration’s radical “net zero” goals for 
lowering “emissions.” Kerry, Biden’s Special 
Presidential Envoy for Climate, issued the 
warning during a green agenda conference in 
Washington D.C. During the Department of 
Agriculture’s (USDA) AIM for Climate Summit, 
Kerry told the audience that “we can’t get to net 
zero, we won’t get this job done, unless 
agriculture is front and centre as part of the 
solution.” Kerry warned attendees that his and 
other world leaders’ “lives depend” on farmers 
ceasing their operations. 
2023 May Expose news. John Kerry: “Destruction of 
farming is front and centre in the fight against 
climate change,” says. “Kerry’s narrative to 
starve people by cutting off their food supplies 
to save people from starving seems bizarre. But 
that’s because the agenda he’s promoting uses 
climate and greenhouse gas emissions as a 
 He was accused as far back as 2011 
of being the US Senate’s “most globalist-oriented 
insider” when he was named as one of 12 members 
of the newly formed “Super Congress.” 

5.2 Europe Taking Farmland Out of Food Production
2022 December Netherlands’ Land Grab: If there’s 
one thing bureaucrats like to do it’s to push 
people around but Dutch farmers aren’t having it. 
Government leaders claim that the radical 
restructuring of Dutch farming is necessary for 
the good of the environment. However, facts 
suggest that this has little to do with the 
environment and much to do with centralising 
2023 February “Irish farmers warn of an uprising 
if Government continues with “vicious” measures 
to meet net-zero targets” “Ireland will need to 
quadruple its afforestation targets, reduce its 
livestock by 30% and re-wet 90% of reclaimed land 
if the agricultural sector is to meet net-zero 
2023 March. Netherlands’ Land Grab: Dutch farmers 
are not safe yet. After the stunning victory in 
the elections in the Netherlands this week, some 
are warning that the BBB’s seats may not be 
sufficient to stop the Dutch government’s land 
2023 March Tucker Carlson interviews Dutch Farmer 
rep: WAR ON FARMERS Could Lead To Mass 
Starvation. Learn How To Protect Your Family WAR 
ON FARMERS Could Lead To Mass Starvation | Learn 
How To Protect Your Family 
2023 March “Netherlands’ Land Grab: Dutch farmers 
are not safe yet” 
2023 May The Expose. Netherlands Land Grab: Dutch 
farmers prepare for a battle. Despite the 
election results and the outrage, the Dutch 
government is pushing ahead with its plans to 
destroy Netherlands’ agricultural sector. 
2023 May The Expose. Netherlands’ Land Grab: What 
is driving the Dutch nation to attack itself and 
destroy the bedrock of its society? Under the 
plans, farmers will be offered financial 
compensation to stop farming. However, the deal 
isn’t a “willing buyer willing seller” deal, the 
term farmers are being threatened with is 
“compulsory farm buyouts.” 
2023 May Ireland. “The Department for Agriculture 
has said a report outlining a 200,000 reduction 
in dairy cows was a “modelling document”. It was 
reported yesterday that cows would have to be 
culled at a cost of €600,000 to taxpayers over 
the next three years to meet climate emissions 
targets. Together beef and dairy account for 
around two-thirds of the country’s agricultural 
output with around 90 per cent of the produce 
Irish government proposes culling 200,000 cows to 
meet climate targets “The Irish Creamery Milk 
Suppliers Association called the deal a “sellout” 
that would make many farms unviable. Cutting 
emissions by a quarter will drive many farms into 
2023 “The Battle Is Over” DEVASTATING NEWS For 
Farmers Just Announced. Massive ‘forced’ Farm 
Closures to go ahead!! This latest shocking, but 
not surprising news will significantly contribute 
to massive food shortages and massive increases 
in food prices across Europe over the coming 
years!! After appeals from the Dutch farmers, the 
EU has finally passed a law for the forced 
closure of farms in the Netherlands which is the 
number one, most productive, farming country on 
planet Earth! All orchestrated by the WEF, under 
the fake claim that Nitrogen fertilisers which 
create CO2 creates global warming, which is 
stated to be ‘fake science’ by many independent 
climatologists (i.e. not the climatologists 
funded by the global elites) 

5.3 Britain Taking Farmland Out of Food Production
October 2018 Cambrian News “A project to ‘rewild’ 
a massive area of north Ceredigion and the Dyfi 
Valley, including parts of the sea in Cardigan 
Bay, has been slammed as “cultural imperialism”. 
2019 October Daily Post. “Farming anger forces 
Rewilding Britain to pull out of Summit To Sea 
project in Mid Wales “A project to ‘rewild’ a 
massive area of north Ceredigion and the Dyfi 
Valley, including parts of the sea in Cardigan 
Bay, has been slammed as “cultural imperialism”. 
“A statement by Rewilding Britain this morning 
confirmed it was withdrawing from the scheme 
followed feedback from farming unions and local 
2020 March. Friends of the Earth wants to double 
UK woodland cover by 2050 – to tackle the climate 
emergency and make more space for nature. 
Increasing tree cover is an essential part of a 
range of measures needed to fight climate change. 
While woodland currently covers 13% of the UK, 
approximately 70% of the UK is farmland. It’s 
clear that if we’re going to double tree cover, 
some of this farmland will need to be converted 
into woodland. 
February 2020 Daily Mail “War of the wild: How 
trendy metropolitan eco-zealots with close ties 
to Boris Johnson are set on driving out 
traditional farming and ‘rewilding’ the land” 
an experiment in ‘rewilding’ ­ a trendy, but 
for some, highly controversial form of land 
management in which large areas of countryside 
are allowed to revert to nature. Popular with 
conservationists (but hated by many farmers) it 
boasts many powerful supporters in the UK. They 
believe removing land from agricultural 
production can help fight climate change and 
reverse the catastrophic decline in wildlife 
populations we have suffered in recent decades. 
Boris Johnson’s Government, currently formulating 
a farm-subsidy policy for life outside the EU, 
seems particularly keen. Indeed, large amounts of 
public money could be diverted from traditional 
farming and used to help rewild the British 
2021 September BBC 24 “A major new project aims 
to rewild an area of more than 500,000 acres 
(202,343ha) in the Highlands. Over a period of 30 
years, mountains, hills, glens and forests would 
be left to natural processes. Moray-based charity 
Trees for Life is working with Rewilding Europe, 
along with 20 landowners and six organisations on 
the project.” 
2021 Mail Online 
2021 May P&J Newspaper, Scotland. Leading 
Scottish farmer sounds warning over planting 
trees on productive farmland. “Similar reports 
from Scotland: farms being shut down in order to 
“rewild” them and plant trees. Ironically this 
farmer is worried it will end up INCREASING 
carbon footprint, to then have to import all 
food. Mr Connon said: “I am receiving fresh calls 
every week from despairing farmers and crofters 
across Scotland telling me of another farm or 
estate destined for tree planting. “The more of 
Scotland’s limited productive land that shifts 
from farming to forestry, the more we are likely 
to simply offshore our emissions or even increase 
our carbon footprint.” 
2022 January Daily Mail Fury at plan to hand 
millions to farmers to turn 741,000 acres of land 
into nature reserves as ‘rewilding cult’ loved by 
Carrie’s pals the Goldsmith brothers forms centre 
of shake-up George Eustice launches 
£2.4billion-a-year plan replacing EU’s £2.4bn 
common agricultural. Farmers and landowners will 
be paid for planting trees and restoring wetlands 
in 15 new nature reserves. The ‘landscape 
recovery scheme’ will eventually cost the 
taxpayer £800million a year from 2028. But there 
are concerns about risk to food security and 
policy will benefit Britain’s richest landowners. 
Farmers say Boris Johnson’s ‘mad’ obsession with 
rewilding will drive smaller farmers out of 
business. Ministers claim plans will turn 741,000 
acres into wildlife habitats in 20 years and will 
not risk food supply 
2022 January The Spectator “The problem with 
rewilding. Humans have shaped Britain for 
thousands of years”Under new plans, just 
announced by Environment Secretary George 
Eustice, farmers and landowners in England could 
be paid to turn large areas of land into nature 
reserves and restore floodplains.” 
2022 May UK “Farmers Being Paid to Stop Farming”. 
“It is hard to fathom the UK government’s recent 
lump-sum- exit- scheme that effectively bribes 
farmers to retire and turn over their land to 
woodland, whilst a potential world food crisis 
looms according to the IMF (International 
Monetary Fund).” 
2022 January ITV News. “Farmers and landowners to 
be paid to rewild English countryside” 
2022 The Independent. Enormous tree-planting push 
will turn farmland into forests to hit net-zero 
goals. “A major tree-planting push by the 
government to help the country reach its climate 
goals will be the biggest in 50 years and could 
result in some farmland currently used for 
livestock being repurposed to create new 
2023 March Devon Live. Farmers fear plans to 
remove livestock from Dartmoor “Natural England 
says that the relationship between farming, 
nature and other impacts like climate change are 
“not in balance” Dartmoor Natural England: 
Reflections from Wes Smyth, Natural England’s 
Area Manager, on how we ensure Dartmoor’s unique 
wildlife is preserved. 
2023 April Expose News: “A report produced by 
Oxford University and Imperial College London for 
the UK Government reveals that all airports will 
be ordered to close, eating beef and lamb will be 
made illegal, and construction of new buildings 
will not be permitted in order to meet the legal 
commitment of zero emissions by 2050. According 
to the report this will require the public to 
never eat beef or lamb ever again. To do this 
national consumption of beef and lamb will drop 
by 50% between 2020 and 2029. Then between 2030 
and 2049 beef and lamb will be “phased out. 
However, the timeline of events may speed up 
significantly because the Government enshrined a 
new target in law in April 2021 to slash 
emissions by 78% by the year 2035.” 

5.4 Cornwall Taking Farmland Out of Food Production
2023 February Cornwall Live. “Moors plan leaves 
Cornwall farm families fearing for their 
livelihoods” Farmers in west Cornwall say they 
are being “treated like dirt” and feel not heard 
amid proposals which could see vast swathes of 
farmland taken out of production. 
2022 November Cornwall Live. An area of over 
3,000 hectares stretching from St Just to St Ives 
has been earmarked for protection by Natural 
England in recognition of its national importance 
for wildlife. However, with around 13% of that 
area being farmland, some farmers on Penwith 
Moors say that new restrictions on their land 
could threaten their livelihoods, forcing them to 
sell up. 

6. Cornwall: Some recent examples of local level rewilding initiatives
2019 October “Massive plans for a Forest for 
Cornwall covering 8000 hectares” “The aim is to 
plant trees to use the carbon emitted by homes, 
business and machines” 
“Forest for Cornwall (F4C) has been chosen as one 
of only two new Woodland Creation Partnerships 
funded by Defra’s Nature for Climate Fund.” 
2020 June Cornwall Wildlife Trust backs new form 
of protection for the sea and call on Government 
for ambitious delivery plan for Highly Protected 
Marine Areas within a year from June 2020. “In 
Highly Protected Marine Areas, on the other hand, 
all damaging activities including fishing, 
dredging, construction and sea angling would be 
2019 Cornwall Council report: ‘Climate Change 
Action Plan’. In the Introduction on page 4 at 
1.4 says that “..a fifth of our agricultural land 
must shift to alternative use”. On page 18 refers 
to “Cornwall’s 
 availability of grassland’s 
suitable for afforestation”. On page 26 under 5.8 
‘Balancing Interventions’ refers to “.. rewilding 
of previously managed land” (types of previous land use not specified)
2021 March Forest for Cornwall F4C 
Press release: Defra announces funding boost and 
new partnership with Forest for Cornwall. Funding 
boost and new woodland creation partnership 
formed between Defra and Forest for Cornwall.
2021 October “Cornwall has potential to be 
largest rewilding area in England” “Cornwall has 
the potential to lead the way in England when it 
comes to rewilding and regenerating woodlands. 
According to new findings by environmental 
charity Friends of the Earth, in partnership with 
Rewilding Britain, there are 69,598 acres of 
potential natural regeneration in Cornwall, 
making it the largest local authority in England 
for any rewilding projects. Nationally more than 
a million acres of new tree cover could be 
created simply by letting existing woodland 
regenerate and spread.” 
Analysis carried out by Tim Richards from 
TerraSullis on behalf of environmental charity 
Friends of the Earth, in partnership with 
Rewilding Britain also identified the local 
authority areas with greatest potential for 
natural woodland regeneration, which include 
Cornwall, Harrogate and Northumberland. 
2021 The National Trust in Cornwall- 
Currently, the six-hectare site consists of three 
fields of improved grassland. Note: Personal 
conversation with National Trust staff at the 
public consultation indicated there were other 
areas also intended for conversion to woodland as 
farm tenancies came to an end – ie when they 
would normally be renewed. It is understood that 
more farms are to be considered for large scale 
tree planting as tenant’s contracts come up for renewal.
2021 October Falmouth Packet: “Rewilding in 
Cornwall could help Council hit climate targets” 
2022 Rewilding Cornwall on Facebook: 
2023 Cornall Science Community: “Rewilding is a 
progressive conservation strategy that goes 
beyond protecting natural areas. It aims to 
restore areas of land to their natural states.” 
2023 Cabilla, Bodmin Moor – “KICK STARTING 
REWILDING”: “Natural processes will be kick 
started on the site through initial 
interventions. This will include the removal of 
sheep grazing from most of the site to allow 
vegetation to naturally regenerate. Other grazing 
animals will be introduced in low numbers to 
mimic natural grazing, including Belted Galloway 
cattle, Cornish black pigs and Dartmoor ponies. 
Internal fencing will be removed to allow animals 
to move throughout the farm. The natural 
regeneration of woodland on site, especially the 
expansion of existing ancient oak woodland and 
temperate rainforest, will be encouraged through 
changes to grazing pressure. Deer management will 
also be undertaken to reduce pressure on tree 
saplings. This will be supplemented with 
additional tree planting, with 100,000 native 
trees proposed.” 
2023 March “Rewilding. It’s a buzzword. But could 
keystone species that once shaped Britain – from 
beavers to boar to bison – be the key to tackling 
the nature and climate crises?” Text by 
Award-winning television producer, nature writer 
and conservationist, Benedict Macdonald, now 
working as Head of Nature Restoration at Real 
Wild Estates, a company specialising in restoring 
nature at scale for landowners, NGOs and 
2023 April Cornwall Wildlife Trust open to public 
on zoom panel discussion event: ‘Rewilding. Our 
last hope or a current craze.’ On Youtube: 
2023 April. UK Column from 40 to 45 minutes. 
Natural England & re-wilding in Cornwall: 

7.0 Addendum
7.1 Some comments on how rewilding can be a mechanism for wealth transfer.
Below are a few extracted comments from links 
used in the document above where financial 
benefit to “the elite” from rewilding is indicated.
30 by 30 is now incorporated in a so-called “New 
Deal for Nature” which will involve new 
investments or financial markets worth about $10 
trillion over this decade being created to 
provide opportunities for businesses to “engage” with the plan.
30 by 30 has been described as: .. the biggest 
land grab in history marketed under the guise of “protecting biodiversity.”
2021 November, The World Economic Forum estimates 
that nature is responsible for half of global GDP 
($44 trillion) and that shifting to a 
nature-positive economy in key sectors could 
create 395 million jobs by 2030. 

7.2 World Human Population Reduction – “to save the planet”
Whilst human population reduction “to save the 
planet” does not seem to have reappeared formally 
in writing in UN or WEF public documents since 
activists in 1994 blocked the signing as a Treaty 
the UN’s Global Biodversity Assessment (which 
included substantial human population reduction) 
the issue has continued to be aired. For example:
2020 WEF Davos meeting: Jane Goodall, British 
Ambassador for Peace to the United Nations, at 
the WEF forum at Davos in 2020 said, “We can 
solve climate change by depopulating the earth by 
a mere 7.5 billion people. We cannot hide away 
from human population growth. Because it 
underlies so many of the other problems. All 
these things we talk about wouldn’t be a problem 
if there was the size of population there was 500 
years ago” Video: 
2022 December Expose news. “Self-appointed elites 
want far fewer people in the world and they have 
wanted this for a long time” “The depopulation 
agenda has been festering behind the scenes for a 
long time and now it is coming out in the open 
and going 
2023 May Expose news “Jane Goodall is not a 
kindly grandmother; she is a promoter of eugenics 
and reduction of the world’s population to 450 
million” “To convince the public the UN’s “30 x 
30” goal is a “good thing,” the World Economic 
Forum (“WEF”) and the World Wildlife Fund (“WWF”) 
have chosen three leading influencers – Greta 
Thunberg, Jane Goodall and David Attenborough – 
to market the ideology under the guise of a “New 
Deal for Nature.” 

7.3 Some guides to Agenda 2030:
2023 June UK COLUMN. Interview: 
2022 November UK COLUMN. Agenda 2030, ­ Good 3 
part video resume: Part 1 For one mother, a brief 
meeting with Bill Gates led to conducting a 
dedicated investigation of the Global 
Biodiversity Assessment (from 10 minutes 30 
Part 2 – the current SDG15 “Life on Land” is 
discussed from circa 50 minutes & Limits to 
Growth from circa 1hour 5 minutes. 
Part 3 . Land being taken away from Farmers for 
rewilding from circa 39 minutes 50 seconds & from 
45 minutes UN/WEF Strategic Partnership to 
accelerate implementation of the 17 Agenda 2030 
SDGs (including SDG15 Life on Land which includes 
End of working paper

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