<h1><b>Beer & Revolution: Wigan Diggers Festival 2021, Fighting
Landlessness & Injustice Since The English Civil
War</b></h1>Premiered 8 hours ago<br>
<b><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XNtVLGsmZE" eudora="autourl">
</a></b>But The Labour Party Fail To Appear – NOT The BCfm Politics Show
presented by Tony Gosling Wigan Diggers Festival 2021 - Social Justice
& Landlessness from the English Civil War to today - with founders
Stephen Hall, Viccy Perry & Alan from Bolton Diggers
<a href="http://www.wigandiggersfestival.org/" eudora="autourl">
www.wigandiggersfestival.org</a> Martin Summers, Tony Gosling
<a href="http://www.thisweek.org.uk/" eudora="autourl">
www.thisweek.org.uk</a> - 17Sep2021 Jeremy Corbyn addresses packed crowd
in Wigan – 6 years after he was elected Labour leader
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbXlnTWRPam1lYkh1bk5YcEJudkpTQTc2Sm9LQXxBQ3Jtc0ttcS1GQUxSdVJIazdlbmt1TUJVY05DbHl3dk9KNm1SeVlhaFBYRHU3SlFuNXA0eW9DMHgzLWtoWjdVNXc5SHZLTGJZYzA3S2NqY2NIaEVEMFdpcTFoNERKelR6QnVkRXZPTEM3NHA1RVZ5Y0VaOVhxcw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thelondoneconomic.com%2Fpolitics%2Fjeremy-corbyn-addresses-packed-crowd-in-wigan-6-years-after-he-was-elected-labour-leader-290014%2F%3Famp">
https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/pol...</a> Jeremy Corbyn received a
warm welcome at the Wigan Diggers’ Festival this weekend – six years
after he was elected leader of the Labour Party.<br><br>
<h1><b>Jeremy Corbyn At Wigan Diggers Festival Sep 11th 2021</b></h1>16
Sept 2021 - 12 mins Jeremy Corbyn Speaking at the Wigan Diggers Festival
in September 2021<br>
<b><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbhOVY2VW9M" eudora="autourl">
<img src="cid:" width=960 height=698 alt="Emacs!">