</b><a href="https://www.facebook.com/levellersday" eudora="autourl">
</a>Public Transport to Burford<br>
Train from Worcester or Oxford to Hanborough BR Station<br>
Then bus 233 every 30 mins to Burford (50 min ride)<br>
Bus 853 Cheltenam to Burford (on to Witney) departs Chelt. 07:04am
10:14am & 13:14pm<br>
Out of options? No, hitchhike along the A40 to Burford roundabout<br>
<a href="https://levellersday.wordpress.com/whats-happening-2022/">
https://levellersday.wordpress.com/whats-happening-2022/</a> <br>
<img src="cid:.0" width=538 height=480 alt="Emacs!"><br><br>
Saturday 21 May 2022<br>
• 11.00 in the churchyard – Sea Green Singers open the event<br>
Rev Prof Mark Chapman pays tribute to the Leveller martyrs<br>
Posies laid under memorial plaque<br>
Internationale led by Red Kites & Sea Green Singers as march leaves
the churchyard<br>
• 12.00 – march through Burford with music from Attila the Stockbroker
• 13.00 – Levellers’ conversation in the main hall<br>
on the theme of the Levellers and the right to protest with<br>
Ted Vallance (author of A Radical History of Britain) <br>
Professor Ann Hughes, Keele University <br>
John Rees facilitating<br>
• 14.30 – Levellers’ Day debate in the main hall<br>
Chaired by Roger Mackenzie<br>
Siobhan Endean, Unite National Officer for Equalities<br>
Shami Chakrabarti House of Lords <br>
Chantelle Lunt Merseyside Kill the Bill <br>
Richard Burgon MP Leeds East <br>
• 17.00 – BREAK<br>
• 17.30 – Attila the Stockbroker and Barnstormer 1649 play live<br>
• 18.30 – Concert ends, event closes<br>
Stalls open throughout the day from 10.30am<br><br>