<font size=5><b>-
<a href="https://tlio.org.uk/woodburning-stoves-banned-yet-a-truckload-of-trees-every-20-minutes-to-fuel-stevens-croft-lockerbie-biomass-power-station/">
Scotland Bans Woodburning Stoves, Yet Lockerbie's Biomass Power Station
Is Burning ‘A Lorry Load Of Trees Every 20 Minutes’</a> 6 August 2024
<a href="https://tlio.org.uk/uk-farming-crisis-latest-farm-profits-slumped-by-19-in-2023-says-defra/">
UK Farming Crisis Latest: Farm profits slumped by 19% in 2023, says
DEFRA</a> 27 July 2024 <br>
</i><font size=4><a href="https://wigandiggersfestival.org/">Wigan
Diggers' Festival Sat 7th Sept 2024</a> </b></font></h1><h2><b>Celebrates
the life & ideas of Wigan born and bred Gerrard Winstanley & the
17th Century Diggers' (True Leveller)
<a href="https://wigandiggersfestival.org/2024/06/02/wigan-diggers-festival-2024-artists-announcement/">
02/06/2024</a> by
<a href="https://wigandiggersfestival.org/author/9thaspect/">9thaspect</a>
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/WiganDiggersFestival" eudora="autourl">
<a href="https://wigandiggersfestival.org/" eudora="autourl">
https://wigandiggersfestival.org/</a> <h1><b>Wigan Diggers’ Festival 2024
Artists Announcement </b></h1>We are pleased to announce this year’s
festival headliners, ‘<b>the Wakes’</b>, who will top a great line-up of
bands on the 7th September 2024. <br>
Here is the full festival line-up,<br>
<img src="cid:.0" width=263 height=351 alt="Emacs!"><br><br>
<h2><b>Main Stage</b></h2>The Wakes (headliners)<br>
Mutant Proof<br>
Run Out The Guns<br>
Amber List<br>
<i>Golden Spade Award Presentation<br>
</i>Green Man Rising<br>
Wigan True Levellers Samba Band (Main Square)<br>
Joe Solo<br>
Electric Cheese<br>
Vision Thing<br><br>
<h2><b>Song and Story Stage</b></h2>Cobalt Tales<br>
Rooster Rebellion<br>
Glass Child<br>
Thomas Raven<br>
Tom George<br>
Janine Booth<br>
James J Turner<br>
Brother Bastion<br><br>
We look forward to seeing you there, please support the festival by
purchasing drinks from our bar on site, and checking out our festival
t-shirts and other merch from our merch stall, near the festival HQ.
As always, the festival is run by volunteers and all the profits from the
festival go back into funding next year’s festival, none of the committee
members who run it get paid in any way. <br><br>
We want to thank anyone who has already said they can spare a few hours
on the day, to volunteer in one of the many roles available, a volunteer
form will be added on our Facebook pages, and one on this website very
soon, keep your eye out for it.<br><br>
Have a great 2024 Wigan Diggers’ Festival,<br>
Wigan Diggers’ Committee.<br>