[Lac] A constructive proposal - Propuesta constructiva

Victor van Oeyen oeyen at entelnet.bo
Tue Jul 29 14:14:47 BST 2003

Sé y concuerdo que la lista no es para mandarnos abrazos y agradecimientos,

Felicidades a los Chilenos!!! Buen trabajo Leo!


 At 20:28 28-7-2003 -0400, you wrote:
>No siempre intervengo, pero estoy atento a la discusión. No siempre se
>sigue, pero en la medida de lo posible trato de dar cuenta de ella. De todos
>modos concuerdo con Victor.
>Además les cuento algo de Chile.
>1. Hemos tenido por fin reunión  con el Gobierno en Cancillería. Nos han
>invitado, a propósito de que los llamamos reiteradamente. Participamos entre
>otros, María Elena Hermosilla (Pta WACC ALC), Pia Matta (Pta AMARC
>ALC) -ambas chilenas-, Alberto Cancino de la Red de Radios Comunitarias; un
>docente de la Universidad dde la Frontera, Temuco, Novena región, que tienen
>infocentro para la educación cuyos destinatarios es el pueblo mapuche, gente
>de Chileenter, fundación para estatal, ministerio de economia y el depto de
>TIC, y el Canciller, embajador ante la Cumbre.
>Lo más importante: hay comprensión de que el tema va más alla de la
>conectividad, de los hardware y tal...no tendrían inconveniente de trabajar
>en torno al tema de la democratización de las comunicaciones, y en este
>contexto mirar las tics....y convocarán a un seminario preparatorio de la
>Cumbre. Mañana, de hecho tenemos una reunión  para preparar el evento
>2. en agosto (27 y 28) realizaremos un seminario, donde una de sus partes
>está destinado a informar y promover le tema...
>Leonel Yáñez, Santiago de Chile
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Victor van Oeyen" <oeyen at entelnet.bo>
>To: <plenary at wsis-cs.org>; <lac at wsis-cs.org>
>Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 11:15 AM
>Subject: [Lac] A constructive proposal - Propuesta constructiva
>(español abajo)
>The problem with the proposal of Sean, which at first sight I applauded
>because of his positive and constructive approach, is a logical one: ¿who
>decides and with which representativity who are composing and which
>competences will have this Task Force? ¿who will give legitimacy to its
>In other words, whatever excelent proposal would result from this Task
>Force, it will allways be very relative. "Civil Society" is in the first
>place -still- more a (sociological, political, ideological) concept, then a
>a organizative well defined structure. From this point of view, the concept
>will be permanently open to multiple interpretations, from a huge variety
>of legitimate interests. That is at the same time it's force, because
>everybody has the absolute right to participate.
>I agree to maintain Wolfgangs resume as good starting points, because it
>reinforces this last idea (absolute right to participate) and builds upon
>the advances made.
>I would like to ask the members of the Buro to submit themselves to the
>practices constructed in this Summit Process. Otherwise they'll loose
>P.D. On the Latin American List came up an interesting question: who named
>the members of the Buro?
>El problema con la propuesta de Sean, al que apoyé a primera vista por su
>enfoque positivo y constructivo, es de órden lógico: ¿quién decide y con
>qué representatividad sobre la composición y la competencia de este Grupo
>de Fuerza? ¿Quién le dará la legitimidad para sus decisiones?
>En otras palabras, por más excelente propuesta que saldría de este Grupo de
>Fuerza, siempre será muy relativa. "Sociedad Civil" es en primera instancia
>-todavía- más un concepto (sociológico, político, ideológico) que una
>categoría organizativa bien definida. Desde esta visión, el concepto estará
>permanentemente abierto a interpretación múltiple, desde una gran variedad
>de intereses legítimos. Ahi está al mismo tiempo su fuerza, pues todos y
>todas tienen el absoluto derecho de participar.
>Estoy de acuerdo en mantener el resumen de Wolfgang como buenos puntos de
>arranque, pues refuerza esta última idea (absoluto derecho a participar) y
>además construye sobre lo avanzado.
>Quisiera pedir a los miembros del Buro de regirse a las prácticas
>construidas en este proceso de la Cumbre. Caso contrario perderán toda
>posibilidad de legitimidad.
>P.D. En la lista Latinoamericana surgió una pregunta interesante: quién
>nombró los miembros del Buro?
>At 09:05 27-7-2003 +0100, you wrote:
>>Thanks for your response.  In fact I fully agree that if we look through
>>the decisions over the past year, the structure is quite clear.  The
>>problem is that some people, as is very clear from the e-mails in the last
>>week, were not fully part of these decisions, or at least do not feel they
>>were fully legitimately made.  I refer to John Gagain, who chaired the
>>Bureau meetings and is a members of the Bureau, and stated in no uncertain
>>terms that the Plenary does not exist and hence cannot make decisions.  He
>>is not alone in this belief, and he had the courage to state his
>>belief.  We also had thoughtful points made about the circumstances of
>>'professional' NGOs, that were clearly at odds with decisions that were
>>indeed taken.  I have also spoken at length to the CSD, and at least one
>>person there feels that the Plenary is not as clearly the central point of
>>decisions-making and legitimacy that we do.
>>SO the Task Group is not actually a mechanism to open a huge can of worms,
>>revisiting all decisions.  It is a way to refine what exists so that
>>everyone will accept the legitimacy of decisions taken.  I fear that these
>>hidden splits will explode again and again and cause huge
>>damage.  Certainly, issues such as Jon Gagain's comments on the Plenary, if
>>he is to chair the Bureau, need clarification and agreement - they cannot
>>be ignored.  And this is a non-contentious way of doing that which all
>>sides the integrity of their views. .
>>For the reasons you give, I do not believe the Task Group will have a
>>difficult task.  Its main job is to ensure that agreement can be
>>All the best
>>At 23:46 26/07/2003 -0700, Viola Krebs wrote:
>>>Dear Sean,
>>>CS has spent a great amount of energy discussing and rediscussing its
>>>structure. In Paris, CS managed to get a substantial amount of work done,
>>>and this at all three levels: the CS Plenary, the CS Contents and Themes
>>>Group and the CS Bureau.
>>>I am sorry but I do not see why we need to discuss the structure of CS
>>>again, coming back to issues that have previously already been clarified.
>>>I do fully agree with you that transparency is very important, but I
>>>believe the current system, where the CS Contents and Themes Group, as
>>>well as the CS Bureau report back to the CS Plenary works just fine.
>>>This is why I do NOT see the need for a new task force.
>>>As pointed out by Wolfgang, the structure is as follows:
>>>1. There is a "Civil Society Plenary" (CS-P), open to everybody, which is,
>>>as the name says, the main body of civil society, also for general
>>>decisions making.
>>>2. There is a "Civil Society Content and Themes Group" (CS-CTG), which
>>>coordinates the work of the numerous caucuses and content groups. The
>>>CS-CTG) is the main body for decisions on content related issues (by
>>>respecting, that the expertise and competence is in the caucuses and
>>>content working groups).
>>>3. There is a "Civil Society Bureau" (CS-B), which functions as an
>>>interlinkage between CS and the intergovernmental Bureau for procedural
>>>and technical issues only.
>>>---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
>>> >From: Sean O Siochru <sean at nexus.ie>
>>>Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 18:44:50 +0100
>>> >To the Bureau, the C& T Group, and the CS Plenary list,
>>> >
>>> >This note puts forward a proposal to address a problem within civil
>>> >organisation.  Informal reaction from a few people has encouraged me to
>>> >it forward to you all.
>>> >
>>> >The Problem: It seems clear that there remain underlying differences
>>> >civil society on some basic issues, that crop up in different forms
>>> >and again.  Sometimes it is the status of the CS Plenary Meetings;
>>> >sometimes a difference of perspective between 'professional' NGOs and
>>> >'advocacy/empowerment/development' NGOs; sometimes the role of the
>>> >etc.  I believe that unless we resolve these, they will continue to come
>>> >up, dividing civil society and weakening our influence within the
>>> >WSIS.  And I think these differences are very off-putting for most
>>> >on these lists, who just want to concentrate on the issues of their
>>> >concern, and on making a difference.  I have no doubt that lots of
>>> >potential participants are put off entirely through lack of clarity.
>>> >
>>> >I believe that we can successfully address these differences, quite
>>> >efficiently and speedily.
>>> >
>>> >The Proposal:  The proposal  is to set up a small ad hoc Task Group
>>> >with coming to agreement on civil society structures and relations
>within a
>>> >short period (one month).  This agreement would be put for approval to
>>> >CS bodies.  The Group would comprise two each from the Bureau and the
>>> >Group, and on the 'Plenary' side, perhaps one each from the four (?)
>>> >regions, maybe the Caucus reps, as well as a Chair. (Total 9)  The Civil
>>> >Society Division of the Secretariat might agree to act as secretary, and
>>> >offer logistical assistance (e.g. phone-conference).  The outline Terms
>>> >Reference would be:
>>> >
>>> >1) To develop a clear, agreed, statement on the basic structures of
>>> >society in the WSIS, and the interrelationships between them;
>>> >2) To develop a common understanding of issues that concern all three
>>> >as the selection of speakers and topics);
>>> >3) To clarify and exchange information on the internal workings of each
>>> >group (its rules and procedures), their communication spaces etc., and
>>> >mutually recognise these.
>>> >
>>> >The last two would probably require parallel discussion within each
>>> >feeding in to the Task Group.  The 'raw material' for the Group would
>>> >comprise existing documented agreements and decisions reached in various
>>> >bodies, as well as the feelings and positions of the different civil
>>> >society constituencies. It could exercise some flexibility in
>>> >interpretation, to ensure that all interests and views can genuinely be
>>> >accommodated.
>>> >
>>> >It would report within one month, and all groups would agree to consider
>>> >the outcome in the most positive possible light, and hopefully endorse
>>> >(It is probably too much to expect people to be bound, in advance, by
>>> >outcome.) Hopefully it could be conducted by e-mail, and possibly some
>>> >phone conferences. The report would be short and clear.  It would also
>>> >an extremely useful tool for explaining to new and existing people of
>>> >the whole things works and where they can get involved.
>>> >
>>> >So this is the proposal. As I see it we have nothing to lose and a lot
>>> to gain.
>>> >
>>> >The Procedure: If people believe this is a good idea, then:
>>> >- Someone in each of the three groups would formally propose it,
>>> >- Reach agreement  in principle.
>>> >- Select two people for the group.
>>> >
>>> >A short general discussion could then make any adjustments to the
>>> >terms of reference and agree a chair or facilitator.  I think the group
>>> >itself should be empowered to further refine and elaborate the Terms of
>>> >Reference, if needs be, to avoid a complicated an unmanageable
>>> >on the lists.
>>> >
>>> >So this is the proposal. I honestly believe it would bring us into
>>> >3 as a much more unified and effective group.
>>> >
>>> >I would appreciate general feedback.  I intend to go ahead and propose
>>> >to the Bureau myself.
>>> >
>>> >All the best
>>> >
>>> >Sean
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >___________________________________________________
>>> >Seán Ó Siochrú  Central office: tel:  +353 1 473 0599 fax: +353 1 473
>>> >NEXUS Research  Mobile: +353 87 20 48 150
>>> >14 Eaton Brae   Direct office tel: +353 1 272 0739  fax: +353 1 272 0034
>>> >Shankill
>>> >Co. Dublin              e-mail: sean at nexus.ie
>>> >Ireland                 Web site: http://www.iol.ie/nexus
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
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>>Seán Ó Siochrú  Central office: tel:  +353 1 473 0599 fax: +353 1 473 0597
>>NEXUS Research  Mobile: +353 87 20 48 150
>>14 Eaton Brae   Direct office tel: +353 1 272 0739  fax: +353 1 272 0034
>>Co. Dublin              e-mail: sean at nexus.ie
>>Ireland                 Web site: http://www.iol.ie/nexus
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>Victor van Oeyen
>Coordinación Departamento de Investigación ERBOL-ALER
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>Lista Caucus Lac
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>Lista Caucus Lac 
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Victor van Oeyen
Coordinación Departamento de Investigación ERBOL-ALER

Telefono (trabajo/work - ERBOL)  591+  2 - 2203650 - 2204011
Fax:                             		 591+  2 - 2203888
OJO: NUEVO (domicilio/home-La Paz)  591+  2 - 2790873
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