[Lac] [Fwd: [CS Bureau] Urgent, Urgent, Urgent 4 fellowships for the regions]

Beatriz Busaniche busaniche at caminandoutopias.org.ar
Thu Jun 17 16:30:08 BST 2004

acaban de avisar desde Ginebra que hay una beca completa para alguien de
América latina para ir a Hammamet la semana que viene.

Debemos decidir quién va. Será posible hacerlo?


-----Mensaje reenviado-----
From: Renata Bloem <rbloem at ngocongo.org>
To: bureau wsis <bureau at wsis-cs.org>, CS Bureau <bureau at geneva2003.org>
Subject: [CS Bureau] Urgent, Urgent, Urgent 4 fellowships for the
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 13:02:29 +0200

Dear Members of the Bureau,


After trying hard to get some funding for CS participation and taking
into account the already existing offers from the Tunesian Government to
pay accommodation and 50% on Tunis Air for 1 person per family, I just
received a call from Mr Geiger telling that Mr Utzumi is willing to pay
4 full fellowships (including international travel, shortest way economy
class) to 1 person per family from the following regions:



Asia and Pacific

Latin America and the Caribbean

Middle East and West Asia


The regions can decide themselves whom they can send to represent them.


Travel expenses will be refunded at Hammamet.


I hope so much you can still make it!!   And let me know asap!

With warm regards,




Renate Bloem
President of the Conference of NGOs (CONGO)
11, Avenue de la Paix
CH-1202 Geneva
Tel: +41 22 301 1000
Fax: +41 22 301 2000
E-mil: rbloem at ngocongo.org
Website: www.ngocongo.org


The Conference of NGOs (CONGO) is an international, membership
association that facilitates the participation of NGOs in United Nations
debates and decisions. Founded in 1948, CONGO's major objective is to
ensure the presence of NGOs in exchanges among the world's governments
and United Nations agencies on issues of global concern.  For more
information see our website at www.ngocongo.org


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