[Lac] New WSIS Youth Caucus Facilitator Selection Process

Robert Guerra rguerra at lists.privaterra.org
Mon Jun 21 17:40:27 BST 2004

Aqui copia de un mensaje que se acaba de enviar a la lista del caucus 
de los jovenes.

>Date: 21 Jun 2004 10:05:39 -0000
>To: "rguerra at lists.privaterra.org" <rguerra at lists.privaterra.org>
>Subject: [wsisyouth] New WSIS Youth Caucus Facilitator Selection Process
>From: Nick Moraitis <nick at takingitglobal.org>
>Reply-To: wsisyouth at groups.takingitglobal.org
>Hi everyone,
>With Phase 2 of the WSIS Process about to get underway at a Prepcom in Tunis
>this week, I want to let you know that I will no longer be the facilitator
>of the WSIS Youth Caucus. I will still play an active role in the Caucus,
>and policy around ICTs in general. And TIG will also continue to provide
>logistical and staff support for youth engagement in ICT policy making with
>our YCDO partners, to the extent that we can! But after two years with me as
>the Caucus facilitator, it is very appropriate for someone else to take on
>this important role! Over the next month, I want to handover the position by
>coordinating a transparent and reinvigorating selection process to identify
>a new Youth Caucus facilitator (or perhaps co-facilitators).
>In the future, I want to focus my own efforts around WSIS almost entirely on
>trying to raise funds for ongoing national-level campaigns and help manage
>that project.
>Someone else is required to: coordinate youth policy advocacy; follow the
>WSIS process and other ICT negociations and ensure for space, recognition
>and support for youth is provided; mobilize young people worldwide around
>the international process, coordinate communications activities, liaise with
>all other stakeholders, and develop toolkits and resources that help youth
>get involved.
>I propose the following timeline for this selection process:
>20th - 25th of June
>Members are invited to send feedback on the selection process to me. I will
>incorporate suggestions where feasible, refining the process.
>26th - 1st of July
>The finalized process will be announced. We will start accepting
>applications/nominations for a 'selection committee'.  Nominations should be
>sent to the list. On the basis of our previous coordination roles, I propose
>that Alex Fielding and I review applications for the selection committee,
>and that we should also be members of it. The committee would be as small as
>possible but should try and include at least one person from every region
>(Africa, Asia, Europe, South America, North America, Middle East) and be
>gender balanced.
>1st July - 5th of July
>Selection committee announced. Selection committee defines job description,
>and criteria for the candidates, and creates an application form. See below
>for some initial ideas on qualities we're looking for written by Adrian
>5th July - 15th of July
>Accept applications and nominations for the position of Youth Caucus
>15th of July - 20th of July
>Selection committee reviews candidates and ranks them with a grade against
>the criteria. Selection committee has preferably a voice/phone conference
>(if it is feasible considering cost) or an internet chat, and if necessary
>also has short interviews with candidates by phone (they would join the
>voice conference).
>20th of July
>New Youth Caucus Facilitator Announced. (If there are two candidates that
>the selection committee believes would be mutually supportive, we might also
>have 'co-facilitators', like several other UN Youth Caucuses).
>20th July - 1st of August
>Intensive knowledge transfer and training provided by myself and other
>people who have been actively involved.
>1st of August - person/people officially takes up role.
>As you are very aware, the WSIS Youth Caucus is NOT just the facilitator. In
>the last two years, at least 40 people on this list have held extremely
>demanding, time consuming (quite often virtually full-time) and intensive
>roles related to coordinating many many aspects of the WSIS Process and
>youth involvement. Such as Gender, Websites, Regional Coordination, Lobbying
>and Advocacy, National Level Campaigns, Publications and Books, the Youth
>Hub space at WSIS, the Youth Awards, the YCDO Coalition, special workshops
>and events -- and MUCH more. So much more.  In phase 2 of WSIS - and indeed
>many broader ICT policy efforts we need to consider and be involved in,
>there is still the need for MANY of these roles. What I loved MOST about
>being the facilitator was that I truly did that.. I facilitated other people
>to be involved, play leadership roles and develop cohesive projects as part
>of a much bigger picture. A key question and first project of the new youth
>caucus facilitator will need to be working with all on this list to develop
>an appropriate structure and different types of responsibilities for members
>of the Caucus in a very collaborative manner.
>The Youth Caucus for WSIS so far has been a remarkable collaboration and has
>achieved more in terms of a) direct policy input, b) coordinated
>mobilization and c) amount of respect as a key grouping in a UN process,
>than any of the many other UN policy processes I have been part of! This is
>a new chapter and I hope you will play an important role in it and gain a
>lot from it.
>In addition, we hope that the Youth Caucus facilitator will once again be
>complemented by a Youth Liaison at one of the secretariats at some point.
>All the best,
>These are some of the requirements for a new facilitator suggested in an
>email to me by Adrian Pintilie (I hope you don't mind me sharing Adrian?):
>"For the YC you need a person that:
>- has good knowledge of the previous process (for continuity)
>- has keen interest in ICT activities
>- has a political view/understanding (because of the nature of the event)
>- preferably took part in the first phase
>- is as young as possible (as it will bring more visibility)
>- skills to network, negotiate
>- has time to do this professionally (you don't want some in one corner of
>the world, doing these between two exams, or school and homework at home)
>- has very good English skills, leadership and inter-cultural skills,
>commitment and willingness to do more for the others than for him/herself
>- is part of an organisation that is able to cover his/her costs
>- etc"
>Nick Moraitis
>Strategic Development Coordinator
>nick at takingitglobal.org
>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>The WSIS Youth Caucus mailing list
>Moderated by Nick Moraitis at TakingITGlobal for Youth Creating 
>Digital Opportunities
>Powered By TIG Groups             http://groups.takingitglobal.org/
>Group Archives: http://groups.takingitglobal.org/wsisyouth
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