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aforum at aforum at
Tue Jan 5 01:49:03 GMT 1993

From: aforum at (autonome forum)

subject: Kurdish guerrillas raid Special Forces HQ
posted by: autonome forum

PKK Guerrillas raid Diyarbakir Special Forces HQ

	Last night (13.December) at about 19:05, a large ARGK (Kurdistan
People's Army for National Liberation) unit attacked the headquarters of
the Special Forces (para-military police) in the town of Diyarbakir. They
raided the headquarters with heavy machine guns. The attack lasted for 46
minutes. Sources in the region put the number of police dead at 27.
	After the guerrilla unit had withdrawn, there were clashes in the
suburbs which lasted for two hours. In these clashes, the Kurd-Ha news
agency put the number of dead Turkish soldiers at 10. They also reported that
police and army units made hundreds of random arrests.
	At about the same time, another ARGK unit ambushed a military convoy
on the road from Hani to Diyarbakir, killing 11 soldiers. This battle lasted
for 45 minutes.

For more information on the liberation struggle being waged in Turkish-occupied
Kurdistan, contact:

	Kurdistan Information Centre
	11 Portland Gardens
	London N4 1HU

	tel: 081-880-1759
	fax: 081-802-9963

                     autonome forum: aforum at
                          "solidarity is a weapon!"

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