National Conference oabout the Kur

Dubravko Kakarigi dkakarigi at
Tue Jan 12 02:29:47 GMT 1993

                      Message from the Badlisy Center

	The Badlisy Center for Kurdish Studies was founded for the purpose
of conducting research on issues directly related to the Kurds and Kurdistan. 
In particular, the Center focuses on: Kurdish Civilization, Culture, Economy, 
Language, Politics, Society, in addition to Strategic studies. The Center is 
registered in the State of Florida as a tax-exempt, non-profit, research, and 
educational organization. 

	The Badlisy Center conducts activities through lectures, panels, 
workshops, conferences, and publications. The Center has many projects planned 
for the future.  The upcoming conference is one of the Center's projects for 
1993.  Please contact the Center for more information.  

                         INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE
              "The Kurds: Political Status and Human Rights"

	In the current world atmosphere of re-emerging ethnic identities, 
and the efforts of these people for self-determination, the Kurds and the 
governments of the Middle East have reached a crucial juncture in their 
relations.  Neither side can afford the heavy economic toll of continued 
fighting, yet neither side can afford to be completely estranged from the 
other.  It is in this delicate period of resolution that open discussions 
become increasingly important.  

The Badlisy Center for Kurdish Studies is sponsoring this international 
conference to:

- define the elements of the Kurdish case,
- review possible political models to resolve the Kurdish issue.
- suggest economic, education,  etc. priorities for the Kurds, and
- discuss the possibilities of regional and international           
  cooperation to achieve a peaceful settlement.
The conference is considered a historical event.  It is the first conference 
ever held in the U.S. that will address this wide range of topics and host 
this many scholars, both Kurds and non-Kurds. We look forward to your 
attendance and participation.

Information about the conference program, speakers, registration form, 
& hotel reservations are included in the following pages. However, if 
there are any questions or comments please call The Badlisy Center:

Tel. (904) 386 6573
Fax. (904) 386 6757

For Hotel reservation, please call Holiday Inn, Georgetown:
Tel. (202) 338 4600
Fax. (202) 333 6113

                              CONFERENCE PROGRAM

Wednesday, March 17	

Registration and Reception 

Thursday, March 18
9:00 AM 	 Chairman Remarks (SALAH AZIZ, Badlisy Center)
9:15		 Congressman JAMES BILBRAY

Session I:   The Kurds
9:30-10:30   Chair: DELLA JAFF, Kurdish National Congress
a) Culture and Language (KAMAL MERWADI, Kurdish Culture Center, London)
b) Present Political Status (CHARLES MACDONALD, Florida International 

Session II:   Nationalism in Conflict 
11:00-12:30   Chair: BOB GOLDMAN, American University
a) Nationalism (CHARLES BILLINGS, Florida State University)
b) The Emergence of Kurdish Nationalism (OTHMAN ALI, Badlisy Center)
c) Nationalism in the Middle East (JUDITH KIPPER, Brookings Institute)	

Session III:   Political Models for the Kurds   
2:00-3:30	   Chair: SALAH AZIZ, Badlisy Center
a) Self Determination (RICHARD FALK, Princeton University)  
b) The Kurdish Political Status and the Geopolitical Developments in 
   the Middle East. (ROBERT OLSON, University of Kentucky)  

Session IV:  Regional Support  and Cooperation
4:00-5:30    Chair: JOHN KELSAY, Florida State University
a) Iraq (HANI FIKAAKI, V.P., Executive Committee, Iraqi National Congress)
b) Iran (MANSOUR FARHANG, Pinnington College) 
c) Turkey (MICHAEL GUNTER, Tennessee Technical College)

BANQUET (to be announced)

Friday, March 19

Session V:  Human Rights
9:00-10:30 AM   Chair: DAVID PHILLIPS, Congressional Human Rights                  Foundations
a) Human Rights Violations (MARYHAM ELAHI, Amnesty International)
b) Refugees (NEIL HICKS, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights)
c) Genocide (ANDREW WHITLEY, Middle East Watch)

Session VI: Kurdish Federated State in Iraq
11:00-12:30	Chair: NAJMALDIN KARIM, Kurdish National Congress
a) Relation with Baghdad (MOHAMMED HAMWANDI, Badlisy Center)
b) Challenges (JAMAL FUAD, Middle East Consultant)
c) Security (STEVE PELLETIERE, US Army War College)

Session VI:    Priorities for the Kurds 
2:00-3:30	   Chair: CHARLES BILLINGS, Florida State University
a) Economic Development (HIKRAT FIKRAT, Kurdish Relief Aid) 
b) Education (AKRAM JAFF, International Agriculture Development Consultant.)
c) Democracy (PARY KARADAGHI, Kurdish Human Rights)

Session VII:  The Role of the International Community
4:00-5:30     Chair: REED BRODY, International Human Rights Law Group 
a) The European Community (NICHOLAS NORMAND, French Embassy)
b) The United States (PETER GALBRAITH, Senate Foreign Relations Committee)
c) The Muslim World (SYEED SAYYID, International Islamic Institute of Thought)


Congressional Human Rights Foundation (Washington D.C.),
International Affairs Program, Florida State University (Florida),
International Human Rights Law Group (Washington D.C.),
Kurdish National Congress of North America (Maryland),
The Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, American University 
    (Washington D.C.), and 
Peace Studies Program, Florida State University (Florida).


To take advantage of the early registration discount (50% on hotel room, 
20% on meals), fill out the form and return to the Center 
BEFORE FEBRUARY 1, 1993. The registration procedures for the conference are 
as follows:

1. The registration form must be filled out completely and accurately.  
   Check or money orders (NO CASH) for the full amount must be enclosed 
   for your form to be processed. Please make checks payable to Badlisy 
   Center for Kurdish Studies.

2. Indicate on the registration form your choice of packages available.  

3. The conference is held in Holiday Inn, Georgetown (Tel. 202-338-4600, 
   Fax. 202-333-6113).  Hotel reservations are done by individuals. 
   The room rate for the conference (March 17-19) is $72, single/double, 
   plus tax. Mention the BCKS conference to take advantage of 
   the 50% discount.

4. To receive a full refund of your pre-registration fees, a written 
   cancellation request must be received by BCKS no later than 
   February 1, 1993.

Please send this form with full payment to the BADLISY CENTER, REGISTRATION 
   COMMITTEE, 2413-A WILLOW AVE., TALLAHASSEE, FL. 32303. Note that we will 
   close registration for the Conference at 250 people and registration will 
   be processed on a first-come first-serve basis.  If your registration form 

NAME    _______________________   
ADDRESS _____________________ 

Registration Fee...$100 ____
Student Fee........$50  ____
Lunch (first day)..$13  ____	
Lunch (second day).$13  ____	
Banquet............$50  ____	
(tax-deductible)        ____
TOTAL                   ____

* Students must submit a letter from an advisor.
** No charge for Press with valid ID.

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