From mbayram at Sat Oct 15 05:44:55 1994 From: mbayram at (mbayram at Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 21:44:55 -0700 (PDT) Subject: ozgur ulke 13,14,15 ekim Message-ID: OZGUR ULKE ULKE GUNDEMI SAN FRANSISKO BASIN OZETLERI ------------------------------------------------------------------- 15/10/1994 YASA DEDISIKLIGI OSMANLI OYUNU Hukumet tarafindan yapilmak istenen degisiklikle dusunce aciklamaya verilen cezalar daha da agirlasiyor. Tasaridaki degisiklikleri elestiren sendika, IHD, CHD ve PEN temsilcileri Kurt sorununun tartisilmasindaki engeller kaldirilmadikca dusuncenin suc olarak kalmaya devam edecegini belirttiler. * Avukat Husnu Ondul, sozkonusu degisiklik girisimlerinin "doldur- bosalt" politikasi ve bir osmanli oyunu oldugunu ve demokratik kurumlarin tartismalarin disinda tutuldugunu belirterek, "Konu birkac burokratin ve politikacinin pazarligi haline gelmistir" dedi. PEN Yazarlar Dernegi Baskani Sukran Kurdakul ile Genel Sekreter Alpay Kabacali, cezaevlerinde bulunan dusunce suslularinin ozgurluklerine kavusma olanaginin ortadan kalkmasini kinayarak "dusunce yasakcilarini tarih asla affetmeyecektir" dediler. HADEP: SECIM KOSULLARI YOK * Van ve Batman'da incemelerde bulunan HADEP Genel Baskani Bozlak, Diyarbakir'da 600 bin secmenden sadece 170 bininin oy kullanabilecegini belirterek adil bir secim kosullarinin musait olmadigini soyledi. Bozlak antidemokratik kosullarin degistirilmesi halinde secime gireceklerini belirtti. * Diyarbakir'da duzenledigi basin toplantisinda Parlementonun secim yasasini bir haftada cikardigina dikkat ceken bozlak, "Parlemento ve hukumet eger isterse, anti demokratik yasa ve uygulamalar degistirilebilir" dedi. Diyarbakir'daki incelemelerini tamamlayan HADEP heyeti, Mersine gecti. CEZAEVLERI DOLUYOR: BIR DUSUNCE "SUCLUSU" DAHA Cezaevlerindeki yuzu askin "dusunce suclusu"na, bir yenisi daha eklendi. Yazar Numan Bektas, "Direnme ve Yenilme kanunu" isimli tiyatro oyununda "boluculuk propagandasi" yaptigi gerekcesiyle, verilen 20 ay hapis 208 milyon para cezasinin Yargitay 9. dairede onaylanmasiyla tutuklandi ve Ankara merkez kapali cezaevine gonderildi. Tutsak ailelerinden 6 temsilci, cezaevleri ile ilgili hazirladiklari raporu BM'ye sundu: "7 CEZAEVI DIYARBAKIR ICIN ACLIGA YATTI * Tutsaklara yonelik saldirilari anlatmak icin Ankara'da bulunan tutsak yakinlarinin BM binasina yurumesi polisler tarafindan engellenince secilen 6 temsilci, BM Turkiye temsilcisi ile goruserek hazirladiklari raporu sundular. Aileler IHD'de aclik grevine baslarken Diyarbakir Cezaevi'ndeki saldiriyi protesto etmek icin aclik grevinde olan cezaevi sayisi ise 17'ye yukseldi. * cezaevleri uzerindeki baskilari kinamak icin Konya Cezaevinde 200 tutsagin 3 Ekim'de baslattiklari aclik grevi devam ediyor. Tutsaklarin pekcogunun saglik durumlari bozulurken, iki tutsagin da mide kanamasi gecirdigi ve tedaviyi kabul etmedikleri ogrenildi. Tutsak yakinlarinin Mersin HADEP binasindaki aclik grevleride suruyor. MERSIN MUHABIRIMIZ ISMET BAKAC DA GOZALTINDA Mersin buro muhabirlerimizden Ismet Bakac, dun sabah buromuzun onunde bekleyen Mersin Emniyet Mudurlugu'ne bagli 4 sivil polis tarafindan suruklenerek gozaltina alindi. Gorgu taniklari, polislerin muhabirlerimizi cekeleyerek diger caddede bulunan sivil bir otoya bindirerek goturduklerini soylediler. DERSIM'DE GOZALTINDA INFAZ Mazgirt'in xirem koyune bagli Kom mezrasindki evinden, 10 Ekim gunu Atacinari Jandarma Karakolu askerleri tarafindan gozaltina alinan degirmenci Ali Karaca, gordugu yogun iskence nedeniyle kaldirildigi Elazig Devlet Hastanesi'nde 13 Ekim gunu yasamini yitirdi. SAVASTA SAGLIK PROJESI YURUMEZ * Ikinci Saglik Projesi'ni degerlendiren ATO genel sekreteri Cihan Ogan, savas kosullarinda sivil halka saglik hizmeti goturulmesinin mumkun olmadigini soyledi. Projeyide gostermelik olarak niteleyen Ogan, "Savas bolgesinde sivil saglik personeli calismamalidir. Eger savas varsa askeri hekimin calismasi gerekir diye konustu. * Saglik ocaklarinin yuzde yirmibesinin karakol yada lojman olarak kullanildigini soyleyen Ogan, once bunun engellenmesini istedi. "Orada halk kalmamistir. Korucu, ozel tim ve ordu var." diyen Ogan, savasa hizmet anlamina gelecek projenin faydasi olmayacagini belirtti. ALTERNATIF ACILISA FASISTLER SALDIRDI * Trakya Universitesi'nde onceki gun alternatif acilis duzenleyen ogrencilerin MHP yanlilarinin saldirisina ugramasinin ardindan dunde bir ogrenci bicak darbeleriyle yaralandi. Tip Fakultesi Kantini onunde toplanan bir grup ogrenci saldiriyi protesto etti. SADAK VE YURTTAS DGM'DE * DEP'li miletvekilleri Selim Sadak ile Sedat Yurtdas'in yargilanmasina 28 ekim tarihinde baslanacak. Yogun guvenlik onlemleri altinda sabah saatlerinde adliye binasina getirilen Sadak ve Yurtdas'a daha sonra iddianame ile birlikte durusma gunu teblig edildi. KUTUDERESI VE NURHAK'TA CATISMA Deesim'de Eylul ayi basindan itibaren surdurulen operasyonlar kapsaminda onceki gun Kutuderesi mevkiinde gerillalar ile askerler arasinda cikan catismada iki asker oldu. Nurhak ve Engirek daglarinda ise operasyona cikan devlet gucleri ile gerillalar arasinda meydana gelen catismada ilk belirlemelere gore uc gerilla oldu, 4 askerde yaralandi. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14/10/1994 ANTEP CEZAEVI'NE SURULEN TUTSAKLAR: ANTEP'E HEYET GONDERILSIN Diyarbakir Cezaevi'ndeki saldiridan sonra Antep Cezaevine surulen tutsaklar, cezaevi idaresinin yaralilari tedavi etmedigini ve olume terk ettigini acikladilar. * Diyarbakir Cezaevi'ndeki saldiridan sonra apar-topar Antep Cezaevi'ne surgun edilen tutsaklar, saldirida iki tutsagin oldugunu acikladilar. Tutsaklar, yaklasik 1000 askerin yaptigi baskin sirasinda silahla yaralanan tutsaklarin tedavi edilmedigini belirttiler. * Disarisi ile iliskisi kesilmeye calisilan tutsaklarin aclik grevleri ise suruyor. Tutsaklar arkadaslarinin saglik durumlarinin cezaevi idaresinin ilgisizligi nedeniyle kotulestigini belirtirken IHD'yede cezaevine bir heyet gondermeleri cagrisinda bulundular. Gunlerdir Ankara'da bulunan tutsak aileleri onceki aksam insan haklarinden sorumlu Devlet Bakani Azimet Koyluoglu ile gorustuler Ancak Koylu oglu Diyarbakir cezaevi lafini agzina bile almak istemedi. ERZURUM'DA OLUM TEHLIKESI Erzurum Kapali Cezaevi'ndeki tutsaklarin yakinlari, 62 tutsagin tecrit edilerek hucrelere alindigini ve yarali uc tutsagin tedavileri yapilmadigi icin olum sinirina geldigini belirttiler. CEZAEVLERINDE DIRENIS Diyarbakir Cezaevindeki saldiriyi protesto etmek icin cezaevinde tutsaklarca baslatilan aclik grevleri yayiliyor. Amasya, Malatya ve Kutahya cezaevlerindede aclik grevleri basladi. HOZATLI MUHTARLAR GOZALTINDA Koyleri yakmaya devam eden devlet, muhtarlarida susturmaya calisiyor. Dersim'de koy ve ormanlari yakmayi surduren devlet gucleri Ankara'ya gelerek bu vahseti kamuoyuna duyuran Hozatli muhtarlarindan 4'unu onceki gun gozaltina aldi. Kahraman Kalkan, Sukru Akbalik, Hidir Kizil ve Haydar Dilsiz adindaki koy muhtarlari Hozat Jandarma Alay Komutanligi'nda tutulduklari bildirildi. Hozat'in daha once bosaltilan Dorik koyu ile Agvaran koyune bagli Koytasi ve Akoren mezralari 12 Ekim gunu yapilan baskinda yakildi. Yine Ovacik'in daha once bosaltilan Cakmakli, Sumasigi koyleri ile Seycamalar mezrasinin dun sabah saatlerinde devlet guclerince basilarak tamamen yakildigi bildirildi. Hozatin Caytasi koyune 10 Ekim gunu yapilan baskinda bazi evler yakildi. Askerlerin hazirladigi koyun yakilmadigina dair tutanagi imzalamayan 4 kisi bir sure gozaltinda tutuldu. KOY YAKMAYA TUTANAKLI KILIF Mardin'in Kurdas koyunu ucuncu kez yakan askerler koyu PKK'lilarin yaktigina daie tutanagi koy muhtari ve ihtiyarlar heyetine zorla imzalatti. EKONOMIDE DE PSIKOLOJIK SAVAS Krizi atlatabilmek icin IMF'in kararlarini uygulamaya koyan hukumetin basarisizligi devleti bu alanda da somut altanetiflerden mahrum birakti. Hukumet savas harcamalari nedeniyle zam, vergi, ic ve dis borc kisir dongusune giren devleti psikolojik yontemlerle duze cikarmaya calisiyor. Ic borclari 550 trilyon, dis borclarida 2 bucuk katriyona ulsan Turk ekonomisi 7 ayda yuzde 4 kuculmesine ragmen hukumet, islerin yolunda gittigini, krizin atlatildigini anlatmaya devam ediyor. Hadep Parti Meclisi Uyesi Ali Riza Yurtsever, verilerin ekonominin koklu bir cokuse dogru gittigini gosterdigini, buna karsilik hukumetin pembe tablolarla ortaya cikmasinin psikolojik bir aldatma oldugunu kaydetti. Hukumetin parasal gostergelere sigindigini belirten Yurtsever, ara secimlerden sonra buyuk zamlarin yapilacagini soyledi. SENDIKALARI 'SUSTURMA' OPERASYONU KINANDI Hukumetin Turk-is'e 'muhaliflerini sustur' seklindeki emrine sert tepki gosteren sendikacilar kendilerine yonelik saldirilerin artigini, ancak hakli mucadelerinini sonuna kadar surdureceklerini bildirdiler. HADEP BATMAN'DA BUYUK ILGI GORDU Kurdistan'daki incelemelerini surduren Murat Bozlak baskanligindaki HADEP heyeti onceki gun Van'dan Batman'a gecti. Heyet, genis guvenlik onlemleri altinda 50 araclik bir konvoy esliginde, govde gosterek sehre girdi. Bozlak duzenlendigi basin toplantisinda, bu sartlar altinda dahi bolgede birinci parti olduklarini , halkin iradesinin serbestce yansiyacagi bir secimde diger partilerin hicbir sansinin bulunmadigini belirterek, hazirliyacaklari rapor uzerine secime iliskin karari parti meclisinin verecegini soyledi. HEP AYNI NAKARAT Duruldu gibi gozuken "hukumet krizi" Disisleri bakani Soysal'in Ozellestirme Yasa Tasarasi'ni imzalamamasi uzerine yaniden baslarken, Karayalcin DYP'yi yatistirmaya calisiyor. Dun TBMM'ye sunulan Ozellestirme Yasa Onerisi'nin onumuzdeki hafta Meclis'te gorusulmesi beklenirken Sosyal Turkiye'ye donunce tasariyi imzalayacagi mesajini verdi. ADANA'DA BOMBA: 1 OLU Adana'da dun ust uste patliyan bombalarla 1 kisi olurken biri polis 8 kiside yaralandi. Adana Buyuk Pastanesi, Yapi Kredi Bankasi ve Adliye Sarayi onunde pespese patliyan bombalar cevrede bulunan binalardada buyuk maddi hasara da yol acti. OZEL TIM AVRUPA'DA MHP militanlarindan kurulu Ozel Hareket Timlerin Turkiye Buyukelciliklerinde koruma olarak gorevlendirilecegi bildirildi. BINGOL'DE OKULLAR TATIL Bingole bagli butun koylerdeki okullar kapatilirken sehir merkezine cekilen ogretmenlerin sehir disina cikisi yasaklandi. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 13/10/1994 CEZAEVLERINDE VAHSET DONEMI Diyarbakir Cezaevindeki saldiriya katilan ve 7. Kolordu Komutanligi'nda gorevli asker D.G. yaptiklari vahseti ve saldiriya katilanlari Ulke'ye anlatti. Devlet yetkililerinin aciklama bike yapmaktan kacindiklari saldirinin bizzat, Diyarbakir valisi Dogan Hatipoglu tarafindan telsizle yonetildigi ortaya cikti. Gazatamize itiraflarda bulunan asker, valinin yanisira cumhuriyet bassavcisi ile cezaevi mudurleri ve basgardiyanlarinda saldirida bulunduklarini anlatti. TUTSAKLARDAN 27 ISTEK Kabul edilmezse direnis surecek * Diyarbakir Cezaevindeki tutsaklar adina Yilmaz Yuksek ve Latif Cetin, yasam kosullarinin duzenlemnesi icin 27 maddelik bir liste acikladilar. Tutsaklar aciklamalarinda listedeki maddelerin yerine getirilmemesi durumunda yaptiklari 5 er gunluk donusumlu aclik grevi ve mahkemelere cikmama eylemlerini arttirarak surdureceklerini belirttiler. ANTEP'TEN HABER YOK Diyarbakir'dan Antep'e suruldukten sonra suresiz aclik grevine baslayan tutsaklar avukat ve yakinlariyla gorusturulmuyor. 20 Eylul'de Adiyaman'da baslatilan aclik grevi devam ediyor. Maras, Elbistan, Urfa, Ceyhan ve Bartin Cezaevlerindeki tutsaklarda cezaevlerindeki saldirilari ve katliamlari protesto etmek icin aclik grevine basladilar. OGRETMENLERIDE KORUCULASTIRACAKLAR Diyarbakir Valiligi, ogretmenleri silah almaya zorlarken, bazi okullara da ogretmen kimligi verilen MIT mensuplari gonderiliyor. * Diyarbakir vali Yardimcisi Safa Ozmen tarafindan Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugune ve cevre ilce kaymakamlarina 28/9/1994 tarihli ve B06.1.EGM.4210044/8238.94 sayili Icisleri Bakanligi emrini gondererrek ogretmenlerin ruhsatli silah almasi isteniyor. * Ayrica Kurdistan'a tayini cikan ancak goreve baslamayan 4000 ogretmenin yerine gonderilmek uzere 2841 kisinin ogretmen adi altinda atamasinin yapildigi bunlarin buyuk cogunlugunun MIT gorevlisi veya MHP'li oldugu belirtildi. GERILLA KARAKOL BASTI Gerillarin 10 Ekim gunu Mozat'taki Kasiman Jandarma Karakolunu basmasi uzerine cikan catismada 2 si subay 9 asker oldu. Kulp'a bagli Kanika koyunu basan gerillalar 4 korucuyu oldurduler. Sivas'in Zara ilcesi yakinlarinda ise gerillalarla devlet gucleri arasinda cikan catismada 1 ozel timin oldugu ogrenildi. KAMU CALISANLARI HUKUMETI PROTETO ETTI Kamu calisanlari Turkiye'nin bircok yerinde duzenledikleri toplantilarda basta ekonomik baskilar olmak uzere hukumetin antidemokratik uygulamalari ile insan haklari ihlallerini protesto ettiler. Basta Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir ve Adana olmak uzere bircok yerde emekcilerin ve kamu calisanlarinin gun gectikce daha guc kosullara mahkum edildigi belirtilerek, Kurt sorununda askeri yontemlerde israr etmeninde mevcut krizin enbuyuk nedeni oldugu ifade edildi. Gosterilere mudahale eden polis bircok kamu calisanini gozaltina aldi. DERSIM'DE YENI KAYIPLAR * Dort kisi daha kayip: Dersim'de kayip 7 kisinin yanmis cesetlerinin bulunmasinin ardindan, Hozat'in koylerinde 4 kisinin daha kayip oldugu bildirildi. Bolgeye gidis engellendigi icin daha once kayip oldugu bildirilenlerin akibetide ogrenilemiyor. * Koy bombalanarak yakildi: Hozat'in Taner koyunu basarak bosaltilmasi icin tehdit eden devlet gucleri, daha once bosaltilan Karaca koyune bagli Silanik mezrasini 11 Ekim gunu yaktilr. Dunde Ovacik'in Bilgesu koyunun bombalanarak yakildigi bildirildi. BEYTUSSEBAP'A AMBARGO Sirnak'in Beytussebap ilce merkezindeki bakkallar Kaymakami'nin iznine ragmen ilceye gida maddesi sokamiyorlar. Ilcede bakkal dukkani acan korucubasi ve MHP Ilce Baskani Adil Gokce bu yasagin disinda tutuluyor. Ilcede devlet dairelerinde gorulen isler icinde korucuasi Adil Gokceye basvuruluyor. HADEP'IN KURDISTAN GEZISI DEVAM EDIYOR Ara secim oncesinde secmenlerin durumu ve bolgedeki son gelismeler inceleniyor. * HADEP'in ara secim oncesinde baslattigi Kurdistan gezisi Van'da halk ve parti uyeleri ile yapilan gorusmelerel tamamlandi. Genel Baskan Murat Bozlak Baskanligindaki genel merkez yoneticileri incelemelerini surdurmek uzere batman'a hareket ettiler. * HADEP Genel Baskani Bozlak, Van'da duzenledigi basin toplantisinda, mevcut kosullarin secmenin iradesini serbestce ortaya koymaktan uzak oldugunu adil ve esit kosullarin yaratilmamasi halinde secim oyununa gelmeyeceklerini belirtti. AGIK: TURKIYE'YE SAVUNMA YARDIMI SARTA BAGLANSIN AGIK Baskan Yardimcisi "devlet savasta Kurt koylerini yikiyor, erzak ve urunleri tahrip ediyor ve buna karsilik yaklasik 8 milyon kurt kendi ulkelerinde multeci durumuna dusmustur. Bu durumda Turkiye'ye karsi harekete gecilecektir" dedi. KITAP FUARINDA TURKIYE KINANDI Frankfurt Kitap Fuari'nda Turkiyeli Yayincilarin "dusunce sucu" anlayisina son verilmesi amaciyla hazirladiklari imza metni bircok yazar ve yayinci tarafindan imzalandi. TURK-IS'TEN MUHALIFLERI SUSTURMA CABASI Turk-Is te muhalif sendikacilar susturmak icin uzerine duseni yapiyor. Sendikacilar da "izinsiz toplanti ve gosteri yaptiklari" icin kendi genel merkezleri tarafindan "suclaniyor", sorusturmaya ugruyor, yargilaniyor ve cezalandiriliyor. Bu gerekcelerle Yol-is Istanbul 1 Nolu Sube Baskani Ercan Atmaca, Sube Sekreteri ve Mali Sekreter 2 ay sureyle gorevlerinden alindi. YAZIISLERI MUDURUMUZ YUSUF SIT TUTUKLANDI Gazetemizin Sorumlu Yaziisleri Muduru Yusuf Sil gazetede cikan cesitli haber ve yazilardan dolayi, onceki gun 8 saat boyunca Istanbul DGM'de ifade verdi. Yusuf Sil gazetemizin 14 Eylul ile !0 Ekim tarihlerinde arasinda yayinlanan 27. sayida yer alan haber ve yazilarda suc unsuru bulundugu gerekcesiyle tutuklanarak Bayrampasa cezaevine gonderildi. From mbayram at Sat Oct 15 05:54:51 1994 From: mbayram at (mbayram at Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 21:54:51 -0700 (PDT) Subject: kenan bilgin-missing Message-ID: UA 375/94 Fear of "disappearance"/Torture 12 October 1994 TURKEY Kenan Bilgin There are fears for the life of Kenan Bilgin who has been held in unacknowledged detention in Ankara since 12 September 1994. Fellow detainees have reported that he has been tortured. On 11 and 12 September, 11 suspected members of the illegal Revolutionary Communist Party of Turkey (TDKP) were detained in Ankara, including Kenan Bilgin who was reportedly arrested by members of the Anti-Terror Branch of Ankara police at the Sokullu minibus stop opposite the Dikmen Lyce[a]e. Police eventually acknowledged the detention of all except Kenan Bilgin, despite testimony from fellow detainees now in Ankara Central Closed Prison. Their testimony includes the following statements: Bu[u]lent Kat: "I was detained in the TEM (Anti-Terror) branch at Ankara from 8 to 23 September. Almost everyone was being tortured while I was there. About five or six days before I was formally arrested [about 18 or 19 September], a person was dragged past my cell towards the shower area. While they interrogated him there under torture, they continually shouted and asked his name. I could see the person only from behind when he was being taken to his cell because they covered the grilles on the doors as they took this person along. This person, whose name I later learned was Kenan Bilgin, was tortured by a large group of police in the shower area on - I think - 19 September. About one and a half to two hours later, I saw a person who I took to be a doctor emerging with a black doctor's bag from the shower area. This shower area was opposite but a little ahead of my cell, therefore I could more or less make out people being taken there, even though the grilles were covered when torture was taking place. I think this person was kept in cell No. 8, because when prisoners were being taken to the toilet in order, only cell 8 was not opened, and when the grilles were left uncovered, No. 8 alone remained covered." Talat Abay: "I was detained in the TEM (Anti-Terror) branch at Ankara from 8 to 23 September. Everyone was being subjected to systematic torture while I was there. On about 18 or 19 September I saw Kenan Bilgin whom I knew beforehand. I met him at the toilet and we exchanged greetings but I did not meet him again before I left detention. When I was formally arrested and got to prison, I read in the newspapers that the police denied that they had ever detained such a person." O[u]zer Akdemir: "I was in TEM from 12 to 25 September. I and others there were systematically tortured. I was staying in cell No. 6. A person in cell 8 was severely tortured every day. He was taken naked to torture, and brought back, naked and unable to stand. I could see quite easily this person being taken to torture through the gap in the grille in my cell. The person was about 1.65m, brown haired, moustache, dark complexion, with a slight beard, and losing his hair a bit at the front, about 60kg. I could easily recognize those who were taking him to torture because I was tortured without a blindfold. They were from team A3 - or the TDKP team. One day when they brought out the man in cell 8 to go to the toilet, he said, 'I am Kenan Bilgin, they want to "disappear" me. They have not registered me.'" M Cavit Nacitarhan: "While I was in Ankara Police Headquarters from 12 September until 6 October, I saw Kenan Bilgin, naked, being taken past the ventilation window in my cell door (1.65m, dark complexioned, curly hair receding at the front). He was in cell 21. His name was not chalked on the door, but I witnessed him shouting that he was Kenan Bilgin, and asking that those who heard him should inform the outside world." The lawyer Murat Demir who was detained at the Anti-Terror Branch of Ankara Police Headquarters from 27 September to 10 October stated: "I spoke with someone who said that he had been in detention for 22 days, and that his name was Kenan Bilgin. When I spoke to him, it was 3 or 4 of October." Kenan Bilgin, from Pertek in Tunceli province, was previously detained in Istanbul in 1993, when he reported that he had been tortured. He was held for two months and released. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Turkey ratified the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture on 25 February 1988 and the UN Convention Against Torture on 2 August 1988. Following a programme of visits to Turkish police stations in 1990, 1991 and 1992, the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (ECPT - established by the Council of Europe) reported: "In the light of all the information at its disposal, the ECPT can only conclude that the practice of torture and other forms of severe ill-treatment of persons in police custody remains widespread in Turkey and that such methods are applied to both ordinary criminal suspects and persons held under anti- terrorism provisions". Most allegations relate to ill-treatment of detainees in police custody during their initial interrogation when they are usually denied access to relatives or a lawyer. Detainees held on suspicion of political offences may be held without charge for up to 15 days. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send telegrams/telexes/faxes/express and airmail letters either in English or in your own language: - expressing grave concern for the life of Kenan Bilgin who has been held in unacknowledged detention at the Anti-Terror Branch of Ankara Police Headquarters since 12 September 1994; - citing statements by fellow detainees who testified that they saw him there as recently as 3 or 4 October, and that he was being tortured; - urging that he be duly registered as prescribed by the Criminal Procedure Code and that his detention be acknowledged to his lawyers; - requesting to be informed of Kenan Bilgin's current state of health and of any charges brought against him. APPEALS TO Mr Nahit Mentese [Dear Minister] Ic[ce]isleri Bakanligi (Minister of the Interior) Ankara, Turkey Telegrams: Interior Minister, Ankara, Turkey Faxes: +90 312 428 4346 Mr Yilmaz Ergun Emniyet Genel Mu[u]du[u]ru[u] [Dear Sir] Emniyet Genel Mu[u]du[u]rlu[u]gu (General Chief of Police) Ankara, Turkey Telegrams: Emniyet Genel Muduru, Ankara, Turkey Salutation: Dear Sir COPIES OF YOUR APPEALS TO: Prof Mu[u]mtaz Soysal (Minister of Foreign Affairs) Disisleri Bakanligi 06100 Ankara, Turkey Faxes: 90 312 287 1886 His Excellency Ugurtan Akinci Ambassador of Turkey 197 Wurtemburg Street Ottawa, Ontario K1N 8L9 Fax: (613) 789-3442 THANK YOU FOR SENDING YOUR MESSAGES PROMPTLY. From DEBRA at Sun Oct 16 12:21:27 1994 From: DEBRA at (DEBRA at Date: 16 Oct 1994 12:21:27 Subject: kenan bilgin-missing References: Message-ID: <> It would be most helpful when re-posting Amnesty International's Urgent Actions that you make sure that it is clear that the UAs are from Amnesty (for credibility) and that the date after which letters should not be send is not removed from the bottom of the UA. Both items are important. Sincerely, Debra Guzman HRNet From mbayram at Wed Oct 19 07:29:56 1994 From: mbayram at (mbayram at Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 23:29:56 -0700 (PDT) Subject: ozgur ulke 18-19 ekim Message-ID: OZGUR ULKE SAN FRANSISKO BUROSU ULKE GUNDEMI HABER OZETLERI --------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 Ekim 1994 IC HUKUK TUKENDI Turkiye'deki hukuksuzluk uluslararasi kuruluslari harekete gecirdi. Turkiye'nin devlet guclerinin koyleri yakmalari, gozaltinda olumler, "faili mechullar" Batinin sabrini tasirdi. Avrupa Insan Haklari Komisyonu, ilk kez ic hukuk yollari tukenmemis olmasina ragmen Kelekci koyunun devlet guclerince yakilmasi davasini gorusmeye basladi. * AIHK'de yanan koyun durusmasi suruyor: IHD Diyarbakir Subesince, Dicle'ye bagli Kelekci koyunun yakilip bosaltilmasi konusunda Avrupa Insan Haklari Komisyonu'na yapilan basvuruya iliskin durusma ic hukuk yollari tukenmemis olmasina akrsin basladi. Strasburg'da gorulen davanin surmesi durumunda Kelekci koyluleride cagrilarak dinlenecekler. * Turkiye'nin yaptigi savunma rededildi: AIHK, devlet guclerince Sirnak'ta oldurulen Musa Ugur ile Idil'de oldurulen Ahmet Gulec'in ailelerinin actigi davalari kabul etti. Davada Turkiye'nin ilk kez "Devlet guclerinin O-Hal Bolgesi'nde guvenligi saglamak icin gerekli onlemleri almak durumunda oldugu" bicimindeki savunmasi yerinde gorulmedi. * Kayiplar icin Af Orgutune basvuru: Adana'da gozaltina alinan Refik Bayar, Sahmus Kalir ve Eylem Zanay Adibelli'nin yakinlari, Emniyet'in gozaltini kabul etmemesi uzerine dun Uluslararasi Af Orgutu ile IHD'ye basvurarak yakinlarinin gozaltinda akybedilmesinden endise duyduklarini, bu konuda kendilerine yardim edilmesini istediler. * Iskenceyi onleme komitesi DAL'da: Turkiye'deki insan haklari ihlalleri ve iskenceleri inceleyen Avrupa Konseyi Iskenceyi Onleme Komitesi Heyeti Ankara'nin iskenceleriyle unlu siyasi subesi DAL'da incemelerde bulundu. *Ergogan icin AIHK'ye basvuruldu: Aydin Emniyetinde iskenceyle oldurulen Baki Erdogan ile ilgili acilan davalarda ic hukuk yollari tuketilince avukat Hulya Ucpinar, AIHK'ye bireysel basvuruda bulundu. Ucpinar, basvurusunda Baki Erdogan'in gozaltinda iskence sonucu oldugunu kanitlariyla birlikte acikladi. JITEM'IN KOMPLOSUNA DIKKAT! Gazetemizin Genel Yayin yonetmeni A.Baki Karadeniz, Diyarbakir'da JITEM'de 10 gun gozaltinda tutulan muhabirlerimiz Nevzat Aydin ve Vahbiye Tuzun'e iskence altinda kafalarina silah dayiyarak gazetemiz aleyhine ifade imzalattirarak bir komplo kurulmak istendigini soyledi ve kamuoyunu duyarli olmaya cagirdi. ANTEP'TE 12 EYLUL KOSULLARI SURUYOR Antep'e surgun edilen 3 yuz tutsagin aclik grevi surerken, 15 tutsagin baslatigi olum orucu da devam ediyor. Yakinlari tutsaklarin saglik durumlarinin kotulestigini belirterek, biran once heyet gonderilmesini istediler. Tutsak yakinlari ayrica tutsaklarin cogunu sadace ic camasiri ile kaldigini ve tutsaklara bataniye bile verilmedigini de kaydettiler. SECIM KOSULLARINI INCELEMEK ICIN KURDISTAN'A GIDEN HADEP HEYETI ANKARA'YA DONDU. BOZLAK: VALILER DYP VE MHP'YE CALISIYOR. Secim kosullarini yerinde incelemek ve il, ilce yoneticileriyle halkin secime iliskin goruslerini almak uzere Kurdistan ve Cukurova'ya bir gezi duzenleyen HADEP heyeti incelemelerini tamamliyarak Ankara'ya dondu. Heyete baskanlik eden HADEP Genel Baskan'i Murak Bozlak bolgede sivil insanlara zulum yapildigini belirtti. HADEP'in secime girmesi halinde diger partilerin sansinin olmiyacagini kaydeden Murat Bozlak, HADEP'in girmeyecegi bir secimin halk iradesini yansitmiyacagini vurguladi. Halkin HADEP'i tk alternatif olarak gordugunu kaydeden Bozlak, vali ve kaymakam duzeyindeki bazi yoneticilerin DYP ve MHP'nin propagandasini yaptigini ileri surdu. MHP PUSLU HAVAYI SEVER MHP, DYP ile girdigi ara secim iliskileriyle "kurtlar puslu havayi sever" sozunu bir kez daha hakli cikardi. Ciller ile Turkes arasindaki kirli pazarliklarin ardindan 'MHP'nin secimlere DYP bayragi altinda ulkucu adaylarla girme konusunda' karar almasi bekleniyor. CALISANLARDAN PARTILERE OY YOK Isci ve memur sendikalari ile demokratik kitle orgutleri ve meslak odalarindan olusan Demokrasi Platformu, 4 Aralik'ta yapilacak olan ara secimlerde siyasal iktidara veya tum siyasi partilere oy vermeme kampanyasi baslatacak. Ayrica platformun bununla beraber ozellestirmeye hayir, demokratiklesmeye evet kampansayasinida baslatacagi belirtildi. DYP'LI ZEYDAN IHALE VURGUNCUSU CHP Hakkari eski milletvekili M. Ilcin, DYP Hakkari Milletvekili Mustafa Zeydan'in bu ildeki butun ihalelerde komisyon karsiligi aracilik yaptigini iddia etti. Ilcin 1991 secimlerinden once topal merkebi bile olmiyan Zeydan'in su anki servetinin trilyonlari buldugunu soyledi. KAZANCIYAN, PSIKOLOJIK SAVASA ISYAN ETTI PKK Genel Sekreteri Ocalan'in Suryani Halep Metropoliti M. Yohanna ile cekilmis fotaraflarinin medya tarafindan "Pis Ittifak" seklinde verilmes Genelkurmay Baskanligi tarafindan el ilani olarak dagitilmasini Turkiye Ermenileri Patrigi Karekin kazanciyan tarafindan protesto edildi. "psikolojik savas verilecek diye, Ermeni sozcugunun bir kufur haline getirilerek Musluman-Hristiyan dusmanligi yaratilmaya calisildigini" belirten baspiskopos kazanciyan aciklamasinda akan kaninda durmasi gerektigini de belirtti. KRIZIN FATURASI YINE ISCILERE Hukumet ekonomik krizin faturasini yine iscilere yukluyor. Bir taraftan 1993 yili toplu sozlesme farklarini bonoya bagliyan hukumet 1995 yilinda yapilacak toplu sozlesmeler icinde ucretlere 'sifir' zam uygulamasina hazirlaniyor. Bunun zemini olusturmak icin ozellikle muhalif sendikacilari Turk- Is ile anlasarak susturmaya calisan hukumetin bu niyeti, 1995 butcesinde 700 bin kamu iscisinin memur statusune donusturulmesi cabalarindada acikca ortaya cikiyor. Meclis'e gonderilen Butce Kanunu Tasarisi'na gore yaklasik 700 bin iscinin tavan ucreti dondurularak, toplu sozlesmelerde artis yapilmiyacak. Ikramiye 1995'de verilmiyecek, gecici isciler sozlesme kapsamindan cikartilacak. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 ekim 1994 OGRETIM UYELERI SURESIZ BOYKOTTA Dokuz Eylul Universitesinden 120 ogretim elamani ozerk- demokratik universite icin suresiz boykota basladi. * Guzel Sanatlar boykotta * Bilim adamlari konusabilmeli Silah almanin koruculuk oldugunu belirten Egit-Sen Baskani Mesut Celebi: EGITIM EMEKCILERI SILAH ALMAMALI Egitim-Is Izmir 1 nolu Sube Baskani Mesut Celebi, egitimcilerin silahlandirilmasinin bir cesit koruculuk oldugunu kaydederek, bu politikaya alet olunmamasini istedi. Egitimcilerin barisin savunucusu oldugunu ifade eden Celebi, silahlanmanin egitimcileri savasin bir tarafi haline getirecegini belirtti. ERZURUM'DADA OKULLAR KAPATILIYOR Bingol ve Batman'daki koy ilkokullarinin kapatilmasinin ardindan Erzurum'un Tokman ilcesine bagli 15 koyun ilkokuluda kapatiliyor. Kapatilma gerekcesi olarak guvenlik sorumlu gosterilirken, onumuzdeki gunlerde Kurdistan'daki tum okullarin kapatilacagi belirtildi. ROTASYONA TEPKI ARTIYOR * Ankara Tabib Odasi'na bagli doktorlar rotasyon uygulamasinin yasalara aykiri oldugunu belirterek uygulamayi protesto ettiler. ATO Baskani Mehmet Altiok, Yonetim Kurulu Uyeleri ve ve odaya bagli doktorlarin katildigi basin toplantisinda, Saglik Bakanliginin kararinin tamamen secime yonelik ve politik amacli oldugu belirtildi. * HADEP Genel Sekreteri Yardimcisi Sehmus Cagi ile Parti Meclisi Uyeleri Aliriza Yurtsever ve Ahmet Karatas'in da katildigi basin toplantisindan sonra Saglik Bakani Dogan Baran'i ziyaret eden doktorlar rotasyona karsi olduklarini belirttiler ve basin aciklamasinin metnini verdiler. YENI BIR OLUSUM GUNDEME GIRDI Turk-Is tabani yeni orgutlenme girisimlerini tartisiyor. Turk-Is'in devletci politikasini elestiren Turk-Is'e bagli sendikalarin isci temsilcileri, Istanbul Sendika Subeler Platformunun cagrisi uzerine toplanarak, fabrikalarda taban insiyatifine dayali yeni bir orgutlenme bicimi olusturma karari aldilar. From mbayram at Fri Oct 21 08:07:50 1994 From: mbayram at (mbayram at Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 00:07:50 -0700 (PDT) Subject: turkey moving away from traditional Message-ID: Published in English, French and Arabic in Middle East Dialogue on 16 September 1994 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Turkey: MOVING AWAY FROM TRADITIONAL ALLIES By Ismet Imset, Director of the International News Division, Turkish Daily News With an ongoing Kurdish rebellion, a crippled economy, and a government which is suspected of taking the concept of "democracy" only as window-dressing for the West, Turkey is now gradually changing leagues in the world and being distanced from its traditional Western allies. Many observers agree that the price Turkey has had to pay for its military campaign to solve the Kurdish problem in the southeast is far too high for the country, NATO's staunchest ally on the southeast flank, to afford. Both economically and politically, the bill for this ten-year undeclared war has turned out to be too great for Ankara to bear. Socially, experts on the crisis warn that the results of a lack of a viable solution in the near future could be devastating. Already more than 12,500 people have died in the southeast, over 1,500 villages have been evacuated and torched by troops and more than two million Kurds have been displaced. Despite aggravating the economic problems, Ankara is being forced to spend an approximate $7 billion every year on its military campaign. The outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), meanwhile, has but grown in support, manpower and artillery, boasting of having about 4 million sympathising Kurds world-wide. According to its Syrian-based leader Abdullah Ocalan, the organisation currently has some 30,000 full-time professional fighters in the Middle East contrary to Turkish claims that the PKK is on the verge of collapse. The disbanding of the country's only legal pro-Kurdish Democracy Party (DEP) and the arrest of a group of Kurdish MPs earlier this year was followed with six other elected parliamentarians escaping to Europe. These events have produced a chain reaction since last May, placing Turkey under its allies' magnifying glass and giving ample scope for the Kurds to argue that armed struggle has finally been justified and is only a form of defence. The exiled deputies, based in Brussels, launched an immediate diplomatic campaign, visiting Munich, Paris, London and Washington for support. In America, they were hosted by top level officials from the CIA, Congress and State Department who listened with care. These developments, however, have not served to change Turkey's position and officials in Ankara still suspect they are just part of a master plan to divide the country and gradually set up an independent Kurdish state in the region, starting with Iraq. The coalition government of Prime Minister Tansu Ciller thus remains indifferent to all friendly warnings, brushing most of them aside as gestures "motivated by the terrorists". Recently in France, she went to the extent of claiming in openly offensive language that both American and European officials were "brainwashed" by the PKK. Last month, she turned down a conditioned portion of US aid to Turkey immediately after announcing the appointment of Mumtaz Soysal, a well-known cynic of Western policy, as the new foreign minister. Ciller's own political disagreements with her predecessor, President Suleyman Demirel, continue but the state of her government, branded "a rubber stamp of the military" by Turkish dissidents, overshadows internal disputes. Turkey is clearly upset at the recent developments in the Western world related to its human rights situation and relations have been further strained owing to a growing European realisation that the country is in an even worse situation than it was during the post-1980 military coup regime. Institutionalised and systematic torture under Ciller has become widespread as the average Turk has forgotten the meaning of the Paris Charter or Helsinki Accord, concepts which under the previous administration were highly popular with Turkey's target of integrating with Europe. Not only is Turkish policy fully indexed to the PKK, its foreign policy is overcast with the activities of the organisation and Ankara's insistence on refusing to recognise that a Kurdish problem exists. The belief is that any reforms of a social or cultural nature for the Kurds would be a concession to terror. The threat of isolation from the West has never been as great as it is now and countries with different interests in the region have plenty of cause for worry. The PKK, for one, is a security risk. The Kurdish problem is a potential instrument for a future civil war. The economy is in shambles despite all the promises and corruption is widespread. If this were not enough, fundamentalist Islam, which has been the Western bogeyman for years, is now springing up. The Welfare Party has boosted its support throughout the southeast where the DEP was banned and has even won major mayoralties in larger cities, including Ankara and Istanbul. Recently, under the management of Soysal, Ankara has started to mend ties with neighbouring countries thereby further raising suspicion. Turkey's campaign on behalf of Baghdad for the lifting of sanctions has been accompanied by visits to the Iraqi capital by officials as well as businessmen. Relations with Iran and Syria have also improved substantially. There is a suspicion that this change could be a reflection of an overall reaction to the West which will have further repercussions. For many Western governments and non-governmental organisations, the disbanding of the DEP and subsequent arrest of its freely elected parliamentarians were the final straw in proving that Ankara, under the Ciller administration, had finally and fully given in to military pressure. The situation is very grave, so bad that a recent editorial published in the influential New York Times was entitled "The Kurdish killing fields". It boldly noted that although the PKK was also killing civilians, it was not-like the Turkish army-being supplied its weapons by the United States. Lawyers, human rights workers, journalists, publishers, writers, trade unionists and political activists are all targets of the indiscriminate campaign and are either being killed in death-squad type attacks or arrested. Since 1992, at least 70 members of the DEP have been killed while some 30 journalists working for the pro-Kurdish Ozgur Gundem have been placed behind the bars. The newspaper's owner, Yasar Kaya, is currently in exile, waiting for all of his 1,250 years of imprisonment to be ratified. According to the Turkish Human Rights Association, in 1993 alone a total of 29 people died in police custody, 46 were killed in troop attacks on their villages and 467 others fell prey to what Turks now call "mystery murders". The same year there were 13 disappearances in detention and 872 people were tortured. The worst situation related to freedom of expression with seven journalists killed, 11 newspaper vendors murdered for selling controversial papers, three press workers disappearing and 52 journalists attacked by public officers. Officials ordered the confiscation of 425 newspapers and journals during the year while 29 books were banned. Fourteen newspapers and journals were closed down and 116 journalists and writers were convicted for what they had put down in writing. Sixty journalists were arrested in the same period. A brief glance at the figures for 1994 show not only that human rights violations continue on a systematic basis and in approximately the same areas but that they have increased dramatically. In August 1994, Turkish troops for the first time attempted to set up containment zones in the southeast where mostly women and children civilians were forced to go at gunpoint before being "filtered" to be allowed to go elsewhere. In early September, a mixed Irish-British fact-finding mission visiting the region reported Turkish helicopter raids on a UN Kurdish refugee camp, policemen mutilating a live suspect and a journalist in Istanbul being hung by his wrists for 30 hours during a torture session. Under these circumstances, it is only natural for Turkey to be isolated from the democratic West and to seek itself a totally new role. In this way, the Ciller administration is turning into a major test case for the West as a government whose fate depends totally on Western credits but which constantly runs amok. The West cannot afford to lose Turkey or to isolate it completely but as the current policy continues, Turkey is bound to become a much heavier burden. What is certain is that all of the credibility Ankara built up under the late President Turgut Ozal has now been eroded and Turkey is back to square one, when in 1983 it made its first attempts to pull out of a military junta. The next step? With an administration as divided as Ciller's and as motivated by personal ambitions as it is now, one can never know. The indications, however, are that Turkey is rapidly entering the same league as countries such as Syria and Iraq. Ends From mbayram at Fri Oct 21 08:08:54 1994 From: mbayram at (mbayram at Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 00:08:54 -0700 (PDT) Subject: english daily under pressure Message-ID: ======================================================================= A C T I O N O N T U R K E Y ======================================================================= Published in English Aoturkey: 03 Distribution: 09 September 1994 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION ON TURKEY is an individual, non-profit and contribution-based project launched with the aim of informing international human rights and press freedom activists on current developments in Turkey and to coordinate information aimed at taking swift and concerted action to prevent human rights abuses and censorship. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TURKISH MILITARY MAKES FINAL ATTEMPT AT CENSORING ENGLISH DAILY Acting under instructions issued by senior officers at the Turkish Chief of General Staff headquarters, an Ankara State Security Court has launched three separate investigations related to the English-language Turkish Daily News published in Turkey. The TDN, with a circulation of approximately 45,000, is Turkey's only English language newspaper and was awarded this year by the Turkish Human Rights Association (IHD) for its responsible coverage of human rights violations. It is regarded by western press organizations, the international media, governments and non-government organizations as a newspaper dedictated to democracy and freedoms, and one of the leading sources of information on human rights in Turkey and the ongoing Kurdish crisis in the Southeast. In September 1994, the prosecutors' office of the Ankara State Security Court (DGM) launched three separate investigations related to the newspaper. The first investigation is related to a story was launched because a story in the paper, quoting Kurdish sources, used the phrase "Kurdistan." A TDN reporter and the Editor-in-chief testified to court and are confident that the case will be dropped. Of the other two investigations, one was launched on written orders from Turkish Second Chief of Staff General Ahmet Corekci and is related to a commentary titled "Internment Ala Turca" written by Ismet G.Imset, the TDN's Director for International News based in London. The second investigation has been launched under orders from Chief of Military Intelligence General Atilla Tuzman and is related to speeches made by Imset to officials of the United States Congress and the U.S. Helsinki Commission. Imset's family has been informed by Court officials that the investigations will pend until his return to Turkey after which he will be questioned. Imset, formerly the editor of the TDN, was persecuted after his return to Turkey following six weeks of contacts on human rights, the Kurdish issue and diversity in the USA which was sponsored and planned by the United States Information Agency (USIA) and the United States Institute of Peace (USIP). As a result of the persecution, he was urgently re-assigned to London (where he is currently based) for his personal safety. The TDN has since been warned several times related to stories and commentaries filed by Imset and has been forced recently to take a decision to curb his reporting on domestic issues altogether. There is now fear that that any of the three investigations will lead to charges being brought up against TDN personnel and mainly Imset who was publicly accused by a pro-military newspaper while in Washington of "informing on Turkey" in a report story implied he was "acting against the best interests of the country." The TDN, has a reputation over the past two years of being Turkey's only newspaper which has managed to maintain its objectivity and ethics in view of a growing censorship campaign directed at the domestic press. Suggested Action: No further action required for the time being Close monitoring of situation recommended Further information on developments will be relayed shortly. For background information, please contact: aoturkey at Ends From mbayram at Fri Oct 21 08:10:01 1994 From: mbayram at (mbayram at Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 00:10:01 -0700 (PDT) Subject: village torchings in turkey Message-ID: The Turkish Army Is Systematically Burning Kurdish Villages The Turkish army's offensive against the Kurds is continuing. Every day, witnesses report civilian casualties. Since the end of September, the army has been forcing Kurds out of their villages in the province of Dersim (Tunceli) and neighboring provinces. According to reports from human rights agencies, as well as spokespersons for the expelled villagers, more than 30 villages in Tunceli have been destroyed and burned in the last three weeks, 17 in the area around Ouacik alone. The newspaper Ozgur Ulke recently published a list of the names of the villages destroyed, as well as pictures of soldiers making victory poses in front of burning houses. People fleeing from the villages have reported that military commanders would spread a "white, quickly-burning powder" in the houses, and then a soldier designated as the "ignitor" would set the houses on fire. While thousands of the expelled persons from Tunceli are camping or staying with relatives in other cities, 35 people are still missing. Last Friday, seven bodies of members of the Serim and Icik families were found in their burned out houses in the village of Gokcek. At the same time as villages are being destroyed and their inhabitants forced to flee, residents are also being subjected to aerial bombardments from helicopters seeking to wipe out all the forests in the province. One high-ranking military official, who has since fled from Turkey, told the newspaper Ozgur Ulke that the military code name for the destruction and burning of the villages by the Turkish military forces is "Operation Rome", a reference to the burning of Rome by the emperor Nero. Soldiers also informed the newspaper that the Turkish military is planning to destroy another 150 villages and settlements in the region. The Turkish interior minister Mentese justified the military operation in a press conference with reporters, stating that "the region around Tunceli is a nest full of terrorists". While state sources respond to the accusations by claiming that the PKK are the ones setting fire to the villages, both the "minister for human rights" Azimet Koyluogluas as well as Turkish parliament minister Cindoruk have publically acknowledged that the army is destroying the villages, while not drawing any consequences from this fact. Even a delegation of SHP parliamentarians lead by party chairman and deputy prime minister Karayalcin, which visited the city of Tunceli last week, did not feel it was necessary to pay a visit to the villages destroyed or even to speak with the families expelled. Meanwhile, committees in solidarity with Tunceli have been established in several major cities such as Istanbul, Ankara, and Adana, and on Tuesday they carried out a protest demonstration in the capital Ankara. "The army is preparing the second destruction of Dersim," commented the head of one Tunceli support group, making reference to the tragedy of 1938 when the Turkish army, after two years of effort, deported the entire population of Dersim and then razed the city. The name "Dersim" was then banned and replaced with "Tunceli". "But today, they aren't satisfied with just driving us from our homes and destroying our houses, but rather they also want to destroy nature, they want to destroy all our forests so as to make the region uninhabitable forever." Making note of the comments made by the "minister for human rights", the International Human Rights Association in Bonn has called on the German government to announce an immediate moratorium on the deportation of Kurds and to stop all weapons sales to Turkey. (junge Welt, 14.October.1994) ## CrossPoint v3.02 ## ----------------------------- End forwarded message -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- * Activists Press Service (Newsdesk) * ATTENTION! NEW EMAIL-ADDRESS newsdesk at ------------------------------------------------------- From mbayram at Fri Oct 21 08:27:48 1994 From: mbayram at (mbayram at Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 00:27:48 -0700 (PDT) Subject: action on turkey/village torchings Message-ID: ======================================================================= A C T I O N O N T U R K E Y ======================================================================= Aoturkey: 04 Distribution: 19 October 1994 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION ON TURKEY is an individual, non-profit and contribution-based project launched with the aim of informing international human rights and press freedom activists on current developments in Turkey and to coordinate information aimed at taking swift and concerted action to prevent human rights abuses and censorship. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VILLAGE TORCHINGS BY TURKISH TROOPS Background: Turkish government troops, between the 1st and 5th of October, have torched 13 Kurdish villages in Ovacik, Tunceli, eastern Turkey, according to witnesses and a senior government minister. New reports imply that the number of villages destroyed may be as high as 25. Commentary by Yalcin Dogan, Publications Coordinator and Chief Columnist for the mass circulation Turkish daily Milliyet on October 19, 1994: Has your house or village ever been torched? A villager in [the eastern Turkish province of] Mus approaches State Minister Azimet Koyluoglu and says "our village has been burned down by the terrorists, the state should compensate us." When the minister rightfully asks "why should the state pay you if the terrorists burnt it?" the villager lowers his head and remarks: "what can I do, how can we dare to say that it was the state which burned down the village." Coming to the issue of burning down villages in the Ovacik district of Tunceli... Despite statements made by the Chief of General Staff office and those of Interior Minister Nahit Mentese, "village torching" is growing by the day. It is being reflected to prosecutors. Three hundred families whose villages have been burned down petitioned to the Ovacik Republic Prosecutors Office. Their petition, stamped and signed by the village head-men of those villages torched, was sent to the Minister "in charge of human rights," Azimet Koyluoglu. Village head-men of 11 villages, in their petition to the minister, use the expression "our village has been burned down during an operation carried out by security forces." In the same petition, it is stated that "residents were not given a deadline to evacuate their houses before the torching and they were not allowed to save their furniture nor even the diapers or clothing of their babies." The village head-men note that "fifteen villages have been completely burned down while residents of 30 villages have evacuated in panic and are awaiting the results of the operation" and say 480 families have been resettled in different places and that their "situation is terrible." The Evil Lords Want to Strangle The outcry of those, whose villages have been torched, continues in the same petition: "...Although officials have said that every kind of assistance will be given, there has been no assistance until this day." Currently at the Republic Prosecutors Office in Ovacik, the villagers whose villages have been burned down are testifying. Azimet Koyluoglu says "this is it, the truth is there" and asks "how could people there say in front of the commanders that their villages were torched?... How could they speak?.." A minister of the state, more important a minister in charge of human rights, makes very serious claims. On the telephone [to me] yesterday, he says exactly this: "I spoke one by one with 500 villagers in Ovacik. All of them said that their villages had been burned down. All I want now is for this issue to be investigated. I want an investigative commission to be opened in Parliament and this issue to be uncovered." Azimet Koyluoglu appears to be very determined. When I ask what kind of reaction he received to the claims he raised, he replies saying: "When I want human rights for human beings, the Evil Lords want to strangle me. Just like Prometheus, they want to eat my lungs every day!" It is evident that some people are not happy at all with the claims which a minister is defending. The minister, meanwhile, makes no statement on the identity of those who are not happy with this. The Outcry of Koyluoglu The human rights violations in our country are forcing Koyluoglu towards creating a "Human Rights Supreme Consultative Board." This board, which is made-up of 23 people who are mostly academicians and who represent various political views will hold its first meeting the next Monday. In the meeting of this Board where various issues --such as prison conditions, torture allegations, the general situation, evacuated villages, extra-judicial killings-- will be taken up, the importance of human rights which many people ignore will be emphasized. Despite this optimistic approach, the first issue which has to be solved is the case of "village torching." A minister who has political responsibility and all the means to reach every kind of information yells at the top of his voice on the telephone yesterday: "Turkey cannot hide the realities any more... The DYP {senior coalition partner True Path Party] is to submit a motion against me -- let them do that! The whole world is talking of the truth. For fourteen years we have hidden the realities but today we have come to this point... I have applied everywhere. To the President, to the Prime Minister and to Parliament... But, I know that the people support me..." Our political history has never once witnessed such an outcry from one of our ministers... The living witnesses of this outcry are in Ovacik... Yes, everything should be uncovered. Has your house ever been torched? Has your village ever been burned down?.. Can you understand anything of this outcry? Ends From mbayram at Mon Oct 24 07:05:36 1994 From: mbayram at (mbayram at Date: Mon, 24 Oct 1994 00:05:36 -0700 (PDT) Subject: ozgur ulke 22-23-24 ekim Message-ID: OZGUR ULKE SAN FRANSISKO BUROSU ULKE GUNDEMI HABER OZETLERI 24 Ekim MHP'YI ANCAK GERILLA VE HALK ENGELLER PKK lideri Ocalan, gerici cevrelerin, kontralarin MHP'de birlestigini, rejimin MHP'yi tek basina iktidara hazirladigini ve bu sureci ancak gerilla ile halk kitlelerin eylemlerinin engelleyebilecegini soyledi. * "MHP iktidara getiriliyor": ANAP'in dort egilimi onleme gucu olarak rolunu 1987'ye kadar oynadigini belirten Ocalan DYP ve SHP'de dagildigini ve geriye sivil kanadin MHP'sinin kaldigini belirtti. Ocalan "fasist MHP, devrimin gelisme tehlikesine karsi artan bunalimin Turkiye'de yol acacagi bazi patlamalarionlemek icin duzen tarafindan hazirlanarak iktidara getirilmek isteniyor" dedi. * "Soven solun yeri MHP'dir" : Kendilerine soladini takanlarin yerinin turkes'in partisi oldugunu ifade eden PKK Genel Sekreteri "Yillardir keskin marksistlik taslayip emegin en amansiz somuruldugu doneminde en ufak bir eylem yapmayan ve isi-gucu PKK elestirisi olanlarin partilerini birakip MHP icinde orgutlenmeleri en iyisidir. Turkes'in cagrilari onlar icin tarihi bir firsattir" diye konustu. * "fasizme cevap verecegiz": Fasistlerin iktidara gelip gelmemesinin devrimci harekete bagli oldugunu belirten Ocalan. "PKK'nin gelistirecegi hamlelerin ve Turkiye'deki sinif mucadelelerinin gelisiminin bu sureci engelleyebilecegini soyledi. PKK lideri "gerillanin ve halk kitlesinin kendilerini cok yonlu gelistirmesi, fasizme verilecek endogru cevap olacaktir" dedi. GULSUYU HALKI DERSIM Koy yakmalar, Istanbul ve Avrupa'nin bircok sehrin * Kurdistan'da devlet gucleri tarafindan koy ve ormanlarin yakilmasini protesto eden Istanbul, Gulsuyu halki sloganlar esliginde yurudu. Sik sik "Kurdistan ve Dersim fasizme mezar olacak" slogani atan yuruyusculer, yakilip yikilan koylerin, iskenceden gecirilen insanlarin ve topyekun imha edilmeye calisan Kurt halkinin hesabinin sorulacagini soylediler. * Bu arada Kurdistan'da surdurulen kirli savas, katliamlar ve koy yakmalar Hollanda'nin Rotterdam, Avusturya'nin Viyana ve Almanya'nin bircok kentinde yapilan yuruyuslerle protesto edildi. ERNK bayragi tasiyan gostericiler yer yer polis engelleriyle karsilasti. Munih'te polis 5 gostericiyi gozaltina aldi. * Avrupa'da yapilan gosteri yuruyuslerinde aralarinda Almanlarinda bulundugu toplam 30 bin kisinin katildigi bildirildi. Protesto gosterileri sirasinda yapilan konusmalarda Almanya'nin Turkiye'ye sagladigi ekonomik, siyasi ve askeri destek dile getirildi ve destegin kesilmesi cagrisinda bulunuldu. KARAKOCAN KOYLERIDE BOSALTILIYOR MGK'nin haziran ayinda aldigi Karakocan koylerinin bosaltilmasi emri uygulaniyor. * MGK'nin aldigi karar uzerine Elazig'in Karakocan ilcesine bagli bes koy devlet gucleri tarafindan bosaltildi. Seymamudan, Pas, Celexan, Caciyari ce Elbogyan kaoylerinin bosaltilmasina iliskin Haziran ayinda alinan MGK karari, Ekim ayinda hayata gecirilmis oldu. Yorede Xendil, Kori, Kuni ve Gorzibawa olarak bilinen mese ormanlik alanlari da lav silahlariyla tamamen yakildi. MGK toplantisinda alinan kararlarla ilgili haber 12 temmuz tarihli gazetemizde "koy yakmalar MGK'nin talimati" bagliyla yer almisti. KOLERA SIMDIDE IZMIR'E SICRADI Ankara, Siirt, Gebze, Istanbul ce Corum'dan sonra kolera Izmir'de de ortaya cikti. Izmir'in Menderes ilcesine bagli Golcukler koyunde Lice'den gelen Hediye Deniz ile Emine Sagir ve Kizi Havva Sagir'in koleraya yakalandigi bildirildi. Golcukler Koyu muhtari, koleradan haberi olmadigini ifade ederken, saglik ocagi doktorlari "Izmir'in gobeginde kolera mi olurmus?" iddiasinda bulundu. Izmir Tabib Odasi yetkilileri ise uc-dort hafta oncesinde de 21 kolera hastasinin belirlendigini ifade etti. SHATTUCK GOCEDENLERIN OYLARINI SORDU Insan haklari ihlalleri ihlallerini incelemek uzere Turkiye'ye gelen ABD Diisleri Baskan yardimcisi John Shattuck Diyarbakir'a gitti. Diyarbakir Valisi Hatipoglu'ndan Koylerinden goc edenlerin secimlerde nasil oy kullanacaklarini soran Shattuck'a vali, gocedenlerin ikamet edecekleri yerlerde muhtarlardan alacaklari belgelerle oylarini kullanacagi gibi gerceklesmeisi mumkun olmayan bir cevap verdi. GOZALTINDA OLUMLER * INFAZDA SAVCI IMZASI Iskencede oldurulen Aydin Kismir ile birlikte gozaltina alinan ve daha sonra tutuklanan Baris Kalkan, Diyarbakir E tipi cezaevinden gonderdigi mektupta polisin isledigi cinayeti gizlemek icin savci ve katibinin hazirladiklari duzmece ifadeyi kendisine imzalatmaya calistiklarini belirtti. * ISKENCEYE MENENJIT RAPORU Mazgirt'in Xiran koyune bagli Kom mezrasindaki degirmeninden gerillalara un verdigi gerekcesiyle askerler tarafindan gozaltina alinan ve gordugu iskenceler sonucu Elazig Arastirma Hastanesinde yasamini yitiren Ali Karaca'nin otopsi raporunda menenjit ve tansiyon nedeniyle oldugu belirtildi. SAMSUN IHD'DEN KAMPANYA Samsun IHD Subesi cezaevlerindeki baskilari, yargisiz infazlari, koy yakmalari protesto ve dusunceye ozgurluk kampanyasi baslatti. Sube sekreteri Alaaddin Tulum son gunlerde cezaevlerindeki baskinlarin ve koy yakmalarin artmasini, yargisiz infazlarin siradan hale gelmesini, dusuncelerini ifade eden insanlarin cezaevlerine alinmasini protesto etmek icin baslattiklari kampanyaya herkesin katilmasini istedi. kampanya metnini hazirlayan AST oyuncularida dusunce ozgurlugunun yerlesmesi icin sahnedeki sanatcilardan sokaktaki insanlara kadar herkesin bu konuda birseyler ypmasini belirttiler. KARAYALCIN'IN HAZIRTLATTIGI RAPORDAN HEZIMET CIKTI Genc'in hazirladigi raporda basarisizligin faturasinin Karayalcin'a cikacagi belirtildi. * CHP ile yurutulen birlik gorusmeleri sirasinda CHP'nin arasecimlerde SHP'yi destekleme karari vermesi uzerine Karayalcin'in siyasi danismanlarindan Suleyman Genc'ten arasecimler konusunda bir rapor hazirlamasini istedigi ogrenildi. * Kisa bir surede hazirlanan raporda, "secime CHP ile katilirsak yenilgide enbuyuk pay SHP'ye ait olur. Fatura size(Karayalcin'a) cikacaktir. Secime ayri katilirsak yenilgiyi paylasiriz. Aksi takdirde SHP silinir. Secime, CHP ile birlesmeden girelim" gorusune yerverildi. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23 ekim 1994 PKK GENEL SEKRETERI ABDULLAH OCALAN: RHP REJIMIN SON KOZUDUR Ocalan, PKK'nin devrimci savasi yayginlastirarak yukseltmesi karsisinda panige kapilan rejiminde butun olanaklarini kullanarak MHP'yi one cikardigini belirtti. * "MHP rejimin celladidir": MHP zaten devletin icinde oldugundan ihtiyaca gore ozellikle sol cevreleri katletmede kullanilan vurucu bir guctur. Biz buna kontragerilla gucu dedik. Bu guc 12 Eylul surecinde cok calisti. Ve denilebilirki butun devrimci gucleri tasfiye etmede enetkili rolu oynadi. * "Turkes zaten savasin icinde": Turkes hedef olarak bizi gostermektedir. Iste "soyle bir kibrit suyuna ekecegiz, bir yil icinde bitiririz" soylemleriyle sanki savasiyormus seklinde bir ifade kullanmasi ilginctir. Bununla kastettigi tum devlet guclerini kendi komutasi altinda, henuz ulasamadigi toplum cevrelerini MHP'nin etkisi altina almaktadir. * "Devrimci savas sistemi sarsiyor": Devrimci savasin yukselmesi ve duzen uzerinde yarattigi buyuk korku, Turk burjivasisinin en gerici bir tarza, yeni fasist tarza sarsilmasina yol aciyor. Bu anlasilir bir husustur. Devrim ne kadar yukselirse, fasizmde suphesiz secenek olarak kendini o denli devreye sokacaktir. HADEP TUTSAKLAR ICIN AYAKTA * HADEP, Izmir ve Istanbul'da dun gerceklestirdigi kitlesel eylemlerle, devletin Kudistan'da koy yakma politikalari ile son gunlerde cezaevlerindeki insanlikdisi uygulamalarini ve kendi politikalarina yonelik gozalti, tutuklama ve bsakilari protesto etti. Protesto eylemi TBMM Baskanligi ile Icisleri bakanligi'na cektikerli telgrafla, devletin cezaevindeki tutsaklar uzerinde surdurdugu baskilari ve Dersim'deki son koy yakmalari kinadilar. izmir'deki eyleme IHD Izmir Subesi, Tum-Is Sendikasi Izmir Subesi, Izmir Savas Karsitlari Dernegi ve DSP Il orgutu yoneticileri de katildilar. * Istanbul'da dun sabah saat10'da Sirkeci PTT'si onunde toplanan HADEP Il Kadin ve Genclik komisyonlarina uye kalabalik bir grup basin aciklamasi okuyarak, Icisleri Bakan'i Nahit Mentese'ye devlet gucleri tarafindan Kurdistan'da yakilan koyleri, cezaevleri uzerindeki vahsi uygulamalari ve partilerine yonelik baski ve gozaltilari protesto eden bir mektup gonderdiler. OLUM ORUCUNDAKILERIN SAYISI 26'YA CIKTI * Diyarbakir Cezaevinden Antep'e getirilen tutsaklarin baskilara karsi 15 kisi baslatmis olduklari olum orucu, 11 tutsagin katilimi ile surerken tutsaklar yaptiklari aciklamada beyin kanamasi geciren iki tutsagin kayip oldugunu bildirdiler. * IHD Diyarbakir Subesi tarafindan olusturulan 6 kisilik avukat heyeti, Adalet Bakani'nin iznine ragmen Antep Cezaevine giremedi. IHD Genel Sekreteri Husnu Ondul, Adalet Bakanligi'nin izninin Cezaevleri Genel Muduru tarafindan islenmez kilindigini belirtti. ANKARADA'KI ACLIK GREVI: IHD, DIRENISCI AILELER ICIN DESTEK ISTEDI IHD Genel Baskan yardimcisi Sedat Aslantas'in tutuklu ailelerinin Ankara'daki aclik grevinin 8 gundur surdugunu belirterek, insan haklarina ve demokrasiye inanan tum kisi ve kuruluslardan destek istedi. ONCE KURSUNLADILAR SONRA SURUKLEDILER Yuksekova Ilcesi'ne bagli Gokdere, Adakli ve Mehkum koylerini basan devlet gucleri Sevket Kartal ile Ergun yasar isimli koyluleri kursuna dizerek cesetleri ilceye kadar panzerle surukledileri. Topluca iskenceden gecirilen koylulerden yaklasik 100 kiside gozaltina alindi. SERHAT'TA DERSIM'IN KADERINI PAYLASIYOR Agri'nin Taslicay ilcesi'ne bagli Galirya Haci koyu ile Igdir'in Gunde Millik koyu devlet guclerince yakildi. Mazgirt'in cantur, Kalayci ve xabun koyleri ise bosaltildi. cemiskezek'in sakinek koyune saldiran korucular iki kisiyi oldurdu. Haymana Cezaevi'nde bulunan Baskaya ve gerger, Terorle Mucadele taslagini degerlendirdiler: BU REJIME BOYLE TASLAK YAKISIR * "Amac tartismayi engellemektir" : doc. Fikret Baskaya, TMY tasarisini degerlendirirken "Ozgurluge ve demokrasiye gercek ihtiyaci olanlarin gercek bir talebi ve mucadeleleri olmadan yapilan duzenlemeler, eniyi kosullarda " dedi. Tartismanin Kurt sorunu vesilesiyle gundeme geldigini, tasarinin ise tartisma kosullarini ortadan kaldirdigini belirtti. * "Taslak yeni ve hain tuzaklar hazirliyor" : Doc Dr Haluk Gerger'de direnen dusunce suclularinin hakliligi karsisinda devletin geri adim attigi, ancak "yeni ve hain tuzaklarin caktirilmadan hazirlanmasi" aliskanligini surdurdugunu kaydetti. Tasariyi "rejimin layigi" olarak niteleyen Gerger, "tencere'nin yuvarlanip kapagini buldugunu" ve bu rejimden baska bsr sey beklenemeyecegini belirtti. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22 Ekim 1994 HALK SECIME ILGISIZ 4Aralik'taki erken secimin buyuk bolumunun yapilacagi Kurdistan'da secimi mesru gormeyen halk, secimlerin demokratik ve adil olacagi konusunda kuskulu * Halk secimleri mesru gormuyor: Adi konmamis bir savasin yasandigi, koylerin yakilip yikildigi, insanlarin zorla gocettirildigi Kurdistan'da halk secime ilgi gostermiyor. Secimin, parlementodan alinan temsilcilerin yerine yapiliyor olmasi bu ilgisizlikte onemli bir paya sahip. Halk mesru gormedigi bu secimlerin demokratik ve adil olacagi konusunda kuskulu. * Bolgede secim kosullari yok: Insanlar, HADEP'in seci mlere diger partilerle esit kosullarda girecegi ve sandiga hile karistirilmayacagi yonunde guvence istiyor. ilce orgut yoneticilerinin buyuk biolumunun ya cezaevlerinde ya da gozaltinda olan HADEP'in uyeleride yogun baski altinda. HADEP yoneticileri ve uyeleri, bolgede secim kosullarinin olmadigini vurguladilar. * Partiler calismalara baslamadi: Kudistan'da secim yapilacak illerde partilerin henuz secim calismalarina baslamadigi belirtiliyor. Illerdeki vali ve kaymakam gibi bazi devlet gorevlileride buyuk olcude korucu tabanina dayanan DYP'ye calisiyor. SHP ve CHP'nin Kurdistan'ki baraji asamayacaklari kaydedilirken yurtsever tabanini kullanmak icin cesitli taktikler uyguladigi belirtiliyor. From mbayram at Thu Oct 27 06:31:04 1994 From: mbayram at (mbayram at Date: Wed, 26 Oct 1994 23:31:04 -0700 (PDT) Subject: ozgur ulke 25-26-27 ekim Message-ID: OZGUR ULKE SAN FRANSISKO BUROSU ULKE GUNDEMI HABER OZETLERI 27 Ekim 1994 TOPLAMA KAMPLARINA "TOPLU CIFTLIK" KILIFI Ciller yasal toplama kamplari icin start verdi. Devletin halkin gerillaya destegini engelleme, yani baligi oldurmek icin denizi kurutma politikasi merkezilesiyor. * Denizi kurutma harekati: Devletin PKK'nin ilan ettigi "ateskes nedeni ile bir sure uygulanamayan strateji, toplama kamplarinida hedefliyordu. Koyler bosaltilinca gerillaya lojistik destek engellenecekti. Devlet, koyleri yakilanlarin metropollerde biraraya gelip buyuk bir guc olusturmasindanda cekiniyordu. Ozetle temel amac yalniz baliklari bitirmek degil ayni zamanda denizide kurutmakti. * Basari sansi yok: "Projenin tipik ornekleri Vietnam, Filistin ve Irak'ta gorulmustu. Finansmanina Israil'inde katildigi projenin uzun vadeli hedefide yalnizca PKK'yi bitirmek degil, ayni zamanda Kurtluk adina ne varsa hepsini ortadan kaldirmaktir. Fakat tum tarihsel benzerlerinde oldugu gibi, ekonomik, sosyal, siyasal kosullar bu projenin uygulanmasina imkan tanimayacaktir." * Ciller start verdi: Ve Basbakan Ciller, konuyla ilgili bir genelge yayinlayarak, Kurdistan'da toplu ciftlikler projesinin uygulamaya konulmasi calismalarinin basladigini bildirdi. Devlet Bakani Cevheri, koy yakma ve bosaltmalarin Toplu Ciftik Projesiyle ilgisi bulunmadigini iddia etti. SHP milletvekili Arikan ise, "PKK'nin beli kirildi deniyor, ardindanda bu uygulamaya gerek duyuluyor" diye konustu. ABD DISISLERI BASKAN YARDIMCISI SHATTUCK: PRATIK ADIMLAR BEKLIYORUZ * ABD Disisleri Baskan Yardimcisi John Shattuck, demokrasi ve insan haklarinin ikili iliskilerde onemli bir yer tuttugunu belirterek bazi pratik adimlarin atilmasinin beklendigini soyledi. Shattuck, ABD yardiminin insan haklarina aykiri bicimde kullanilamayacagini da vurguladi. * Temaslari sirasinda kendisine sunulan raporda koylerin yakilmasi ve bosaltilmasi ile ilgili bilgiler bulundugunu kaydeden Shattuck, ozellikle son iki yilda faili mechul cinayetlerde artis gozlendigini soyledi. Shattuck dun Turkiye'den ayrildi. HAMAS'A KARSI ARAFAT-CLINTON ELELE ABD Baskani Clinton, FKO lideri Arafat'la Hamas ve diger asiri orgutlerle mucadele konusunda anlastiklarini soyledi. Urdun ile Israil baris konusmasi dun imzalanirken, Amman'da binlerce kisi Israil-Urdun barisini ve Clinton'un ziyaretini protesto etti. OLAGANUSTU HAL BLOFU SHP'nin kaldirilacagi vaadiyle iktidara geldigi Olaganustu Hal uygulamasinin suresinin uzatilmasi Kasim'da bir kez daha TBMM'ye geliyor. Surekli 'bu defa son' diyerek uygulamanin suresini uzatan SHP'lilerin bu defa "hayir" oyu verecekleri ileri suruldu. MEMURLARIN TEPKISI EYLEME DONUSTU Kamu calisanlari dun yaptiklari eylemlerde hukumeti bir kez daha uyardi. Tum Memur-Sen ve ITU uyelerinin isbirakmasiyla tum Turkiye'de PTT hizmetleri ve tren seferleri yapilmadi. Tum Saglik- Sen devlet hastanelerinde basin aciklamalari yaparak hukumeti protesto etti. Kamu Calisanlarinin eylemlerine DISK'de katildi. OVACIK'TA KOY YAKMALAR SURUYOR * Basbakan ve Icisleri Bakani "koyleri asker elbiseli koyluler yakti" diye halkin tepkisini hafifletmeye calisirken, 20 Ocak'ta, Ovacik'in Arzumak koyu, evlerdeki esyalarla birlikte askerler tarafindan yakildi. Uc koyude bosaltildi. * Koylerin devlet gucleri tarafindan yakildigini kamuoyuna duyurduktan sonra gozaltina alinan muhtarlardan hala haber alinamiyor. Bu arada Mazgirt'in Komkirac(Gulec) koyu muhtarlarida gozaltina alindi. SERHAD BOSALTILIYOR Devlet guclerinin insansizlastirmaya calistigi Serhad'da Ekim ayi basindan bu yana 5 koy yakildi. 10 koy bosaltildi. 12 koy gocettirilme yonunde tehdit edildi. 7 koye araliksiz ambargo uygulanirken bircok koyun tarlalari ekilmeside yasaklandi. DICLE VE ZANA: SECIMLER MESRU DEGIL * DEP'li milletvekilleri Leyla Zana ve Hatip Dicle secimler konusunda HADEP'in kararina uyacaklarini soylediler. Koylerin yakilip yikildigini, gozaltilarin devam ettigini belirten DEP Genel Baskani Hatip Dicle, bu kosullarda demokratik bir secimden soz edilemeyecegini vurguladi. * Leyla Zana da demokratik secimo kosullarinin olmadigini belirterek, devlet Bati kamuoyu karsisinda sikistigi icin bizi secim platformuna cekip sandikta bogmayi amacliyor." dedi. Zana, Adana'dan aday olacagi yolundaki haberlerin yalan oldugunu soyledi. SADAK VE YUTDAS DGM'DE YARGILANDI Demokrasi Partili milletvekiller Selim Sadak ve Sedat Yurtdas, Ankara DGM'de "Devleti butunlugu aleyhine faaliyette bulunmak" iddiasiyla yargilandilar. Iddianamenin okundugu ve ilk savunmanin yapildigi durusmayi, HADEP yoneticileri, IHD Genel Baskani Akin Birdal, SHP milletvekilleri Salman Kaya ve Adnan Ekmen istediler. TUTSAK AILELERI DYP GENEL MERKEZINDE Elazig Cezaevinde tutsaklarin aclik grevini 10 Kasim'da olum orucuna cevirecekleri ogrenildi. Diyarbakir Cezaevinde yapilan saldirinin Batman Cezaevindede tekrarlanmaya calisildigi ve bir tutsagin zorla sorguya goturulmek istendigi belirtilirken tutsak aileleri DYPGenel Merkezine giderek aclik grevini burada surdureceklerini acikladilar. 26 Ekim 1994 TANZE'YI DE HARITADAN SILDILER Gectigimiz subat ayinda askerlerce top atisina tutularak aralarinda koy imami ve cocuklarin da bulundugu 9 kisinin yasamini yitirdigi Tanze (Heybeli) koyunde yakilmiyan ev kalmadi. Kurdistan'i insandan arindirmayi amacliyan devlet gucleri pekcok koy gibi Sason'un Tanze koyunde de son kalan evleri de yaktilar. Sason'un Tanze koyunde Subat ayindaki katliamfan sonra gocun basladigini belirten koyluler ilkbahardan bu yana bolgede en az 30 kez operasyona cikan askerlerin koye her baskinda bir kac evi yaktiklarini belirttiler. Bir hafta onceki baskindalarda da kalan son evlerin yakildigini belirten koyluler baskilara ragmen korucu olmayi reddetmislerdi. Tanze koyune bagli Bergara, Kaniye, Tuya ve Bas mezralarinda da 35 evin yakildigi bildirildi. Tanze'nin 24 Subat 1994 gunu devlet guclerince top atisina tutulmasi sonucu olenlerin isimleri soyle: Sadik Aydin (57-koy imami) Esad Cetin(60), Kadir Dilek (55) Vahdettin Ongun, Hanifi Yildiz (13) A. Rahim Yildiz, Huseyin Tekin(18) Hanime Ongun, Sohbet Ongun(3) DEVLET YAVUZ HIRSIZ MISALI... Bingol'de yakilan koylere ilgili basbakan ve diger yetkililere gonderilen 312 imzali dilekceye tek yanit validen geldi. Bingol valisi sari KAYY-DER uyelerine gonderdigi yanitta 'Dilekce sahiplerinin, yakildigi iddia edilen koylerle hicbir iliskilerinin olmadigi, bu da iddilarin ne kadar samimi oldugunu gostermektedir' dedi Devlet yetkililerinin koyleri asker giysili PKK'lilarimn yaktigini iddia ettikleri Ovacikta 444 koylu evlerini askerlerin yaktigina dair suc duyurusunda bulunurken, 5 koylude Asliye Hukuk Mahkemesi'ne basvurdu. YOLLARDA GERILLA DENETIMI Van-Tatvan karayolunu Kuzgunkiran gecidini kesen ARGK gerillalari kimlik kontrolu sirasinda iki korucuyu esir aldi. Olay yerine gelen uc panzere gerillalarin ates acmasi sonucu cikan catismada ise bir uzman cavus ile 6 asker oldu. Cukurca'ya bagli Pirinceken Jandarma Taburu ile Dersim merkeze bagli Sinan Jandarma Karakolu'na da gerillalarca baskin yapildi. Agir silah ve roketatarlarin kullanildigi baskinlarda ilk belirlemelere gore 1 astsubay olurken 13 asker de yaralandi. Diyarbakir'in Kulp ve Hani ilceleri arasindaki kirsal alanda operasyondan donen jandarma timine gerillalarca agir silahlarla saldiri yapildi. Yaklasik iki saat suren catisma sonunda 4 jandarma timi ile 1 gerillanin oldugu cok sayifa askerinde yaralandigi bildirildi. OGRENCILER DE HOCALAR DA BOYKOTTA Ogretim uyelerince universitelerin genel sorunlari icin baslatilan eylemlere dun de Istanbul Universitesi Orman Fakultesi katildi. Ogrencilerin de halaylarla hocalarini destekledigi boykot nedeniyle fakultede ogretim durdu. TODEF 7 Kasim tarihinden itibaren boykota hazirlanirken, Cukurova Universitesi ogrencileri Demokratif Universite Platformu imzasi ile yaptiklari aciklamada , ogretim uyelerinin baslattigi boykota destek verme cagrisi yaptilar. HARB-IS KARARI BEKLIYOR Turk-Is yonetiminin Konfederasyondan ihrac ettigi Harb-Is alinan kararin resmi olarak kendilerine ulasmasini bekliyor. Muhaliff sendikalarin karar iletildikten sonra genel merkeze karsi ortak tavir belirlemeleri bekleniyor. MEMURUN EYLEM GUNLERI Kamu calisanlari taleolerine karsilik hukumetin tavrini protesto etmek icin bugun Turkiye genelinde eylem yapacak. Eylemler daha cok sube yoneticilerinin insiyatifinde gelisecek. GAZETEMIZE SIMDI DE KARGO ENGELI Diyarbakir buromuzun Istanbul merkez buromuza gondermek icin hazirladigi haber materyallerini iceren kargolar, Diyarbakir Havaalani'nda gorevli polisler tarafindan keyfi bicimde engellenirken, Gazetemizi Urfa'dan Diyarbakir'a goturen dagiticimiz Mehmet Ali Yildiz gozaltina alinarak 750 adet gazetemize el konuldu. TURKIYE ,'ACIL GUNDEM'DE AP'nin yarin yapilacak "Acil Konular Gundemi"nde Turkiye'deki insan haklari ihlalleriyle ilgili sosyalistler ve yesil gruplar tarafindan hazirlanan iki karar tasarisi ele alinacak. Karar tasarisinda, bu konudaki iddialarin arastirilmasi isteniyor. 'TURKIYE'YE SILAH AMBARGOSU' Norvecli parlamenter, yazar, hukukcu ve gazetecilerin de icinde yer aldigi Norvec Kurt Konseyi kuruldu. Kongrede konusan Lord Eric Avebury, Batili Devletlere Turkiye'ye acil ambargo uygulanmasi cagrisinda bulundu. ABD KURT SORUNUNA SIVIL INSIYATIF ARIYOR Dennis DeConcini baskanligindaki AGIK heyeti geldigi gunun aksami IHV, IHD, HADEP ve Kurt Hak ve Ozgurlukler Vakfi yoneticileri ile gorustu. Kurt sorunu, yakilan koylerin, insan haklari ihlallerinin konusuldugu gorusmeler sonunda aciklama yapan heyetin Helsinki Izleme Komitesi 2.inci Baskani Mary Sue Halner "Insan haklari ile ilgili Turkiye'deki uygulamadan endise duyuyoruz" dedic YILMAZ: TEROR DEGIL KOYLER BITTI Siyasi partilerin dunku grup toplantilarinin gundemini yakilan koyler olusturdu. Kurdistan'da uygulanan devlet terorunu ara secim karari alindiktan sonra fark eden(!) ANAP Genel Baskani Mesut Yilmaz "Basbakan 'teror ya bitecek ya bitecek' diyor. Teror bitmedi ama memleketin koyleri bitti" dedi. Basbakan Ciller yine yalana siginarak, koylerin "asker elbisesi giymis PKK'lilar" tarafindan yakildigini iddia ederken, SHG Grup Bakanvekili karakas koyleri yakilanlarin zararlarinin bir an once tazmin edilmesini istedi. TURK'UN KOYUNE KORUCULUK DAYATMASI Devlet bir yandan cezaevindeki DEP'li milletvekillerini ara secime sokmak icin ikna etmeye calisirken, ote yandan Mardin milletvekili Ahmet Turk'un koyu olan Oseraqenco koyu ile Hiskastun ve Xarberiye koylerinde oturan yakinlarina koruculuk dayatark goce zorluyor. Koyluler bazi ailelerin topraklarini ekip bicmek icin koye donduklerini ancak asker ve koruculerin bu aileleri kovduklarini soylediler. Ozellikle cevre koy korucularinin surekli koylerine gelerek kadin ve kizlara sarkintilik ettigini belirten koyluler "Ne yapacagimizi sasirdik " dediler. 25 Ekim 1994 HADEP:SECIM SAIBELI HADEP Genel Baskan Yardimcisi Ozarslaner ara secime ozel uygulamalarla sandiktan ancak devletin istedigi partilerin cikabilecegini belirtti. 'Oylarimiz baska yere gitmeyecek' HADEP Genel Baskan Yardimcisi Sahaettin Ozarslaner, terhis olan askerler ile gorev yeri degisen memurlara oy hakki taninirken, goc eden secmenlere ayni hakkin taninmadigina daikkat cekerek "gercek secmenin iradesinin sandiga yansimasi istenmiyor" dedi. HADEP secmeninin politiklestigini belirten Ozarslaner secime girmezlerse oylarinsn diger partilere kaymiyacagini vurguladi 'Korucular birden fazla oy kullanacak' Oy kullananlarin parmagina cikmiyan boya vurulmasindan vaz gecilmesinin, hukumette olan partiler lehine mukerrer oy kullanilacagi kuskusu yarattigini belirten Ozarslaner boylece goc eden koruculara birkac kez oy kullanma olanaginin saglanmaya calisildigini soyledi. Ozarslaner devlet yoneticilerinin halki belli partilere oy vermeye zorladiklarina da isaret etti. 'Sandiktan devletin istedigi cikacak' Yuzde 10'luk Turkiye barajinin, 18 milletvekili sececek olan 1.5 milyon secmenin oyunun, 6 milletvekili sececek olan 3 milyon insanin oyuna bogdurtma amaci tasiyan bir hile oldugunu anlatan Ozarslaner sunlari soyledi: "sandiklarin korucu koylerine konulmasi, oy sayiminin yabur ve alaylarda yapilmasi, sandiktan devletin istedigi partinin cikacagi kuskusunu yaratmaktadir" GARZAN'DA BIR GUN ICINDE 3 KORUCU KOYUNE BASKIN Bitlis'in Tatvan ilcesine bagli karlikan korucu koyune 22 ekim gunu gerillalarca yapilan saldirida 4 kisi olurken, yardima gelen devlet guclerinin de pusuya dusurulmesi sonucu da 8 asker oldu. Ayni gun Sason'a bagli Mala Marge ile Haranda korucu koylerine yapilan basksnlarda da 9 korucu ve yakini ile 11 asker oldu. 7 askerde yaralandi. DEVLET TERORUNE PREFABRIK MAKYAJ Devlet gucleri bir yandan Kurt koylerini yakarken, bunun kamuounda tepkiyle karsilanmasi uzerine simdi de Ovacikta gocmenler icin prefabrik evler yapilmaya baslandi. Ovacik'ta bu evler icin 1 milyar lira odenek ayrildigi, 170 prefabrik evin yapilacagi, bunlardan 60'inin malzemelerinin Erzincan'dan Ovcacik'a getirildigi kaydedildi. Bingol'un Genc ilcesinde ise Suveren koyunu gectigimiz hafta basan Ozel Timler ve korucular, koylulerin degerli esyalarini yagmaladiktan sonra evleri yaktilar, baskinda cok sayida hayvanda kusuna dizildi. Bu arada AP dun devlet guclerinde yakilan Agari koyunun fotaraflarini gecti. AP'nin haberinde soyle denildi: Turkiye'nin guneydogusunda Agari koyu Turk hukumetinin Kurt gerillarina karsi saldirilarini arttirdigi bolgede sayilari bin 500'u bulan bosaltilmis ve yerle bir edilmis koylerden biri. Hukumet ise hala insan haklari gozlemcilerinin gerillalara sempati duyan koylerin sistemli bir sekilde yakildigi yolundaki suclamalarini inkar ediyor. TURKIYE'YE GOZLEMCI UZERINE GOZLEMCI GELIYOR SHATTUCK'TAN SONRA DECONSINI DE GELDI ABD Disisleri Bakani John Shattuck'un bolgedeki temaslari henuz bitmemisken, ABD AGIK komisyonu esbaskani Dennis Deconsini de Turkiye'ye geldi. IHO ve Egit-Sen Diyarbakir sube yoneticileriyle gorusen Shattuck, devlet yetkililerinin tutumunu begenmedigini acikladi. AGIK MUDAHALE ETMELI Budapeste'de suren AGIK Konferansina DEP'li milletvekilleri Ali Yigit ve Zubeyr Aydar da katildi. AGIK Budaoeste Konferansinda Turk Heyetinin sundugu teblige yanit olarak bir rapor hazirliyan DEP milletvekilleri Zubeyr Aydar ve Ali Yigit Kurt halkinin bir soykirimla karsikarsiya oldugunu belirterek, AGIK'in gerekli mekanizmalari isletmesini istediler. Konferansa Riza Turmen baskanliginda katilan Turk heyetinin 14 ekim gunu konferansa sundugu tebligde Kurdistan'da yasananlari 'savas' olarak niteledigi bir bolum dikkati cekti. Boylece Kurdistan'da bir savasin surmekte oldugu devletin resmi belgelerine de gecmis oldu. TUTSAK VE AILELERININ DIRENISLERI SURUYOR. Tutsaklara yonelik saldirilar ve aclik grevleri ile ilgili olarak Adana'da bulunan siyasi parti, sendika, demokratik kitle orgutleri ve bir grup Dersim'li HADEP Adana il binasinda ortak bir basin toplantisi duzenledi. Aciklamada cezaevlerinde bulunan tutsaklara yonelik baskilar kinanirken, ailelerin aclik grevinin de desteklendigi belirtildi. Yine HADEP Mersin il binasinda ailelerin baslattigi aclik grevi de suruyor. HOCALARIN BOYKOTU ISTANBUL'DA BASLADI Marmara Universitesi Iktisadi ve Ticari Ilimler Fakultesi Iktisat Bolumu ogretim uyeleri, 3 gun sureyle "derslere girmeme" eylemine baslarken, Izmir Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Muhendislik Fakultesi'nden yaklasik 150 ogretim elemani Bornova'daki Ataturk anitina celenk birakarak TBMM baskanina tekgraf cektiler. Ogretim uyelerinin eylemlerinin 8 Kasima kadar surmesi bekleniyorc OGRENCILERIN KANTIN PROTESTOSU Izmir Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Egitim fakultesi ogrencileri yemekhanelerinin ozellestirilmesini protesto ederken, Ankara Universitesinde yemek fiyatlarinin 7 bin liradan 20 bin liraya cikmasi uzerine baslatilan yemek boykotu yeni katilimlarla genisliyerek devam ediyorc TURK-IS, SENDIKACILARI 'SUSTURUN EMRINI UYGULAMAYA DEVAM EDIYOR HARB-IS'E 6 AY IHRAC Hukumetin 'muhalif sendikalarinizi susturun' emrinden sonra harekete gecen Turk-Is, bir sendikasini daha cezalandirdi. Turk-Is Disiplin Kurulu aldigi bir kararla hukumetle yapilan anlasmayi protesto eden Harb-Is sendikasini konferasyondan 6 ay sureyle ihrac etti. 'Turk-Is'in sahsiyetini kamuoyunda kucuk dusurmek' olarak aciklanan ihrac kararini degerlendiren Harb-Is Genel Baskani Izzet Cetin karari tanimadiklarini belirterek "Asil ihrac edilmesi gereken Turk-Is'tir. Bu karari tanimiyoruz" dedi En son 5 yil once toplanan Turk-Is Disiplin Kurulu'nun Harb-Is sendikasi icin aldigi bu karar su ana kadar verilen eb agir cezalandirma oldu. Disiplin Kurulu'nun verdigi ihrac kararini MGK karari olarak yorumluyan Liman-Is Genel baskani Hasan Biber, Disiplin Kurulu'nu protesto ettigini acikladi. From mbayram at Sat Oct 29 06:41:05 1994 From: mbayram at (mbayram at Date: Fri, 28 Oct 1994 23:41:05 -0700 (PDT) Subject: ozgur ulke 28-29 ekim Message-ID: 29 Ekim 1994 ARGK ASKERI KONSEY BASKANI CEMIL BAYIK SON GELISMELERI DEGERLENDIRDI: INGILTERE'DE BU SAVASIN ORTAGI * "TC Ingiltere'yi de kullaniyor": Bir sure once PKK Genel Sekreteri Abdullah Ocalan, siyasi cozum konusunda yeni bir surec baslatmak uzere bir basin toplantisi yapacakti. Fakat bu girisim engellendi. Kani Yilmaz'da Ingiltere Parlementosunda temaslarda bulunacak ve bu yonlu konusma yapacakti. Bu girisimlerden buyuk bir korku duyan TC, Ust duzeyde bir mudahale ile Ingiltere hukumeti ile goruserek bu sureci engelledi. * "Dersim Kurdistan'la butunlesti": Dersim'deki koy yakmalarla devlet iyice teshir oldu. Yillardir Kurdistan'da yaptiklarini butun dunya acik bir bicimde gorme imkanina kavustu. Diger yandan bu olaylar Dersimlileri muthis bir bicimde etkiledi. Dersim kitlesi kendi ozune, kendi gercekligine dahada yakinlasti. Zaten devletin bu duzeyde yonelmesinin nedeni Dersim'in Kurdistan'la butunlesmesidir. * "Savasi gelistirerek surdurecegiz": Icinde bulundugumuz surecte TC hem icerdeki cilginliklarini surdurmek hem de yaptigi iskenceleri, katliamlari gizlemek istiyor. Sozde sorusturma baslatacaklar, halkin ihtiyaclarini karsilayacaklar, evleri yiklanlara ev yapacaklarmis. Bunlar katliamlari gizleme ve kamuoyunu aldatma oyunlaridir. TC, sorunun siyasal cozumunu kabul edinceye kadar bizde savasi gelistirerek surdurecegiz. INGILTERE'YE TEPKI Ingiltere Isci Partisi Milletvekili John Austin Walker'in davetlisi olarak Ingiltere'ye giden ERNK Avrupa temsilcilerinden Kani Yilmaz'in 27 Ekim Gunu Ingiliz polisleri tarafindan alikonulmasi yogun tepkilere neden oldu. GAZETEMIZ BU KEZDE BIRLESMIS MILLETLERDE Imtiyaz sahibimiz Hasan Kucukoba ve yazarimiz Abdulkadir Konuk, Kurt halkinin taleplerine terorle yanit verildigini, gazetemizinde bu teror politikasindan etkilendigini belirttiler. Turk hukumetinin savas disinda bir cozum aramadigini belirten Kucukoba, 25 calisaninin tutuklu oldugunu hatirlatti. GUNGOR AILELERDEN KACIYOR Antep Cezaevi'nde onceki gun yaptiklari gorusmede tutsaklarin vucutlarinda kursun yarasi tespit eden tutsak aileleri temsilcileri, kursun yarasinin bulunmasi halinde Adalet Bakani ile birlikte istifa edeceklerini soyleyen Ceza ve Tevkifevleri Genel Muduru Zeki Gungor ile gorusturulmediler. Tutsak yakinlari Gungor ve diger yetkililerle gorusmeden Ankara'dan ayrilmayacaklarini soylediler. GOC TUM HIZIYLA SURUYOR Basbakan Tansu Ciller'in Rus, Ermeni, Afgan veya PKK helikopterlerinin koy yakma faaliyetlerine katilmis olabilecegini one surdugu Dersim'de koy bosaltmalari hala suruyor. Cem~skezek ve Ovacik'a bagli koylerden yogun goc yasanirken, Hozat'in Derik(Sarisaltik), Hakire, karsel, Yenibas, Coguc, Kamurek ve Zugar koyleri de 23 Ekim gunu bosaltildi. Elazig'da Palu'nun Zoxpa koyutamamen bosaltildi. Serhat'ta ise gectigimiz hafta icinde Agri merkeze bagli 6 koy ve mezra bosaltildi. C. Ali Pasa koyu tamamen yakildi. SHP'NIN SON UMUDU ASIRETLER Arasecimlerde yenilgiden korkan SHP; son care olarak sag partileri destekleyen asiretlerden oy toplamaya calisiyor. Ilk olarak DYP Sirnak eski Il Baskan'i Orhan Uysal'i transfer eden SHP, Siirt'tede yillardir DYP'ye destek veren Ceyhan ailesinden Kazim Ceyhan'i aday gosterdi. IRADE SANDIGA YANSIMAYACAK YP Genel Basakni yardimcisi Ulku Soylemezoglu, ara secimlerde iktidar olanaklarini kullakullanacak olan DYP'nin hur iradenin sandiga yansimasini engelleyecegini soyledi. KOYLERI AFGAN HELIKOPTERLERI YAKMIS! Ovacik'ta koyleri yana 10 muhtara Basbakan Tansu Ciller boyle yanit verdi. * Hukumetin yakilan koylerle ilgili aciklamalari butun ciddiyetini kaybetti. daha once koyleri asker uniformasi giymis PKK'lilerin yaktigini one suren Ciller, onceki gunde yanan koyler uzerinde ucan helikopterlerin Ermeni, Rus, Afgan helikopterleri olabilecegini soyledi. * RP'li Oguzhan Asil Turk, "Sokakta bir insani alsanizda Turkiye'nin ortasinda Tunceli'ye Afganistan'dan helikopterler gelmis deseniz gulerler" dedi. * ANAP'li Rustu Kazim Yucalan ise, "Eger Basakan boyle bir soz sarfettiyse hic beklemeden istifa etsin" diye konustu. IZMIR'DE BOMBA: 24 YARALI Izmir'in Konak ilcesinde, ust katinda adliye buluanan bir binanin zemin katina konulan bombanin patlamasi sonucu ilk belirlemelere gore biri agir olmak uzere 24 kisi yaralandi. Yaralanlarin Yesilyurt Devlet Hastanesine kaldirildigi bildirildi. 1402 NIHAYET KALKTI! Adalet bakani Mehmet Mogultay, yururluge giren Guvenlik Sorusturmasi Yasasiyla birlikte 1402 sayili yasa geregince kamu gorevlerine son verilenlerin yeniden donebileceklerini belirtti. KARGOLARIMIZ ENGELLENIYOR Diyarbakir Buromuzdan gazete merkezimize gonderilmek icin hazirlanan haber materyalleri iceren kargolarimiz havaalani polisleri tarafindan keyfi olarak engelleniyor. Onceki gun buro calisanimiz Emin Arslanoglu, elindeki kargoya el konularak gozaltina alinmakla tehdit edildi. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27 Ekim 1994 RUSYA KURT KONFERANSI'NA ENGEL OLMAYACAK Rusya Fedarasyonunun 29-31 Ekim'de Moskova'da yapilacak Kurt Konferansina engel olmayacagi ve bu durumun Turk Disislerine gayriresmi bir sekilde iletildigi ogrenildi. Rusya'nin Kurt Konferans'ini "toplanma ozgurlugu" cercevesinde degerlendirdigini belirten diplomatik kaynaklar, bu nedenle konferansin duzenlenmesine engel olunmayacagini belirtiyorlar. DIYARBAKIR'DAN ANTEP'E GONDERILEN 10 TUTSAK KAYIP TUTSAKLAR NEREDE? Cezaevlerine yonelik saldirilar uzerine Ankara'da aclik grevi yapan tutsak aileleri ile gorusen Ceza ve Tevkifevleri Genel Muduru Zeki Gungor, Diyarbakir Cezaevi'nde bir tutsagin olumu ve 308 tutsagin Antep Cezaevine surgun edilmesi ile sonuclanan saldirinin planli oldugunu itiraf etti. * Genel Mudur Gungor, ailelere "Olaydan once Antep'e haber vermistim, orayi temizlettim. Kesinlikle silah kullanilmayacakti" dedi. Tutsak ailelerinin cezaevinde kursun yarasi olan tutsaklar bulundugu goresunde israr etmeleri uzerine Gungor ailelere su sozu verdi: "Tarama olmamistir. Silah sesleri nobetcilerin kulubelerinden gelmis. Kursun yarasini ispat edin, Adalet bakani ile birlikte istifa ederim" dedi. * Gungor'un sozu uzerine aileleri temsilen iki tutsak yakini dunde Antep Cezaevine giderek tutsaklarla gorustuler. 15 Ekim'den beri aclik grevinde olan tutsaklar ailelere 10 arkadaslarinin kayip oldugunu soylediler. Tutsak yakinlari, Hakan Onur'un gogsunde, Mehmet Demir'in sirtinda, 70 yasindaki Ali Aktas'in ayaginda kursun yarasi oldugunu, Sahmuz Karagoz'un ise agir hasta oldugunu belirttiler. ADALET BAKANI MOGULTAY'A SORUYORUZ * Tutsak yakinlari kursun yarasini tespit ettiler. Ceza ve Tevkifevleri Genel Muduru ile Adalety Bakani istifa etmeyi dusunuyor mu? * Diyarbakir'dan 308 tutsak sevk edildigi soyleniyor. Antep Cezaevine ise 298 tutsak getirilmis. 10 tutsak nerede? * saldiridan sonra yarali olarak Antep Cezaevine getirilen ve beyin kanamasi gecirdigi icin cezaevinden goturulen Salih Kaya nerede? * 15 Ekim'den beri olum orucunda olan tutsaklari olume terketmeyi mi dusunuyorsunuz? DERSIM ICIN "ACIL EYLEM KOMITESI" Istanbul'da 30'a yakin demokratik kitle orgutu temsilcisinin katildigi toplantida Dersim icin "Acil Eylem Komitesi" olusturularak yardim kampanyasi acilmasi kararlastirildi. * HADEP Il Orgutu7, Baris Insiyatifi, Sosyalist Basin Platformu, Kamu Calisanlari Sendikalarininda yeraldigi komitede, bolgede olup bitenlerin yerinde incelenmesi, sonuclarini yerli ve yabanci kamuoyuna ulastirilmasi, cezaevlerindeki baskilarin izlenmesi ve belgelenmesi icin calisacak. * Ovacik'la koylerinin yakilmasindan sonra gocederek Mersin'e yerlesenleri bu kez polis rahat birakmiyor. 21 Ekim gunu gozaltina alinan 16 kisinin gozaltinda oldugunun kabul edilmedigi belirtildi. Bu arada koylerin yakilmasi, Avusturalya'nin Malorm kentinde bir yuruyusle protesto edildi. SECIME KATILMAMA KARARININ ALINMASI BEKLENIYOR HADEP PM KARARI ICIN TOPLANDI * Arasecim tavrini belirlemek icin toplanan HADEP Parti Meclisinin acilis konusmasini yapan Genel Baskan Murat Bozlak, secim kosullarinin olmadigini yineleyerek "Secim baski ve zulum bolgesinde yapiliyor" diye konustu. * HADEP Genel Baskani Bozlak, terhis olan askerler ile gorev yeri degisen memurlara oy hakki taninirken koylerinden devlet baskisi nedeniyle gocetmek zorunda kalan insanlara ayni hakkin taninmadigina dikkat cekerek secim yasasinin hilelere olanak sagladigini soyledii ANAP'A DOKUNMAYAN BIN YASASIN! ANAP Grup Baskanvekili Eyup Asik, bolgede secim yapilacak bircok ilde halka baski olmasina karsin kendilerinin yalnizca Sirnak'i gundeme getirdiklerini itiraf etti. Asik "caydiri olamazsak Mus dahil birkac ilde daha dosya acacagiz" dedi. * ANAP Ankara Milletvekili Yucel Seckiner ise Sirnak Valisi'nin gorevden alinmasi icin girisimleri surdurduklerini kaydetti. Seckiner, "Vali icin, bir DYP militani, bu valiyi gorevden alsinlarda yerine kimi getirirlerse getirsinler" dedi. TOBB'NIN ACIKLAMASI KARAYALCIN'I KIZDIRDI * Turkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birligi, Sanayi Konseyi'nin ANAYOL onerisine tepki gosteren SHP Genel Baskani ve Basbakan Yardimcisi Murat Karayalcin, "Turkiye'de hukumetin omrunu sanayiciler belirleyemez" iddiasinda bulundu. OGRENCI GENCLIK HAREKETLI Ogrenciler, Izmir'de yurt sartlarinin duzeltilmesi icin eylem yaparken, samsun'da yurtta baslayan salgin hastaligi protesto etmek icin Rektorluge yuruduler. Ankara'da 12 gundur suren yemek boykoyuna dun SBF ogrencileride katildi. Istanbul'da da IYO-DER'li ogrenciler, 7 Kasim'dan itibaren Demokratik Universite icin boykota gideceklerini acikladilar. GAZETEMIZE BUYUK DESTEK oba, }svicre medya kuruluslariyla gorustu. * Arkadaslarimiz Isvicre'de Gazeteciler Birligi(SJU), WOZ gazetesi, GBI sendikasi, Isvicre Isci Yardim Kurulusu(SAH), Radio Lore, Devlet Radyosu(DRS), Multi Medya temsilcileriyle gorusmeler yapti. * Diyarbakir cezaevinde 6 ayi askin bir suredir tutuklu kalan dagitimcilarimiz Diyarbakir buro Zafer Tuzun ile Deniz Bayram D]yarbakir 4 nolu DGM'de yapilan durusmalarinda serbest birakildilar. TURKIYE'YE KINAMA Uluslararasi af orgutu, bir aciklama yaparak, Turk hukumetinin ulkedeki iskence ve oldurmeleri arastirmalari icin Af Orgutu arastiricilarina izin vermemesini kinadi. EGE KRIZI POLITIK MALZEME From mbayram at Mon Oct 31 07:10:08 1994 From: mbayram at (mbayram at Date: Sun, 30 Oct 1994 23:10:08 -0800 (PST) Subject: ozgur ulke 30-31 ekim Message-ID: OZGUR ULKE SAN FRANSISKO BUROSU ULKE GUNDEMI HABER OZETLERI 31 EKIM PKK GENEL SEKRETERI OCALAN EHMEDE XANI'YI DEGERLENDIRDI: EHMEDE XANI'YE TESEKKUR BORCLUYUZ 1995 yili, PKK liderinin onerisi ile 1.inci Kurt Kultur ve Sanat Konferansi'nda Mem O Zin'in yazilisinin 300. yili dolayisi ile 'Uluslararasi Ehmede Xani Yili' ilan edilmisti. "Ehmede Xani buyuk bir ruhun, askin sahibi, buyuk bir devrimcidir. Bilgi ve felsefedir. Bu felsefeyi evrensellestirmeyiz." "Xani ile aramizda buyuk farklar var. "Ulkesiz ask olmaz, halk iktidari olmadan ask olmaz, sevgi yurumez. Mem ile Zin'in hikayesi bunu ispatliyor. " "Ulkeyi ayaga kaldirdik, yasami kaldirdik. Kurt halkina bir ulke verdik. Sanatci ve aydinlarimiz hala kor gibi bakiyorlar" Ayhan Yasar'in PKK GEnel Sekreteri Abdullah Ocalan ile yaptigi roportaj yakinda Ozgur Ulke'de MUHTAR OPERASYONU Dersim'de ormanlarin ve koylerin devlet gucleri tarafindan yakildigini acikliyan muhtarlar, gozaltina alinarak kaybedilmeye calisiliyor. Televizyondaki haber programlarinda Dersim'de koy ve ormanlarin askerler tarafindam yakildigini soyleyen koy muhtarlari teket teker kayboluyor. Ayni TV kanallari Demo muhtarinin kaybolmasinda oldugu gibi dersimli 6 muhtarin kaybolmasi karsisindada duyarsizlar. Kirdim koyu muhtari da gozaltinda Dersim'in pulumur ilcesine bagli Kirdim koyu muhtari Huseyin Ulucan'dan gozaltina alindigi 27 Ekim'den beri haber alinamiyor. atv televizyon kanalindaki Guneri Civaoglu'nun hazirladigi 'Kirmizi Dosya' programinda, koyleri askerlerin yaktigini acikliyan Ulucan daha sonra koyu terk ederek Erzincan'a yerlesmis ve burada sivil polisler tarafindan gozaltina alinmisti. 5 Muhtardan haber yok Dersim merkezine bagli Muskurek koyu muhtari Hasan Cinar, Hacali koyu muhtari Kasim Karas, Mazgir'e bagli Gonec koyu muhtari Ali Gur, Hozat'a bagli Miksor koyu muhtari Hidir Ozturk de halen gozaltinda. Gozaltindaki muhtarlarin akibeti bilinmiyor. KOY KAYMAKAM NEZARETINDE YAKILDI Agacpinar koyunde evlerinin Ovacik kaymakam Vekili nezaretinde yakilmasi uzerine goc eden koyluler, koye donmemelri icin tehdit edildiklerini belirttiler. ERNK TEMSILCISINE YOGUN DESTEK Yilmaz Rochester Cezaevi'nde aclik grevine basladi. ERNK Avrupa temsilcisi Kani Yilmaz'in bulundugu Rochester Tutukevi'ndeki cesitli milletlerden multeciler Yilmaz'in alikonuloasini kinamak ve yasadiklari kosullari protesto etmek amaciyla suresiz aclik grevine basladilar. 150 Kurdistanli'nin Icisleri Bakanligi onundeki aclik grevide suruyor. Yilmaz'in tutuldugu Rochestar tutukevi'nin telefonlari, dunyanin cesitli yerlerinden yagan protesto telefonlariyla kilitlendi. "Ingiliz diplmasi gelenegine aykiri " olarak degerlendirilen olay insan haklari kuruluslari ve ulusal kurtulus orgutleri tarafsndanda kinaniyor. Telefonla gorustugumuz Yilmaz gelismeleri "Ingiltere basina bir bela aldi. Isin bu kadart buyuyecegini goremediler. Simdi iyi bir yola getirmek icin caba harciyor. Fakat yaptiklari hatanin sonuclarina katlanmak zorunda " bicimimde degerlendirdi. MOSKOVA'DA TARIHI KONFERANS BASLADI Bagimsiz Devletler Toplulugy bunyesinde yasayan Kurtler, Moskova'daki "Kurt konferansi" icin bir araya geldiler. Onceki gun basliyan ve uc gun surecek konferans icin 85 delege degisik komisyonlarda calisma yurutecek. ERNK BDT temsilcisinin de hazir bulundugu konferansin acilisinda PKK Genel Sekreteri Abdullah Ocalan'in mesaji okundu. KURTALAN'DA CATISMA Iki gun suren catismada 11 asker ve 1 gerilla oldu. Kurtalan'a bagli Behende koyu yakinlarinda gerillalar ile devlet gucleri arasinda 28 Ekim'de cikan ve 29 Ekim ogle saatlerine kadar devam eden catismada 11 asker oldu. Catismanin ardindan bolgeye cok sayida takviye birlik sevkedildi. Siirt'in Pervari ilcesine bagli Saneh korucu koyu ile Diyerbakir'in Hazin ilcesine bagli Sariyer korucu koyune gerillalar tarafindan yapilan saldirida korucularin siginak olarak kullandiklari evler tahrip oldu. Diyarbakir'in Lice ilcesinin guneyindeki kirsal alanda 29 Ekim gunu devriye gezen bir askeri araca, bir grup ARGK gerillasi tarafindan pusu kuruldu. Pusuda ilk belirlemelere gore 2 asker oldu, cok sayida askerde yaralandi. ANTEP'DE IKI ER FIRAR ETTI Askerligin 3 ay daha uzatilmasi nedeniyle askerden firarlar suruyor. Antep 5.inci Zirhli Tugayinde gorev yapan iki asker, askerligin uzatilmasina karsi ciktiklari icin gordukleri baskilar nedeniyle firar etti. DEVLET ASKERI KANDIRIYOR Gec terhis edilen askerlere is ve kredi saglanacagi yolundaki vaatler bos cikti. Psikolojik amacli olan vaatlerin terhislerin uzatilmasi ile asker firarlarini onlemeye yonelik oldugu anlasildi. PERINCEK VE AREN ECEVIT ILE BAYKAL'IN KUYRUGUNA TAKILDI. CHP, DSP, IP ve BSP'nin ara secimlerde ittifak yapacagi ogrenildi. Dort partinin liderleri Baykal, Ecevit, Aren ve Perincek'in Ankara'da gizli bir toplanti yaptiklari bildirildi. Liderlerin IP ile DSP'nin secimlere girmesini, CHP ile BSP'nin ise adaylari disaridan desteklemesini karalastirdiklari kaydedildi 30 EKIM ROACHESTER CEZAEVI'NDEN GORUSTUGUMUZ KANI YILMAZ: ISTEDIGIM YERE GIDERIM. Yilmaz kendisiyle telefonla gorusen Avrupa temsilciligimize yaptigi aciklamada, basladigi gorusmelere devam etmek istedigini, eger Ingiltere'yi terk etmesi gerekirse kendi istedigi ulkeye gidecegini soyledi. Ingiltere'ye yasal yollardan geldigini ve Parlemonto'da cesitli gorusmeler yaptigini belirten ERNK Avrupa Temsilciliginden Yilmaz, Ingilizlerin Turkiye'deki ozellestirmeden pay kapmak icin kendisine karsi tavir aldigini belirtti. Yimaz konumunun Ingiliz Hukumeti tarafindan kabul edildigini ve Disisleri bakaninin kendi adina bir mektup yazmasinin bunu kanitladigini soyledi. Yilmaz, Ingiltere'nin kararindan vazgecmesi gerektigini belirterek "yeni bir aciklamada bulunabilirim. Sorunun barisci bir becimde cozumlenebilmesi icin uluslarasi kuruluslari duyarli olmaya cagriyorum" diye konustu. Bu arada Icisleri Bakanligi onunde toplanan ve olayi protesto eden yaklasik 150 Kurdistanli suresiz aclik grevine basladigi bildiridi. GAP'TA PSIKOLOJIK GOSTERIYE HAZIRLIK Hukumet tamamlanmamis projeleri bitmis gibi gostererek Haran'da sov yapacak. Sulama tunellerinin acilisi dolayisiyla 9 Kasim'da yapilacak olan gosterilere bin 500 kisilik yabanci devlet yetkilisi davet edildi. Torenler icin harcanacak paranin 20 milyari bulmasi bekleniyor. Uzmanlar ise acilisi yapilacak kisimlarin uc yilda bitecegi bunun icin de 3 trilyonluk kaynaga ihtiyac oldugu belirtiliyor. OBB-GAP komisyonu uyesi Profesor Dr. Ekram Kun sulama mevsiminin gectigine dikkati cekerek "Acilisin psikolojik faydalari ver" dedi IHD KONGRESI'NDE KURT SORUNU TARTISILDI Ankara'da dun basliyan ve katilimin yogun oldugu IHD Genel Kurulunda konusmacilar Kurt sorununun cozumu uzerinde durdular. IHD Genel Baskani Birdal koy yakmalarla ilgili bir kitap nedeniyle yargicin kararini hatirlatarak "once kitaplar yakildi sonra insanlar, simdide koyler yakiliyor. Bir halkin tarihi ve kultur mirasi yok edilmek isteniyor" dedi. ERZURUM'UN KOYLERINE DE ZORLA KORUCULUK Botan, Serhat ve Dersim'de gerilla eylemleri karsisinda careyi koyleri insansizlastirmakta ariyan devlet gucleri kaybetme telasiyla, Erzurum'um koylerini zorla koruculastirmaya, Elbistan'in koylerin de bosaltmaya calisiyor 5 Kasim'a kadar sure Erzurum'un Karayazi, Takman ve Hinis ilcelerine bagli tum koy muhtarlari karakollarda topliyarak koruculugun kabul edilmesi icin 5 Kasim'a kadar sire tanidi. toplantida korucu olmiyan koylerin Dersim'de oldugu gibi yakilacagi yonunde tehditlerinde bulunuldu. Mezralar bosaltiliyor. Toplantidan sonra bazi koy ve mezralara seri baskinlar duzenlendigi vce baskinin yogunlatigi; Karayazi'da 10'dan fazla mezranin bosaltildigi bildirildi. Mus'un Varto ilcesine bagli bazi koylerde de koruculuk dayatmasi yuzunden goc hazirliklari basladi. HADEP'TE KARAR HAFTASI HADEP Parti meclisi bu hafta icinde toplanarak secimlere katilip katilmama konusunu karara baglamasi bekleniyor. SECIM GEZISINE ENGEL Ara secim yapilacak butun illere gitmeyi plamliyan ANAP lideri Yilmaz'in Kurdistandaki ilceleri "guvenlik" gerekcesiyle programina almadigi bildirildi. POLIS DEVLETINR ITIRAF Karayalcin "guvenlik sorusturmasi"nin kaldirilmasini ongoren kanunu overken Turkiye'nin 'polis devleti' oldugunu itiraf etti ve 'polis devletinin hafizasi yok edilecek dedi. TBMM UZATMADAN, BAKANLIK BUTCESINDE ODENEK AYRILDI ICISLERI 'OLAGANUSTU HAL'I UZATTI Turkiye'de Buyuk Millet Meclisi'in gostermelik bir kurum oldugu bir kez daha ortaya cikti. Ancak Bakanlar Kurulu teskeresi uzerine TBMM karariyla uzatilabilinen 'Olaganustu Hal Uygulamasi'ni Icisleri Bakanligi butce tasarisinda simdiden bir yil uzatti Icisleri bakanligi'nin 1995 mali yili Butce Tasarisi'nda 'Olaganustu Hal Bolge Valiligi'nin yonetiminde olan faliyetler 1995 yilindada surdululecek denilirken' bu is icin Icisleri Bakanli'gina 884 milyar 950 milyon lira odenek ayrildi. 21 kez uzatilan OHAL'in suresi 19 Kasim'da bitiyor. CIXEK KARAKOLUNA IKINCI BASKIN Devlet guclerinin koyleri yakmaya ve koyluleri goc ettirmeye devam ettigi Dersim'de Cixek karakolu gerillar tarafindan yeniden basildi. Saldiri sirasinda cikan catismada cok sayida askerin oldugu belirtilirken yarali askerlerin helikopterlerle Diyarbakir'daki hastanelere kaldirildiklari kaydedildi. Karakol 23 Ekim'de de gerillalarca basilmisti. Bingol'un Genc ilcesi yakinlarinda gerillalar iki askeri araca saldiri duzenlediler. Araclarda bulunan 7 asker olurken saldiridan sonra devlet guclerinin bolgeyi helikopterlerle bombaladigi kaydedildi. Beytulsahap'ta da yola pusu kuran gerillalarla devlet gucleri arasinda cikan catisma 6 askerin oldugu bildirildi IZMIR'DE BOMBA SOKU SURUYOR Izmir'de onceki gun bir kisinin olumune ve 8'i agir olmak uzere 100 ye yakin kisinin yaralanmasina yol acan patlamanin soku atlatilamadi. Izmir Valisi K. Aktas olayin "Guneydogudaki savasin Izmir'e sicriyan kivilcimi oldugunu" soyledi. From stk at Thu Oct 6 16:24:00 1994 From: stk at (stk at Date: 06 Oct 1994 16:24:00 Subject: Kurdish Leaders In Turkish Court Fo References: Message-ID: <> ------------------------------ forwarded message ----------------------------- M.MERLIN at (Maurice Merlin) writes: ## Nachricht zur Information/Dokumentation weitergeleitet ## Orig.-Abs. : ats at (Arm The Spirit) Kurdish Leaders In Turkish Court For Rebel Links Ankara, Turkey (Reuter - September 25, 1996) The leadership of Turkey's only legal Kurdish political party went on trial on Wednesday, charged with links to separatist guerrillas battling security forces for self-rule in the country's southeast. Eighteen senior figures in the People's Democracy Party (HADEP), including leader Murat Bozlak, were accused of acting as a front for the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) rebel group. They face up to 22 1/2 years in jail. Another 23, mostly party members, could get up to 15 years under a lesser charge. "HADEP is active in trying to get our citizens of Kurdish origin to join the PKK, form grassroot support for the PKK and send militants to the mountains", prosecutor Nuh Mete Yuksel told Ankara State Security Court. The Turkish armed forces stepped up operations against the PKK this week, with airplanes and attack helicopters assaulting the rebels' remote mountain redoubts. Security officials in the southeastern city of Diyarbakir said 47 guerrillas died in the latest counter-insurgency drive. Anatolian news agency said six from the security forces died. Party leader Bozlak denied any ties to the rebels. "HADEP has no link at all with any illegal organisation", he told the court, packed with relatives, Western diplomats and human rights observers. He predicted that the stifling of non-violent Kurdish dissent would only prolong the bloodshed. "It's clear that a policy of denial and assimilation has got nowhere and will go nowhere", he said. "The problem will grow." Turkey has been criticised by some of its Western allies for refusing to give separate cultural and educational rights to its estimated 12 million Kurds. The European Parliament threatened last week to block hundreds of millions of dollars of European Union aid to Turkey, saying that previous rights promises had not been fulfilled. "The EU is defintely focused on this trial after last week's decision", a European diplomat told Reuters. A similar trial of Kurdish MPs two years ago almost killed off Turkey's ambitions for a customs union with Europe, granted in late 1995. The HADEP defendants were detained in June after masked youths tore down a large Turkish flag adorning a party congress and replaced it with the banner of the rebel group and its leader Abdullah Ocalan. "This looks like a pretext to ban HADEP. It's following a particular pattern where the Kurdish parties get banned one after the other", said Louise Christian, a British rights monitor. The party was formed in 1994 after another Kurdish party was closed by the constitutional court for alleged separatism and 13 of its deputies expelled from parliament. Six Kurd MPs were later sent to jail for links to the PKK. Meanwhile, eleven people died in a riot over prison condition by PKK inmates at a jail in Diyarbakir on Tuesday. HADEP does not advocate violence and stops short of calling for Kurdish self-rule. The party's platform for recognition of Kurds as a distinct ethnic group got short shrift in court. "There is only one identity in Turkey and that is the Turkish identity", prosecutor Yuksel said, reading out the charges. "Requests for acknowledgement of a Kurdish cultural identity are underhand moves aimed at splitting the country. The state is one, the country is one, the nation is one", he said. The trial is expected to last several months. ----------------------------- end forwarded message -------------------------- ********************************************************** Solidaritygroup Turkey-Kurdistan Memberorganisation of Foundation Initiativegroup Kurdistan P.O. Box 85306 3508 AH Utrecht The Netherlands stk at ********************************************************** From stk at Mon Oct 3 22:37:00 1994 From: stk at (stk at Date: 03 Oct 1994 22:37:00 Subject: TURKEY: Widespread HR violations Message-ID: <> ------------------------------ forwarded message ----------------------------- hnaylor at writes: Amnesty International USA 322 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10001 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1996 CONTACT: ROGER RATHMAN 212/633-4208 TURKEY: WIDESPREAD HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS IN THE NAME OF STATE SECURITY ISTANBUL -- The 1990s have seen a steady erosion of human rights in Turkey with the authorities attempting to excuse, ignore or cover up the abuses - like torture, political killings and "disappearances" - in the name of national security, Amnesty International said today as it launched a worldwide campaign on human rights violations in the country. "Why are these terrible things allowed to go on in Turkey - a society with traditions of tolerance, a history of parliamentary democracy, whose people are admired and respected for their kindness and hospitality by all who visit the country?" asked Pierre Sane, Secretary General of Amnesty International. "Why doesn't the Turkish Government take steps to protect its citizens from its security forces? The international intergovernmental organizations also have a responsibility here: the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the United Nations (UN) know what Amnesty International knows about the torture, killing and disappearance - why do they choose not to act?" Amnesty International's new report published today documents the crescendo of human rights violations in Turkey during the 1990s, and highlights the urgent need for legal reforms and governmental and international action. "Widespread human rights violations are taking place not only in the southeast but everywhere in Turkey. On the pretext of guaranteeing state security, the Turkish state is failing to safeguard its citizens' own security," Mr. Sane said. "We don't understand how measures which permit torture - including the torture of people detained on suspicion of common criminal offenses, of vulnerable people, of children and of handicapped persons - can contribute to the security of the state. On the contrary, these abhorrent practices put all Turkish citizens at risk." The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (ECPT) has described the incidence of torture and ill-treatment in Turkey as "widespread". The UN Committee on Torture used the term "systematic". The 1990s presented Turkish citizens with unprecedented grounds for fear: extrajudicial executions and "disappearances" began to be committed on the streets of Istanbul and the capital Ankara, as well as in the cities of the southeast, scene of a 12- year-old conflict with the Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK). In 1995 a UN working group stated that Turkey had been the country with the highest number of reported "disappearances" in the world in 1994. The assault on freedom of expression has taken a further turn for the worse. While the risk of being imprisoned for expressing opinions decreased during the 1990s, journalists now face a real risk of "disappearing" or being shot dead or beaten to death for their professional activities. The human rights organization also expressed concern about the use of the Anti- Terror Law to prosecute and imprison writers, publishers and politicians for expressing opinions displeasing to the state. "After little more than cosmetic changes to the law in late 1995, we fear that imprisonments are beginning once again," Mr. Sane said. In August 1996 publisher Ayse Nur Zarakolu began serving a six-month sentence under the Anti-Terror Law for her publishing activities. Former parliamentary deputy Ibrahim Aksoy has been imprisoned in Ankara Central Closed Prison for his speeches and writings since October 1995. Also in August 1996 a warrant was issued for the rearrest of Mehdi Zana, former prisoner of conscience. Hundreds of other Turkish citizens face possible imprisonment under the Anti-Terror Law -- including 184 of Turkey's leading writers, artists and publishers indicted in a single trial at Istanbul State Security Court. "Successive Turkish governments have failed to fulfill the obligations they have freely entered into under international law. Police and gendarmes enjoy impunity because they are regarded as the guardians of the state, and it appears that the Turkish state is enjoying a similar exemption from scrutiny, criticism and sanction by the international community because of its strategic position as a border guard of the western world, as well as because of its commercial and economic weight," Mr. Sane said. "We want to remind the international community and those countries which have special relations with Turkey of their obligation to ensure that, if Turkey continues to refuse to cooperate with international human rights bodies, then action must be taken to hold Turkey to account." Amnesty International is also calling on countries selling arms and military equipment to Turkey to make sure that the arms and equipment they supply is not used to commit human right violations. The human rights organization has documented the use of US and UK-made helicopters and armored cars in operations of massive human rights violations by the security forces in Kurdish-populated areas of the southeast. Amnesty International's report also gives information about human rights abuses by armed opposition groups. Illegal opposition groups which have turned to violence to pursue their political aims have killed unarmed civilians who took no part in the conflict. They have also killed their own members in the name of the party, killed Kurdish peasants in the name of liberation and killed Muslims in the name of Islam. Groups responsible for such violations include the PKK, DHKP-C, TIKKO and IBDA-C. Some of these groups have deliberately and arbitrarily killed non-combatant women, children and prisoners. Amnesty International has strongly and publicly condemned such abuses. In the past three years there was some reduction in the number of civilians killed by the PKK but the killings continue and Amnesty International's members will therefore continue to maintain their pressure. In contrast with the dramatic facts exposed, Amnesty International's report states that the conditions exist in Turkey for reforms which could decisively change the situation. The human rights organization is putting forward a set of recommendations to the Turkish Government with a view to substantially reducing the scope of human rights violations. These recommendations are: * to conduct thorough and impartial investigations into all the cases of reported "disappearances" in security forces custody and extrajudicial executions; * to ensure that prisoners are guarded by officers under the authority of the Ministry of Justice and never by police or gendarmerie officers; * to release immediately and unconditionally all prisoners of conscience; * to give access to legal counsel to all the detainees, including those detained on suspicion of offenses under the Anti-Terror Law; * to reduce the maximum period of police detention, currently 30 days, so that detainees are brought before a judge without delay; * to abolish incommunicado detention; * to instruct judges that imprisonment for expression of non-violent opinions violates international treaties signed by Turkey; and * not to apply the legal provisions which permit the government to block prosecutions of security forces personnel in cases of extrajudicial execution, "disappearance", torture or ill-treatment by police or other civil servants. "In summary, we are asking the Turkish Government to do no more than to apply the international legislation it has freely ratified as well as the domestic laws intended to protect the fundamental rights of Turkish citizens," Mr. Sane said. -30- TURKEY: No Security Without Human Rights, is available from Amnesty International Publications Department, 322 Eighth Avenue, New York, New York 10001. The report - ISBN: 1-887204-09-1, is $10.00; the briefing - ISBN: 1-887204-08-3, is $7.00. The cost includes handling and shipping. ----------------------------- end forwarded message -------------------------- ********************************************************** Solidaritygroup Turkey-Kurdistan Memberorganisation of Foundation Initiativegroup Kurdistan P.O. Box 85306 3508 AH Utrecht The Netherlands stk at ********************************************************** From stk at Thu Oct 6 16:26:00 1994 From: stk at (stk at Date: 06 Oct 1994 16:26:00 Subject: Torture in Turkey on NPR Message-ID: <> ------------------------------ forwarded message ----------------------------- M.MERLIN at (Maurice Merlin) writes: ## Nachricht zur Information/Dokumentation weitergeleitet ## Orig.-Abs. : akin at (American Kurdish Information Network (AK) Copyright 1996 National Public Radio NPR SHOW: All Things Considered (NPR 08:33 pm ET) September 22, 1996 Transcript # 2344-5 TYPE: News Item SECTION: News; International LENGTH: 4177 words HEADLINE: Growing Police Torture Alarms Human Rights Groups GUESTS: Dr. SAJIA ADVAN, Psychiatrist, Torture Clinic;Dr. VINCENT IACOPPINO, Sopkesman, Physicians for Human Rights;PALENE ERDA, Lawyer;SABRE ERGUL, Member of Turkish Parliament;JALE KIRT, Police Torture Victim;MEHMET ARD, Minister of Justice;"Dr. SIRTAN," Government Physician BYLINE: DANIEL ZWERDLING; HIGHLIGHT: Daniel Zwerdling travels to Turkey where he talks with a young police torture victim and others who are trying to bring attention to increasing police torture to the international community. BODY: Growing Police Torture Alarms Human Rights Groups DANIEL ZWERDLING, Host: If a woman gets raped in the United States, she can go to a rape crisis clinic for counseling. Or if she gets beat up by her spouse, she can go to a battered women's shelter. But in the fast-changing nation of Turkey, there is another kind of health service that's increasingly in demand by women and by men. If you get tortured by the police, you can turn to your local torture clinic for help. @PGPH Staff physician Sajia Advan [sp] takes on a tour. Dr. SAJIA ADVAN, Psychiatrist, Torture Clinic: Our psychiatrist's room. DANIEL ZWERDLING: [interviewing] Your psychiatrist's office. Dr. SAJIA ADVAN: A psychotherapy room. Examination room. This is the documentation room. DANIEL ZWERDLING: Since 1991, a group called the Human Rights Foundation has set up four medical clinics to treat torture victims in cities around the country, including this center near downtown Istanbul. The group is funded by an impressive list of donors, including the United Nations, the European Union, the Swedish Red Cross, and Amnesty International, who all charge that the Turkish police routinely use torture. @PGPH This clinic looks like a typical doctor's office. There's a coffee table in the waiting room piled with newspapers and magazines. The receptionist offers coffee or tea with non-dairy creamer, and the filing cabinet is crammed with folders, every one representing a client who came to this clinic recently and told a similar story. The police accuse them of stealing somebody's wallet or belonging to a dissident political group, drag them off to jail, and then torture them for hours or days to try to make them confess. Advan pulls some files at random. Dr. SAJIA ADVAN: OK. Here's a male, 24 years old. He works in Turkish airlines, and he had been tortured in Istanbul. DANIEL ZWERDLING: According to the file, the police blindfolded him in a room and shouted "Run!" And when he began to run, he plunged down a stairway. They had positioned him at the top of the stairs. She pulls another case file on a young woman who said the police treated her with a common technique - they tie your hands behind your back with a rope, then hoist the rope until you're dangling off the ground, tie a cement weight to your feet and leave you dangling from your hands for hours. According to the medical exam, the patient has severe nerve damage in her arms and shoulders. at PGPH As we're leafing through the files, Advan says she hopes we'll excuse her, she's going to light up a cigarette, and she points sheepishly to a sign on the wall. Dr. SAJIA ADVAN: It's written "Thank you for not smoking" but we smoke. DANIEL ZWERDLING: [interviewing] You smoke, too? You're a physician. Dr. SAJIA ADVAN: Yeah. DANIEL ZWERDLING: But it's terrible for your health. Dr. SAJIA ADVAN: Terrible for my health? There are lots of terrible things for my health in this country. Oh, it's not only the cigarettes. DANIEL ZWERDLING: Turkey's leaders are trying to convince the rest of the world that Turkey is a modern democratic country, but the stories being told at the torture clinics and the medical evidence these clinics are collecting are hampering Turkey's efforts. In recent years, the U.S. has given Turkey more foreign aid and loans than all but a handful of other countries. But human rights groups are pressuring Congress to cut way back on that aid, partly because they charge that Turkish officials condone torture. at PGPH Meanwhile, Turkey's leaders have been asking the nations of Western Europe to accept it as a full member of the European Union, along with Britain and Germany and France. But European leaders keep refusing partly, they say, because of the "torture problem," as they call it. @PGPH Just last month, the same medical group that's digging up mass graves in Bosnia released the results of its human rights investigation in Turkey, and according to spokesman Vincent Iacoppino [sp] of Physicians for Human Rights, virtually everybody who gets detained by the Turkish police has a decent chance of getting tortured. Dr. VINCENT IACOPPINO, Spokesman, Physicians for Human Rights: Certainly, we've spoken to many survivors of torture who- whose crimes were nothing more than selling food on the street, or someone who is parked in the wrong place as a taxi driver, or a young girl who is hanging a poster. DANIEL ZWERDLING: [interviewing] You and your colleagues have studied torture in many countries, right? Dr. VINCENT IACOPPINO: Yes. DANIEL ZWERDLING: Have you studied torture in any country where you believe torture is used in a more sophisticated way and in a more brutal way than in Turkey? Dr. VINCENT IACOPPINO: Not in my experience. DANIEL ZWERDLING: Right now, in fact, there's a court trial going on in Turkey concerning allegations of torture that are so shocking, the alleged victims are so young, that even jaded Turkish politicians and journalists are taking notice. at PGPH On a recent morning, we travel to Turkey's Aegean coast to meet two of the people who have exposed this torture scandal. One is a member of Turkey's parliament, a man named Sabre Ergul [sp]. The other is a lawyer, a woman named Palene Erda [sp]. As we start driving down the highway, Erda glances at the cars following us out of habit. She speaks to our interpreter. PALENE ERDA, Lawyer: [through translator] When we first started research on this case, we used to go to Manisa very open and we used to get tailed by the police. DANIEL ZWERDLING: In a case like this one, the antagonists disagree over crucial details, but everybody accepts a few basic points. Late last year somebody tacked up political protest posters and scrawled graffiti around the town of Manisa, at the foot of craggy, granite hills covered with pine trees near the Aegean Sea. The placards and graffiti generally denounced the fact that high school students have to pay to take a university entrance exam. "Education should be free," the posters said. "Ban paid education." @PGPH As we enter Manisa, we pass concrete apartment buildings with wet laundry flapping from the windows. SABRE ERGUL, Member of Turkish Parliament: [through translator] This is the police station of Manisa, and the fourth floor, they do the torture there. DANIEL ZWERDLING: And Sabre Ergul pulls over next to a billboard with huge letters and a devilish-looking cartoon. @PGPH [interviewing] What does this billboard say? It's- SABRE ERGUL: It's a traffic billboard saying, "Stop the traffic monster inside you." DANIEL ZWERDLING: In other words, drive safely. PALENE ERDA: Yes, drive safely. DANIEL ZWERDLING: And here is what was graffiti on this traffic billboard. It's now been scrubbed out with some white paint or something. @PGPH [interviewing] What did this say here? PALENE ERDA: It's says, you know, "Damn the state," that kind of thing. DANIEL ZWERDLING: During the last week of December, the Manisa police rounded up 16 young people, as young as 14 years old, whom they suspected of scrawling the slogans and putting up the placards. And one of them was attorney Palene Erda's brother. The way Erda tells the story, four policemen knocked on the door of her family's house one afternoon and asked if they could see her brother. And although she was surprised, she wasn't particularly worried since the police were polite and just asked her brother if he'd please accompany them to the station to answer a couple of questions. @PGPH But when her brother didn't come home that night or even call, Erda got frightened, and the next day she asked her friend from parliament, Sabre Ergul, if he'd go over to the police station to find out what was going on. At this point, Ergul picks up the story as we stop by his Manisa office to make some phone calls. at PGPH When he and Erda arrived at the police station, Ergul says, speaking through our interpreter, they learned that her brother was in custody, along with more than a dozen other young suspects, and they asked to see him. But the officer on duty refused. SABRE ERGUL: I was sitting at the police station and I said, "Tell me why- why you dealt with these kids? What- what did they do?" And they were saying that they believed that they were in a part of the illegal organization and they wrote a lot of horrible things against the state to the walls of the school and this and that. So they explained to me all this, and they said that we are worried that all these kids started so early to this business and we have to punish them. And when we were talking about this a half an hour passed. So I was getting, you know, kind of anxious - where are the kids, I want to see them and Palene wants to see her brother. DANIEL ZWERDLING: At this point, Ergul says he started feeling irritated and thinking to himself, "Why am I acting so helpless with this low-level policeman? I am a member of parliament." So he started wandering around the station on his own, trying to find somebody to help him and he ended up on the fourth floor. SABRE ERGUL: The room was totally empty. Nobody was there. And I- when I'm sitting in a room I look through the door and I see that kind of a iron door, iron bars. But it's half open, that is. So I'm looking at there what to do and suddenly I heard a very terribly noisy, you know, music started. DANIEL ZWERDLING: [interviewing] Music? SABRE ERGUL: Music. Marches kind of music, military music started suddenly, and I can hear that. And nobody around, nobody in the room, nobody outside, nobody there. Suddenly with- in the music I thought I heard that- all the scream, kind of funny human cat kind of screams. And in the same moment, in the same second, I move towards the door. Then the scream was coming and music was coming from there. @PGPH And I opened the door, what I was saw was a shocking view - one of the girls, all naked, lying on the floor, another naked girl just sitting, and one of the boy was naked and his knees was towards his abdomen, and he was holding his right buttock with his hand. And he was on the floor, and he was shouting, and another naked boy standing. And they were all blindfolded. And the lying one, lying girl on the floor, there was four policemen around her. Suddenly four policemen rushed to the door and they were trying to close the door; I was trying to open and I don't remember what I did because I was in shock. DANIEL ZWERDLING: One of the teenagers at the police station was 17-year-old Jale Kirt [sp]. She's turned 18 since then. And we dropped by her family's home in a neighborhood of one-story row houses made of whitewashed cinder blocks. [sound of Jale Kirt's family talking] DANIEL ZWERDLING: As we walk up to the front stoop, her extended family greets us, and Jale, who's small, dark haired, almost delicate, makes the introductions. JALE KIRT, Police Torture Victim: [through translator] My uncle's daughter next to me. DANIEL ZWERDLING: OK. JALE KIRT: My father's sister and husband. DANIEL ZWERDLING: We take off our shoes inside the doorway, a common custom in Turkey, and as Jale's mother and sisters make tea, we plop on pillows on the floor of their tiny sitting room next to a television draped with a doily. @PGPH Before the police picked her up, Jale says, she was basically just another high school student. She took mostly math and social studies courses, although [To be continued] ---- American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) 2623 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite # 1 Washington, DC 20008-1522 Tel: (202) 483-6444 Fax: (202) 483-6476 E-mail: akin at Home Page: ---- The American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) provides a public service to foster Kurdish-American understanding and friendship ----------------------------- end forwarded message -------------------------- ********************************************************** Solidaritygroup Turkey-Kurdistan Memberorganisation of Foundation Initiativegroup Kurdistan P.O. Box 85306 3508 AH Utrecht The Netherlands stk at ********************************************************** From stk at Fri Oct 14 18:04:00 1994 From: stk at (stk at Date: 14 Oct 1994 18:04:00 Subject: KDP/PUK Clashes In South Kurdistan Message-ID: <> ------------------------------ forwarded message ----------------------------- Arm The Spirit writes: Baghdad warns Kurdish factions to talk through differences October 13, 1996 BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- The Iraqi government urged Kurdish factions Sunday to settle their differences through talks, after Kurdish rebels recaptured a northern Iraq city seized last month by a rival faction backed by Saddam Hussein. Sulaymaniyah, the region's second-largest city, was under the control of Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) forces as of early Sunday. The PUK claimed it gained control after a citizens' revolt that ousted Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) troops and the faction's leader, Massoud Barzani. In Baghdad, the Revolutionary Command Council and the ruling Baath Party issued this blunt statement: "We have consistently given severe warnings in the past against dealing with foreign powers. We call upon the parties that have returned to fighting to expel the foreign forces and not to deal with them," the council -- chaired by Saddam Hussein -- said. The statement was referring to the PUK's ties to Iran. The Iraqi leadership said it was prepared to invite all parties to peace talks in Baghdad. Clashes between the two Kurdish factions in August led Iraq to send forces into northern territory protected by U.S.-led forces. Washington responded by bombing Iraqi military sites in the south. There was no indication Iraqi troops were involved in the latest fighting. KDP claims Iranian soldiers among the dead In a statement, the KDP's office in London confirmed its forces "evacuated the city to avoid bloodshed and fighting." The group claimed Iran had "entered the war" and that thousands of Iranian Revolutionary Guards, backed by artillery, had pushed through the border into Iraq. Later Sunday, the KDP claimed that it repulsed Patriotic Union forces west of Sulaymaniyah that were "relying on heavy Iranian shelling." "The attackers lost dozens of men and members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards were identified among the dead," the KDP claimed. But the PUK denied that Iran was involved in Sunday's takeover. "There is no support from Iran," PUK leader Julal Talabani told CNN. There was no immediate comment from Tehran. 'People' expelled rivals Talabani said the uprising followed three days of heavy fighting between the Kurdish factions, and that people throughout the region are now "revolting and rising against" the KDP. "The people of Sulaymaniyah revolted and they ..kicked out the forces of Barzani," Talabani said. "We are expecting that this will happen everywhere." The United Nations confirmed that KDP forces had withdrawn from Sulaymaniyah. Gualtiero Fulcheri, senior U.N. coordinator for Iraq, said it appeared the Iraq-backed KDP left without putting up a serious fight and that PUK forces were now in complete control of the town. Backed by Iraq, the KDP offensive in northern Iraq in late August and early September led to the takeover of the regional capital of Irbil and placed most of the region under Barzani's control, including Sulaymaniyah. Both PUK and KDP seek autonomy from Iraq, but they are largely divided on issues concerning Iran and how to deal with Saddam Hussein while pushing for autonomy. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Arm The Spirit is an autonomist/anti-imperialist information collective based in Toronto, Canada. Our focus includes a wide variety of material, including political prisoners, national liberation struggles, armed communist resistance, anti-fascism, the fight against patriarchy, and more. We regularly publish our writings, research, and translation materials in our magazine and bulletins called Arm The Spirit. For more information, contact: Arm The Spirit P.O. Box 6326, Stn. A Toronto, Ontario M5W 1P7 Canada E-mail: ats at WWW: FTP: --> /pub/Politics/Arm.The.Spirit ATS-L Archives: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++ ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++ ++++ see ++++ ----------------------------- end forwarded message -------------------------- ********************************************************** Solidaritygroup Turkey-Kurdistan Memberorganisation of Foundation Initiativegroup Kurdistan P.O. Box 85306 3508 AH Utrecht The Netherlands stk at ********************************************************** From stk at Sat Oct 15 14:07:00 1994 From: stk at (stk at Date: 15 Oct 1994 14:07:00 Subject: The Games Over Kurdish Heads! Message-ID: <> ------------------------------ forwarded message ----------------------------- akin at (AKIN) writes: Rival Kurds Retake City in N. Iraq Monday, October 14 1996 The Washington Post CAIRO, Oct. 13 -- An Iraqi Kurdish faction said to be receiving help from Iran recaptured a major city from a rival group supported by President Saddam Hussein today, shifting the balance of power in northern Iraq for the second time in six weeks. The renewed fighting has sparked concern in Washington and other Western capitals about whether Saddam's forces might once again intervene in the so-called Kurdish safe area, which is protected by U.S., French and British warplanes. After Iraqi forces briefly invaded the area in late August, the United States fired 44 cruise missiles at air defense sites in southern Iraq. In a statement from its London headquarters, the Kurdistan Democratic Party said its forces had withdrawn from Sulaymaniyah after a three-day offensive by combined forces of the rival Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and Iranian Revolutionary Guards. The loss of the city constituted a stunning reversal for the Democratic Party, which took control of most of northern Iraq last month in a temporary alliance with the Iraqi government. It also pointed up the continuing failure of the United States, and for that matter Baghdad, to impose any kind of order on a rebellious mountain people whose blood feuds and fierce internal rivalries have seemed to defy all attempts at outside mediation. Although reports of direct Iranian involvement could not be independently confirmed, the renewed fighting has raised fears in the region of a wider conflict between Iran and Iraq, which remain bitter enemies following their eight-year war in the 1980s. Since the 1991 Persian Gulf War, the United States, France and Britain have enforced a flight ban over northern Iraq aimed at protecting the Kurdish population from Iraqi repression -- a ban that undermines Iraqi sovereignty and that also is intended to destabilize Saddam's government in Baghdad. One factor in favor of Iraqi intervention is that Sulaymaniyah is below the 36th parallel, which defines the southern border of the "no-fly" zone. Since 1994, fighting between the Kurdish Democratic Party, led by Massoud Barzani, and the Patriotic Union, led by Jalal Talabani, has undermined international support for the Kurdish safe area. Last month, Saddam's forces briefly invaded the area to help the Barzani's forces drive the rival faction from Irbil, the administrative capital of northern Iraq. Democratic Party forces then moved on to recapture Sulaymaniyah, sending thousands of Talabani supporters fleeing into Iran. Although Iraqi troops later withdrew, the brief incursion has given Baghdad an opening for renewed police and military presence in northern Iraq. The U.S. missile strikes, moreover, were widely condemned by Arab countries, including several that had participated in the U.S.-led coalition to drive Iraqi forces from Kuwait in 1991. In Baghdad today, Saddam chaired a meeting of the ruling Revolutionary Command Council, which afterward called on both sides to halt the fighting and invited them to Baghdad for discussions, according to the official Iraqi news agency IRNA. "We call on the parties which have resumed fighting to keep away the foreign powers and not deal with them," the statement said in an apparent reference to Iran. "We also call on them to start talks between themselves." It continued: "The leadership is ready to extend an invitation to all parties regardless of their background and our opinion or evaluation of this faction or the other, for dialogue in Baghdad, under the sponsorship of the state." In an interview from Washington, a Barzani spokesman claimed that the Patriotic Union was supported in its offensive by Iranian Revolutionary Guards, who pounded border villages with artillery and, on Saturday night, accompanied Talabani's forces into Sulaymaniyah. The spokesman, Hoshyar Zebari, said Barzani had fallen back with his forces to defensive positions about 20 miles west of the city. Barzani, meanwhile, called for international help against "Iran's brutal invasion," Turkey's Anatolian news agency said. "Our people and country have been up against an invasion of Iranian forces in the Iranian border regions and in the Sulaymaniyah region for the past three days," the agency quoted Barzani as telling Iraqi Kurdish radio. Zebari, the Democratic Party spokesman in Washington, accused Iran of trying to scuttle scheduled talks between the State Department and a delegation of party leaders due to arrive shortly in the United States. Diplomatic sources in Washington said tonight that the meeting is expected to go on as planned. Zebari said the latest offensive began Thursday, when Iranian Revolutionary Guards fired artillery barrages into the border area in preparation for the assault on Sulaymaniyah. "This will reignite the whole conflict, and unless it's checked you may see another Iran-Iraq war in the Kurdish mountains," he said. U.S. diplomatic sources said it is unclear to what degree Iran is supporting the Patriotic Union -- whether the Iranians are giving political advice or military support as well. In Washington, the Clinton administration repeated its call for the Kurdish factions to end their fighting but reacted with disdain to statements from Baghdad that Iraq could help mediate a settlement. "We continue to urge both parties to get together and work out their differences peacefully in the best interests of the Kurdish people," White House spokesman David Johnson said. State Department spokesman Nicholas Burns said: "We have been in touch with both sides today and are urging both to cease the fighting and work out their disagreements peacefully. . . . We are not going to side with either against the other. We don't want to stimulate fighting." The administration's offer to sponsor talks between the rival parties this week in the United States still stands, although it is not clear whether such a meeting will take place following the latest action. But the White House stressed that it does not wish others to get involved. "We see no constructive role for either Iraq or Iran in this conflict," Johnson said. Talabani's groups has denied that Iran is involved. In Ankara, in a statement received by the Reuter news service, the Patriotic Union said its forces took control of the Kurdish city at 4 a.m. "A spontaneous uprising by the population of Sulaymaniyah, Iraqi Kurdistan's largest city, ejected Massoud Barzani and his forces from the city after a month-long occupation," it said. The statement claimed that Barzani had fled to Kirkuk, in government-controlled territory, although Zebari said that was false. In a report from Baghdad, Reuter quoted an unnamed U.N. source as saying that Sulaymaniyah and surrounding areas had fallen. "The area from the Iranian border deep into Iraqi Kurdistan is now in Talabani's hands," the source said, adding that the city apparently fell without violence. "It is just a new day. KDP is out, and PUK is in. Yesterday we had yellow flags; today we have green ones," the source said. In Damascus, Syria, a representative of the Shiite Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, which is headquartered in Tehran and aligned with Talabani's faction, said the Kurdish group also plans to retake the city of Irbil. A Patriotic Union source in Washington said party members got word from Kurdistan late today that their forces had taken control of Kuysanjaq, 50 miles east of Irbil. Sarbagh Salih, a relative of Talabani, said that his forces are continuing to move through the mountain region toward Irbil. Staff writers John Harris and Susan Schmidt contributed from Washington, special correspondent Kelly Couturier from Ankara, Turkey, and correspondent Jonathan C. Randal from Paris. ---- American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) 2623 Connecticut Avenue NW #1 Washington, DC 20008-1522 Tel: (202) 483-6444 Fax: (202) 483-6476 E-mail: akin at Home Page: ---- The American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) provides a public service to foster Kurdish-American understanding and friendship ----------------------------- end forwarded message -------------------------- ********************************************************** Solidaritygroup Turkey-Kurdistan Memberorganisation of Foundation Initiativegroup Kurdistan P.O. Box 85306 3508 AH Utrecht The Netherlands stk at ********************************************************** From stk at Sat Oct 22 13:52:00 1994 From: stk at (stk at Date: 22 Oct 1994 13:52:00 Subject: Jash Fighting Continues In South Ku References: Message-ID: <> ------------------------------ forwarded message ----------------------------- Arm The Spirit writes: Kurd Fighting Mars Peace Bid In Northern Iraq RANYA, Iraq (Reuter) - Iraqi Kurdish forces which had been supported by President Saddam Hussein fled an advance by their Kurdish rivals as fierce fighting Monday marred a renewed U.S. bid to bring the two warring parties together. The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), backed two months ago by Iraqi troops and tanks when it took the main north Iraq city of Arbil from the rival group, withdrew in panic from Ranya, a town it had captured only at the weekend. Thousands of KDP fighters also abandoned an assault on a strategic dam when they came under heavy artillery fire from the opposing Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) militia. "We came across very heavy resistance and we are evaluating the situation," local KDP commander Abduljelil Seili told Reuters in Ranya. He and his men abandoned the town several minutes later. The clashes in north Iraq took place amid U.S. efforts to restart peace talks between the factions and prevent Iraq or Iran filling a power vacuum caused by the chaos. Senior U.S. diplomat Robert Pelletreau met with KDP leader Massoud Barzani just over the border in Turkey Monday. Pelletreau said Barzani looked positively on a U.S.-proposed cease-fire with Jalal Talabani's PUK to "permit stability in the area for establishing an end to the fighting." He warned against any military involvement by Iran or Iraq in the fighting. "The United States would regard that as a negative development that could have very negative consequences," he told reporters after meeting with Barzani for more than three hours at a Turkish military base in the border town of Silopi. Fighting between the two factions since August has allowed Saddam to restore some of his influence in northern Iraq and effectively ended the U.S. military, aid and intelligence presence in the mountainous Kurdish region. Barzani tipped the balance of power in his favor in late August by joining with Iraqi troops and tanks, prompting U.S. reprisal missile strikes on military targets in southern Iraq. Barzani, who has threatened to call again on Baghdad's help, accuses Talabani of receiving military aid from Iran. Tehran and Talabani deny the charge. There has been no obvious sign of Iranian or Iraqi forces in clashes that have criss-crossed the region this week. PUK shells exploded 100 yards behind KDP fighters fleeing the important Dukan Dam Monday, witnesses said. Jeeps carried the bodies of dead KDP fighters from the front after a failed attempt to capture the dam and march on the PUK stronghold city of Sulaimaniya. Shopkeepers in Ranya closed their shutters and residents ran home or gathered in side streets ahead of the PUK's expected entry to the town. Pelletreau, U.S. assistant secretary of state for near eastern affairs, said he would have a better idea of how the peace bid was going after a meeting with Talabani set for Tuesday in Ankara. "Obviously agreement requires agreement of more than one party," Pelletreau said. The Kurds broke from Baghdad at the end of the 1991 Persian Gulf War and set up a power-sharing parliament in Arbil that essentially collapsed in December 1994 when Talabani's forces took control of the city. Fighting that continued sporadically after that was over control of Arbil and the distribution of revenues from the KDP's makeshift oil trade across the Turkish border. Washington brokered two meetings in Ireland last year between the Kurdish groups but no solid settlement was reached. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Arm The Spirit is an autonomist/anti-imperialist information collective based in Toronto, Canada. Our focus includes a wide variety of material, including political prisoners, national liberation struggles, armed communist resistance, anti-fascism, the fight against patriarchy, and more. We regularly publish our writings, research, and translation materials in our magazine and bulletins called Arm The Spirit. For more information, contact: Arm The Spirit P.O. Box 6326, Stn. A Toronto, Ontario M5W 1P7 Canada E-mail: ats at WWW: FTP: --> /pub/Politics/Arm.The.Spirit ATS-L Archives: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++ ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++ ++++ see ++++ ----------------------------- end forwarded message -------------------------- ********************************************************** Solidaritygroup Turkey-Kurdistan Memberorganisation of Foundation Initiativegroup Kurdistan P.O. Box 85306 3508 AH Utrecht The Netherlands stk at **********************************************************