TURKEY: Violations Against Homosexuals

WRI-AG.FOEGA at OLN.comlink.apc.org WRI-AG.FOEGA at OLN.comlink.apc.org
Fri Dec 6 06:26:00 GMT 1996

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WRI-AG der FoGA                            Tel.: +49-441-203864
Brahmweg  178                              Fax: +49-441-2489661
D- 26135 Oldenburg      email: WRI-AG.FOEGA at OLN.comlink.apc.org

This is a forwarded fax from LAMDA ISTANBUL, a Turkish Gay and  
Lesbian organisation.

Istanbul                                              6/12/1996

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are writing you of violations against homosexuals in Turkey.  
This letter is a plea for response from your government and  
organisations on this issue.

The last six months have seen a wave of persecution directed at  
the homosexuals living in the Beyoglu district of Istanbul  
(Uelker, Kazanci and Baskurt streets). Many of these residents  
fear to leave their homes, which are moreover under continuous  
threat of vandalism and arson; stones have been thrown in  
windows, and some homes have been lit on fire. These threats and  
infringements are being perpetrated solely because of sexual  
orientation. The largely homosexual, transsexual and transvestite  
inhabitants of the above-named streets are being harassed when,  
or prevented from, entering or leaving their homes. Thus many are  
in hiding, staying with friends, or coming and going at night,  
unable to use their lights and pretending to be absent. Several  
of these people have been beaten or arrested. Some have been  
forcibly evicted from their residences, even those which they  
personally own.

These systematic violations and provocations have been supported  
and encouraged by the chief of Police for the Beyoglu area, Mr.  
Sueleyman Ulusoy, often with his own personal participation. One  
eye-witness report described the police setting fire to the  
residences of well-known transsexuals. This occured last June  
during the Habitat II conference. A recent development involves a  
campaign to 'hang a Turkish flag outside your door if you are not  
a homosexual'. Homosexual's homes thus are being identified  
similar to the Nazis had done with pink triangles. In this way  
they become easy targets for the malicious actions of  
fundamentalist and extremist organizations; the police has done  
nothing to stop this practice.

The local Council of Beyoglu has closed down or has cancelled the  
licenses of many of the local shops which serve this community.  
Even a drinking-water station was closed by this Council because  
of so-called unhealthy conditions. Delivery boys, who bring food  
from restaurants, as well as taxis, are not permitted in these  
For these and many other reasons the daily lives of those living  
in even these rare homosexual "ghettos" are very harsh. For  
further information please contact with International Gay and  
Lsebian Human Rights Commission and ILGA.

The writers of this letter are a group of people who have joined  
together with the belief in fundamental human rigths and  
freedoms. As a group we feel helpless and hopeless in our own  
country, and can expect little to no support or assistance from  
local governmental agencies or political organizations. The  
initiatives taken so far in this connection have proved  
ineffective; it appears that we are unable to do more.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations  
declares the right to housing, among others in fringed upon in  
our community, to be a fundamental human right. Since it became a  
member of the United Nations, your state is a signatory to this  
document and its principles. We urge you to inform your  
government of this harsh situation in Turkey, as well as to  
inform institutions and members of your organizations who support  
human rights. Please join us in demanding that these cases be  
investigated, that Turkish authorities ensure that the police do  
not abuse their powers, that the harassment of transvestites,  
transsexuals and homosexuals be stopped.

We kindly ask you to manifest your disapproval of these  
violations. We firmly believe that your response will make an  
important contribution in correcting these peoples' living  

Faxes and letters may be sent to the following contacts:

President of Turkey:
Mr. Sueleyman Demirel                 Fax: +90 312 427 13 30
Cumhurbaskanligi köskü                         or: 440 72 12
Cankaya, Ankara/Turkey

Prime Minister:
Mr. Necmettin Erbakan                 Fax: +90 312 417 04 76
Basbakanlik Konutu, Ankara/Turkey

Minister of Interior:
Mr. Meral Aksener                     Fax: +90 312 418 17 95
Icisleri Bakanligi, Ankara/Turkey

Govenor of Istanbul:
Mr. Ridvan Yenisen                    Fax: +90 212 512 20 86
Istanbul Valiligi
Cagaloglu, Istanbul/Turkey

Chief of Police for Istanbul:
Mr. Kemal Yazicioglu                  Fax: +90 212 636 18 32
Istanbul Emniyet Müdürlügü, Istanbul/Turkey

Lambda Istanbul, P.K. 103, Göztepe - Istanbul/Turkey
Fax: +90 212 224 37 92

Graswurzelrevolution    Kaiserstraße 24     26122 Oldenburg
Tel.: 0441/2489 663                     Fax:  0441/2489 661
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